What do you call the computer software which you configure before installing the operating system OS?

Updated: 05/02/2021 by

What do you call the computer software which you configure before installing the operating system OS?

The steps for installing an operating system, like Linux or Microsoft Windows, depending on the operating system version you are installing. Each version has different steps, requirements, and options that are unique to that operating system. Also, each operating system has different requirements for your computer to be able to run correctly.

On this page, you'll find general steps and guidelines for installing an operating system on the hard disk drive of your computer.

Purchase the operating system

First, you need to purchase the operating system that you want to install on the computer. The best place to purchase the operating system from is a retail store, like Best Buy, or through an online store, like Amazon or Newegg. The operating system may come on multiple CD or DVD discs, or it may even come on a USB flash drive.

Downloading a copy of the operating system is usually the most convenient way to obtain it. However, be sure you obtain the operating system from the publisher, like Microsoft. Downloading it from another source may result in an unusable or illegal copy of the software.

Install the operating system

To install the computer's operating system using a CD or DVD, you need to configure your computer to boot from the CD/DVD drive. You can change the boot sequence in your BIOS setup, and setting the CD/DVD drive to be the first boot device. Some computers may also allow you to access the boot sequence directly at computer start up, without entering the BIOS, by pressing a specific key on the keyboard. The key to press differs for each computer, but is often the Delete key or one of the function keys.

  • How to enter and exit the BIOS or CMOS setup.

If the operating system software came on a USB flash drive, you need to configure the computer to boot to a USB device as the first boot device.

Once the computer is configured to boot to the proper device, the computer should load the operating system installation program and guide you through the install process. You will be asked questions along the way for configuration of basic settings, like date and time, user account name, and if you want to enable automatic operating system updates. Go through the installation steps, answering questions and selecting the preferred options.


If you are installing a newer version of an operating system that is already on your computer, the installation process should ask if you want to upgrade. If you do not want to install the operating system as an upgrade, you can choose the option to erase the current operating system start fresh. For more information, see: How to erase my hard drive and start over.

Running the operating system

After the operating system has been installed, the computer should load into the operating system. You may then proceed with installing software that you want on the computer and updating any settings you want.

  • How to install software.

This section will walk you through pre-installation hardware setup, if any, that you will need to do prior to installing Debian. Generally, this involves checking and possibly changing firmware settings for your system. The “firmware” is the core software used by the hardware; it is most critically invoked during the bootstrap process (after power-up). Known hardware issues affecting the reliability of Debian GNU/Linux on your system are also highlighted.

3.6.1. Invoking the BIOS Set-Up Menu

BIOS provides the basic functions needed to boot your machine to allow your operating system to access your hardware. Your system probably provides a BIOS set-up menu, which is used to configure the BIOS. Before installing, you must ensure that your BIOS is setup correctly; not doing so can lead to intermittent crashes or an inability to install Debian.

The rest of this section is lifted from the http://www.faqs.org/faqs/pc-hardware-faq/part1/, answering the question, “How do I enter the CMOS configuration menu?”. How you access the BIOS (or “CMOS”) configuration menu depends on who wrote your BIOS software:


Delete key during the POST (power on self test)

Award BIOS

Ctrl-Alt-Esc, or Delete key during the POST


Esc key during the POST


Ctrl-Alt-Insert after Ctrl-Alt-Delete

Phoenix BIOS

Ctrl-Alt-Esc or Ctrl-Alt-S or F1

Information on invoking other BIOS routines can be found in http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Hard-Disk-Upgrade/install.html.

Some AMD64 machines don't have a CMOS configuration menu in the BIOS. They require a software CMOS setup program. If you don't have the Installation and/or Diagnostics diskette for your machine, you can try using a shareware/freeware program. Try looking in ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/msdos/.

3.6.2. Boot Device Selection

Many BIOS set-up menus allow you to select the devices that will be used to bootstrap the system. Set this to look for a bootable operating system on A: (the first floppy disk), then optionally the first CD-ROM device (possibly appearing as D: or E:), and then from C: (the first hard disk). This setting enables you to boot from either a floppy disk or a CD-ROM, which are the two most common boot devices used to install Debian.

If you have a newer SCSI controller and you have a CD-ROM device attached to it, you are usually able to boot from the CD-ROM. All you have to do is enable booting from a CD-ROM in the SCSI-BIOS of your controller.

Another popular option is to boot from a USB storage device (also called a USB memory stick or USB key). Some BIOSes can boot directly from a USB storage device, but some cannot. You may need to configure your BIOS to boot from a “Removable drive” or even from “USB-ZIP” to get it to boot from the USB device.

