What are the phases of organizational socialization choose every correct answer?

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An integrated model is presented of three relatively distinct views of organizational socialization: the development of work skills and abilities; the acquisition of a set of appropriate role behaviors; and the adjustment to the work group's norms and values. A theoretical rationale is developed to explain the contingencies on which progress through the different socialization processes depend. Three attitudinal variables (general satisfaction, internal work motivation, job development) and three behavioral variables (carrying out role assignments dependably, remaining with the organization, innovation/spontaneous cooperation) are suggested as criteria for measuring progress in socialization.

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The Academy of Management Review, now in its 26th year, is the most cited of management references. AMR ranks as one of the most influential business journals, publishing academically rigorous, conceptual papers that advance the science and practice of management. AMR is a theory development journal for management and organization scholars around the world. AMR publishes novel, insightful and carefully crafted conceptual articles that challenge conventional wisdom concerning all aspects of organizations and their role in society. The journal is open to a variety of perspectives, including those that seek to improve the effectiveness of, as well as those critical of, management and organizations. Each manuscript published in AMR must provide new theoretical insights that can advance our understanding of management and organizations. Most articles include a review of relevant literature as well. AMR is published four times a year with a circulation of 15,000.

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The Academy of Management (the Academy; AOM) is a leading professional association for scholars dedicated to creating and disseminating knowledge about management and organizations. The Academy's central mission is to enhance the profession of management by advancing the scholarship of management and enriching the professional development of its members. The Academy is also committed to shaping the future of management research and education. Founded in 1936, the Academy of Management is the oldest and largest scholarly management association in the world. Today, the Academy is the professional home for more than 18290 members from 103 nations. Membership in the Academy is open to all individuals who find value in belonging.

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

  1. Organizational culture is best described as the basic pattern of shared: A)behaviours that employees enact to demonstrate their support for corporate goals. B)values and assumptions that directs everyone in the organization toward the "right way" of doing things. C)rituals and ceremonies that employees enact to consummate their relationship with the organization. D)decisions routinely occurring throughout the organization that support corporate strategies. E)assumptions, beliefs, and behaviours that subconsciously guide employee thoughts and actions.

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  1. Organizational culture includes: A) three universal values. B)values, assumptions, and audits. C)behaviours, beliefs, and budgets. D)artifacts, values, and assets. E)None of these statements are accurate.

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  1. The assumptions and values that direct everyone in the organization toward the "right way" of doing things are called: A) organizational culture. B)organizational socialization. C)organizational structure. D)transformational leadership. E)organizational politics.

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  1. The deepest element of organizational culture is: A)language. B)shared values. C)symbols. D)artifacts. E)shared assumptions.

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  1. Which part of organizational culture is closest to the "surface" (i. observable 90 )

indicators)? A)Assumptions B)Beliefs C)Shared values D)Artifacts E)Stories

  1. The hidden elements of an organization's culture include: A) physical structures. B)financial assets. C)fixed assets. D)language used in the organization. E)employee values and assumptions.

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  1. How do espoused values relate to the concept of organizational culture? A)Espoused values are what leaders and employees rely on to guide their decisions and behaviours. B)Espoused values are the values that corporate leaders want others to believe guide the organization's decisions and actions. C)Espoused values are articulated mental models. D)Espoused values represent the shared assumptions within an organization's culture. E)Espoused values are mainly used to decipher an organization's culture.

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  1. Which of these statements about shared assumptions is FALSE? 93) A)Shared assumptions are unconscious taken-for granted perceptions or beliefs. B)Shared assumptions are revealed through corporate value statements. C)Shared assumptions include shared enacted values. D)Shared assumptions are so deeply embedded they probably cannot be discovered by surveying employees. E)All of these are correct.

  2. The best way to determine an organization's shared assumptions is to: A) read public relations statements produced by the organization. B)ask customers to evaluate the company's effectiveness. C)look for evidence of its corporate value statements. D)observe employees, analyze their decisions, and debrief them on their actions. E)interview executives.

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  1. Tsunami Ltd. hired a consultant to assess the corporate culture of Wise Widgets, which Tsunami wanted to acquire. Executives at Wise Widgets were eager to be acquired by Tsunami, so were willing to have the senior executives interviewed by the consultant regarding the company's culture. The consultant also relied heavily on news releases and other public relations statements produced by executives at Wise Widgets to decipher the company's culture. In this situation, the consultant probably is measuring

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B)may eventually use those dissenting values to build a new set of dominant values in the future. C)do not have any corporate culture. D)usually go quickly out of business. E)None of these statements are accurate.

