What decisions rule should be followed when deciding if a business segment should be eliminated?

What decision rule should be followed when deciding if a business segment should be eliminated?

Here is the answer of the given question above. The decision rule that should be followed when deciding if a business segment should be eliminated is this: Segments with revenues which are less than avoidable expenses should be considered for elimination. Unavoidable expense are those expense which will continue to be incurred whether segment is continued or discontinued. Hope this helps.

The segments whose revenue is less than the avoidable expense of the organization must be eliminated when the management considers the elimination of a business segment.
The segments contributing less than the avoidable expense of the organization are deemed to contribute negatively to the organization. Hence the organization must consider eliminating such segments in order to ensure the sustainability and growth of all the segments and organization collectively.
Further explanation:
Avoidable expenses of an organization are those expenses which generally occur only with the continuity of that particular activity. Thus, the discontinued practice of such an activity will result to end of such expenses. Such an expense includes – cost on direct labour, directly attached marketing costs, etc.
Hence the segments which yield less than the avoidable cost of the organization must be considered for the elimination as they give inadequate returns and are unprofitable for the organization.
Learn More:
The concept of avoidable cost in respect to decision making,  
, Answered by W0lf93  A decision in which a manager needs to determine whether a product line (or segment) should continue or be eliminated is what kind of decision ,  , Answered by Almatheia Keywords:
Elimination of a segment, less revenue making segments, avoidable cost in elimination of segment, avoidable expense.

answer; i do believe that the correct answer is (c)///management,unions, lobbyists and

Ibelieve your answer is d

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This problem has been solved! What decision rule should be followed when deciding if a business segment should be eliminated? Segments generating a net (1)…

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What decision rule should be followed when deciding if a business segment should be eliminated?

Segments with revenues that are less than avoidable expenses should be considered for elimination. Segments with revenues that are less than unavoidable expenses should be considered for elimination.

What is the decision rule?

A decision rule is a simple IF-THEN statement consisting of a condition (also called antecedent) and a prediction. For example: IF it rains today AND if it is April (condition), THEN it will rain tomorrow (prediction). A single decision rule or a combination of several rules can be used to make predictions.