The process of determining the right amount and type of merchandise for each store


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What is the process of merchandise planning?

Merchandise planning is a systematic approach to planning, buying, and selling merchandise based upon the market demands. In layman terms, it means that if I want to buy product X with color Y and size Z from your shop, you have that available when I come knocking.

What is the first step in the merchandise management process?

Budgeting is the first stage of merchandise planning because, first, you need to know how much of your money will be invested or how you can minimize it.

What is merchandise planning and allocation?

What is Planning and Allocation (P&A)? Merchandise Planning is defined as the process of setting and maintaining future performance goals for sales, inventory and other financial metrics and tracking actual results and variances to those goals.

What are the elements of merchandise management?

There are four key components of merchandising: buying, planning, managing, and controlling.