To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

  • include
  • xlsxwriter


The Worksheet object represents an Excel worksheet. It handles operations such as writing data to cells or formatting worksheet layout.

A Worksheet object isn't created directly. Instead a worksheet is created by calling the workbook_add_worksheet() function from a Workbook object:

#include "xlsxwriter.h"

int main() {



lxw_error  worksheet_write_number (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, double number, lxw_format *format)
  Write a number to a worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_string (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *string, lxw_format *format)
  Write a string to a worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_formula (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format)
  Write a formula to a worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_array_formula (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format)
  Write an array formula to a worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_dynamic_array_formula (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format)
  Write an Excel 365 dynamic array formula to a worksheet range. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_dynamic_formula (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format)
  Write an Excel 365 dynamic array formula to a worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_datetime (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_datetime *datetime, lxw_format *format)
  Write a date or time to a worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_unixtime (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, int64_t unixtime, lxw_format *format)
  Write a Unix datetime to a worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_url (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *url, lxw_format *format)
lxw_error  worksheet_write_boolean (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, int value, lxw_format *format)
  Write a formatted boolean worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_blank (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_format *format)
  Write a formatted blank worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_formula_num (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format, double result)
  Write a formula to a worksheet cell with a user defined numeric result. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_formula_str (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format, const char *result)
  Write a formula to a worksheet cell with a user defined string result. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_rich_string (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_rich_string_tuple *rich_string[], lxw_format *format)
  Write a "Rich" multi-format string to a worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_comment (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *string)
  Write a comment to a worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_write_comment_opt (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *string, lxw_comment_options *options)
  Write a comment to a worksheet cell with options. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_row (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, double height, lxw_format *format)
  Set the properties for a row of cells. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_row_opt (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, double height, lxw_format *format, lxw_row_col_options *options)
  Set the properties for a row of cells. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_row_pixels (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, uint32_t pixels, lxw_format *format)
  Set the properties for a row of cells, with the height in pixels. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_row_pixels_opt (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, uint32_t pixels, lxw_format *format, lxw_row_col_options *options)
  Set the properties for a row of cells, with the height in pixels. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_column (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_col_t last_col, double width, lxw_format *format)
  Set the properties for one or more columns of cells. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_column_opt (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_col_t last_col, double width, lxw_format *format, lxw_row_col_options *options)
  Set the properties for one or more columns of cells with options. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_column_pixels (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_col_t last_col, uint32_t pixels, lxw_format *format)
  Set the properties for one or more columns of cells, with the width in pixels. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_column_pixels_opt (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_col_t last_col, uint32_t pixels, lxw_format *format, lxw_row_col_options *options)
  Set the properties for one or more columns of cells with options, with the width in pixels. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_insert_image (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *filename)
  Insert an image in a worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_insert_image_opt (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *filename, lxw_image_options *options)
  Insert an image in a worksheet cell, with options. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_insert_image_buffer (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const unsigned char *image_buffer, size_t image_size)
  Insert an image in a worksheet cell, from a memory buffer. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_insert_image_buffer_opt (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const unsigned char *image_buffer, size_t image_size, lxw_image_options *options)
  Insert an image in a worksheet cell, from a memory buffer. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_background (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *filename)
  Set the background image for a worksheet. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_background_buffer (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const unsigned char *image_buffer, size_t image_size)
  Set the background image for a worksheet, from a buffer. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_insert_chart (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_chart *chart)
  Insert a chart object into a worksheet. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_insert_chart_opt (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_chart *chart, lxw_chart_options *user_options)
  Insert a chart object into a worksheet, with options. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_merge_range (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col, const char *string, lxw_format *format)
  Merge a range of cells. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_autofilter (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col)
  Set the autofilter area in the worksheet. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_filter_column (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t col, lxw_filter_rule *rule)
  Write a filter rule to an autofilter column. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_filter_column2 (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t col, lxw_filter_rule *rule1, lxw_filter_rule *rule2, uint8_t and_or)
  Write two filter rules to an autofilter column. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_filter_list (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t col, char **list)
  Write multiple string filters to an autofilter column. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_data_validation_cell (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_data_validation *validation)
  Add a data validation to a cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_data_validation_range (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col, lxw_data_validation *validation)
  Add a data validation to a range. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_conditional_format_cell (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_conditional_format *conditional_format)
  Add a conditional format to a worksheet cell. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_conditional_format_range (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col, lxw_conditional_format *conditional_format)
  Add a conditional format to a worksheet range. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_insert_button (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_button_options *options)
  Insert a button object into a worksheet. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_add_table (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col, lxw_table_options *options)
  Add an Excel table to a worksheet. More...
void  worksheet_activate (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Make a worksheet the active, i.e., visible worksheet. More...
void  worksheet_select (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Set a worksheet tab as selected. More...
void  worksheet_hide (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Hide the current worksheet. More...
void  worksheet_set_first_sheet (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Set current worksheet as the first visible sheet tab. More...
void  worksheet_freeze_panes (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col)
  Split and freeze a worksheet into panes. More...
void  worksheet_split_panes (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, double vertical, double horizontal)
  Split a worksheet into panes. More...
void  worksheet_set_selection (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col)
  Set the selected cell or cells in a worksheet: More...
void  worksheet_set_top_left_cell (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col)
  Set the first visible cell at the top left of a worksheet. More...
void  worksheet_set_landscape (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Set the page orientation as landscape. More...
void  worksheet_set_portrait (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Set the page orientation as portrait. More...
void  worksheet_set_page_view (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Set the page layout to page view mode. More...
void  worksheet_set_paper (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint8_t paper_type)
  Set the paper type for printing. More...
void  worksheet_set_margins (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, double left, double right, double top, double bottom)
  Set the worksheet margins for the printed page. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_header (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *string)
  Set the printed page header caption. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_footer (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *string)
  Set the printed page footer caption. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_header_opt (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *string, lxw_header_footer_options *options)
  Set the printed page header caption with additional options. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_footer_opt (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *string, lxw_header_footer_options *options)
  Set the printed page footer caption with additional options. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_h_pagebreaks (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t breaks[])
  Set the horizontal page breaks on a worksheet. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_v_pagebreaks (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t breaks[])
  Set the vertical page breaks on a worksheet. More...
void  worksheet_print_across (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Set the order in which pages are printed. More...
void  worksheet_set_zoom (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint16_t scale)
  Set the worksheet zoom factor. More...
void  worksheet_gridlines (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint8_t option)
  Set the option to display or hide gridlines on the screen and the printed page. More...
void  worksheet_center_horizontally (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Center the printed page horizontally. More...
void  worksheet_center_vertically (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Center the printed page vertically. More...
void  worksheet_print_row_col_headers (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Set the option to print the row and column headers on the printed page. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_repeat_rows (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_row_t last_row)
  Set the number of rows to repeat at the top of each printed page. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_repeat_columns (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_col_t last_col)
  Set the number of columns to repeat at the top of each printed page. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_print_area (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col)
  Set the print area for a worksheet. More...
void  worksheet_fit_to_pages (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint16_t width, uint16_t height)
  Fit the printed area to a specific number of pages both vertically and horizontally. More...
void  worksheet_set_start_page (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint16_t start_page)
  Set the start/first page number when printing. More...
void  worksheet_set_print_scale (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint16_t scale)
  Set the scale factor for the printed page. More...
void  worksheet_print_black_and_white (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Set the worksheet to print in black and white. More...
void  worksheet_right_to_left (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Display the worksheet cells from right to left for some versions of Excel. More...
void  worksheet_hide_zero (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Hide zero values in worksheet cells. More...
void  worksheet_set_tab_color (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_color_t color)
  Set the color of the worksheet tab. More...
void  worksheet_protect (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *password, lxw_protection *options)
  Protect elements of a worksheet from modification. More...
void  worksheet_outline_settings (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint8_t visible, uint8_t symbols_below, uint8_t symbols_right, uint8_t auto_style)
  Set the Outline and Grouping display properties. More...
void  worksheet_set_default_row (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, double height, uint8_t hide_unused_rows)
  Set the default row properties. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_set_vba_name (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *name)
  Set the VBA name for the worksheet. More...
void  worksheet_show_comments (lxw_worksheet *worksheet)
  Make all comments in the worksheet visible. More...
void  worksheet_set_comments_author (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *author)
  Set the default author of the cell comments. More...
lxw_error  worksheet_ignore_errors (lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint8_t type, const char *range)
  Ignore various Excel errors/warnings in a worksheet for user defined ranges. More...

◆ worksheet_write_number()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
number The number to write to the cell.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_number() function writes numeric types to the cell specified by row and column:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The native data type for all numbers in Excel is a IEEE-754 64-bit double-precision floating point, which is also the default type used by worksheet_write_number.

The format parameter is used to apply formatting to the cell. This parameter can be NULL to indicate no formatting or it can be a Format object.

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

NoteExcel doesn't support NaN, Inf or -Inf as a number value. If you are writing data that contains these values then your application should convert them to a string or handle them in some other way. Examplesanatomy.c, array_formula.c, autofilter.c, chart.c, chart_area.c, chart_bar.c, chart_clustered.c, chart_column.c, chart_data_labels.c, chart_data_table.c, chart_data_tools.c, chart_doughnut.c, chart_fonts.c, chart_line.c, chart_pattern.c, chart_pie.c, chart_radar.c, chart_scatter.c, chart_styles.c, chartsheet.c, conditional_format1.c, conditional_format2.c, constant_memory.c, data_validate.c, dates_and_times01.c, demo.c, dynamic_arrays.c, format_num_format.c, hello.c, outline.c, outline_collapsed.c, panes.c, tables.c, tutorial1.c, tutorial2.c, and tutorial3.c.

◆ worksheet_write_string()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
string String to write to cell.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_string() function writes a string to the cell specified by row and column:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The format parameter is used to apply formatting to the cell. This parameter can be NULL to indicate no formatting or it can be a Format object:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

Unicode strings are supported in UTF-8 encoding. This generally requires that your source file is UTF-8 encoded or that the data has been read from a UTF-8 source:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

Examples anatomy.c, autofilter.c, chart_area.c, chart_bar.c, chart_clustered.c, chart_column.c, chart_data_labels.c, chart_data_table.c, chart_data_tools.c, chart_doughnut.c, chart_line.c, chart_pattern.c, chart_pie.c, chart_radar.c, chart_scatter.c, chartsheet.c, comments1.c, comments2.c, conditional_format2.c, data_validate.c, dates_and_times04.c, defined_name.c, demo.c, diagonal_border.c, doc_custom_properties.c, doc_properties.c, dynamic_arrays.c, format_font.c, headers_footers.c, hello.c, hide_row_col.c, hide_sheet.c, hyperlinks.c, ignore_errors.c, images.c, lambda.c, macro.c, outline.c, outline_collapsed.c, panes.c, tab_colors.c, tables.c, tutorial1.c, tutorial2.c, tutorial3.c, utf8.c, and worksheet_protection.c.

