The threshold of training is the minimum amount of overload you need to build physical fitness.

The principle of overload states

Exercising more than you normally do improves fitness

Your correct range of physical activity is your

The minimum amount of overload needed to build physical fitness is the

Which part of the FITT formula relates to how often a person exercises?

When your body adapts to your exercise load, you should

Increase the load slightly

A gradual increase in exercise follows the principle of

Which of the following is the most reasonable goal for a fitness program for most people?

Good ratings in all health related categories

The upper limit of your physical activity is your

The cardiovascular system includes the

Heart, blood and blood vessels

Carbon dioxide leaves your blood

For cardiovascular fitness, moderate to vigorous exercise must elevate you heart rate

Into the target fitness zone

During sprinting or fast swimming, muscles tire when they get too

Compared to the heart of a person who is less fit, a fit persons heart pumps

More blood with fewer beats

Your heart gets more blood to your muscles by sending more bold each beat and by

Cholesterol is carried throughout the blood by particles called

Blood is carried from the muscles to the heart by

A healthy cardiovascular system has a

High HDL level, and low LDL level

Regular exercise helps prevent blood clots by

Reducing fibrin in the blood

Physical activity done in short, fast bursts is

Sports that best build cardiovascular fitness require

With regular exercise, your nervous system

Lowers your resting heart rate

National guidelines state that teenagers should engage in vigorous activity for

20 minutes, 3 or more times a week

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The minimum amount of exercise that will improve physical fitness. For exercise to be effective, it must be done with sufficient frequency, intensity, and for a long enough duration. As fitness improves the threshold level gets higher. See also principle of progressive overload.

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  • Course Title AA 1
  • Pages 1

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Chapter 5 Review1.The diagram with five steps that helps you understand the types of physical activity iscalled the physical activity pyramid.2.The minimum amount of overload needed to achieve physical fitness is called thethreshold of training.3.age, maturation, heredity, and the environment are factors that affect your physicalfitness.4.If you achieve a good fitness rating, you're probably at the level of fitness you need inorder to live a full, healthy life.5.The preferred standard used to rate fitness based on health is called a criterion-referenced health standard.6.C. Target ceiling is the upper limit of your physical activity.7.A. intensity is how hard you perform a physical activity.8.B. progression is the gradual increase of exercise.9.E.specificity is exercising for one fitness part10. D. Overload is performing exercise than you normally do.

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2.The minimum amount of overload needed to achieve physical fitness is called threshold oftraining.3.Age, maturation, heredity, and the environment are factors that affect your physical fitness.4.If you achieve a high physical rating, you probably are at the level of fitness needed to live a full,healthy life.5.The type of standard used to rate fitness based on health is called a physical rating.For items 6 through 10, as directed by your teacher, match each term in column 1 with the appropriatephrase in column ceiling (c) hard you perform physical activity7.intensity (a)b.increasing exercise gradually8.progression (b)c.the upper limit of your physical activity9.specificity (e)d.doing more exercise than you normally do10.overload (d)e.exercise for one part of fitnessFor items 11 through 15, as directed by your teacher, respond to each statement or question.11.How do age and maturation affect physical fitness?

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12.Describe each step of the pyramid and provide examples of specific activities.

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13.Explain what the acronym FITT stands for and how it is different from FIT.

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14.Describe several guidelines for building performance skills.

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15.Explain why you should not compare yourself with others when assessing your fitness.

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Thinking CriticallyWrite a paragraph in response to the following situation.A friend tells you that he thinks it’s important for everyone to attain a high-performance fitness rating.He says that if a good rating is the goal for all people, then a high performance rating must be evenbetter for everyone. How would you respond? Explain your answer.

Can you improve fitness without an increase in exercise?

The intensity of physical activity should be increased quickly so the body does not have time to adapt to a particular load. A high performance rating is not a necessity for good health. You can improve your fitness without an increase in exercise.

What is a person's upper limit of physical activity?

Even something as simple as standing instead of sitting is beneficial. For moderate exercise, like walking, there is no upper limit, although doing it for more than 100 minutes a day doesn't seem to convey any extra cardiovascular benefit.

What factors contribute to physical fitness?

In terms of being physically fit, we look for a combination of five different factors:.
Muscular Strength..
Muscular Endurance..
Body Composition..

What are the FITT principles of training?

The FITT principle stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type of training. Each of these is a variable that can be adjusted in order to create a training program or sessions to target aerobic or anaerobic training. Aerobic training is training that aims to improve an athlete's aerobic power or VO2max.