What benefit should HR emphasize to support a proposal to use a software as a service SaaS product to address an HR operational need quizlet?

A computer system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute information related to an organization's human resources.
Information technology framework and tools for gathering, storing, maintaining, retrieving, revising, and reporting HR data.

Differences in people's characteristics (such as socioeconomic status, beliefs, personality, thought processes, work style, race, age, ethnicity, gender, religion, education, job function, etc.).

While the HR manager informs the administrative assistant that she should bring a formal complaint, the administrative assistant is very clear that she is sharing this information as a friend. She does not want to file a formal complaint out of fear of retaliation. Instead, she asks the HR manager to help her find a new role so that she can quietly leave her current position without creating trouble for the VP, the organization, or herself.
The VP of operations has been identified as one of the top two possibilities to succeed the current CEO. The VP of HR receives a letter from the attorney of a different employee that charges the VP of operations and the organization with unlawful harassment. Which is the best first course of action the HR VP should take?
A. Notify the CEO and the organization's attorney, asking to meet to determine appropriate next steps.
B. Initiate the investigation by gathering all the facts about the unlawful harassment claim.
C. Independently speak to the VP of operations and ask if there is any merit to the claim of unlawful harassment.
D. Terminate the VP of operations' employment immediately in order to mitigate any further risks.

A is the best response. The VP of operations plays a critical role in the organization and has been identified as a potential successor to the CEO. Given that this is the second time sexual harassment allegations have been made against him and that this time there's a threat of a lawsuit, it is important to notify the CEO and corporate counsel.
B is incorrect. It is important to investigate the entire situation, with all allegations and claims considered equally.
C is incorrect. HR should not take any action independent of the organization's CEO and attorney.
D is incorrect. At this stage, firing the VP of operations may be premature, as it is just an allegation with no actual evidence and not even clarity on the facts. A sound and unbiased investigation must be conducted to uncover the facts, and only then would the policy on disciplinary action apply if deemed necessary.

Reason: Defining tasks, communicating expectations, assigning tasks, and monitoring progress are the first steps in the project management process. The other answer choices are incorrect because the steps listed within them occur either before the task force is assembled or after the initial launch of the project.

Define tasks, communicate expectations, assign tasks, and monitor progress.
Gain stakeholder support, secure project funding, develop use case analysis, and communicate results.
Select team members, review qualifications, gain corporate support, and evaluate performance to date.
Measure performance, communicate roadblocks, reset project schedule, and request additional support.

Gender, race, ethnicity, and religion.
Global, national, community, and family.
CORRECT: Organizational, external, internal, and personality.
Society, community, family, and personality.

To fully benefit from diversity and inclusion, organizations increasingly seek diversity on multiple dimensions of an individual. While recognizing the specific needs of identity groups, Gardenswartz and Rowe describe four layers of diversity: organizational, external, internal, and personality. This model highlights that all employees are multidimensional and individuals are more complex than their visible identities might suggest.

Environmental, economic, and social are the three spheres of sustainability.

Social, ethics, economics
Environmental, social, ethics
People, profits, environment
Environmental, economic, social

The term "sustainability" originally referred to an ecological or environmental goal. Now that focus has expanded to also consider an organization's social and economic impact (sometimes referred to as the 3Ps: people, planet, profits). Based on stakeholder demands, the three spheres attempt to provide a balanced focus to the organization's goals, objectives, and outcomes.

By limiting the measures of success to financial, earth, air, and water
By offering an all-encompassing view of how an organization should function
By allowing an organization to better focus on the community in which it operates
By incorporating a blend of local, regional, and global perspectives

D is the best answer. A drug test would provide undeniable evidence that the groundskeeper was intoxicated, so a decision could be based on fact and would keep the company free from legal mitigation. This needs to happen first while the alcohol is still in his system.
A is incorrect. Although the groundskeeper may be terminated, it is best to conduct a thorough investigation, complete with a drug/alcohol test, first.
B is incorrect. This is an insufficient response given that there is a potential risk that a repeat episode could occur, resulting in injury to self, coworkers, or resort guests.
C is incorrect. Given the location of the resort vis-a-vis the corporate office, and because of the severity of the issue, the HR manager would need to assist the director with making a decision now, via phone.

A. Terminate the groundskeeper for gross misconduct and illegal activity when offering alcohol to the under-aged minor.
B. Place the groundskeeper on a final written warning, explaining that any repeat episode could result in further disciplinary action, including termination of employment.
C. Tell the director to not do anything yet and wait for the HR manager to visit the office.
D. Thank the student worker for raising her concern and drive the groundskeeper for a drug/alcohol test to be taken immediately.