◆ worksheet_write_formula()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
formula Formula string to write to cell.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_formula() function writes a formula or function to the cell specified by row and column:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The format parameter is used to apply formatting to the cell. This parameter can be NULL to indicate no formatting or it can be a Format object.

Libxlsxwriter doesn't calculate the value of a formula and instead stores a default value of 0. The correct formula result is displayed in Excel, as shown in the example above, since it recalculates the formulas when it loads the file. For cases where this is an issue see the worksheet_write_formula_num() function and the discussion in that section.

Formulas must be written with the US style separator/range operator which is a comma (not semi-colon). Therefore a formula with multiple values should be written as follows:

See also Working with Formulas.

Examplesdata_validate.c, defined_name.c, ignore_errors.c, outline.c, outline_collapsed.c, tutorial1.c, tutorial2.c, tutorial3.c, and worksheet_protection.c.

◆ worksheet_write_array_formula()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_row The first row of the range. (All zero indexed.)
first_col The first column of the range.
last_row The last row of the range.
last_col The last col of the range.
formula Array formula to write to cell.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_array_formula() function writes an array formula to a cell range. In Excel an array formula is a formula that performs a calculation on a set of values.

In Excel an array formula is indicated by a pair of braces around the formula: {=SUM(A1:B1*A2:B2)}.

Array formulas can return a single value or a range or values. For array formulas that return a range of values you must specify the range that the return values will be written to. This is why this function has first_ and last_ row/column parameters. The RANGE() macro can also be used to specify the range:

If the array formula returns a single value then the first_ and last_ parameters should be the same:


◆ worksheet_write_dynamic_array_formula()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_row The first row of the range. (All zero indexed.)
first_col The first column of the range.
last_row The last row of the range.
last_col The last col of the range.
formula Dynamic Array formula to write to cell.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_dynamic_array_formula() function writes an Excel 365 dynamic array formula to a cell range. Some examples of functions that return dynamic arrays are:

  • SORT

Dynamic array formulas and their usage in libxlsxwriter is explained in detail Dynamic Array support. The following is a example usage:



This formula gives the results shown in the image below.

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The need for the _xlfn._xlws. prefix in the formula is explained in Formulas added in Excel 2010 and later.


◆ worksheet_write_dynamic_formula()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
formula Formula string to write to cell.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_dynamic_formula() function is similar to the worksheet_write_dynamic_array_formula() function, shown above, except that it writes a dynamic array formula to a single cell, rather than a range. This is a syntactic shortcut since the array range isn't generally known for a dynamic range and specifying the initial cell is sufficient for Excel, as shown in the example below:



This formula gives the following result:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The need for the _xlfn. and _xlfn._xlws. prefixes in the formula is explained in Formulas added in Excel 2010 and later.

Examplesdynamic_arrays.c, and lambda.c.

◆ worksheet_write_datetime()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
datetime The datetime to write to the cell.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_datetime() function can be used to write a date or time to the cell specified by row and column:

#include "xlsxwriter.h"

int main() {

lxw_datetime datetime = {2013, 2, 28, 12, 0, 0.0};


The format parameter should be used to apply formatting to the cell using a Format object as shown above. Without a date format the datetime will appear as a number only.

See Working with Dates and Times for more information about handling dates and times in libxlsxwriter.

Examplesdates_and_times02.c, dates_and_times04.c, and tutorial3.c.

◆ worksheet_write_unixtime()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
unixtime The Unix datetime to write to the cell.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_unixtime() function can be used to write dates and times in Unix date format to the cell specified by row and column. Unix Time which is a common integer time format. It is defined as the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00 UTC). Negative values can also be used for dates prior to 1970:

The format parameter should be used to apply formatting to the cell using a Format object as shown above. Without a date format the datetime will appear as a number only.

The output from this code sample is:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

Unixtime is generally represented with a 32 bit time_t type which has a range of approximately 1900-12-14 to 2038-01-19. To access the full Excel date range of 1900-01-01 to 9999-12-31 this function uses a 64 bit parameter.

See Working with Dates and Times for more information about handling dates and times in libxlsxwriter.


◆ worksheet_write_url()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
url The url to write to the cell.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_url() function is used to write a URL/hyperlink to a worksheet cell specified by row and column.

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The format parameter is used to apply formatting to the cell. This parameter can be NULL, in which case the default Excel blue underlined hyperlink style will be used. If required a user defined Format object can be used: underline:

The usual web style URI's are supported: http://, https://, ftp:// and mailto: :

An Excel hyperlink is comprised of two elements: the displayed string and the non-displayed link. By default the displayed string is the same as the link. However, it is possible to overwrite it with any other libxlsxwriter type using the appropriate worksheet_write_*() function. The most common case is to overwrite the displayed link text with another string. To do this we must also match the default URL format using workbook_get_default_url_format():

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

Two local URIs are supported: internal: and external:. These are used for hyperlinks to internal worksheet references or external workbook and worksheet references:

worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 5, 0, "external:c:\\foo.xlsx#Sheet2!A1", NULL);

worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 7, 0, "external:..\\foo.xlsx#Sheet2!A1", NULL);

worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 8, 0, "external:\\\\NET\\share\\foo.xlsx", NULL);

Worksheet references are typically of the form Sheet1!A1. You can also link to a worksheet range using the standard Excel notation: Sheet1!A1:B2.

In external links the workbook and worksheet name must be separated by the # character:

You can also link to a named range in the target worksheet: For example say you have a named range called my_name in the workbook c:\temp\foo.xlsx you could link to it as follows:

Excel requires that worksheet names containing spaces or non alphanumeric characters are single quoted as follows:

Links to network files are also supported. Network files normally begin with two back slashes as follows \\NETWORK\etc. In order to represent this in a C string literal the backslashes should be escaped:

Alternatively, you can use Unix style forward slashes. These are translated internally to backslashes:


libxlsxwriter will escape the following characters in URLs as required by Excel: \s " < > \ [ ] ^ { }. Existing URL %xx style escapes in the string are ignored to allow for user-escaped strings.


The maximum allowable URL length in recent versions of Excel is 2079 characters. In older versions of Excel (and libxlsxwriter <= 0.8.8) the limit was 255 characters.

Examples hyperlinks.c.

◆ worksheet_write_boolean()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
value The boolean value to write to the cell.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

Write an Excel boolean to the cell specified by row and column:

◆ worksheet_write_blank()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

Write a blank cell specified by row and column:

This function is used to add formatting to a cell which doesn't contain a string or number value.

Excel differentiates between an "Empty" cell and a "Blank" cell. An Empty cell is a cell which doesn't contain data or formatting whilst a Blank cell doesn't contain data but does contain formatting. Excel stores Blank cells but ignores Empty cells.

As such, if you write an empty cell without formatting it is ignored.

◆ worksheet_write_formula_num()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
formula Formula string to write to cell.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
result A user defined numeric result for the formula.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_formula_num() function writes a formula or Excel function to the cell specified by row and column with a user defined numeric result:

Libxlsxwriter doesn't calculate the value of a formula and instead stores the value 0 as the formula result. It then sets a global flag in the XLSX file to say that all formulas and functions should be recalculated when the file is opened.

This is the method recommended in the Excel documentation and in general it works fine with spreadsheet applications.

However, applications that don't have a facility to calculate formulas, such as Excel Viewer, or some mobile applications will only display the 0 results.

If required, the worksheet_write_formula_num() function can be used to specify a formula and its result.

This function is rarely required and is only provided for compatibility with some third party applications. For most applications the worksheet_write_formula() function is the recommended way of writing formulas.

See also Working with Formulas.

◆ worksheet_write_formula_str()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
formula Formula string to write to cell.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
result A user defined string result for the formula.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_formula_str() function writes a formula or Excel function to the cell specified by row and column with a user defined string result:

The worksheet_write_formula_str() function is similar to the worksheet_write_formula_num() function except it writes a string result instead or a numeric result. See worksheet_write_formula_num() for more details on why/when these functions are required.

One place where the worksheet_write_formula_str() function may be required is to specify an empty result which will force a recalculation of the formula when loaded in LibreOffice.

See the FAQ Q. Why do my formulas show a zero result in some, non-Excel applications?.

See also Working with Formulas.

◆ worksheet_write_rich_string()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
rich_string An array of format/string lxw_rich_string_tuple fragments.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_rich_string() function is used to write strings with multiple formats. For example to write the string 'This is bold and this is italic' you would use the following:

&fragment13, &fragment14, NULL};

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The basic rule is to break the string into fragments and put a lxw_format object before the fragment that you want to format. So if we look at the above example again:

This is bold and this is italic

The would be broken down into 4 fragments:

 default: |This is |
 bold:    |bold|
 default: | and this is |
 italic:  |italic|

This in then converted to the lxw_rich_string_tuple fragments shown in the example above. For the default format we use NULL.

The fragments are passed to worksheet_write_rich_string() as a NULL terminated array:

&fragment13, &fragment14, NULL};

Note: Excel doesn't allow the use of two consecutive formats in a rich string or an empty string fragment. For either of these conditions a warning is raised and the input to worksheet_write_rich_string() is ignored.

Examplesmerge_rich_string.c, and rich_strings.c.

◆ worksheet_write_comment()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
string The comment string to be written.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_comment() function is used to add a comment to a cell. A comment is indicated in Excel by a small red triangle in the upper right-hand corner of the cell. Moving the cursor over the red triangle will reveal the comment.

The following example shows how to add a comment to a cell:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

See also Working with Cell Comments

Examplescomments1.c, and comments2.c.

◆ worksheet_write_comment_opt()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
string The comment string to be written.
options lxw_comment_options to control position and format of the comment.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_write_comment_opt() function is used to add a comment to a cell with option that control the position, format and metadata of the comment. A comment is indicated in Excel by a small red triangle in the upper right-hand corner of the cell. Moving the cursor over the red triangle will reveal the comment.

The following example shows how to add a comment to a cell with options:

The following options are available in lxw_comment_options:

  • author
  • visible
  • width
  • height
  • x_scale
  • y_scale
  • color
  • font_name
  • font_size
  • start_row
  • start_col
  • x_offset
  • y_offset

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

Comment options are explained in detail in the Setting Comment Properties section of the docs.


◆ worksheet_set_row()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
height The row height, in character units.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_set_row() function is used to change the default properties of a row. The most common use for this function is to change the height of a row:

The height is specified in character units. To specify the height in pixels use the worksheet_set_row_pixels() function.