Here are some details about how to set the boot order. Remember to reset the boot order after Linux is installed, so that you restart your machine from the hard drive. Changing the Boot Order on IDE Computers

  1. As your computer starts, press the keys to enter the BIOS utility. Often, it is the Delete key. However, consult the hardware documentation for the exact keystrokes.

  2. Find the boot sequence in the setup utility. Its location depends on your BIOS, but you are looking for a field that lists drives.

    Common entries on IDE machines are C, A, cdrom or A, C, cdrom.

    C is the hard drive, and A is the floppy drive.

  3. Change the boot sequence setting so that the CD-ROM or the floppy is first. Usually, the Page Up or Page Down keys cycle through the possible choices.

  4. Save your changes. Instructions on the screen tell you how to save the changes on your computer. Changing the Boot Order on SCSI Computers

  1. As your computer starts, press the keys to enter the SCSI setup utility.

    You can start the SCSI setup utility after the memory check and the message about how to start the BIOS utility displays when you start your computer.

    The keystrokes you need depend on the utility. Often, it is Ctrl-F2. However, consult your hardware documentation for the exact keystrokes.

  2. Find the utility for changing the boot order.

  3. Set the utility so that the SCSI ID of the CD drive is first on the list.

  4. Save your changes. Instructions on the screen tell you how to save the changes on your computer. Often, you must press F10.

3.6.3. Miscellaneous BIOS Settings CD-ROM Settings

Some BIOS systems (such as Award BIOS) allow you to automatically set the CD speed. You should avoid that, and instead set it to, say, the lowest speed. If you get seek failed error messages, this may be your problem. Extended vs. Expanded Memory

If your system provides both extended and expanded memory, set it so that there is as much extended and as little expanded memory as possible. Linux requires extended memory and cannot use expanded memory. Virus Protection

Disable any virus-warning features your BIOS may provide. If you have a virus-protection board or other special hardware, make sure it is disabled or physically removed while running GNU/Linux. These aren't compatible with GNU/Linux; moreover, due to the file system permissions and protected memory of the Linux kernel, viruses are almost unheard of[2]. Shadow RAM

Your motherboard may provide shadow RAM or BIOS caching. You may see settings for “Video BIOS Shadow”, “C800-CBFF Shadow”, etc. Disable all shadow RAM. Shadow RAM is used to accelerate access to the ROMs on your motherboard and on some of the controller cards. Linux does not use these ROMs once it has booted because it provides its own faster 32-bit software in place of the 16-bit programs in the ROMs. Disabling the shadow RAM may make some of it available for programs to use as normal memory. Leaving the shadow RAM enabled may interfere with Linux access to hardware devices. Memory Hole

If your BIOS offers something like “15–16 MB Memory Hole”, please disable that. Linux expects to find memory there if you have that much RAM.

We have a report of an Intel Endeavor motherboard on which there is an option called “LFB” or “Linear Frame Buffer”. This had two settings: “Disabled” and “1 Megabyte”. Set it to “1 Megabyte”. When disabled, the installation floppy was not read correctly, and the system eventually crashed. At this writing we don't understand what's going on with this particular device — it just worked with that setting and not without it. Advanced Power Management

If your motherboard provides Advanced Power Management (APM), configure it so that power management is controlled by APM. Disable the doze, standby, suspend, nap, and sleep modes, and disable the hard disk's power-down timer. Linux can take over control of these modes, and can do a better job of power-management than the BIOS.

3.6.4. Hardware Issues to Watch Out For

USB BIOS support and keyboards.  If you have no AT-style keyboard and only a USB model, you may need to enable legacy AT keyboard emulation in your BIOS setup. Only do this if the installation system fails to use your keyboard in USB mode. Conversely, for some systems (especially laptops) you may need to disable legacy USB support if your keyboard does not respond. Consult your main board manual and look in the BIOS for “Legacy keyboard emulation” or “USB keyboard support” options.

What do you call the computer software which you configure before installing OS?

In computing, BIOS (/ˈbaɪɒs, -oʊs/, BY-oss, -⁠ohss; Basic Input/Output System (also known as the System BIOS, ROM BIOS, BIOS ROM or PC BIOS) is firmware used to provide runtime services for operating systems and programs and to perform hardware initialization during the booting process (power-on startup).

What should you do before installing an operating system?

The following is an overview of the procedures that are needed to install a new operating system (OS)..
Set up the display environment. ... .
Erase the primary boot disk. ... .
Set up the BIOS. ... .
Install the operating system. ... .
Configure your server for RAID..

What do you call the computer software?

Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. It can be thought of as the variable part of a computer, while hardware is the invariable part. The two main categories of software are application software and system software.

What is OS installation in computer?

Install the operating system To install the computer's operating system using a CD or DVD, you need to configure your computer to boot from the CD/DVD drive. You can change the boot sequence in your BIOS setup, and setting the CD/DVD drive to be the first boot device.