  1. Which of these statements about organizational subcultures is FALSE? A) Some subcultures support the organization's dominant culture. B)Some subcultures directly oppose the organization's core values. C)Organizations should subdue subcultures that oppose the firm's dominant values. D)Subcultures potentially maintain the organization's standards of performance and ethical behaviour. E)Subcultures spawn emerging values that the company may eventually adopt.

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  1. Which of the following is a spawning ground for emerging corporate culture values? A) Bicultural audits B)Subcultures C)Microcultures D)Artifacts E)The actions of the company's founder

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  1. One advantage of countercultures is that they: A)prevent organizations from developing a corporate culture. B)ensure that corporate mergers occur without any culture clashes. C)Countercultures never make organizations more effective. D)maintain the organization's standards of performance and ethical behaviour. E)rarely exist in real organizations.

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  1. The observable symbols and signs of an organization's values and assumptions are called: A)values B)artifacts C)organizational signposts D)mental models E)organizational culture

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  1. The observable symbols and signs of an organization's culture: A)are used to communicate culture only when more direct means are unavailable. B)are called artifacts. C)are found only in companies with very strong cultures. D)are very easy to interpret.

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E)are all of these.

  1. What is the significance of artifacts in organizational culture? A) Artifacts are the same as organizational culture. B)Artifacts mainly reflect the subcultures that conflict with an organization's dominant culture. C)Artifacts are the observable indicators that the organization does not have a culture. D)Artifacts represent the directly observable symbols and signs of an organization's culture. E)Artifacts are the leftover parts of the organization that cannot fit into its culture.

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  1. The best way to measure an organization's culture is to: A)sample information from a variety of organizational artifacts. B)ask customers to evaluate the company's effectiveness. C)look for evidence of its corporate value statements. D)read and analyze the various mission statements produced by the organization. E)interview executives.

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  1. To develop the most accurate estimate of an organization's culture, we should: A) investigate physical elements in the workplace. B)survey employees. C)observe workplace behaviour. D)do all of these. E)survey employees and observe behaviour, but not investigate physical elements in the workplace.

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  1. Which of the following is potentially an artifact of organizational culture? A) The names employees give to conference rooms. B)The way visitors to the organization are greeted. C)Artwork on office walls. D)All of these are potentially artifacts. E)Artwork, greeting visitors, and conference room names are rarely, if ever, considered artifacts.

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B)evidence that the meeting has employees who hold countercultural values. C)a ritual that probably symbolizes the organization's dominant culture. D)evidence that the company has an adaptive culture. E)a form of blind subservience to senior management.

  1. Whenever an advertising firm lands a new contract, the successful team rings a loud bell and breaks out a bottle of champagne. In organizational culture, this practice would be considered: A)a manifestation of a culture that likes to party but needs an excuse to do so. B)a ceremony. C)an idiosyncrasy. D)a ritual. E)a motivational tactic that masquerades as an espoused value.

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  1. Which of the following is an artifact rather than a cultural content? A) Values B)Beliefs C)Assumptions D)Both language and assumptions are artifacts. E)Language

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  1. The building in which employees work: A)is a possible artifact of organizational culture. B)has little or no effect on an organization's culture. C)reflects and influences an organization's culture. D)can potentially influence the organization's culture. E)often reflects the organization's culture.

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  1. A strong corporate culture potentially increases organizational performance by:118) A) ensuring that employees do not adopt new and unapproved values. B)ensuring that employees mindlessly perform their work in an obedient manner. C)helping employees across all subunits understand and embrace the dominant values. D)ensuring that no one holds countercultural values. E)doing all of these things.

  2. An organization's culture is deemed to be strong if: A) it is intense but short-lived. B)it is held by only a few key people but are well known to most people in the organization. C)it is deeply held by most employees across the organization. D)its values are believed only by top management. E)it consists of many values rather than only a few values.

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  1. Organizational culture does which of the following? 12

A)It is a powerful form of social control that influences employee decisions and behaviour. B)It assists the sense-making process. C)It is the social glue that bonds employees together and makes them feel part of the organization. D)It does all of these things. E)It has no effect on employees.

  1. Organizational culture serves what purpose in organizations? A)It bonds employees together and makes them feel part of the organizational experience. B)It is a deeply embedded form of social control. C)It helps employees to understand organizational events. D)It does all of these things. E)It does none of these things.

