What are the three criteria that should be considered in assessing the soundness of documents found on the Internet?

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1. What are the three criteria discussed in your textbook for assessing the soundness of documents found on the Internet?   A. length, accuracy, and graphics B. interactivity, objectivity, and authorship C. graphics, sponsorship, and accuracy D. creativity, reliability, and length E. authorship, sponsorship, and recency

 2. Sridhar is from India and has decided to give his informative speech on Indian marriage customs. Because he will be getting married back home the next summer, he is very excited about the topic. He is concerned, however, that his classmates, all of whom are from the United States, may think he is saying that marriage traditions in India are better than those in the United States. Sridhar’s concern indicates that he is sensitive to the problem of

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 3. Research has shown that

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 4. In his speech about natural disasters, Paul included the following statement: Floods are psychologically as well as physically devastating. As one local flood victim told me, “It is a helpless feeling to see the water continue to rise—to see it wash away your home—to see it wash away your life. I just feel like giving up.” According to your textbook, what kind of supporting material did Paul use? 

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 5. Public speakers who seek to communicate with listeners from cultures other than their own need to take special care to avoid _______________ in their speeches.   A. ethnocentrism B. vocalized pauses

What are the three criteria for evaluating the soundness of research materials?

What are three criteria for evaluating the soundness of research materials that you find on the Internet? 1. Author available, an expert on the topic, and unbiased.

Which of the following criteria are important for evaluating the soundness of research materials that you find on the Internet?

There are six (6) criteria that should be applied when evaluating any Web site: authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, coverage, and appearance.

When evaluating research material the three primary evaluation criteria are?

Once youΓÇÖve identified your sources, you need to assess how they stand up to these three basic criteria relating to your assignment: applicability, objectivity, and authority.

What three evaluation criteria should be applied when locating information for your speech?

As you locate information for your speech, apply three evaluation criteria:.