A call center needs to hire more than 1,000 employees over the next three months to meet its hiring needs for a new health-care contract. The terms of the contract require that all employees have clear background screenings and at least half be multilingual. Currently, 25 managers and 10 employees meet all the requirements.
Senior management has offered to actively participate in the hiring process and has made many suggestions, including group interviews, mass training, and virtual hiring and training. The CEO has asked HR to take the lead in putting together a comprehensive project plan within the next week to be presented to the management team.
The call center's HR department consists of 10 employees: the HR director, the recruiting manager, the talent development manager, the employee relations manager, the total rewards manager, the payroll director, two recruiters, and two entry-level HR professionals.
Which stakeholders are the most critical for the HR director to include in the initial project planning process?

The HR manager is evaluating the salaries in the logistics department. What is the mode of the salary values $55,000, $55,000, $55,000, $55,000, $60,000, $60,000, $60,000, $63,000, $65,000, and $65,000?

The mode is the most frequently occurring value. There are four salaries at $55,000, three at 60,000, one at $63,000, and two at $65,000.


D is correct. To begin the demand analysis of strategic workforce planning, a clear understanding of the strategic direction of the organization is critical. This allows the HR manager to understand what future work activities will be performed and to better determine what knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies will be needed in future talent. This information will then support the completion of the strategic workforce plan and allow for the creation of a tactical staffing plan.
A is incorrect, as this would not be a first step to create a strategic workforce plan and the information may not be relevant to the company.
B is incorrect, as a training plan is an outcome of a strategic plan.
C is incorrect, as this information would be more general in nature and may not apply to the organizational needs

The CEO of a fast-growing start-up company is worried that the company will not have the skilled workforce needed in the future to keep up with the dynamic needs of the business, and he asks the HR manager to anticipate and plan for the workforce gaps. The HR manager has been partnering with educational institutions, other businesses, and the local workforce development office to get more information about anticipated skill gaps and to develop an action plan. These resources have been supportive but are unsure of what skills might be needed and when these gaps will exist. The HR manager must navigate this uncertainty and provide a plan to the CEO.

A. Request a report from the local workforce development office on in-demand occupations.
B. Ask current employees what training they feel is most needed for their jobs.
C. Ask educational institutions to identify the skills they feel are most critical for the future.
D. Meet with the CEO to discuss the company's goals for the future.

D&I initiatives are resource-intensive because of priority, complexity, and resistance. To be a strategic priority, D&I must be aligned with core business goals; otherwise, it will always have a lower priority than more immediate concerns. Because of the complexity of the D&I problem, initiatives require a strategic, organization-wide solution. Achieving D&I initiatives requires major organization-wide change that can be problematic and challenging.

Demographic dichotomy, hyperconnectivity, compliance
Cultural stereotypes, diaspora, dilemma reconciliation
Complexity, compliance, brand reputation
Priority, complexity, resistance

Diversity is not just a matter of adding new categories to a growing list of identity groups: race, religion, gender, culture, ethnic background, age, and so on. Rather, it is a move from viewing diversity defensively, as a matter of legal or ethical compliance, to viewing it strategically, as a valuable asset to be leveraged.

From considering only racial and cultural differences to also including gender-based differences
From focusing on legal compliance to focusing on ethical and moral values
From a cultural relativism perspective to one of universalist values
From a defensive, compliance-based view to that of a strategic asset

The primary categories of barriers to effective risk management are structural, cognitive, and cultural. An organization's structure, willingness to change, and values will impact its willingness to engage in risk management. Time, money, and resources and location, personnel, and equipment may be impacted by risk management efforts, but they don't drive those efforts. Similarly, opportunities, threats, and weaknesses may be part of what the organization looks at as part of its risk management efforts, but they don't drive those efforts.

Location, personnel, and equipment
Opportunities, threats, and weaknesses
Structural, cognitive, and cultural
Time, money, and resources

The responsibility of marketing is often described as managing the 4 Ps: price (how much to charge), product (what to offer), promotion (how to reach potential customers), and place (where or how to sell). Marketing strategies are often characterized as "push" or "pull."

Price, push, promotion, and place
Price, push, pull, and place
Price, product, promotion, and place
Price, product, pull, and place

The common processes folded into shared service centers include payroll, procurement, accounts payable/receivable, travel expenses, health benefits enrollment, and pension administration.