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  1. Companies with strong organizational cultures are more effective than companies with weak cultures: A)if there is high turnover among production employees B). C)if the cultural values emphasize customer service rather than cost efficiency. D)because such organizations do not have subcultures. E)if their cultural values are compatible with the organization's external environment.

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  1. Which of these statements about the strength of organizational culture and organizational performance is TRUE? A)There is no relationship between an organization's cultural strength and its performance. B)Organizations with stronger cultures tend to perform better than those with weak cultures when that organization's culture content is aligned with its external environment. C)Organizations with stronger cultures perform poorly if they have subcultures. D)Organizations with stronger cultures tend to perform better only when they acquire other organizations with distinct cultures. E)Organizations with stronger cultures almost always perform poorly compared to those with weak cultures.

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  1. What tends to happen when an organization's culture is misaligned with its external environment? A)The organization is unable to develop subcultures. B)The organization's subcultures weaken.

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  1. Which of the following is a characteristic of an adaptive corporate culture? A)Employees hold a common mental model that the organization's success depends on their personal well-being. B)Employees wait for opportunities to arrive. C)Employees tend to take the view that any activity beyond their job description is not their job. D)Employees engage in continuous improvement of internal processes to serve external stakeholders. E)All of these are characteristic of adaptive cultures.

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  1. Employees at SuperTech Services seek out opportunities rather than wait for them to arrive. They also have a strong sense of responsibility for the organization's performance. SuperTech likely has: A) a weak organizational culture. B)a culture that is misaligned with its external environment. C)relatively few artifacts representing the organization's culture. D)an adaptive culture. E)a strong counterculture.

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  1. If an organization has an adaptive culture, it likely has: A)an external focus on the needs of customers and other stakeholders. B)a culture that emphasizes dozens of values at the same time. C)employees with a strong sense of ownership over the company's success. D)all of these are characteristics of adaptive cultures. E)employees with a strong sense of ownership and an external focus on stakeholder needs.

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  1. Most employees at United FiberTech support the idea that the company's success depends on their willingness to continually change and improve customer service. United FiberTech probably has: A) many countercultures. B)a market-driven culture. C)more subcultures than employees. D)an adaptive culture. E)no corporate culture.

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  1. What is the relationship between organizational culture and business ethics? A) Organizational culture can be a source of ethical problems. B)An organization's culture may strengthen ethical values. C)An organization's culture may strengthen ethical values and can be a source of ethical problems.

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D)Companies with a strong organizational culture are more likely to have employees with higher ethical standards of behaviour. E)When companies have a weak organizational culture, employees are more likely to rely on their ethical values to make decisions.

  1. One of the first steps one should take before a merger in order to minimize cultural

13 3) clashes is to: A)conduct a bicultural audit. B)replace the chief executives in both organizations before merger negotiations begin. C)significantly increase the strength of the culture in both organizations. D)significantly reduce the strength of the culture in both organizations. E)conduct a bicultural audit and significantly reduce the strength of the culture in both organizations.

  1. The main purpose of a bicultural audit is to: A)determine whether your company's organizational culture is sufficiently strong. B)estimate the number of dominant and subcultural values that exist in an organization. C)find out whether people from different countries have the same corporate cultures. D)teach new employees the organization's dominant cultural values. E)identify and diagnose differences in the corporate cultures of merging organizations.

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  1. In a merger, the process of diagnosing cultural relations between the companies and determining the extent to which cultural clashes will likely occur is called: A) organizational socialization. B) knowledge management. C) organizational diagnosis. D)a multicultural audit. E)a bicultural audit.

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  1. Which strategy for merging two distinct cultures is recommended when the two companies have relatively weak cultures with overlapping values? A) Deculturation B) Assimilation C)Integration D)Separation E)None of these strategies are recommended in this situation.

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  1. Which strategy for merging two distinct cultures tends to create high levels of confusion, conflict, resentment, and stress? A)Assimilation

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D)They typically avoid direct contact with lower-level employees. E)They are instrumental in starting up the organization.

  1. How do founders and corporate leaders affect corporate culture? A)Founders and corporate leaders develop the systems and structures that support their personal values. B)Founders and corporate leaders are often visionaries who provide powerful role models for others to follow. C)Founders and corporate leaders strengthen or change corporate culture by applying change practices. D)Transformational leaders develop or change the organization's culture. E)All of these statements are correct.