The other common use for worksheet_set_row() is to set the a Format for all cells in the row:

If you wish to set the format of a row without changing the height you can pass the default row height of LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT = 15:

The format parameter will be applied to any cells in the row that don't have a format. As with Excel the row format is overridden by an explicit cell format. For example:

Examplesautofilter.c, comments2.c, data_validate.c, hide_row_col.c, merge_range.c, outline.c, outline_collapsed.c, and panes.c.

◆ worksheet_set_row_opt()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
height The row height.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
options Optional row parameters: hidden, level, collapsed.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_set_row_opt() function is the same as worksheet_set_row() with an additional options parameter.

The options parameter is a lxw_row_col_options struct. It has the following members:

  • hidden
  • level
  • collapsed

The "hidden" option is used to hide a row. This can be used, for example, to hide intermediary steps in a complicated calculation:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The "hidden", "level", and "collapsed", options can also be used to create Outlines and Grouping. See Working with Outlines and Grouping.

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

Examplesautofilter.c, outline.c, and outline_collapsed.c.

◆ worksheet_set_row_pixels()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
pixels The row height in pixels.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_set_row_pixels() function is the same as the worksheet_set_row() function except that the height can be set in pixels

If you wish to set the format of a row without changing the height you can pass the default row height in pixels: LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT_PIXELS.

◆ worksheet_set_row_pixels_opt()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
pixels The row height in pixels.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
options Optional row parameters: hidden, level, collapsed.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_set_row_pixels_opt() function is the same as the worksheet_set_row_opt() function except that the height can be set in pixels.

◆ worksheet_set_column()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_col The zero indexed first column.
last_col The zero indexed last column.
width The width of the column(s).
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_set_column() function can be used to change the default properties of a single column or a range of columns:

If worksheet_set_column() is applied to a single column the value of first_col and last_col should be the same:

It is also possible, and generally clearer, to specify a column range using the form of COLS() macro:

The width parameter sets the column width in the same units used by Excel which is: the number of characters in the default font. The default width is 8.43 in the default font of Calibri 11. The actual relationship between a string width and a column width in Excel is complex. See the following explanation of column widths from the Microsoft support documentation for more details. To set the width in pixels use the worksheet_set_column_pixels() function.

There is no way to specify "AutoFit" for a column in the Excel file format. This feature is only available at runtime from within Excel. It is possible to simulate "AutoFit" in your application by tracking the maximum width of the data in the column as your write it and then adjusting the column width at the end.

As usual the format.h format parameter is optional. If you wish to set the format without changing the width you can pass a default column width of LXW_DEF_COL_WIDTH = 8.43:

The format parameter will be applied to any cells in the column that don't have a format. For example:

As in Excel a row format takes precedence over a default column format:

Examplesanatomy.c, autofilter.c, comments2.c, data_validate.c, dates_and_times01.c, dates_and_times02.c, dates_and_times03.c, dates_and_times04.c, defined_name.c, demo.c, doc_custom_properties.c, doc_properties.c, format_font.c, format_num_format.c, headers_footers.c, hide_sheet.c, hyperlinks.c, ignore_errors.c, images.c, macro.c, merge_range.c, outline.c, outline_collapsed.c, panes.c, rich_strings.c, tables.c, tutorial3.c, and worksheet_protection.c.

◆ worksheet_set_column_opt()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_col The zero indexed first column.
last_col The zero indexed last column.
width The width of the column(s).
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
options Optional row parameters: hidden, level, collapsed.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_set_column_opt() function is the same as worksheet_set_column() with an additional options parameter.

The options parameter is a lxw_row_col_options struct. It has the following members:

  • hidden
  • level
  • collapsed

The "hidden" option is used to hide a column. This can be used, for example, to hide intermediary steps in a complicated calculation:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The "hidden", "level", and "collapsed", options can also be used to create Outlines and Grouping. See Working with Outlines and Grouping.

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

Exampleshide_row_col.c, outline.c, and outline_collapsed.c.

◆ worksheet_set_column_pixels()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_col The zero indexed first column.
last_col The zero indexed last column.
pixels The width of the column(s) in pixels.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_set_column_pixels() function is the same as worksheet_set_column() function except that the width can be set in pixels:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

If you wish to set the format of a column without changing the width you can pass the default column width in pixels: LXW_DEF_COL_WIDTH_PIXELS.


◆ worksheet_set_column_pixels_opt()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_col The zero indexed first column.
last_col The zero indexed last column.
pixels The width of the column(s) in pixels.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
options Optional row parameters: hidden, level, collapsed.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_set_column_pixels_opt() function is the same as the worksheet_set_column_opt() function except that the width can be set in pixels.

◆ worksheet_insert_image()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
filename The image filename, with path if required.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

This function can be used to insert a image into a worksheet. The image can be in PNG, JPEG, GIF or BMP format:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The worksheet_insert_image_opt() function takes additional optional parameters to position and scale the image, see below.

Note: The scaling of a image may be affected if is crosses a row that has its default height changed due to a font that is larger than the default font size or that has text wrapping turned on. To avoid this you should explicitly set the height of the row using worksheet_set_row() if it crosses an inserted image. See Working with Object Positioning.

BMP images are only supported for backward compatibility. In general it is best to avoid BMP images since they aren't compressed. If used, BMP images must be 24 bit, true color, bitmaps.

Examplesdemo.c, and images.c.

◆ worksheet_insert_image_opt()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
filename The image filename, with path if required.
options Optional image parameters.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_insert_image_opt() function is like worksheet_insert_image() function except that it takes an optional lxw_image_options struct with the following members/options:

  • x_offset: Offset from the left of the cell in pixels.
  • y_offset: Offset from the top of the cell in pixels.
  • x_scale: X scale of the image as a decimal.
  • y_scale: Y scale of the image as a decimal.
  • object_position: See Working with Object Positioning.
  • description: Optional description or "Alt text" for the image.
  • decorative: Optional parameter to mark image as decorative.
  • url: Add an optional hyperlink to the image.
  • tip: Add an optional mouseover tip for a hyperlink to the image.

For example, to scale and position the image:

.x_scale = 0.5, .y_scale = 0.5};

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The url field of lxw_image_options can be use to used to add a hyperlink to an image:

The supported URL formats are the same as those supported by the worksheet_write_url() method and the same rules/limits apply.

The tip field of lxw_image_options can be use to used to add a mouseover tip to the hyperlink:

NoteSee the notes about row scaling and BMP images in worksheet_insert_image() above. Examplesimages.c.

◆ worksheet_insert_image_buffer()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
image_buffer Pointer to an array of bytes that holds the image data.
image_size The size of the array of bytes.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

This function can be used to insert a image into a worksheet from a memory buffer:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The buffer should be a pointer to an array of unsigned char data with a specified size.

See worksheet_insert_image() for details about the supported image formats, and other image features.


◆ worksheet_insert_image_buffer_opt()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
image_buffer Pointer to an array of bytes that holds the image data.
image_size The size of the array of bytes.
options Optional image parameters.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_insert_image_buffer_opt() function is like worksheet_insert_image_buffer() function except that it takes an optional lxw_image_options struct * lxw_image_options struct with the following members/options:

  • x_offset: Offset from the left of the cell in pixels.
  • y_offset: Offset from the top of the cell in pixels.
  • x_scale: X scale of the image as a decimal.
  • y_scale: Y scale of the image as a decimal.
  • object_position: See Working with Object Positioning.
  • description: Optional description or "Alt text" for the image.
  • decorative: Optional parameter to mark image as decorative.
  • url: Add an optional hyperlink to the image.
  • tip: Add an optional mouseover tip for a hyperlink to the image.

For example, to scale and position the image:

.x_scale = 2, .y_scale = 1};

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The buffer should be a pointer to an array of unsigned char data with a specified size.

See worksheet_insert_image_buffer_opt() for details about the supported image formats, and other image options.


◆ worksheet_set_background()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
filename The image filename, with path if required.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_set_background() function can be used to set the background image for a worksheet:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The set_background() method supports all the image formats supported by worksheet_insert_image().

Some people use this method to add a watermark background to their document. However, Microsoft recommends using a header image to set a watermark. The choice of method depends on whether you want the watermark to be visible in normal viewing mode or just when the file is printed. In libxlsxwriter you can get the header watermark effect using worksheet_set_header():


◆ worksheet_set_background_buffer()

lxw_error worksheet_set_background_buffer ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet,
const unsigned char *  image_buffer,
size_t  image_size 


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
image_buffer Pointer to an array of bytes that holds the image data.
image_size The size of the array of bytes.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

This function can be used to insert a background image into a worksheet from a memory buffer:

The buffer should be a pointer to an array of unsigned char data with a specified size.

See worksheet_set_background() for more details.

◆ worksheet_insert_chart()

ParametersReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_insert_chart() function can be used to insert a chart into a worksheet. The chart object must be created first using the workbook_add_chart() function and configured using the chart.h functions.

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?


A chart may only be inserted into a worksheet once. If several similar charts are required then each one must be created separately with worksheet_insert_chart().

Exampleschart.c, chart_area.c, chart_bar.c, chart_clustered.c, chart_column.c, chart_data_table.c, chart_data_tools.c, chart_doughnut.c, chart_fonts.c, chart_line.c, chart_pattern.c, chart_pie.c, chart_radar.c, chart_scatter.c, and chart_styles.c.

◆ worksheet_insert_chart_opt()

◆ worksheet_merge_range()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_row The first row of the range. (All zero indexed.)
first_col The first column of the range.
last_row The last row of the range.
last_col The last col of the range.
string String to write to the merged range.
format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_merge_range() function allows cells to be merged together so that they act as a single area.

Excel generally merges and centers cells at same time. To get similar behavior with libxlsxwriter you need to apply a Format object with the appropriate alignment:

It is possible to apply other formatting to the merged cells as well:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The worksheet_merge_range() function writes a char* string using worksheet_write_string(). In order to write other data types, such as a number or a formula, you can overwrite the first cell with a call to one of the other write functions. The same Format should be used as was used in the merged range.

NoteMerged ranges generally don't work in libxlsxwriter when the Workbook lxw_workbook_options constant_memory mode is enabled. Examplesmerge_range.c, and merge_rich_string.c.

◆ worksheet_autofilter()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_row The first row of the range. (All zero indexed.)
first_col The first column of the range.
last_row The last row of the range.
last_col The last col of the range.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_autofilter() function allows an autofilter to be added to a worksheet.

An autofilter is a way of adding drop down lists to the headers of a 2D range of worksheet data. This allows users to filter the data based on simple criteria so that some data is shown and some is hidden.

