What acquires raw materials and resources and distributes them to manufacturing as required?

Quiz 101.Inbound logistics distributes goods and services to customers.


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2.What is supply chain visibility?

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3.Logistics includes the increasingly complex management of processes,information, and communication to take a product from cradle to grave.Cradle to grave provides logistics support.

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4.Logistics controls processes inside a company (warehouse logistics) andoutside a company (transport logistics) and focuses on the physicalexecution part of the supply chain.

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5.Robotics focus on creating artificial intelligence devices that can moveand react to sensory input.

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6.Which of the following metrics represents the time it takes tomanufacture a product and deliver it to the retailer?

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8.Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electronic tags and labels toidentify objects wirelessly over short distances.

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9.What is the ability to view all areas up and down the supply chain in realtime?

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10.Electronic data interchange (EDI) is a standard format for the electronicexchange of information between supply chain participants.

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11.Cradle-to-grave provides materials management support.

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A distribution channel represents a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which the final buyer purchases a good or service. Distribution channels include wholesalers retailers distributors and the Internet. In a direct distribution channel the manufacturer sells directly to the consumer.

What is the purchasing of goods and services to meet the needs of the supply chain?

Transcribed image text: What is procurement? Multiple Choice The purchasing of goods and services to meet the needs of the supply chain Includes the processes that control the distribution maintenance and replacement of materials and personnel to support the supply chain.

What is selling additional goods or services to the customer?

Suggestion selling * is selling additional goods or services to the customer. A method of selling in which the salesperson recommends additional goods or services to the customer. Suggestion selling benefits the salesperson the customer and the company.

What includes the increasingly complex management of processes information and communication to take a product from cradle to grave?

Logistics includes the increasingly complex management of processes information and communication to take a product from cradle to grave. … provides logistics support throughout the entire system or life of the product.

Is the way where goods are sold directly to consumers?

It is called retail market.

What is meant by distribution?

Definition: Distribution means to spread the product throughout the marketplace such that a large number of people can buy it. Distribution involves doing the following things: … Tracking the places where the product can be placed such that there is a maximum opportunity to buy it.

What is distribution in supply chain management?

Distribution management refers to the process of overseeing the movement of goods from supplier or manufacturer to point of sale. It is an overarching term that refers to numerous activities and processes such as packaging inventory warehousing supply chain and logistics.

Is purchasing and procurement the same?

Purchasing focuses on short-term goals such as fulfilling the five rights in a transaction (right quality right quantity right cost right time and right place) whereas procurement management focuses on strategic long-term goals like gaining a competitive advantage or aligning itself with corporate strategy or …

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Is purchasing part of supply chain?

The supply chain is the entire process while procurement is a part of it. Procurement is defined as the process of getting the products and/or services your company needs to fulfill its business model. … Once your company has possession of the goods procurement stops.

What does upselling mean when using suggestion selling?

Suggestive selling (also known as add-on selling or upselling) is a sales technique where an employee asks a customer if they would like to include an additional purchase or recommends a product which might suit the client.

What are customer buying signals?

What Are Customer Buying Signals? By definition buying signals are the actions potential customers take that indicate they’re close to making a purchase. They’re customers’ verbal buying signals—the cues your sales agent homes in on when talking to a prospect.

What are some things salespeople can do to keep customers?

7 Things Salespeople Can Do to Increase Customer Loyalty

  • Deliver on promises. This should go without saying. …
  • Stay in contact. …
  • Be kind & helpful. …
  • Build loyalty into the deal. …
  • Ask for (and act on) feedback. …
  • Correct errors quickly. …
  • Small meaningful gestures.

What helps an organization identify its customers across applications group of answer choices?

CRM reporting technologies help organizations identify their customers across other applications.

What acquires raw materials and resources and distributes them to manufacturing as required quizlet?

Inbound logistics acquires raw materials and resources and distributes them to manufacturing as required.

Which of the following allows an organization to gain insights into shopping and buying behaviors?

Customer relationship management (CRM) helps businesses to gain an insight into the behaviour of their customers and modify their business operations to ensure that customers are served in the best possible way.

Can I buy directly from manufacturers?

Depending on the business and type of products most of the manufacturers won’t sell products in small quantities. So it won’t be possible for an individual consumer to buy directly from the manufacturer. In that case you should go to the distributor (who purchases products in bulk) to buy the product you need.

What is a direct to consumer brand?

What Is a Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Brand? Direct-to-consumer brands are known for selling directly to customers online bypassing the “middlemen” of wholesalers and retailers. This allows brands to control the user experience collect first-party shopper data and increase margins.

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What is a direct to consumer company?