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  1. Moving the company or business unit into a new office that reflects a different culture is an application of which strategy to change and strengthen organizational culture? A)Situational transformation B)Geographical transformation C)Aligning artifacts D)Transforming artifacts E)Transformational culture

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  1. The process of strengthening organizational culture, by attracting and hiring people who already embrace the cultural values, and weeding out those who don't fit the cultures is explained by: A)attracting-selecting-weeding-out theory. B)attraction-selection-repulsion theory. C)corporate gardener metaphor theory. D)corporate cult theory. E)None of these are correct.

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  1. According to the attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) theory, job applicants: A) avoid other applicants if they are competing for the same jobs. B)do not typically pay much heed to organizational values when applying for work. C)are attracted to coworkers with similar values and assumptions. D)avoid employment in companies whose values seem incompatible with their own values. E)are attracted to companies that are likely to provide them with the greatest rewards.

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  1. Which of the following statement is consistent with the attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) theory? A)Attraction, selection, and attrition are part of the natural life-cycle of organizational

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members. B)Organizations have a natural tendency to attract, select, and retain people with values that are consistent with the organization's own culture. C)Attraction followed by selection inevitably lead to attrition in the future. D)Job applicants who later become organizational members tend to be attracted to coworkers who share their values and assumptions. E)Employees get attached to organizations that meet their reward expectations.

  1. Employees are organizationally socialized: A)beginning with the role management stage of organizational socialization. B)beginning with the encounter stages of organizational socialization. C)only when they enter management positions. D)long before their first day of work. E)beginning with the company's orientation program on the first day of work.

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  1. Organizational socialization is best described as a process of: A) power and restructuring. B)negotiation and concession-making. C)learning and adaptation. D)cooperation and stability. E)None of these describe the process of organizational socialization.

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  1. Employees usually learn which of the following through the process of organizational socialization? A)Company history. B)Knowing who holds power in the work unit and organization. C)Technical jargon. D)Corporate culture. E)All of these are correct.

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  1. In the context of organizational socialization, the adjustment process is better for: A) those who rebel against and reject the company's dominant values. B)people who are able to avoid the encounter stage of socialization. C)employees who experience significant levels of reality shock. D)newcomers with diverse work experience. E)individuals who retain their personal identity.

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  1. Which of these statements about psychological contracts is FALSE? A)Job security is one of the most important features of psychological contracts among younger employees. B)The psychological contracts continue to develop and evolve after job applicants become employees.

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organization. C)Conflicts are resolved between work and nonwork activities. D)All of these occur. E)None of these occur.

  1. The three stages of organizational socialization, in order, are: A) student, employee, retiree. B)newcomer, insider, outsider. C)pre-employment, encounter, role management. D)anticipation, encounter, disillusionment. E)prehire, pre-employment, post-hire.

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  1. At what stage of socialization do people FIRST learn about the organization and job? A) Pre-employment B) Encounter C)Role management D)Reality shock E)Disillusionment

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  1. Reality shock is: A) common in lateral career development. B) a unique feature of an adaptive culture. C)a perceived discrepancy between employee expectations and reality. D)based on expectancy theory. E)an element in the model of individual behaviour.

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  1. When should organizations leverage the benefits of reality shock? A)When they want to help newcomers develop a stronger bond with coworkers and the organization. B)When they want to ensure that employees develop a stronger loyalty to the organization. C)When they want employees to develop better expectations of future work experiences. D)Under all of these conditions. E)Never; companies should minimize reality shock.

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  1. Reality shock among new employees typically occurs when: A)newcomers develop exaggerated expectations about the job. B)employers are unable or unwilling to live up to their promises. C)newcomers experience information overload as they enter the workplace. D)All of these typically lead to reality shock.

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E)They realize they will have to work in organizations until they retire.

  1. Resolving conflicts between work and nonwork activities mainly occurs during what stage of socialization? A)Encounter B)Pre-employment C)Role management D)Reality shock E)Disillusionment

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  1. The main purpose of realistic job previews is to: A)increase the number of people applying for the job. B)help current employees psychologically prepare for retirement. C)help job applicants form accurate expectations of the organization and job. D)help supervisors empathize with their subordinates. E)increase turnover of poor performers.

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  1. A realistic job preview: A)helps employees to avoid forming a psychological contract. B)creates more reality shock when employees move to the encounter stage of socialization. C)builds a loyal work force by demonstrating respect for the psychological contract and concern for employee welfare D). D) has all of these effects. E) builds a loyal work force and helps employees to avoid forming a psychological contract, but does not create more reality shock.