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

To add an autofilter to a worksheet:

In order to apply a filter condition it is necessary to add filter rules to the columns using either the worksheet_filter_column(), worksheet_filter_column2() or worksheet_filter_list() functions:

  • worksheet_filter_column(): filter on a single criterion such as "Column == East". More complex conditions such as "<=" or ">=" can also be use.
  • worksheet_filter_column2(): filter on two criteria such as "Column == East or Column == West". Complex conditions can also be used.
  • worksheet_filter_list(): filter on a list of values such as "Column in (East, West, North)".

These functions are explained below. It isn't sufficient to just specify the filter condition. You must also hide any rows that don't match the filter condition. See Filtering data in an autofilter for more details.

Examples autofilter.c.

◆ worksheet_filter_column()

◆ worksheet_filter_column2()

Parameters ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_filter_column2 function can be used to filter columns in a autofilter range based on two rule conditions:

.value_string = "East"};

.value_string = "South"};

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The rules and criteria are explained in more detail in Setting a filter criteria for a column in Working with Autofilters.

The col parameter is a zero indexed column number and must refer to a column in an existing autofilter created with worksheet_autofilter().

The and_or parameter is either "and (LXW_FILTER_AND)" or "or (LXW_FILTER_OR)".

It isn't sufficient to just specify the filter condition. You must also hide any rows that don't match the filter condition. See Filtering data in an autofilter for more details.


◆ worksheet_filter_list()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
col The column in the autofilter that the rules applies to.
list A NULL terminated array of strings to filter on.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_filter_column_list() function can be used specify multiple string matching criteria. This is a newer type of filter introduced in Excel 2007. Prior to that it was only possible to have either 1 or 2 filter conditions, such as the ones used by worksheet_filter_column() and worksheet_filter_column2().

As an example, consider a column that contains data for the months of the year. The worksheet_filter_list() function can be used to filter out data rows for different months:

char* list[] = {"March", "April", "May", NULL};

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

Note, the array must be NULL terminated to indicate the end of the array of strings. To filter blanks as part of the list use Blanks as a list item:

char* list[] = {"March", "April", "May", "Blanks", NULL};

It isn't sufficient to just specify the filter condition. You must also hide any rows that don't match the filter condition. See Filtering data in an autofilter for more details.


◆ worksheet_data_validation_cell()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
validation A lxw_data_validation object to control the validation.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_data_validation_cell() function is used to construct an Excel data validation or to limit the user input to a dropdown list of values:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

Data validation and the various options of lxw_data_validation are described in more detail in Working with Data Validation.


◆ worksheet_data_validation_range()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_row The first row of the range. (All zero indexed.)
first_col The first column of the range.
last_row The last row of the range.
last_col The last col of the range.
validation A lxw_data_validation object to control the validation.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_data_validation_range() function is the same as the worksheet_data_validation_cell(), see above, except the data validation is applied to a range of cells:

Data validation and the various options of lxw_data_validation are described in more detail in Working with Data Validation.

◆ worksheet_conditional_format_cell()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
conditional_format A lxw_conditional_format object to control the conditional format.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_conditional_format_cell() function is used to set a conditional format for a cell in a worksheet:

conditional_format->value = 50;

conditional_format->format = format1;

The conditional format parameters is specified in lxw_conditional_format.

See Working with Conditional Formatting for full details.

◆ worksheet_conditional_format_range()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_row The first row of the range. (All zero indexed.)
first_col The first column of the range.
last_row The last row of the range.
last_col The last col of the range.
conditional_format A lxw_conditional_format object to control the conditional format.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_conditional_format_cell() function is used to set a conditional format for a range of cells in a worksheet:

conditional_format->value = 50;

conditional_format->format = format1;

conditional_format->value = 50;

conditional_format->format = format2;


To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The conditional format parameters is specified in lxw_conditional_format.

See Working with Conditional Formatting for full details.

Examplesconditional_format1.c, and conditional_format2.c.

◆ worksheet_insert_button()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The zero indexed row number.
col The zero indexed column number.
options A lxw_button_options object to set the button properties.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_insert_button() function can be used to insert an Excel form button into a worksheet. This function is generally only useful when used in conjunction with the workbook_add_vba_project() function to tie the button to a macro from an embedded VBA project:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

The button properties are set using the lxw_button_options struct.

See also Working with VBA Macros


◆ worksheet_add_table()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_row The first row of the range. (All zero indexed.)
first_col The first column of the range.
last_row The last row of the range.
last_col The last col of the range.
options A lxw_table_options struct to define the table options.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_add_table() function is used to add a table to a worksheet. Tables in Excel are a way of grouping a range of cells into a single entity that has common formatting or that can be referenced from formulas. Tables can have column headers, autofilters, total rows, column formulas and default formatting.


To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

See Working with Worksheet Tables for more detailed usage information and also tables.c.


◆ worksheet_activate()


The worksheet_activate() function is used to specify which worksheet is initially visible in a multi-sheet workbook:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

More than one worksheet can be selected via the worksheet_select() function, see below, however only one worksheet can be active.

The default active worksheet is the first worksheet.

◆ worksheet_select()


The worksheet_select() function is used to indicate that a worksheet is selected in a multi-sheet workbook:

A selected worksheet has its tab highlighted. Selecting worksheets is a way of grouping them together so that, for example, several worksheets could be printed in one go. A worksheet that has been activated via the worksheet_activate() function will also appear as selected.

◆ worksheet_hide()


The worksheet_hide() function is used to hide a worksheet:

You may wish to hide a worksheet in order to avoid confusing a user with intermediate data or calculations.

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

A hidden worksheet can not be activated or selected so this function is mutually exclusive with the worksheet_activate() and worksheet_select() functions. In addition, since the first worksheet will default to being the active worksheet, you cannot hide the first worksheet without activating another sheet:


◆ worksheet_set_first_sheet()


The worksheet_activate() function determines which worksheet is initially selected. However, if there are a large number of worksheets the selected worksheet may not appear on the screen. To avoid this you can select the leftmost visible worksheet tab using worksheet_set_first_sheet():

This function is not required very often. The default value is the first worksheet.

◆ worksheet_freeze_panes()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The cell row (zero indexed).
col The cell column (zero indexed).

The worksheet_freeze_panes() function can be used to divide a worksheet into horizontal or vertical regions known as panes and to "freeze" these panes so that the splitter bars are not visible.

The parameters row and col are used to specify the location of the split. It should be noted that the split is specified at the top or left of a cell and that the function uses zero based indexing. Therefore to freeze the first row of a worksheet it is necessary to specify the split at row 2 (which is 1 as the zero-based index).

You can set one of the row and col parameters as zero if you do not want either a vertical or horizontal split.



◆ worksheet_split_panes()

void worksheet_split_panes ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet,
double  vertical,
double  horizontal 


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
vertical The position for the vertical split.
horizontal The position for the horizontal split.

The worksheet_split_panes() function can be used to divide a worksheet into horizontal or vertical regions known as panes. This function is different from the worksheet_freeze_panes() function in that the splits between the panes will be visible to the user and each pane will have its own scroll bars.

The parameters vertical and horizontal are used to specify the vertical and horizontal position of the split. The units for vertical and horizontal are the same as those used by Excel to specify row height and column width. However, the vertical and horizontal units are different from each other. Therefore you must specify the vertical and horizontal parameters in terms of the row heights and column widths that you have set or the default values which are 15 for a row and 8.43 for a column.



◆ worksheet_set_selection()


worksheet A pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_row The first row of the range. (All zero indexed.)
first_col The first column of the range.
last_row The last row of the range.
last_col The last col of the range.

The worksheet_set_selection() function can be used to specify which cell or range of cells is selected in a worksheet: The most common requirement is to select a single cell, in which case the first_ and last_ parameters should be the same.

The active cell within a selected range is determined by the order in which first_ and last_ are specified.



◆ worksheet_set_top_left_cell()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
row The cell row (zero indexed).
col The cell column (zero indexed).

The worksheet_set_top_left_cell() function can be used to set the top leftmost visible cell in the worksheet:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

◆ worksheet_set_landscape()


This function is used to set the orientation of a worksheet's printed page to landscape:

◆ worksheet_set_portrait()


This function is used to set the orientation of a worksheet's printed page to portrait. The default worksheet orientation is portrait, so this function isn't generally required:

◆ worksheet_set_page_view()


This function is used to display the worksheet in "Page View/Layout" mode:

◆ worksheet_set_paper()

void worksheet_set_paper ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet,
uint8_t  paper_type 


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
paper_type The Excel paper format type.

This function is used to set the paper format for the printed output of a worksheet. The following paper styles are available:

Index Paper format Paper size
0 Printer default Printer default
1 Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in
2 Letter Small 8 1/2 x 11 in
3 Tabloid 11 x 17 in
4 Ledger 17 x 11 in
5 Legal 8 1/2 x 14 in
6 Statement 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 in
7 Executive 7 1/4 x 10 1/2 in
8 A3 297 x 420 mm
9 A4 210 x 297 mm
10 A4 Small 210 x 297 mm
11 A5 148 x 210 mm
12 B4 250 x 354 mm
13 B5 182 x 257 mm
14 Folio 8 1/2 x 13 in
15 Quarto 215 x 275 mm
16 10x14 in
17 11x17 in
18 Note 8 1/2 x 11 in
19 Envelope 9 3 7/8 x 8 7/8
20 Envelope 10 4 1/8 x 9 1/2
21 Envelope 11 4 1/2 x 10 3/8
22 Envelope 12 4 3/4 x 11
23 Envelope 14 5 x 11 1/2
24 C size sheet
25 D size sheet
26 E size sheet
27 Envelope DL 110 x 220 mm
28 Envelope C3 324 x 458 mm
29 Envelope C4 229 x 324 mm
30 Envelope C5 162 x 229 mm
31 Envelope C6 114 x 162 mm
32 Envelope C65 114 x 229 mm
33 Envelope B4 250 x 353 mm
34 Envelope B5 176 x 250 mm
35 Envelope B6 176 x 125 mm
36 Envelope 110 x 230 mm
37 Monarch 3.875 x 7.5 in
38 Envelope 3 5/8 x 6 1/2 in
39 Fanfold 14 7/8 x 11 in
40 German Std Fanfold 8 1/2 x 12 in
41 German Legal Fanfold 8 1/2 x 13 in

Note, it is likely that not all of these paper types will be available to the end user since it will depend on the paper formats that the user's printer supports. Therefore, it is best to stick to standard paper types:

If you do not specify a paper type the worksheet will print using the printer's default paper style.

◆ worksheet_set_margins()

void worksheet_set_margins ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet,
double  left,
double  right,
double  top,
double  bottom 


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
left Left margin in inches. Excel default is 0.7.
right Right margin in inches. Excel default is 0.7.
top Top margin in inches. Excel default is 0.75.
bottom Bottom margin in inches. Excel default is 0.75.

