What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

Innovations take time to diffuse into a target audience.

Nature and Aims of Design

Rogers’ four main elements that influence the spread of new ideas (innovation, communication channels, time and a social system) rely heavily on human capital. The ideas must be widely accepted in order to be self-sustainable. Designers must consider various cultures and communities to predict how, why and at what rate new ideas and technology will be adopted. (1.7)

Aim 10: By categorizing consumers, the designer can identify particular segments with a market sector to gain feedback. By engaging with these stereotypes, the designer can utilize their experiences with a prototype in order to guide further development.

As a student of Design Technology, you should:

  • Identify examples of product innovations for each of Rogers’ characteristics

  • Understand that the impact of Rogers’ characteristics on consumer adoption of an innovation can be considered in terms of relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, observability, trialability

  • Understand that the social roots of consumerism include lifestyle, values and identity

  • Identify and analyze issues for companies in the global marketplace when attempting to satisfy consumer needs in relation to lifestyle, values and identity

  • Identify and compare categories of consumers, including innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards

Everett Rogers attempted to identify and explain the factors that lead people to adopting or accepting an innovation. Understanding these characteristics is important for a designer because they can ensure a greater success of their product being accepted and used.

Knowing these characteristics, designers and design teams can plan how to address them when designing and marketing their product.

Diffusion is the wide acceptance and sale of a product or innovation. People do not readily adopt a new product; Rather, it is a deliberate decision.

In order for an innovation to be self-sustaining, it must be widely adopted.

Categories of consumers in relation to technology adoption

Different categories of consumers adopt innovative technologies in different ways. For designers and design teams, it is important to recognize that each group has distinct characteristics, needs, beliefs, and values. As such, they need to be marketed to differently.

  • Innovators (risk takers) – are the first individuals to adopt an innovation. They are willing to take risks.

  • Early adopters (hedgers) – are the second fastest category to adopt an innovation.

  • Early majority (waiters) – the third group, tends to take more time to consider adopting new innovations and is inclined to draw from feedback from early adopters before taking the risk of purchasing new products/systems.

  • Late majority (skeptics) – adopts the innovation after it has been established in the marketplace and is seldom willing to take risks with new innovation.

  • Laggards (slow pokes) – are the last to adopt an innovation. They tend to prefer traditions and are unwilling to take risks.

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

The impact of Rogers’ characteristics on consumer adoption of an innovation

Relative advantage is the extent to which a design is more efficient, affordable, easier to use, etc, than designs that came before it. The advent of electric washing machines saw consumers move away from hand powered washers and ringers because of the time and physical energy saved.

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

Possible advantages can include

  • better service, improved interface, reduced user effort,

  • consolidation of multiple functions into one tool,

  • decreased need for supplies and equipment,

  • empowerment of users, increased customizability,

  • increased longevity, reduced environmental impact,

  • increased productivity, saving of space or storage,

  • saving of money, saving of time.

Compatibility is how compatible a design is with the social norms and beliefs of a target market. Car seat belts, while considered an essential safety device today, were not accepted by the public until the 1970s when government legislation began to mandate their installation and use.

Mobile phones on the other hand, were readily compatible with society's desire to to communicate while on the move was great. This desire is now seen as a norm.

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

Seat Belts: Initially, low compatibility with social norms until governments started to require their use

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

Mobile Phones: High compatibility with social norms as the desire to communicate is great.

Complexity (simplicity) is the degree to which a design is perceived as easy to use. Effective Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) of a computers, devices, and applications are key to the success of the product. In the case of the original iPhone, this UI was the essential design innovation that brought all other innovative components together.

Successful designs do not need to be simple - they a well designed and intuitive user interface to allow the user to accomplish their goals. See Topic 7: User-Centered Design for more discussion of this concept.

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

iPhone OS11 User Interface

Observability refers to the idea that the benefits of the innovation are visible to the user. If users are able to readily identify the benefits, the rate of adoption is greater. Essentially, the more visible the product is in day to day life, advertising, and media, the greater chance it will be successfully adopted by users.

Some marketing strategies that foster observaibitly include

Before and after: This strategy focuses on showing what the user's life will be like (improved) after using the product. They might be healthier, smarter, richer, happier, etc.

Testimonials: Hearing from other users how a product has performed is powerful. User testimonals such as quotations, interviews, or reviews are powerful. Companies may encourage users to rate their product or service, or write a review.

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

Side-by-side comparison: If consumers are able to see the difference compared to other products, then they are more likely to adopt it. Showing a side-by-side comparison allows consumers to see the differences

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

Before and after: This strategy focuses on showing what the user's life will be like (improved) after using the product. They might be healthier, smarter, richer, happier, etc.

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

Testimonials: Hearing from other users how a product has performed is powerful. User testimonials such as quotations, interviews, or reviews are powerful. Companies may encourage users to rate their product or service, or write a review.

Trialability refers to the ability to try out a product before investing time or money in it. Apple Stores allow consumers to try out the products and experience. Car dealers will allow potential customers to take a car for a test drive. Some online paid services will allow a "free-trial" period.

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

Social roots of consumerism

Consumerism is an ideology that encourages consumption. It is also used critically to refer the consumption of materials beyond our basic needs.

Companies operating in the global marketplace need to satisfy consumer needs by considering their lifestyle, values, and identity.

The influence of social media on the diffusion of innovation

Social media can be used to generate support for an innovation. Social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are used as methods of raising brand awareness.

Crowdfunding platforms allow the public to invest in creative products or projects. A designer proposes an idea or project, and people pledge money to support it. If the minimum amount of pledges is reached, the project goes ahead. Kickstarter and Indiegogo are two of the biggest crowdfunding platforms.

A basic guide to crowdfunding

Most successful Kickstarter projects of 2017

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

Designers need to consider how consumer choices are influenced by trends and the media, including advertising through magazines, television, radio, sponsorship and outdoor advertising; product placement through film and television; product endorsement; and so on.

What are the five characteristics that influence the rate at which an innovation is adopted by the target user?

What are the 5 characteristics of innovations?

In a series of diffusion studies across multiple areas, Rogers found that innovations that have these 5 characteristics -high relative advantage, trialability, observability, and compatibility, and low complexity- are likely to succeed over innovations that do not.

What are the five factors that influence the rate of the new product adoption?

If you develop and market a new product, you should know what its characteristics mean for its rate of adoption..
Relative Advantage. ... .
Compatibility. ... .
Complexity. ... .
Divisibility. ... .

What 5 characteristics of an innovation determine the rate of acceptance or resistance of the market to a product?

The characteristics of an innovation, as perceived by the consumer, determine the amount of resistance generated. Rogers (1962) has enumerated five important characteristics of an innovation: Relative Advantage, Compatibility, Perceived Risk, Trialability, and Communicability.

What are the 5 product characteristics?

5 Characteristics of a Good Product Description.
Detailed. Good product descriptions tell customers the most important basics about a product. ... .
Efficient. Though it's important to go into detail, you don't want your product description to read like a novel. ... .
Illustrative. ... .
Balanced. ... .