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  1. Which of the following represents a type of vaccination by preparing job applicants for the more challenging and troublesome aspects of work life? A) Encounter stage of socialization B) Realistic job previews C)Ritualistic job reviews D)Cultural acclimatization E)Anticipatory reality shock

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  1. Which type of socialization agent usually provides new employees with technical information, performance feedback, and information about job duties? A)Senior executives B)Coworkers C)Subordinates D)Supervisors E)Motivational speakers

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173)A large transportation manufacturer is considering a proposal to acquire a company in a related industry. During due diligence, senior executives intend to conduct a bicultural audit. They already have good information that their own company is aggressive, risk-taking and entrepreneurial. Assuming that these executives will personally analyze the other firm's culture, what should these senior executives examine? Your answer should also briefly describe the bicultural audit process.

174)A friend is thinking about applying for a technical or managerial job opportunity at a large computer network firm. However, past experience has made your friend aware that it is important to ensure that the company's dominant values are aligned with his or her own. Identify three (3) different types of artifacts that your friend should consider when deciphering the culture of the computer network firm. Your friend is a job applicant, so your answer should relate to the experience of being recruited into an organization.

175)Senior executives in your organization want to strengthen teamwork as part of the company's culture. They have asked you to identify ways to communicate and reinforce this cultural value using artifacts as the primary means of communication. Describe three different types of artifacts that might be altered so they communicate this corporate value.

176)Comment on the accuracy of the following statement and explain your answer.

"Organizations with strong corporate cultures are more effective than organizations with weak corporate cultures."

177)The president of Advanced Systems Corp. wants the company to have a strong organizational culture around a specific set of values. As a vice-president, you are concerned that the president may be trying to strengthen the culture too much thereby creating a corporate cult. Describe three potential problems with having an organizational culture that is too strong.

178)The president of CJD Consulting would like to change his organization's culture to reflect new realities in the external environment. He has heard positive things about adaptive cultures and would like to know more about them.

Explain to the president what adaptable cultures are by describing the four characteristics of this type of culture.

179)Identify four (4) conditions or events that potentially weaken an organization's dominant culture.

180)Using attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) theory, explain how organizations tend to maintain and perpetuate their cultures.

181)Many organizations like to think that they integrate organizational cultures when merging or acquiring other companies. What does this mean and under what conditions is this strategy most likely to succeed?

182)Acme Corp. is planning to acquire Beta Corp., which operates in a different industry. Acme's culture is entrepreneurial and fast paced, whereas Beta employees value slow, deliberate decision making by consensus. Which merger strategy would you recommend to minimize culture shock when Acme acquires Beta? Explain your answer.

183)Some recently-graduated engineering students mentioned that they are disillusioned with their first full-time jobs following graduation. These students claim that this disillusionment mainly occurs because organizations aren't honest with job applicants. Use your knowledge of the pre-employment stages of organizational socialization to explain whether or not their allegations are true.

184)A recent meeting of human resources staff and sales managers was held to discuss new recruiting literature and other activities for job applicants. Human resources people suggested that some of the recruiting literature was overly positive and ignored some of the less desirable conditions of work, such as long work hours and extensive travel. They point out that exit interviews (meetings with employees who are about to leave the company) reveal that employees experience stress during these adjustments and are wary about company promises. The sales management team responded that they need the positive recruitment process because there aren't enough qualified applicants in the area and these brochures ensure that enough people apply for the job. Moreover, they doubt that new employees blame the company for failing to mention the negative conditions of work -- they should have thought about asking these questions as applicants. Use your knowledge of realistic job previews to comment on the information presented in this meeting.

What are the 4 types of organizational structures quizlet?

This includes Simple Structure, Functional Structure, Divisional Structure and Matrix Structure.

What is the encounter phase of organizational socialization?

The encounter phase, the second phase of organizational socialization process, begins when the employment contract has been signed. During this phase employees come to learn what the organization is really like.

What are the three levels of organizational culture quizlet?

Organizational culture consists of three levels: assumptions, artifacts, and values.

Which of the following is the first phase of organizational socialization process change and acquisition encounter integration on boarding anticipatory socialization?

Anticipatory socialization: It is the first socialization phase and it refers to the information acquisition period that happens before the employee joins the company (1976).