The worksheet_set_margins() function is used to set the margins of the worksheet when it is printed. The units are in inches. Specifying -1 for any parameter will give the default Excel value as shown above.


◆ worksheet_set_header()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
string The header string.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

Headers and footers are generated using a string which is a combination of plain text and control characters.

The available control character are:

Control Category Description
&L Justification Left
&C Center
&R Right
&P Information Page number
&N Total number of pages
&D Date
&T Time
&F File name
&A Worksheet name
&Z Workbook path
&fontsize Font Font size
&"font,style" Font name and style
&U Single underline
&E Double underline
&S Strikethrough
&X Superscript
&Y Subscript
&[Picture] Images Image placeholder
&G Same as &[Picture]
&& Miscellaneous Literal ampersand &

Note: inserting images requires the worksheet_set_header_opt() function.

Text in headers and footers can be justified (aligned) to the left, center and right by prefixing the text with the control characters &L, &C and &R.

For example (with ASCII art representation of the results):

For simple text, if you do not specify any justification the text will be centered. However, you must prefix the text with &C if you specify a font name or any other formatting:

You can have text in each of the justification regions:

The information control characters act as variables that Excel will update as the workbook or worksheet changes. Times and dates are in the users default format:

You can specify the font size of a section of the text by prefixing it with the control character &n where n is the font size:

You can specify the font of a section of the text by prefixing it with the control sequence &"font,style" where fontname is a font name such as Windows font descriptions: "Regular", "Italic", "Bold" or "Bold Italic": "Courier New" or "Times New Roman" and style is one of the standard

It is possible to combine all of these features together to create sophisticated headers and footers. As an aid to setting up complicated headers and footers you can record a page set-up as a macro in Excel and look at the format strings that VBA produces. Remember however that VBA uses two double quotes "" to indicate a single double quote. For the last example above the equivalent VBA code looks like this:

.LeftHeader = ""

.CenterHeader = "&""Times New Roman,Regular""Hello"

.RightHeader = ""

Alternatively you can inspect the header and footer strings in an Excel file by unzipping it and grepping the XML sub-files. The following shows how to do that using libxml's xmllint to format the XML for clarity:

$ unzip myfile.xlsm -d myfile

$ xmllint --format `find myfile -name "*.xml" | xargs` | egrep "Header|Footer" | sed 's/&amp;/\&/g'

<headerFooter scaleWithDoc="0">



To include a single literal ampersand & in a header or footer you should use a double ampersand &&:

NoteExcel requires that the header or footer string cannot be longer than 255 characters, including the control characters. Strings longer than this will not be written. Examplesheaders_footers.c.

◆ worksheet_set_header_opt()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
string The header string.
options Header options.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The syntax of this function is the same as worksheet_set_header() with an additional parameter to specify options for the header.

The lxw_header_footer_options options are:

  • margin: Header or footer margin in inches. The value must by larger than 0.0. The Excel default is 0.3.
  • image_left: The left header image filename, with path if required. This should have a corresponding &G/&[Picture] placeholder in the &L section of the header/footer string.
  • image_center: The center header image filename, with path if required. This should have a corresponding &G/&[Picture] placeholder in the &C section of the header/footer string.
  • image_right: The right header image filename, with path if required. This should have a corresponding &G/&[Picture] placeholder in the &R section of the header/footer string.

Images can be inserted in the header by specifying the &[Picture] placeholder and a filename/path to the image:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

Examplesheaders_footers.c, and watermark.c.

◆ worksheet_set_h_pagebreaks()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
breaks Array of page breaks.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_set_h_pagebreaks() function adds horizontal page breaks to a worksheet. A page break causes all the data that follows it to be printed on the next page. Horizontal page breaks act between rows.

The function takes an array of one or more page breaks. The type of the array data is lxw_row_t and the last element of the array must be 0:

To create a page break between rows 20 and 21 you must specify the break at row 21. However in zero index notation this is actually row 20:

There is an Excel limitation of 1023 horizontal page breaks per worksheet.

Note: If you specify the "fit to page" option via the worksheet_fit_to_pages() function it will override all manual page breaks.


◆ worksheet_set_v_pagebreaks()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
breaks Array of page breaks.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

The worksheet_set_v_pagebreaks() function adds vertical page breaks to a worksheet. A page break causes all the data that follows it to be printed on the next page. Vertical page breaks act between columns.

The function takes an array of one or more page breaks. The type of the array data is lxw_col_t and the last element of the array must be 0:

To create a page break between columns 20 and 21 you must specify the break at column 21. However in zero index notation this is actually column 20:

There is an Excel limitation of 1023 vertical page breaks per worksheet.

Note: If you specify the "fit to page" option via the worksheet_fit_to_pages() function it will override all manual page breaks.

◆ worksheet_print_across()


The worksheet_print_across() function is used to change the default print direction. This is referred to by Excel as the sheet "page order":

The default page order is shown below for a worksheet that extends over 4 pages. The order is called "down then across":

[1] [3]
[2] [4]

However, by using the print_across function the print order will be changed to "across then down":

[1] [2]
[3] [4]

◆ worksheet_set_zoom()

void worksheet_set_zoom ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet,
uint16_t  scale 


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
scale Worksheet zoom factor.

Set the worksheet zoom factor in the range 10 <= zoom <= 400:

The default zoom factor is 100. It isn't possible to set the zoom to "Selection" because it is calculated by Excel at run-time.

Note, worksheet_zoom() does not affect the scale of the printed page. For that you should use worksheet_set_print_scale().


◆ worksheet_gridlines()

void worksheet_gridlines ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet,
uint8_t  option 


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
option Gridline option.

Display or hide screen and print gridlines using one of the values of lxw_gridlines.

The Excel default is that the screen gridlines are on and the printed worksheet is off.

◆ worksheet_center_horizontally()


Center the worksheet data horizontally between the margins on the printed page:

◆ worksheet_center_vertically()


Center the worksheet data vertically between the margins on the printed page:

◆ worksheet_print_row_col_headers()

void worksheet_print_row_col_headers ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet )


When printing a worksheet from Excel the row and column headers (the row numbers on the left and the column letters at the top) aren't printed by default.

This function sets the printer option to print these headers:

◆ worksheet_repeat_rows()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_row First row of repeat range.
last_row Last row of repeat range.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

For large Excel documents it is often desirable to have the first row or rows of the worksheet print out at the top of each page.

This can be achieved by using this function. The parameters first_row and last_row are zero based:

◆ worksheet_repeat_columns()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_col First column of repeat range.
last_col Last column of repeat range.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

For large Excel documents it is often desirable to have the first column or columns of the worksheet print out at the left of each page.

This can be achieved by using this function. The parameters first_col and last_col are zero based:

◆ worksheet_print_area()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
first_row The first row of the range. (All zero indexed.)
first_col The first column of the range.
last_row The last row of the range.
last_col The last col of the range.
ReturnsA lxw_error code.

This function is used to specify the area of the worksheet that will be printed. The RANGE() macro is often convenient for this.

In order to set a row or column range you must specify the entire range:

◆ worksheet_fit_to_pages()

void worksheet_fit_to_pages ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet,
uint16_t  width,
uint16_t  height 


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
width Number of pages horizontally.
height Number of pages vertically.

The worksheet_fit_to_pages() function is used to fit the printed area to a specific number of pages both vertically and horizontally. If the printed area exceeds the specified number of pages it will be scaled down to fit. This ensures that the printed area will always appear on the specified number of pages even if the page size or margins change:

The print area can be defined using the worksheet_print_area() function as described above.

A common requirement is to fit the printed output to n pages wide but have the height be as long as necessary. To achieve this set the height to zero:


  • Although it is valid to use both worksheet_fit_to_pages() and worksheet_set_print_scale() on the same worksheet Excel only allows one of these options to be active at a time. The last function call made will set the active option.
  • The worksheet_fit_to_pages() function will override any manual page breaks that are defined in the worksheet.
  • When using worksheet_fit_to_pages() it may also be required to set the printer paper size using worksheet_set_paper() or else Excel will default to "US Letter".

◆ worksheet_set_start_page()

void worksheet_set_start_page ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet,
uint16_t  start_page 


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
start_page Page number of the starting page when printing.

The worksheet_set_start_page() function is used to set the number number of the first page when the worksheet is printed out. It is the same as the "First Page Number" option in Excel:

◆ worksheet_set_print_scale()

void worksheet_set_print_scale ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet,
uint16_t  scale 


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
scale Print scale of worksheet to be printed.

This function sets the scale factor of the printed page. The Scale factor must be in the range 10 <= scale <= 400:

The default scale factor is 100. Note, worksheet_set_print_scale() does not affect the scale of the visible page in Excel. For that you should use worksheet_set_zoom().

Note that although it is valid to use both worksheet_fit_to_pages() and worksheet_set_print_scale() on the same worksheet Excel only allows one of these options to be active at a time. The last function call made will set the active option.

◆ worksheet_print_black_and_white()

void worksheet_print_black_and_white ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet )


Set the option to print the worksheet in black and white:

◆ worksheet_right_to_left()


The worksheet_right_to_left() function is used to change the default direction of the worksheet from left-to-right, with the A1 cell in the top left, to right-to-left, with the A1 cell in the top right.

This is useful when creating Arabic, Hebrew or other near or far eastern worksheets that use right-to-left as the default direction.

◆ worksheet_hide_zero()


The worksheet_hide_zero() function is used to hide any zero values that appear in cells:

◆ worksheet_set_tab_color()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
color The tab color.

The worksheet_set_tab_color() function is used to change the color of the worksheet tab:

The color should be an RGB integer value, see Working with Colors.


◆ worksheet_protect()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
password A worksheet password.
options Worksheet elements to protect.

The worksheet_protect() function protects worksheet elements from modification:

The password and lxw_protection pointer are both optional:

Passing a NULL password is the same as turning on protection without a password. Passing a NULL password and NULL options, or any other combination has the effect of enabling a cell's locked and hidden properties if they have been set.

A locked cell cannot be edited and this property is on by default for all cells. A hidden cell will display the results of a formula but not the formula itself. These properties can be set using the format_set_unlocked() and format_set_hidden() format functions.

You can specify which worksheet elements you wish to protect by passing a lxw_protection pointer in the options argument with any or all of the following members set:


All parameters are off by default. Individual elements can be protected as follows:

.format_cells = 1,

.insert_hyperlinks = 1,

.insert_rows = 1,

.delete_rows = 1,

.insert_columns = 1,

.delete_columns = 1,


See also the format_set_unlocked() and format_set_hidden() format functions.

Note: Sheet level passwords in Excel offer very weak protection. They don't encrypt your data and are very easy to deactivate. Full workbook encryption is not supported by libxlsxwriter since it requires a completely different file format.


