The w3c is responsible for maintaining all networks and content on the internet.

The w3c is responsible for maintaining all networks and content on the internet.

4.A gigabyte (GB) is the basic storage unit on a computer or mobile device and represents a

5.Developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create webpages and help users share

8.A subject directory is software that finds websites, webpages, images, videos, maps, and

Newly uploaded documents

True or False: no single person or government agency controls or owns the Internet

True or False: the W3C is responsible for maintaining all networks and content on the Internet

True or False: users typically pay additional fees for mobile hot spot and tethering services

True or False: a gigabyte (GB) is the basic storage unit on a computer or mobile device and represents a single character

True or False: visitors to a dynamic webpage can customize some or all of the viewed content, such as desired stock quotes, weather, or ticket availability for flights.

True or False: browsers usually are not included by default with mobile devices and smartphones

True or False: mobile apps sometimes have fewer features than a web app

True or False: a subject directory is software that finds websites, webpages, images, videos, news, maps, and other information related to a specific topic

True or False: one technique you can use to improve search results is to use specific nouns

True or False: the term, blogosphere, refers to the worldwide collection of blogs

True or False: unregistered wiki users can review the content, as well as edit it and add comments

True or False: tethering is the process of transferring data in a continuous and even flow, which allows users to access and use a file while it is transmitting

A(n) ____ is any computer that provides services and connections to other computers on a network.

_____ ___ access takes place when a modem in a computer connects to the Internet via a standard telephone line that transmits data and information using an analog signal

A(n) _______ is a sequence of numbers that uniquely identifies the location of each computer or device connected to the Internet

You register a domain name through _______, which is an organization that sells and manages domain names.

One way to protect your identity while browsing is to use a(n) _____ _____, which is another computer that screens all your incoming and outgoing messages.

________ ________ ________ is a set of rules that defines how webpages transfer on the Internet.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

A(n) __________ website contains factual information, such as libraries, encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, guides, and other types of references.

A(n) ________, which consists of a number sign (#) followed by a keyword, describes and categories a Tweet.

Technique that transforms a smartphone or internet-capable tablet into a portable communications device that shares its internet access with other computers and devices wirelessly.

term used to refer to the major carriers of network traffic

text-based name that corresponds to the IP address of a server that hosts a website

computer that delivers requested webpages to your computer or mobile devices

a webpage's unique address

method of pulling content that has changed on a website

program that extends the capability of a browser

real-time conversation that takes place on a computer or mobile device with many other online users

harassment, often involving teens and preteens, using technology

websites and tools that foster communications and/or interactions among users, including online social networks, media sharing sites, blogs and microblogs, wikis, podcasts, and online gaming.

People who buy and register unused or lapsed domain names so that they can profit from selling them.

What is the goal of the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA)?

to protect trademark owners from being forced to pay a cybersquatter for a domain name that includes their trademark.

A scam in which a perpetrator attempts to obtain your personal and/or financial information.

What are some safe browsing techniques?

(1) Verify the website is safe
(2) Clear your browsing history
(3) Use a phishing filter
(4) Enable a pop-up blocker
(5) Browse anonymously

List the different types of websites.

(1) Search Engine
(2) Online Social Networks
(3) Informational
(4) Media Sharing
(5) Bookmarking
(6) News, Weather, Sports, and Other Mass Media
(7) Educational
(8) Business, Governmental, and Organizational
(9) Blogs
(10) Wikis
(11) Health and Science
(12) Entertainment
(13) Financial
(14) Travel and Mapping
(15) Shopping and Auctions
(16) Careers and Employment
(17) E-commerce
(18) Portals

List some tips you can follow to protect yourself from privacy and security risks when using online social networks.

(1) Choose friends carefully
(2) Limit friends
(3) Prohibit email address book scans
(4) Divulge only relevant information
(5) Be leery of urgent requests for help
(6) Read the privacy policy
(7) Manage your profile

Which type of website is this:
a website that encourages its members in its online community to share their interests, ideas, stories, photos, music, and videos with other registers users

Which type of website is this:
a website that contains factual information

Which type of website is this:
a website that enables members to manage and share media such as photos, videos, and music

Which type of website is this:
a website that enables members to organize, tag, and share links to media and other online content.

Which type of website is this:
contain newsworthy material, including stories and articles relating to current events, life, money, politics, weather, and sports

News, Weather, Sports, and Other Mass Media

Which type of website is this:
offers exciting, challenging avenues for formal and informal teaching and learning

Which type of website is this:
contains content that increases brand awareness, provides company background or other information, and/or promotes or sells products or services

Business, Governmental, and Organizational

Which type of website is this:
informational website consisting of time-stamped articles (posts) in a diary or journal format, usually listed in reverse chronological order

Which type of website is this:
a collaborative website that allows users to create, add to, modify, or delete the content via their browser

Which type of website is this:
websites that provide up-to-date medical, fitness, nutrition, or exercise information for public access; websites that contain information about space exploration, astronomy, physics, earth sciences, microgravity, robotics, and other branches of science

Which type of website is this:
offers music, videos, shows, performances, events, sports, games, and more in an interactive and engaging environment

Which type of website is this:
online banking and online trading enable users to access their financial records from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an Internet connection

Which type of website is this:
sometimes called online travel agencies, enable users to reserve a flight, hotel, or vehicles

Which type of website is this:
you can purchase just about any product or serve on the web, a process that sometimes is called e-retail; an online auction allows users to bid on an item being sold by someone else

Which type of website is this:
allows you to search the web for career information and job openings

Which type of website is this:
a business transaction that occurs over an electronic network such as the Internet. The term is short for electronic commerce

Which type of website is this:
a website that offers a variety of Internet services from a single, convenient location

List some tips to shop safely online.

(1) Read customer reviews
(2) Look for seals of approval
(3) Create a strong password and password questions
(4) Check website details
(5) Beware of requests to supply further information

Differentiate between e-commerce and m-commerce.

E-commerce, is a business transaction that occurs over an electronic network such as the Internet.
M-commerce, is e-commerce that takes place using mobile devices.

What are some criteria you can use to evaluate a website or webpage before relying on its content?

(1) Affiliation
(2) Audience
(3) Authority
(4) Content
(5) Currency
(6) Design
(7) Objectivity

List the steps in web publishing .

(1) Plan the website
(2) Design the website
(3) Create the website
(4) Host the website
(5) Maintain the website

What is the role of the W3C quizlet?

world wide wed consortium (W3C) oversees research and sets standards and guidelines for many areas of the internet. The mission of the W3C is to ensure the continued growth of the web.

Is it true that a single government agency owns and controls the Internet?

No one person, company, organization or government runs the Internet. It is a globally distributed network comprising many voluntarily interconnected autonomous networks.

What is the basic storage unit on a computer or mobile device?

byte, the basic unit of information in computer storage and processing. A byte consists of 8 adjacent binary digits (bits), each of which consists of a 0 or 1.
Search engine – a web-based tool that is designed to search the content of web pages and find particular information on the Internet.