The mean and standard deviation of a population are 400 and 40 respectively. sample size is 25

Sampling Distribution of the Mean

David M. Lane


Introduction to Sampling Distributions, Variance Sum Law I

Learning Objectives

  1. State the mean and variance of the sampling distribution of the mean
  2. Compute the standard error of the mean
  3. State the central limit theorem

The sampling distribution of the mean was defined in the section introducing sampling distributions. This section reviews some important properties of the sampling distribution of the mean introduced in the demonstrations in this chapter.


The mean of the sampling distribution of the mean is the mean of the population from which the scores were sampled. Therefore, if a population has a mean μ, then the mean of the sampling distribution of the mean is also μ. The symbol μM is used to refer to the mean of the sampling distribution of the mean. Therefore, the formula for the mean of the sampling distribution of the mean can be written as:

μM = μ


The variance of the sampling distribution of the mean is computed as follows:

The mean and standard deviation of a population are 400 and 40 respectively. sample size is 25

That is, the variance of the sampling distribution of the mean is the population variance divided by N, the sample size (the number of scores used to compute a mean). Thus, the larger the sample size, the smaller the variance of the sampling distribution of the mean.

(optional) This expression can be derived very easily from the variance sum law. Let's begin by computing the variance of the sampling distribution of the sum of three numbers sampled from a population with variance σ2. The variance of the sum would be σ2 + σ2 + σ2. For N numbers, the variance would be Nσ2. Since the mean is 1/N times the sum, the variance of the sampling distribution of the mean would be 1/N2 times the variance of the sum, which equals σ2/N.

The standard error of the mean is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the mean. It is therefore the square root of the variance of the sampling distribution of the mean and can be written as:

The mean and standard deviation of a population are 400 and 40 respectively. sample size is 25

The standard error is represented by a σ because it is a standard deviation. The subscript (M) indicates that the standard error in question is the standard error of the mean.

Central Limit Theorem

The central limit theorem states that:

Given a population with a finite mean μ and a finite non-zero variance σ2, the sampling distribution of the mean approaches a normal distribution with a mean of μ and a variance of σ2/N as N, the sample size, increases.

The expressions for the mean and variance of the sampling distribution of the mean are not new or remarkable. What is remarkable is that regardless of the shape of the parent population, the sampling distribution of the mean approaches a normal distribution as N increases. If you have used the "Central Limit Theorem Demo," you have already seen this for yourself. As a reminder, Figure 1 shows the results of the simulation for N = 2 and N = 10. The parent population was a uniform distribution. You can see that the distribution for N = 2 is far from a normal distribution. Nonetheless, it does show that the scores are denser in the middle than in the tails. For N = 10 the distribution is quite close to a normal distribution. Notice that the means of the two distributions are the same, but that the spread of the distribution for N = 10 is smaller.

The mean and standard deviation of a population are 400 and 40 respectively. sample size is 25

Figure 1. A simulation of a sampling distribution. The parent population is uniform. The blue line under "16" indicates that 16 is the mean. The red line extends from the mean plus and minus one standard deviation.

Figure 2 shows how closely the sampling distribution of the mean approximates a normal distribution even when the parent population is very non-normal. If you look closely you can see that the sampling distributions do have a slight positive skew. The larger the sample size, the closer the sampling distribution of the mean would be to a normal distribution.

The mean and standard deviation of a population are 400 and 40 respectively. sample size is 25

Figure 2. A simulation of a sampling distribution. The parent population is very non-normal.

Please answer the questions:

The mean and standard deviation of a population are 400 and 40 respectively. sample size is 25

4. The mean and standard deviation of a population are 400 and 40, respectively Sample size is 25. What is the mean of the sampling distribution? A. 400 B. 40 C. 25 D. 8 5. What is the standard error of the mean if the sample size is 25 with standard deviation of 16? A. 6.25 B. 3.2 C. 1.25 D. 0.64


The mean and standard deviation of a population are 400 and 40 respectively. sample size is 25


Grade 12 · 2021-05-10

YES! We solved the question!

Check the full answer on App Gauthmath

4. The mean and standard deviation of a population are 4. The mean and standard deviation of a population - Gauthmath and 40, respectively Sample size is 25. What is the mean of the sampling distribution?
A. 400
B. 40
C. 25
D. 8 5. What is the standard error of the mean if the sample size is 25 with standard deviation of 16?
A. 6.25
B. 3.2
C. 1.25
D. 0.64

The mean and standard deviation of a population are 400 and 40 respectively. sample size is 25


Grade 12 · 2021-05-10



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What is the standard error of the mean if the sample size is 25?

Thus, for a sample of N = 25 and population standard deviation of s x = 100, the standard error of the mean is 100/5 or 20.

What will happens to the shape of a sampling distribution of samples means as sample size increases?

In other words, as the sample size increases, the variability of sampling distribution decreases. Also, as the sample size increases the shape of the sampling distribution becomes more similar to a normal distribution regardless of the shape of the population.

What happens to the shape of a sampling distribution of sample means as the sample size n increases Quizizz?

Q. What happens to the shape of a sampling distribution of sample means as n increases? It becomes narrower and bimodal.

What sample size for a sampling distribution will have the smallest standard deviation?

From the above formula, we can infer that the standard error is inversely related to the sample size for a given population standard deviation. Hence, among the given options, the option with the highest sample size (i.e. n = 1,000) will yield the smallest standard deviation to the statistic.