◆ worksheet_outline_settings()

void worksheet_outline_settings ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet,
uint8_t  visible,
uint8_t  symbols_below,
uint8_t  symbols_right,
uint8_t  auto_style 


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
visible Outlines are visible. Optional, defaults to True.
symbols_below Show row outline symbols below the outline bar.
symbols_right Show column outline symbols to the right of outline.
auto_style Use Automatic outline style.

The worksheet_outline_settings() method is used to control the appearance of outlines in Excel. Outlines are described the section on Working with Outlines and Grouping.

The visible parameter is used to control whether or not outlines are visible. Setting this parameter to False will cause all outlines on the worksheet to be hidden. They can be un-hidden in Excel by means of the "Show Outline Symbols" command button. The default Excel setting is True for visible outlines.

The symbols_below parameter is used to control whether the row outline symbol will appear above or below the outline level bar. The default Excel setting is True for symbols to appear below the outline level bar.

The symbols_right parameter is used to control whether the column outline symbol will appear to the left or the right of the outline level bar. The default Excel setting is True for symbols to appear to the right of the outline level bar.

The auto_style parameter is used to control whether the automatic outline generator in Excel uses automatic styles when creating an outline. This has no effect on a file generated by XlsxWriter but it does have an effect on how the worksheet behaves after it is created. The default Excel setting is False for "Automatic Styles" to be turned off.

The default settings for all of these parameters in libxlsxwriter correspond to Excel's default parameters and are shown below:

The worksheet parameters controlled by worksheet_outline_settings() are rarely used.

◆ worksheet_set_default_row()

void worksheet_set_default_row ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet,
double  height,
uint8_t  hide_unused_rows 


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
height Default row height.
hide_unused_rows Hide unused cells.

The worksheet_set_default_row() function is used to set Excel default row properties such as the default height and the option to hide unused rows. These parameters are an optimization used by Excel to set row properties without generating a very large file with an entry for each row.

To set the default row height:

To hide unused rows:

Note, in the previous case we use the default height LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT = 15 so the the height remains unchanged.


◆ worksheet_set_vba_name()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance.
name Name of the worksheet used by VBA.
ReturnsA lxw_error.

The worksheet_set_vba_name() function can be used to set the VBA name for the worksheet. This is sometimes required when a vbaProject macro included via workbook_add_vba_project() refers to the worksheet by a name other than the worksheet name:

In general Excel uses the worksheet name such as "Sheet1" as the VBA name. However, this can be changed in the VBA environment or if the the macro was extracted from a foreign language version of Excel.

See also Working with VBA Macros

◆ worksheet_show_comments()

◆ worksheet_set_comments_author()

void worksheet_set_comments_author ( lxw_worksheet *  worksheet,
const char *  author 

◆ worksheet_ignore_errors()


worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance.
type The type of error/warning to ignore. See lxw_ignore_errors.
range The range(s) for which the error/warning should be ignored.
ReturnsA lxw_error.

The worksheet_ignore_errors() function can be used to ignore various worksheet cell errors/warnings. For example the following code writes a string that looks like a number:

This causes Excel to display a small green triangle in the top left hand corner of the cell to indicate an error/warning:

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11, which excel tab would you use?

Sometimes these warnings are useful indicators that there is an issue in the spreadsheet but sometimes it is preferable to turn them off. Warnings can be turned off at the Excel level for all workbooks and worksheets by using the using "Excel options -> Formulas -> Error checking rules". Alternatively you can turn them off for individual cells in a worksheet, or ranges of cells, using the worksheet_ignore_errors() function with different lxw_ignore_errors options and ranges like this:

The range can be a single cell, a range of cells, or multiple cells and ranges separated by spaces:

NoteCalling worksheet_ignore_errors() more than once for the same lxw_ignore_errors type will overwrite the previous range.

You can turn off warnings for an entire column by specifying the range from the first cell in the column to the last cell in the column:

Or for the entire worksheet by specifying the range from the first cell in the worksheet to the last cell in the worksheet:

The worksheet errors/warnings that can be ignored are:

  • LXW_IGNORE_NUMBER_STORED_AS_TEXT: Turn off errors/warnings for numbers stores as text.
  • LXW_IGNORE_EVAL_ERROR: Turn off errors/warnings for formula errors (such as divide by zero).
  • LXW_IGNORE_FORMULA_DIFFERS: Turn off errors/warnings for formulas that differ from surrounding formulas.
  • LXW_IGNORE_FORMULA_RANGE: Turn off errors/warnings for formulas that omit cells in a range.
  • LXW_IGNORE_FORMULA_UNLOCKED: Turn off errors/warnings for unlocked cells that contain formulas.
  • LXW_IGNORE_EMPTY_CELL_REFERENCE: Turn off errors/warnings for formulas that refer to empty cells.
  • LXW_IGNORE_LIST_DATA_VALIDATION: Turn off errors/warnings for cells in a table that do not comply with applicable data validation rules.
  • LXW_IGNORE_CALCULATED_COLUMN: Turn off errors/warnings for cell formulas that differ from the column formula.
  • LXW_IGNORE_TWO_DIGIT_TEXT_YEAR: Turn off errors/warnings for formulas that contain a two digit text representation of a year.

◆ lxw_row_col_options

◆ lxw_conditional_format

The fields/options in the the lxw_conditional_format are used to define a worksheet conditional format. It is used in conjunction with worksheet_conditional_format().

◆ lxw_table_column

◆ lxw_table_options

◆ lxw_filter_rule

Options to define an autofilter rule.

◆ lxw_image_options

◆ lxw_chart_options

◆ lxw_comment_options

◆ lxw_button_options

◆ lxw_rich_string_tuple

Arrays of this struct are used to define "rich" multi-format strings that are passed to worksheet_write_rich_string(). Each struct represents a fragment of the rich multi-format string with a lxw_format to define the format for the string part. If the string fragment is unformatted then NULL can be used for the format.

◆ lxw_worksheet

The members of the lxw_worksheet struct aren't modified directly. Instead the worksheet properties are set by calling the functions shown in worksheet.h.


#define LXW_DEF_COL_WIDTH   (double)8.43

Default Excel column width in character units.


#define LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT   (double)15.0



Default Excel column width in pixels.



Default Excel column height in pixels.

◆ lxw_gridlines

Gridline options using in worksheet_gridlines().


Hide screen and print gridlines.


Show screen gridlines.


Show print gridlines.


Show screen and print gridlines.

◆ lxw_validation_boolean

Data validation property values.


Turn a data validation property off.


Turn a data validation property on. Data validation properties are generally on by default.

◆ lxw_validation_types

Data validation types.


Restrict cell input to whole/integer numbers only.


Restrict cell input to whole/integer numbers only, using a cell reference.


Restrict cell input to decimal numbers only.


Restrict cell input to decimal numbers only, using a cell reference.


Restrict cell input to a list of strings in a dropdown.


Restrict cell input to a list of strings in a dropdown, using a cell range.


Restrict cell input to date values only, using a lxw_datetime type.


Restrict cell input to date values only, using a cell reference.


Restrict cell input to time values only, using a lxw_datetime type.


Restrict cell input to time values only, using a cell reference.


Restrict cell input to strings of defined length, using a cell reference.


Restrict cell input to strings of defined length, using a cell reference.


Restrict cell to input controlled by a custom formula that returns TRUE/FALSE.


Allow any type of input. Mainly only useful for pop-up messages.

◆ lxw_validation_criteria

Data validation criteria uses to control the selection of data.


Select data between two values.


Select data that is not between two values.


Select data equal to a value.


Select data not equal to a value.


Select data greater than a value.


Select data less than a value.


Select data greater than or equal to a value.


Select data less than or equal to a value.

◆ lxw_validation_error_types

Data validation error types for pop-up messages.


Show a "Stop" data validation pop-up message. This is the default.


Show an "Error" data validation pop-up message.


Show an "Information" data validation pop-up message.

◆ lxw_comment_display_types

Set the display type for a cell comment. This is hidden by default but can be set to visible with the worksheet_show_comments() function.


Default to the worksheet default which can be hidden or visible.


Hide the cell comment. Usually the default.


Show the cell comment. Can also be set for the worksheet with the worksheet_show_comments() function.

◆ lxw_conditional_format_types

Values used to set the "type" field of conditional format.


The Cell type is the most common conditional formatting type. It is used when a format is applied to a cell based on a simple criterion.


The Text type is used to specify Excel's "Specific Text" style conditional format.


The Time Period type is used to specify Excel's "Dates Occurring" style conditional format.


The Average type is used to specify Excel's "Average" style conditional format.


The Duplicate type is used to highlight duplicate cells in a range.


The Unique type is used to highlight unique cells in a range.


The Top type is used to specify the top n values by number or percentage in a range.


The Bottom type is used to specify the bottom n values by number or percentage in a range.


The Blanks type is used to highlight blank cells in a range.


The No Blanks type is used to highlight non blank cells in a range.


The Errors type is used to highlight error cells in a range.


The No Errors type is used to highlight non error cells in a range.


The Formula type is used to specify a conditional format based on a user defined formula.


The 2 Color Scale type is used to specify Excel's "2 Color Scale" style conditional format.


The 3 Color Scale type is used to specify Excel's "3 Color Scale" style conditional format.


The Data Bar type is used to specify Excel's "Data Bar" style conditional format.


The Icon Set type is used to specify a conditional format with a set of icons such as traffic lights or arrows.

◆ lxw_conditional_criteria

Criteria used to define how a conditional format works.


Format cells equal to a value.


Format cells not equal to a value.


Format cells greater than a value.


Format cells less than a value.


Format cells greater than or equal to a value.


Format cells less than or equal to a value.


Format cells between two values.


Format cells that is not between two values.


Format cells that contain the specified text.


Format cells that don't contain the specified text.


Format cells that begin with the specified text.


Format cells that end with the specified text.


Format cells with a date of yesterday.


Format cells with a date of today.


Format cells with a date of tomorrow.


Format cells with a date in the last 7 days.


Format cells with a date in the last week.


Format cells with a date in the current week.


Format cells with a date in the next week.


Format cells with a date in the last month.


Format cells with a date in the current month.


Format cells with a date in the next month.


Format cells above the average for the range.


Format cells below the average for the range.


Format cells above or equal to the average for the range.


Format cells below or equal to the average for the range.


Format cells 1 standard deviation above the average for the range.


Format cells 1 standard deviation below the average for the range.


Format cells 2 standard deviation above the average for the range.


Format cells 2 standard deviation below the average for the range.


Format cells 3 standard deviation above the average for the range.


Format cells 3 standard deviation below the average for the range.


Format cells in the top of bottom percentage.

◆ lxw_conditional_format_rule_types

Conditional format rule types that apply to Color Scale and Data Bars.


