The characters ____ move the cursor to the next line when used within a println() statement.

Solution Manual for Java Programming 7th Edition by Farrell

Published on Sep 7, 2018

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15._____ occurs when both of the operands are integers.a.Data modelingc.Integer divisionb.Type castd.Unlike assignmentANS: CPTS:1REF:70

16.The percent sign is the ____ operator.PTS:1REF:70

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17.What is the value ofresultafter the following statement is executed?PTS:1REF:70

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18.The ____ is the type to which all operands in an expression are converted so that they are compatiblewith each other.PTS:1REF:73

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19.A(n) ____ dialog box asks a question and provides a text field in which the user can enter a response.a.questionc.confirmb.JOptPaned.inputANS: DPTS:1REF:81

20.Each primitive type in Java has a corresponding class contained in the java.lang package. Theseclasses are called ____ classes.PTS:1REF:83

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21.A(n) ____ dialog box displays the options Yes, No, and Cancel.PTS:1REF:85

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COMPLETION1.A(n) ____________________ is a simple data type.

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11.You can store any character, including nonprinting characters such as a backspace or a tab, in a(n)____ variable.PTS:1REF:73

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12.The characters ____ move the cursor to the next line when used within aprintln()statement.PTS:1REF:73-74

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13.In Java, when a numeric variable is concatenated to aStringusing the ____, the entire expressionbecomes aString.PTS:1REF:56

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14.You use ____ operators to perform calculations with values in your programs.a.calculationc.integerb.arithmeticd.precedenceANS: BPTS:1REF:91

15.____ occurs when both of the operands are integers.PTS:1REF:92

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16.The percent sign is the ____ operator.PTS:1REF:92

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17.What is the value ofresultafter the following statement is executed?PTS:1REF:93

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18.The ____ is the type to which all operands in an expression are converted so that they are compatiblewith each other.a.unifying typed.primitiveANS: APTS:1REF:99

19.A(n) ____ dialog box asks a question and provides a text field in which the user can enter a response.

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Which escape sequence will move the cursor to the beginning of the current line?

\r (Carriage Return) – We use it to position the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

Which method creates a dialog box that displays the options yes no and cancel?

Common Methods of JOptionPane class.

What type of variable represents a location in the computer's memory that Cannot change once it has been assigned a value?

A constant is a data item whose value cannot change during the program's execution. Thus, as its name implies – the value is constant.

When you place a value in an statement the value is sent from the call method back to the calling method?

Java Chapter 3.