Direct to consumer is when a brand sells their product to the end user. … D2C channels often complement rather than replace traditional retail channels. For example a confectioner might place their candy in gift shops and also sell it directly to consumers online.

What are distribution services?

Distribution is the process of delivering or selling products and services from the producer/manufacturer to customers. As businesses become reach more locations it becomes very crucial to expanding distribution to make sure that products reach the customer’s safely and timely.

What is distribution of goods and services?

Distribution is the process of making a product or service available for the consumer or business user who needs it. This can be done directly by the producer or service provider or using indirect channels with distributors or intermediaries.

What is distribution and examples?

Distribution is defined as the process of getting goods to consumers. An example of distribution is rice being shipped from Asia to the United States.

What are some examples of distribution?

The following are examples of distribution.

  • Retail. An organic food brand opens its own chain of retail shops.
  • Retail Partners. A toy manufacturers sells through a network of retail partners.
  • International Retail Partners. …
  • Wholesale. …
  • Personal Selling. …
  • Direct Marketing. …
  • Ecommerce. …
  • Direct Mail.

What are the 4 types of distribution?

There are four types of distribution channels that exist: direct selling selling through intermediaries dual distribution and reverse logistics channels.

What is chain distribution?

The chain of distribution is the series of companies or businesses that are involved in transporting storing and providing goods and services to customers. … The chain of distribution helps us to understand horizontal and vertical integration.

What is Food Service purchasing?

The purchasing process is an essential part of every food service operation. All competent cooks should be skilled in buying the appropriate ingredients in accurate amounts at the right time and at the best price. Every kitchen operation has different purchasing procedures.

What is Procure to order?

1 Definition

The method used to respond to demand in which an item is purchased only when required by a customer order that specifies that item and not for processing or assembling into a different item number.

What are procurement services?

Procurement is the process of purchasing goods or services and is usually in reference to business spending. Business procurement requires preparation solicitation and payment processing which usually involves several areas of a company.

What is supply chain procurement and purchasing?

Differences between procurement and supply chain management

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To recap procurement is the process of acquiring the supplies you need to run your business operations. On the other hand supply chain management encompasses how those supplies are transformed into finished products and delivered to the end-users.

What is buying in supply chain?

Supply Chain Opz characterizes Purchasing as such: “Purchasing refers to the process by which a company contracts with third parties to obtain goods and services required to fulfill its business objectives in the most timely and cost-effective manner”

What do you mean by purchasing?

Purchasing is the process a business or organization uses to acquire goods or services to accomplish its goals. Although there are several organizations that attempt to set standards in the purchasing process processes can vary greatly between organizations.

What is an example of upselling?

Upselling is focused on upgrading or enhancing the product the customer is already buying. … For example a housekeeping service might upsell a customer buying a weekly cleaning package by offering a package with more rooms and cross-sell by also offering a carpet deep cleaning service.

What is an upsell product?

Upselling is a sales strategy when a customer is encouraged to buy anything that would make their primary purchase even better. … The upselling technique also provides value to customers because it offers them to pay a little more but wind up with a better product. It’s a mutually beneficial deal.

What is a upselling in business?

Upselling is a sales strategy that involves encouraging customers to buy a higher-end version of a product than what they originally intended to purchase. … Both upselling and cross-selling are methods of increasing sales to existing customers but use slightly different approaches in doing so.

What are examples of buying signals?

Examples of buying signals

  • The prospect has an interest in one particular thing. …
  • The prospect is interested in case studies. …
  • The prospect signs up for a free trial. …
  • The prospect asks about the price. …
  • The prospect asks the ways to pay. …
  • The prospect asks about terms and conditions.

What are Producers Consumers Goods and Services?

Economics for Kids: Goods and Services

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What is the purchasing of goods and services to meet the needs of the supply chain?

Procurement includes sourcing, obtaining and paying for goods and services. Supply chain management also covers the logistics involved in obtaining goods, such as shipping and warehouse management, as well as transforming the procured goods into products and distributing them to customers.

What is materials management and how does it impact the supply chain quizlet?

What is materials management and how does it impact the supply chain? Materials management includes activities that govern the flow of tangible, physical materials through the supply chain such as shipping, transport, distribution, and warehousing.

What is procurement and how does it impact the supply chain quizlet?

Procurement is the purchase of merchandise or services at the best price, quantity and quality. Strategic sourcing is an institutional procurement process that continuously improves and re-evaluates the purchasing activities of a company.

What includes the increasingly complex management of processes information and communication to take a product from cradle to grave quizlet?

Logistics includes the increasingly complex management of processes, information, and communication to take a product from cradle to grave.