Conditional format rule type: matches the minimum values in the range. Can only be applied to min_rule_type.


Conditional format rule type: use a number to set the bound.


Conditional format rule type: use a percentage to set the bound.


Conditional format rule type: use a percentile to set the bound.


Conditional format rule type: use a formula to set the bound.


Conditional format rule type: matches the maximum values in the range. Can only be applied to max_rule_type.

◆ lxw_conditional_format_bar_direction

Values used to set the bar direction of a conditional format data bar.


Data bar direction is set by Excel based on the context of the data displayed.


Data bar direction is from right to left.


Data bar direction is from left to right.

◆ lxw_conditional_bar_axis_position

Values used to set the position of the axis in a conditional format data bar.


Data bar axis position is set by Excel based on the context of the data displayed.


Data bar axis position is set at the midpoint.


Data bar axis is turned off.

◆ lxw_conditional_icon_types

Definitions of icon styles used with Icon Set conditional formats.


Icon style: 3 colored arrows showing up, sideways and down.


Icon style: 3 gray arrows showing up, sideways and down.


Icon style: 3 colored flags in red, yellow and green.


Icon style: 3 traffic lights - rounded.


Icon style: 3 traffic lights with a rim - squarish.


Icon style: 3 colored shapes - a circle, triangle and diamond.


Icon style: 3 circled symbols with tick mark, exclamation and cross.


Icon style: 3 symbols with tick mark, exclamation and cross.


Icon style: 3 colored arrows showing up, diagonal up, diagonal down and down.


Icon style: 3 gray arrows showing up, diagonal up, diagonal down and down.


Icon style: 4 circles in 4 colors going from red to black.


Icon style: 4 histogram ratings.


Icon style: 4 traffic lights.


Icon style: 5 colored arrows showing up, diagonal up, sideways, diagonal down and down.


Icon style: 5 gray arrows showing up, diagonal up, sideways, diagonal down and down.


Icon style: 5 histogram ratings.


Icon style: 5 quarters, from 0 to 4 quadrants filled.

◆ lxw_table_style_type

The type of table style (Light, Medium or Dark).


Light table style.


Light table style.


Light table style.

◆ lxw_table_total_functions

Definitions for the standard Excel functions that are available via the dropdown in the total row of an Excel table.


Use the average function as the table total.


Use the count numbers function as the table total.


Use the count function as the table total.


Use the max function as the table total.


Use the min function as the table total.


Use the standard deviation function as the table total.


Use the sum function as the table total.


Use the var function as the table total.

◆ lxw_filter_criteria

Criteria used to define an autofilter rule condition.


Filter cells equal to a value.


Filter cells not equal to a value.


Filter cells greater than a value.


Filter cells less than a value.


Filter cells greater than or equal to a value.


Filter cells less than or equal to a value.


Filter cells that are blank.


Filter cells that are not blank.

◆ lxw_filter_operator

And/or operator conditions when using 2 filter rules with worksheet_filter_column2(). In general LXW_FILTER_OR is used with LXW_FILTER_CRITERIA_EQUAL_TO and LXW_FILTER_AND is used with the other filter criteria.


Logical "and" of 2 filter rules.


Logical "or" of 2 filter rules.

◆ lxw_object_position

Options to control the positioning of worksheet objects such as images or charts. See Working with Object Positioning.


Default positioning for the object.


Move and size with the worksheet object with the cells.


Move but don't size with the worksheet object with the cells.


Don't move or size the worksheet object with the cells.


Same as LXW_OBJECT_MOVE_AND_SIZE except libxlsxwriter applies hidden cells after the object is inserted.

◆ lxw_ignore_errors

Options for ignoring worksheet errors/warnings. See worksheet_ignore_errors().


Turn off errors/warnings for numbers stores as text.


Turn off errors/warnings for formula errors (such as divide by zero).


Turn off errors/warnings for formulas that differ from surrounding formulas.


Turn off errors/warnings for formulas that omit cells in a range.


Turn off errors/warnings for unlocked cells that contain formulas.


Turn off errors/warnings for formulas that refer to empty cells.


Turn off errors/warnings for cells in a table that do not comply with applicable data validation rules.


Turn off errors/warnings for cell formulas that differ from the column formula.


Turn off errors/warnings for formulas that contain a two digit text representation of a year.

Data Structures

struct   lxw_row_col_options
  Options for rows and columns. More...
struct   lxw_data_validation
  Worksheet data validation options. More...
struct   lxw_conditional_format
  Worksheet conditional formatting options. More...
struct   lxw_table_column
  Table columns options. More...
struct   lxw_table_options
  Worksheet table options. More...
struct   lxw_filter_rule
  Options for autofilter rules. More...
struct   lxw_image_options
  Options for inserted images. More...
struct   lxw_chart_options
  Options for inserted charts. More...
struct   lxw_comment_options
  Options for inserted comments. More...
struct   lxw_button_options
  Options for inserted buttons. More...
struct   lxw_header_footer_options
  Header and footer options. More...
struct   lxw_protection
  Worksheet protection options. More...
struct   lxw_rich_string_tuple
  Struct to represent a rich string format/string pair. More...
struct   lxw_worksheet
  Struct to represent an Excel worksheet. More...


typedef struct lxw_row_col_options  lxw_row_col_options
  Options for rows and columns. More...
typedef struct lxw_data_validation  lxw_data_validation
  Worksheet data validation options.
typedef struct lxw_conditional_format  lxw_conditional_format
  Worksheet conditional formatting options. More...
typedef struct lxw_table_column  lxw_table_column
  Table columns options. More...
typedef struct lxw_table_options  lxw_table_options
  Worksheet table options. More...
typedef struct lxw_filter_rule  lxw_filter_rule
  Options for autofilter rules. More...
typedef struct lxw_image_options  lxw_image_options
  Options for inserted images. More...
typedef struct lxw_chart_options  lxw_chart_options
  Options for inserted charts. More...
typedef struct lxw_comment_options  lxw_comment_options
  Options for inserted comments. More...
typedef struct lxw_button_options  lxw_button_options
  Options for inserted buttons. More...
typedef struct lxw_header_footer_options  lxw_header_footer_options
  Header and footer options. More...
typedef struct lxw_protection  lxw_protection
  Worksheet protection options.
typedef struct lxw_rich_string_tuple  lxw_rich_string_tuple
  Struct to represent a rich string format/string pair. More...
typedef struct lxw_worksheet  lxw_worksheet
  Struct to represent an Excel worksheet. More...


enum   lxw_validation_boolean { , LXW_VALIDATION_OFF, LXW_VALIDATION_ON }
enum   lxw_validation_types { ,
enum   lxw_validation_criteria { ,
enum   lxw_conditional_format_types { ,
  Type definitions for conditional formats. More...
enum   lxw_conditional_criteria { ,
  The criteria used in a conditional format. More...
enum   lxw_conditional_format_rule_types { ,
  Conditional format rule types. More...
  Conditional format data bar directions. More...
  Conditional format data bar axis options. More...
enum   lxw_conditional_icon_types {
  Icon types used in the lxw_conditional_format icon_style field. More...
  The type of table style. More...
enum   lxw_table_total_functions { ,
  Standard Excel functions for totals in tables. More...
enum   lxw_filter_criteria { ,
  The criteria used in autofilter rules. More...
enum   lxw_filter_operator { LXW_FILTER_AND, LXW_FILTER_OR }
  And/or operator when using 2 filter rules. More...
enum   lxw_object_position {
enum   lxw_ignore_errors {


#define  LXW_DEF_COL_WIDTH   (double)8.43
#define  LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT   (double)15.0

Options for inserted buttons.

Definition: worksheet.h:1900

lxw_error worksheet_autofilter(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col)

Set the autofilter area in the worksheet.

lxw_error worksheet_set_v_pagebreaks(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t breaks[])

Set the vertical page breaks on a worksheet.

void worksheet_hide_zero(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Hide zero values in worksheet cells.

Options for rows and columns.

Definition: worksheet.h:839

void worksheet_set_default_row(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, double height, uint8_t hide_unused_rows)

Set the default row properties.

lxw_error workbook_close(lxw_workbook *workbook)

Close the Workbook object and write the XLSX file.

uint8_t criteria

Definition: worksheet.h:931

Struct to represent a rich string format/string pair.

Definition: worksheet.h:2090

lxw_error worksheet_insert_button(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_button_options *options)

Insert a button object into a worksheet.

void worksheet_print_across(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Set the order in which pages are printed.

lxw_error worksheet_set_vba_name(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *name)

Set the VBA name for the worksheet.

Options for inserted charts.

Definition: worksheet.h:1746

lxw_error worksheet_write_array_formula(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format)

Write an array formula to a worksheet cell.

lxw_error worksheet_write_unixtime(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, int64_t unixtime, lxw_format *format)

Write a Unix datetime to a worksheet cell.

Worksheet protection options.

Definition: worksheet.h:2003

void format_set_italic(lxw_format *format)

Turn on italic for the format font.

void worksheet_set_top_left_cell(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col)

Set the first visible cell at the top left of a worksheet.


Definition: format.h:310

char * url

Definition: worksheet.h:1733


Definition: format.h:153

lxw_error worksheet_write_formula(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format)

Write a formula to a worksheet cell.


Definition: common.h:51

Worksheet data validation options.

Definition: worksheet.h:920

void format_set_align(lxw_format *format, uint8_t alignment)

Set the alignment for data in the cell.

Options for autofilter rules.

Definition: worksheet.h:1663

lxw_chart_series * chart_add_series(lxw_chart *chart, const char *categories, const char *values)

Add a data series to a chart.


Definition: worksheet.h:76

lxw_workbook * workbook_new(const char *filename)

Create a new workbook object.

lxw_error worksheet_print_area(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col)

Set the print area for a worksheet.


Definition: worksheet.h:679

lxw_error worksheet_set_background(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *filename)

Set the background image for a worksheet.

uint8_t criteria

Definition: worksheet.h:1666


Definition: worksheet.h:320

lxw_error worksheet_set_row_opt(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, double height, lxw_format *format, lxw_row_col_options *options)

Set the properties for a row of cells.

lxw_error worksheet_filter_column(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t col, lxw_filter_rule *rule)

Write a filter rule to an autofilter column.

void worksheet_gridlines(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint8_t option)

Set the option to display or hide gridlines on the screen and the printed page.

void worksheet_set_selection(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col)

Set the selected cell or cells in a worksheet:

lxw_error worksheet_write_url(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *url, lxw_format *format)

void format_set_border(lxw_format *format, uint8_t style)

Set the cell border style.

lxw_format * format

Definition: worksheet.h:2094

void worksheet_set_print_scale(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint16_t scale)

Set the scale factor for the printed page.

void format_set_bold(lxw_format *format)

Turn on bold for the format font.

lxw_error worksheet_write_dynamic_formula(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format)

Write an Excel 365 dynamic array formula to a worksheet cell.

void worksheet_set_zoom(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint16_t scale)

Set the worksheet zoom factor.

void format_set_num_format(lxw_format *format, const char *num_format)

Set the number format for a cell.

void worksheet_set_start_page(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint16_t start_page)

Set the start/first page number when printing.

lxw_error worksheet_insert_image(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *filename)

Insert an image in a worksheet cell.

double minimum_number

Definition: worksheet.h:1013


Definition: chart.h:125

void worksheet_set_margins(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, double left, double right, double top, double bottom)

Set the worksheet margins for the printed page.

