Wer ist han solo

Wer ist han solo

Han Solo is the fictional smuggler and rebellion legend with a heart of gold in the Star Wars movies and their extended franchise. He is the captain and owner of the Millennium Falcon, and best friends with Chewbacca. He is Leia Organa’s eventual lover and Ben Solo’s father. In a life of adventure, Han Solo has been expelled from the Imperial Academy, made the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs, and helped establish a new Rebel base on Hoth. Not force sensitive, he survives in a war filled with Jedi and Sith thanks to his blaster, quick wit, and strong sense of self preservation.

Han Solo, portrayed by Harrison Ford in Star Wars, is 6 foot 1 inch (1.85 m) tall.

Han Solo is the fictional smuggler and rebellion legend with a heart of gold in the Star Wars movies and their extended franchise. He is the captain and owner of the Millennium Falcon, and best friends with Chewbacca. He is Leia Organa’s eventual lover and Ben Solo’s father. In a life of adventure, Han Solo has been expelled from the Imperial Academy, made the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs, and helped establish a new Rebel base on Hoth. Not force sensitive, he survives in a war filled with Jedi and Sith thanks to his blaster, quick wit, and strong sense of self preservation.

Han Solo, portrayed by Harrison Ford in Star Wars, is 6 foot 1 inch (1.85 m) tall.

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Species: Human
Affiliation: Rebel Alliance
Weapon: Blaster Pistol

First Appearance:

1977 (Episode IV: A New Hope)

Drawings include:
Han Solo front elevation (standing), side (blaster), front (blaster), side (blaster attack)


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Star Wars is a space-opera media franchise created by George Lucas that is known for its iconic roster of intergalactic characters, the invention of the Jedi order, and the popular lightsaber weapon. Star Wars was first introduced in the 1977 film, Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.

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6’3” | 1.90 m

2015 (Episode VII: The Force Awakens)

6’8” | 2.03 m

1977 (Episode IV: A New Hope)

5′6″ | 1.68 m

May 14, 1944

6’1” | 1.85 m

1977 (Episode IV: A New Hope)

26” | 66 cm

1980 (Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back)

5’9” | 1.75 m

1977 (Episode IV: A New Hope)

5’10” | 1.78 m

1999 (Episode I: The Phantom Menace)

5’1” | 1.55 m

1977 (Episode IV: A New Hope)

6’0” | 1.83 m

1980 (Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back)

16” | 40.5 cm

2019 (The Mandalorian)

7’6” | 2.29 m

1977 (Episode IV: A New Hope)

5’10” | 1.78 m

1980 (Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back)

6’0” | 1.83 m

1999 (Episode I: The Phantom Menace)

5’9" | 1.75 m

12’9” | 3.9 m

1983 (Episode VI: Return of the Jedi)

6’5” | 1.96 m

1999 (Episode I: The Phantom Menace)

3’7” | 1.09 m

1977 (Episode IV: A New Hope)

7’1” | 2.16 m

2005 (Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)

5’7” | 1.70 m

2015 (Episode VII: The Force Awakens)

5’11” | 1.80 m

1977 (Episode IV: A New Hope)

5’9” | 1.75 m

1977 (Episode IV: A New Hope)

6’0” | 1.83 m

1980 (Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back)

5’3” | 1.60 m

1999 (Episode I: The Phantom Menace)

26.5” | 67 cm

2015 (Episode VII: The Force Awakens)

6’7” | 2.01 m

2015 (Episode VII: The Force Awakens)

5’3” | 1.60 m

2016 (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story)

6’2” | 1.88 m

1999 (Episode I: The Phantom Menace)

6’5” | 1.96 m

2002 (Episode II: Attack of the Clones)

6’0” | 1.83 m

2002 (Episode II: Attack of the Clones)

5’10” | 1.78 m

2015 (Episode VII: The Force Awakens)

6’4” | 1.93 m

1999 (Episode I: The Phantom Menace)

5'11" | 1.81 m

1983 (Episode VI: Return of the Jedi)

5’8” | 1.72 m

2015 (Episode VII: The Force Awakens)

7’ | 2.13 m

2015 (Episode VII: The Force Awakens)

6’1” | 1.85 m

2015 (Episode VII: The Force Awakens)

5’10” | 1.78 m

1977 (Episode IV: A New Hope)

4’1” | 1.24 m

2015 (Episode VII: The Force Awakens)

5’2” | 1.57 m

2017 (Episode VII: The Last Jedi)

5’11” | 1.80 m

2017 (Episode VII: The Last Jedi)

Was war Han Solo?

Han Solo war ein corellianischer Schmuggler mit militärischer Grundausbildung. Sein Kopilot und guter Freund war der Wookiee Chewbacca. Irgendwann vor der Schlacht von Yavin gewann er den Millennium Falken bei einem Sabacc-Spiel mit Lando Calrissian.

Wer ist der Sohn von Han Solo?

Ben Solo, zwischenzeitig als Kylo Ren bekannt, war der Sohn von Leia Organa und Han Solo, welcher später von Luke Skywalker unterwiesen wurde und zur Dunklen Seite der Macht wechselte, wo er von Snoke unterwiesen wurde und den Rittern von Ren und der Ersten Ordnung angehörte.

Wer hat Han Solo getötet?

In „Star Wars 7“ stirbt eine der ikonischsten Figuren der gesamten Saga, Han Solo (Harrison Ford) – und zwar durch das Lichtschwert seines Sohnes Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), weil der seine Stellung auf der Dunklen Seite der Macht festigen will.

Wer ist Han Solos Frau?

Die Familie Solo bestand aus dem Schmuggler Han Solo, der Rebellenanführerin Leia Organa und deren Sohn Ben. Ungefähr ein Jahr nach der Schlacht von Endor heirateten die beiden und bekamen einen Sohn, den sie Ben nannten.