To be most motivating, goals should be specific and challenging but achievable.

Part I: True or False

Read the following statements. Write “True” if you believe the statement is correct and “False” if you

believe the statement is incorrect and correct them in the space given.

Statement Answer

To motivate employees, employers need to primarily focus on fulfilling the top level of Maslow's hierarchy of


needs, self-actualization. False

Every level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs needs to be fulfilled.

Motivation cannot be directly observed in another's behavior; it must be inferred from one's behavior. True

To be most motivating, goals should be specific and challenging but achievable True

Simplified, repetitive jobs lead to job dissatisfaction, poor mental health, and a low sense of accomplishment

and personal growth. True

Most workers rate monetary benefits higher than a caring boss. False

Most employees appreciate having a compassionate employer more than monetary advantages because having a caring boss could be a good motivation for them.

Goal-setting theory suggests that behavior tends to be repeated if it has positive consequences and tends not

to be repeated if it has negative consequences. False

According to goal-setting theory, clear, challenging, and attainable objectives can inspire behavior to be repeated.

Part II: Short Answer Question

Write down the answer for these questions. Please explain your answer clearly and give example(s) if


  1. Explain Maslow’s Theory of Needs
    • Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological motivational theory that consists of a five-tier model of human requirements McLeod, 2007). Those needs are physiological need, safety need, love need, esteem need, and self-actualization need.

2. Explain Herzberg’s 2 Factors Theory.

  • Herzberg's Motivation Theory model, often known as the Two Factor Theory, identifies two elements that influence workplace motivation (EPM, n.). These factors are hygiene factors which are elements in a workplace

that can cause dissatisfaction such as company policies, salary, etc. The other one is motivators which are elements in a workplace that can cause satisfaction such as recognition, advancement, etc.

3. What is the differences between Positive Reinforcement and Negative Reinforcement?

  • Positive reinforcement refers to the technique of delivering a stimulus in order to improve the likelihood of a habit or behaviour recurring (Surbhi, 2018). On the other hand, negative reinforcement is when a negative stimulus is withdrawn in order to encourage positive behavior (Surbhi, 2018).
  1. Jerry's job as an accounting assistant was recently modified to include reconciling bank accounts and making deposits, two tasks previously done by the accounting manager. This increase in responsibility would best be described as
    • job enrichment

Part III: Short Essay

Read the question and answer it with support and examples.

Imagine if you are the owner of a Fast-Food Restaurant chain. Your employees are now asking for more holidays since they are working overtime for the past few weeks. What would you do to solve this problem? Which motivational theory would you think will best fit this situation? Why? Hertzberg’s two-factor Theory

  • in dealing with this circumstance, I think I will use Hertzberg’s two-factor Theory (motivating factors) to motivate him to work as hard as he has been performing so far. In order to make him not ask for more holidays and still keep his hard work, I as the owner of a Fast-Food Restaurant chain must recognize his hard work. I must give him praise, acknowledge, and appreciate him for his accomplishments to increase productivity and engagement, and raise greater employee satisfaction and enjoyment of work. Moreover, I will provide him with employee advancement opportunities like promotion, or a raise. By doing this, I can stimulate better work performance from him since giving employees advancement puts them in a position to show how well they can do their tasks.

Vocabulary or Terms you don’t know?

Extrinsic rewards = Extrinsic incentives are often monetary or material perks

offered to employees, such as increases, bonuses, and benefits.

Intrinsic rewards= The pleasure a person derives from completing a certain


a specific individual, organization, party, or corporation, etc.

Autonomy= the quality or state of being self-governing

hygiene factor= Hygiene elements are those motivational aspects for

employees that, if not present in the workplace, might demotivate them and

lower their productivity.

To be most motivating, goals should be specific and challenging but achievable.

Executive summary

In this CQ Dossier we have a look at the key concept of self-determination and goal-setting theory. We draw on the main theories of self-determination (SDT), mastery motivation and goal-setting theory to provide you guidelines on how best to motivate your peers, coworkers and team members. Furthermore, we describe how you can create a climate based on self-determination theory to empower people around you. We also show how you can use difficult and specific goals to motivate others to go beyond expectations.

About the Author

To be most motivating, goals should be specific and challenging but achievable.

Markus is a senior management counselor with CQ Net - Management skills at work! He combines more than 15 years hands-on leadership experience from the private sector with in-depth knowledge in the area of people and organizational development. Markus holds a MSc in Organizational Behaviour and a Doctoral Degree in Management.

What are the needs identified by McClelland as the basis for motivation choose every correct answer?

McClelland's Human Motivation Theory states that every person has one of three main driving motivators: the needs for achievement, affiliation, or power. These motivators are not inherent; we develop them through our culture and life experiences. Achievers like to solve problems and achieve goals.

Is the expectation that successful performance of the task will lead to the desired outcome?

Explanation: Instrumentality is the expectation that successful performance of the task will lead to the outcome desired.

Which statements about employees who are motivated by a need for power are true?

They want fair and balanced feedback, both negative and positive. Which statements about employees who are motivated by a need for power are true? They enjoy being in control of events and people. and They like being publicly recognized for their responsibilities.

Which of the following are contextual factors in motivation?

Contextual factors of motivation include organizational culture, cross-cultural values, physical environment, rewards and reinforcement, group norms, communication technology, leader behavior, and organizational design.