Struct to represent an Excel worksheet.

Definition: worksheet.h:2107

void worksheet_hide(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Hide the current worksheet.

void worksheet_set_landscape(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Set the page orientation as landscape.


Definition: worksheet.h:638

double maximum_number

Definition: worksheet.h:1031

lxw_format * workbook_get_default_url_format(lxw_workbook *workbook)

Get the default URL format used with worksheet_write_url().


Definition: worksheet.h:683

void worksheet_print_black_and_white(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Set the worksheet to print in black and white.

Struct to represent the formatting properties of an Excel format.

Definition: format.h:358


Definition: worksheet.h:601

lxw_error worksheet_set_h_pagebreaks(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t breaks[])

Set the horizontal page breaks on a worksheet.

#define RANGE(range)

Convert an Excel A1:B2 range into a (first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) sequence.

Definition: utility.h:82


Definition: common.h:53

void worksheet_protect(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *password, lxw_protection *options)

Protect elements of a worksheet from modification.

lxw_error worksheet_write_datetime(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_datetime *datetime, lxw_format *format)

Write a date or time to a worksheet cell.

lxw_error worksheet_conditional_format_cell(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_conditional_format *conditional_format)

Add a conditional format to a worksheet cell.

lxw_error worksheet_set_header_opt(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *string, lxw_header_footer_options *options)

Set the printed page header caption with additional options.


Definition: worksheet.h:87

Struct to represent an Excel chart.

Definition: chart.h:1090

lxw_error worksheet_insert_chart(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_chart *chart)

Insert a chart object into a worksheet.

#define COLS(cols)

Convert an Excel A:B column range into a (col1, col2) pair.

Definition: utility.h:63

void format_set_bg_color(lxw_format *format, lxw_color_t color)

Set the pattern background color for a cell.

int32_t x_offset

Definition: worksheet.h:1704

lxw_error worksheet_set_column_opt(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_col_t last_col, double width, lxw_format *format, lxw_row_col_options *options)

Set the properties for one or more columns of cells with options.


Definition: format.h:129


Definition: worksheet.h:224

lxw_error worksheet_set_row_pixels(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, uint32_t pixels, lxw_format *format)

Set the properties for a row of cells, with the height in pixels.

lxw_error worksheet_write_dynamic_array_formula(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format)

Write an Excel 365 dynamic array formula to a worksheet range.

void worksheet_show_comments(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Make all comments in the worksheet visible.

lxw_error worksheet_set_header(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *string)

Set the printed page header caption.

uint8_t hidden

Definition: worksheet.h:841

void worksheet_right_to_left(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Display the worksheet cells from right to left for some versions of Excel.

void worksheet_set_first_sheet(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Set current worksheet as the first visible sheet tab.

void worksheet_select(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Set a worksheet tab as selected.


Definition: format.h:98

Struct to represent a date and time in Excel.

Definition: common.h:155

Options for inserted images.

Definition: worksheet.h:1701


Definition: worksheet.h:237

lxw_error worksheet_write_comment_opt(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *string, lxw_comment_options *options)

Write a comment to a worksheet cell with options.


Definition: format.h:196

lxw_error worksheet_write_formula_num(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format, double result)

Write a formula to a worksheet cell with a user defined numeric result.

void worksheet_set_comments_author(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const char *author)

Set the default author of the cell comments.

void worksheet_set_page_view(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Set the page layout to page view mode.


Definition: worksheet.h:116

lxw_error worksheet_repeat_columns(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_col_t last_col)

Set the number of columns to repeat at the top of each printed page.

uint8_t validate

Definition: worksheet.h:925

void worksheet_outline_settings(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint8_t visible, uint8_t symbols_below, uint8_t symbols_right, uint8_t auto_style)

Set the Outline and Grouping display properties.

void worksheet_set_paper(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint8_t paper_type)

Set the paper type for printing.

Struct to represent an Excel workbook.

Definition: workbook.h:280

uint32_t lxw_row_t

Definition: common.h:40

lxw_error worksheet_insert_chart_opt(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_chart *chart, lxw_chart_options *user_options)

Insert a chart object into a worksheet, with options.

lxw_error worksheet_write_blank(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_format *format)

Write a formatted blank worksheet cell.

lxw_error worksheet_write_boolean(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, int value, lxw_format *format)

Write a formatted boolean worksheet cell.

void worksheet_activate(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Make a worksheet the active, i.e., visible worksheet.

void worksheet_center_vertically(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Center the printed page vertically.

lxw_error worksheet_insert_image_buffer_opt(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const unsigned char *image_buffer, size_t image_size, lxw_image_options *options)

Insert an image in a worksheet cell, from a memory buffer.

void worksheet_set_tab_color(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_color_t color)

Set the color of the worksheet tab.

void worksheet_fit_to_pages(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint16_t width, uint16_t height)

Fit the printed area to a specific number of pages both vertically and horizontally.

lxw_error worksheet_filter_list(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t col, char **list)

Write multiple string filters to an autofilter column.

lxw_error workbook_set_vba_name(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *name)

Set the VBA name for the workbook.

lxw_error worksheet_write_string(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *string, lxw_format *format)

Write a string to a worksheet cell.

lxw_error worksheet_insert_image_opt(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *filename, lxw_image_options *options)

Insert an image in a worksheet cell, with options.

lxw_error worksheet_add_table(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col, lxw_table_options *options)

Add an Excel table to a worksheet.


Definition: format.h:217

lxw_error worksheet_data_validation_range(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col, lxw_data_validation *validation)

Add a data validation to a range.

lxw_error worksheet_set_row(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, double height, lxw_format *format)

Set the properties for a row of cells.

lxw_error worksheet_write_number(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, double number, lxw_format *format)

Write a number to a worksheet cell.

void worksheet_print_row_col_headers(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Set the option to print the row and column headers on the printed page.

void format_set_font_color(lxw_format *format, lxw_color_t color)

Set the color of the font used in the cell.

lxw_error worksheet_data_validation_cell(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_data_validation *validation)

Add a data validation to a cell.

void worksheet_freeze_panes(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col)

Split and freeze a worksheet into panes.

lxw_error worksheet_insert_image_buffer(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const unsigned char *image_buffer, size_t image_size)

Insert an image in a worksheet cell, from a memory buffer.


Definition: worksheet.h:93

lxw_error worksheet_write_rich_string(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, lxw_rich_string_tuple *rich_string[], lxw_format *format)

Write a "Rich" multi-format string to a worksheet cell.

lxw_error worksheet_filter_column2(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t col, lxw_filter_rule *rule1, lxw_filter_rule *rule2, uint8_t and_or)

Write two filter rules to an autofilter column.

void format_set_underline(lxw_format *format, uint8_t style)

Turn on underline for the format:

void worksheet_split_panes(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, double vertical, double horizontal)

Split a worksheet into panes.


Definition: worksheet.h:317

lxw_error worksheet_set_column(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_col_t last_col, double width, lxw_format *format)

Set the properties for one or more columns of cells.

void worksheet_center_horizontally(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Center the printed page horizontally.

lxw_error worksheet_repeat_rows(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_row_t last_row)

Set the number of rows to repeat at the top of each printed page.

lxw_error worksheet_conditional_format_range(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col, lxw_conditional_format *conditional_format)

Add a conditional format to a worksheet range.

#define CELL(cell)

Convert an Excel A1 cell string into a (row, col) pair.

Definition: utility.h:45

lxw_worksheet * workbook_add_worksheet(lxw_workbook *workbook, const char *sheetname)

Add a new worksheet to a workbook.

lxw_chart * workbook_add_chart(lxw_workbook *workbook, uint8_t chart_type)

Create a new chart to be added to a worksheet:

void worksheet_set_portrait(lxw_worksheet *worksheet)

Set the page orientation as portrait.

lxw_error worksheet_ignore_errors(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, uint8_t type, const char *range)

Ignore various Excel errors/warnings in a worksheet for user defined ranges.

lxw_error worksheet_write_comment(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *string)

Write a comment to a worksheet cell.

uint16_t lxw_col_t

Definition: common.h:46


Definition: worksheet.h:177

lxw_format * workbook_add_format(lxw_workbook *workbook)

Create a new Format object to formats cells in worksheets.

lxw_error worksheet_merge_range(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t first_row, lxw_col_t first_col, lxw_row_t last_row, lxw_col_t last_col, const char *string, lxw_format *format)

Merge a range of cells.


Definition: worksheet.h:73

lxw_error worksheet_write_formula_str(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_row_t row, lxw_col_t col, const char *formula, lxw_format *format, const char *result)

Write a formula to a worksheet cell with a user defined string result.

lxw_error worksheet_set_background_buffer(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, const unsigned char *image_buffer, size_t image_size)

Set the background image for a worksheet, from a buffer.

Can't Print more than one copy of your worksheet which tab would you go to?

Set one or more print areas.
On the worksheet, select the cells that you want to define as the print area. Tip: To set multiple print areas, hold down the Ctrl key and click the areas you want to print. ... .
On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Print Area, and then click Set Print Area..

Which feature do you use to Print a worksheet at its actual size?

On the Layout tab, under Print, select the Fit To check box. In the page(s) wide and page(s) tall boxes, enter the number of pages on which you want to print the sheet. On the File menu, click Print. Note: Excel ignores manual page breaks when you use the Fit To option.

Where can you see a preview of how your worksheet will look when printed including headers?

When you select one or more sheets and then click File > Print, you'll see a preview of how the data will appear on the printout. Select the worksheet(s) you want to preview. Click File, and then click Print to display the Preview window and printing options. Keyboard shortcut You can also press Ctrl+F2.

Which of the following options can you set to make sure a worksheet will Print on one page?

Shrink a worksheet to fit on one page.
Click Page Layout. ... .
Select the Page tab in the Page Setup dialog box..
Select Fit to under Scaling..
To fit your document to print on one page, choose 1 page(s) wide by 1 tall in the Fit to boxes. ... .
Press OK at the bottom of the Page Setup dialog box..