What are the different kinds of multimedia resources used in oral presentation?

Quarter 3 - Week 1Using Multimedia Resources in OralPresentationDepartment of EducationSchools Division Office of Apayao

ENGLISH 7Quarter 3-Week 1NAME:____________________________________________GRADE LEVEL:________SECTION:_________________________________________DATE: _________________LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEETUsing Multimedia Resources in Oral PresentationLEARNING COMPETENCY WITH CODE:Use correct and appropriate multi-media resources when orally givinginformation, instructions, making explanations and narrating events in personalor factual recounts ( EN7OL-IV-e-3.10)BACKGROUND INFORMATION:Multimedia is a broad term for combining multiple media formats.Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity arecombined together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example, are multimediaas they combine text and images, and sometimes video and other types.According to research, a benefit of multimedia learning is that it takesadvantage of the brain's ability to make connections between verbal and visualrepresentations of content, leading to a deeper understanding, which in turnsupports the transfer of learning to other situations. In a multimedia learningenvironment, students can identify and solve problems more easily compared tothe scenario where teaching is made possible only by textbooks. Altogether,multimedia learning environments have a direct effect on learning and even ongrowing as a person. An effect that differs and can’t be achieved as easy whilstusing traditional education materials.

Types of Multimedia Resources:TEXT ANDGRAPHICSSlideshow orpresentationDiagramsInfographicsImageAUDIOPodcastVIDEOAnimationDocumentariesTelevisionOTHERSWebinarsOnline meetingsBlogsInteractive Media

Study this given situation:Your Araling Panlipunan teacher tells you to report about the ancientcivilizations in Asia. To present this topic, you need to narrate significant eventsthat happened during these times and support these with facts about the lives

Public speaking is an invaluable skill, but unfortunately it's one that we often don't give enough time or attention to. However, multimedia presentations (like digital stories) can lay the groundwork for developing those skills. Done right, they provide a perfect forum for combining images, text, and powerful oratory in any classroom situation. Not only do they allow students who don't like public speaking to test the waters and build confidence, but they also allow teachers to target instruction to those students who really need support.

1. Multimedia presentations develop confidence in language skills.

For students who lack confidence or language skills, a multimedia presentation created using tools such as Adobe Spark, VoiceThread, Google Drive, or iMovie is an opportunity to develop fluency in English (or any target language) without the pressure of speaking live in front of an audience. With the opportunity to record as many times as necessary, the fear of errors can be eliminated, allowing students to focus on content, intonation, and organization.

We can start building the next generation of orators in effective, engaging ways.

2. Process-driven presentations encourage meaningful feedback.

With digital presentations, teachers can more easily check in on student progress and offer instructional advice as well. Rather than everything riding on the live speech or presentation, multimedia presentations can be more about process, and with process-driven assignments there is greater opportunity for teachers to conference with students, offer advice, and provide formative feedback. If the presentations are shared via the cloud, that feedback can even come outside of class time.

3. Script-writing strengthens ELA skills -- including information literacy.

All the same planning and organization that goes into writing a good essay goes into creating a good presentation. Students start with a central idea, find supporting ideas and information, structure those to build an argument or explain a concept, and finish with some kind of conclusion. The only element of writing not present in creating a good multimedia presentation is the conventions of writing (punctuation, paragraph structure, and so on), but the framing of ideas and thinking processes are very similar.

Additionally, students have to find appropriate information to support their points of view in a multimedia presentation as well as the photos, audio clips, drawings, or videos that go with them. This requires students to cultivate good information-literacy skills, including searching databases, evaluating resources, and creating citations. 

4. Multimedia presentations challenge students to think creatively.

As teachers, if we really want to foster creativity, we can require or encourage students to create their own graphics, images, audio, and video clips. When students must create something, they have to figure out how to represent their ideas -- a form of abstract, symbolic expression that ups the intellectual ante tremendously.

5. Choice provides opportunity for students to shine.

Let's face it: For some of our students, writing essays or reports is a tremendous challenge. That's not to say that it's not a valuable challenge, but in certain situations we're really looking for content, not writing skills. In this case, a multimedia presentation can be the perfect medium for some students to demonstrate a high level of content mastery. Giving students a choice in how they show understanding can be a legitimate way of maintaining high content standards for all students.

With all the digital presentation tools at our fingertips, we can start building the next generation of orators in effective, engaging ways. There's no reason not to start today. 

What multimedia resources can you use when doing oral presentation?

Using multimedia For example, students can combine their oral presentations with audio, images, diagrams, photographs, animation, and/or video. They can create and organize their presentations using PowerPoint slides, online outlines, and maps.

What are the different types of multimedia in presentations?

For example:.
Explainer videos..
Video clips..
Animated GIFs..
Interactivity between slides..
Color-coded maps..
Google Maps..

What are the 6 different multimedia resources?

Multimedia Resources: Videos.
Web & Other Media..
How to Cite Media..
Faculty Resources..

What are the 10 examples of multimedia?

Multimedia Communication.