What compatibility information should you confirm before installing software application?

No one can accurately predict when or why a software installation fails but before installing software we have to make sure our system is properly with the compatibilities of installation software and meets the requirements and avoid damage to computer before installing software and take necessary steps before installing software and to make sure we have to follow these guidelines to follow and improve success rate of software installation.

Guidelines and steps to take before Installing Software:

Check Compatibility :

Make sure your software can run on the PC you are onto by checking the system requirements it meets and check with your RAM and Hard disk space.

Reboot First :

This clears out any in-memory errors. Besides it is the first thing any tech support will suggest you try.

Clear the Temp Folder:

This folder holds temporary files created and used by applications when they are opened or installed. When the application is closed, these files are supposed to be deleted. Unfortunately this is not always the case. Some programs do not clear these files, or a program may have been closed abruptly, leaving flies in this folder. All of the junk collecting in there spells trouble for any software install.

Close any Application Running in Background:

Programs running in the background an wreak havoc with software installs, Antivirus, sound programs and IntelliPoint (Microsoft mouse software) are at the top of this list.

Administrative Privileges:

Make sure you have administrative privileges on the computer. Confirm this before attempting to install a program. You wont be able to install most programs if you don’t have the proper security permissions.

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Do not open any application: This will only slow down or possibly interrupt your installs.

Turn off Your Screen Saver:

Nothing is more annoying then being halfway through an install when the screen saver starts. Not only is it a nuisance, it may also cause you to cancel your install.

Connect Power:

if you’re using a laptop, is the laptop plugged in ? when on battery, your laptop may go into power save mode, operating your hardware at lower speeds to save power.

Keep your kids away from Keyboard:

They just seem to hit the right key every time.

Ramana is a Passionate about coding and discover new things with his coding skills and his passion lead him to achieve numerous goals in his life which lead him to achieve more success in his life, apart from his professional career.
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Before a Windows 10 migration, IT admins should make sure all applications are compatible with the new OS. Here are four steps to get started with the process.

Windows 10 brings several new features, including Cortana virtual assistant and native support for virtual desktops. But the upgrade itself brings its own set of challenges.

IT admins must quickly make plans to upgrade to Windows 10 before support for Windows 7 ends in January 2020. Otherwise, organizations may fail to meet compliance and regulatory requirements when running an unsupported OS. 

The decision to migrate to Windows 10 is not a simple one, however. An upgrade often requires the need for hardware, software upgrades, updates to documentations, changes to the base image and several other changes. In addition, the business will likely incur costs associated with a loss of productivity during downtime and any other necessary licensing fees. End users must adapt to the new user interface, and some legacy applications may perform differently in Windows 10.

In fact, one of the biggest challenges of a Windows 10 migration is legacy application support. IT can take four key steps to ensure legacy application compatibility with Windows 10:

  • Inventory the different applications.
  • Assess their compatibility.
  • Use native Microsoft tools.
  • Test the applications in a Windows 10 environment.

Inventory applications

One of the first steps in the readiness assessment of a Windows 10 upgrade is to inventory all applications currently in use. This process requires IT to use scanning tools, such as the Microsoft Assessment and Planning toolkit, Spiceworks, SolarWinds' network audit tool or Dell's KACE K1000 management appliance. 

These tools can audit all the connected machines and scan them for the installed applications. Then, they can generate reports with the count and versions of the applications across the different systems. This information will allow IT to identify which applications may require more attention and testing with Windows 10.

Confirm support for LOB applications

Next, IT admins should immediately determine which line-of-business applications are supported under Windows 10 by checking with their existing vendors. Organizations that fail to do this can run an unsupported product, which poses significant security risks.

Work with Microsoft tools

Microsoft also provides IT administrators with several tools to help test the application compatibility with Windows 10:

  • Microsoft Assessment and Planning toolkit. This free tool can scan the network and check the different workstations connected to the network for compatibility issues with Windows 10.
  • Microsoft Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK). Windows ADK is also a free application that enables IT to test the performance of desktops and existing applications in Windows 7.
  • Microsoft Windows Analytics in Azure. Previously called Operations Management Suite, Windows Analytics is a paid monitoring and analytics service available with Azure. This service can connect to Windows desktops and collect application and driver data for analysis. The information is then used to identify compatibility issues that would require IT admins to stop their plans to upgrade.

Perform a test upgrade

Next, the IT team should perform an actual migration on a handful of desktops to test the different applications and their behaviors in Windows 10.

During this stage, IT should invite some end users to test the different applications they commonly use. The resulting feedback from the testing will provide more direct feedback on any issues that IT may have missed from the initial compatibility testing.

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What compatibility information should you confirm before installing a software application select two?

What compatibility information should you confirm before installing a software application? That it works with the version of the operating system that you have, and that your computer meets the system (hardware) requirements.

What must you check first before installing software?

Make sure your computer meets the system requirements of the program, game, or utility you are attempting to install. The manual, or a README file, usually contains instructions on how to install a program. Find it online at the software website or in a text file in the same directory as the installation files.

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Common operations performed during software installations include: Making sure that necessary system requirements are met. Checking for existing versions of the software. Creating or updating program files and folders. Adding configuration data such as configuration files, Windows registry entries or environment ...

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Why would Windows prompt you to enter a password if you try to install a software application? A) Installing an application requires administrator privileges and is an action protected by User Account Control.