Payroll, fixed assets, accounts payable/receivable, travel expenses, tuition, and pension administration
Payroll, fixed assets, accounts payable/receivable, travel expenses, health benefits reimbursement, and pension administration
Payroll, procurement, accounts payable/receivable, travel expenses, tuition, and pension administration
Payroll, procurement, accounts payable/receivable, travel expenses, health benefits enrollment, and pension administration

An HR audit measures the adequacy of HR policies, practices, procedures, and strategies as HR works toward meeting its strategic goals. What an audit measures can vary according to an organization's focus, but in general audits measure effectiveness and efficiency of procedures in delivering outputs of desired quantity, timing, and quality. The audit, for example, could assess compliance with policies about using resources or with procedures designed to ensure alignment with legal requirements or customer service. The HR audit is not like a financial audit (although functional budgets may be audited by internal auditors).

Transparency and accountability in the use of the HR budget
Internal customer satisfaction with HR services and quality of delivery
HR's contribution to the organization's bottom line
Adequacy of policies, practices, procedures, and strategies to support HR's goals

A business intelligence system has three components: a means to gather information from various data collection points, a secure means of storing or warehousing data so that it is available to users, and the means to analyze the data via queries and reports.

Data gathering, data warehousing, query and reporting
User interface, access to the Internet, integrated database
Accuracy, currency, and completeness
Input, processing, output

In an HR audit, an organization's HR policies, practices, procedures, and strategies undergo a systematic and comprehensive evaluation. This helps to establish whether specific practice areas or processes are adequate, legal, and effective. Gaps identified through HR audits can be prioritized for corrective action.

HR measures, metrics, and analytics
HR policies, practices, procedures, and strategies
HR onboarding, training, and development
HR acquisition, coaching, and succession planning

By leaving implementation to managers at local and national levels, the initiative will be flexible enough to be successful organization-wide. The initiative should be translated into as many languages as needed, to enhance understanding across the organization. Just because one language may be more commonly used does not mean that it will be widely or universally understood. Forcing the initiative to be implemented uniformly may result in the initiative violating laws in some localities or violating cultural norms, causing the initiative to be less effective. Regardless of how forward-thinking the policy is, it will necessarily have to change and adapt over time in order to continue to be successful.

Implement the policy uniformly across the organization, ensuring that all employees are treated equally.
Research newest trends in diversity and inclusion, adopting them so the initiative does not need to change for an extended period of time.
Leave implementation to managers at the local and national levels, so the policy can be adjusted for local laws, norms, and traditions.
Write the initiative in the most commonly used language, thereby avoiding errors in translation.

C is the best response. A gap analysis looks at the development plan from several different angles, often using a SWOT analysis. Gaps can then be prioritized using the criteria of permanence, impact, control, evidence, and root cause.
A is incorrect. The new location may have different needs and/or laws. Using the domestic leadership development plan may be a good place to start, but it must be examined carefully to ensure that it is the best plan for the new location.
B is incorrect. The former president of the facility will likely have thoughts about the effectiveness of the leadership team and its individual members. However, the president may not provide completely objective information. It is only one piece of the full gap analysis that needs to take place.
D is incorrect. Asking the current leadership team about their training needs may be a good step to take when conducting a gap analysis. However, asking an individual about their own training needs will likely not provide for any blind spots that the individual has. A full gap analysis is needed.
A. Implementing the domestic leadership development plan as a model, as this is now one company and everyone should develop the same skill sets
B. Interviewing the former president of the newly acquired facility for an assessment of staff leadership needs and, based on that, implementing the plan
C. Conducting a full gap analysis between current and future leadership needs of the new facility and then designing a plan to meet those needs
D. Asking the newly acquired employees what type of training they feel they need in order to best integrate with the rest of the organization

How can HR utilize technology to support a culture of compliance?

How can HR utilize technology to support a culture of compliance? With the electronic retention of employee files and other employment-related records, electronic record-keeping helps HR comply with legal requirements without having to provide physical storage space for paper records.

What is one of the benefits an organization receives from having information systems that are scalable?

What is one of the benefits an organization receives from having information systems that are scalable? Rationale: Scalability refers to the ease with which a system can respond to changes in demand.

Which is the most effective organizational policy on the use of social media quizlet?

What is the best way to implement an organizational policy on the use of social media? Require all new employees to provide information on their social media accounts.

Which best describes the impact of manager self

Which best describes the impact of self-service technologies on internal HR? Eliminates many time-consuming duties for HR and benefits managers. Self-service technologies provide employees and employers alike with around-the-clock access to their benefit information.