The bullets button is available on the home tab of the ribbon in the ____ group.


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After you type the first four letters, ____ suggests the complete word. autocomplete
Examples of text ____ are adding bold, italics, or underlining to words to emphasize them. formatting
A ____ list is useful when items appear sequentially, such as instructions. numbered
You can also look up a word in the Thesaurus or dictionary by right-clicking a selected word and choosing ____ on the shortcut menu. synonyms
To increase or decrease the font size by small amounts, click the ____ Font or Shrink Font buttons in the Font group on the Home tab or on the Mini toolbar. Grow
A(n) ____ is a word with a similar meaning for a word in your document. synonym
Like font styles, font effects are ____ commands—a font effect is either turned on or off. toggle
____ refers to positioning text between the top and bottom margins of a document. vertical alignment
You can copy the format of selected text to other text by using the ___________. format painter
To change text to italic, press the ____ keys. Ctrl+I
To change the font, locate the ____ group on the Home tab on the Ribbon. font
In a new paragraph, for example, if you type the number 1 followed by a period, and then press the Tab key, Word assumes that you are trying to create a(n) ____. numbered list
You might be surprised to learn that the default setting in a Word document is ____ lines, not single spaced. 1.15
Text alignment can be set with left, right, center, or ____ tab stops. decimal
Clicking the Paste button or pressing Ctrl+V pastes the contents of the Office ____ into the document. clipboard
The tabs on the Ribbon organize the commands into related tasks. The commands on each tab are organized into ____. groups
Preview lets you see how a gallery option affects your file without making the change. Live
When using ____ software such as Word, you can easily create and edit documents, such as letters and reports. word processing
A workbook is created in ____. excel
Press the Keyboard shortcut ____ to go to the beginning of the line. home
A ____ pane is a pane, like a windowpane, that opens on the right or left side of the program window. task
Columns are easy to create in Word. You click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon, and then click the_____________ button in the page setup group. columns
The squares and circles that appear on the selection rectangle are called ____. sizing handles
If you don’t want part of a graphic to appear in the document, you can ____ off the part you don’t want. crop
Word identifies possible misusage by examining the context in which the word is used. This feature is called ____________________ spell checking. contextual
____________________ corrects common capitalization, spelling, grammar, and typing errors as you type. autocorrect
__________ are building blocks you create from frequently used text, such as a name, address, or slogan, and then save so that you can access them easily. quick parts
A(n) ____________________ is any small character that appears before an item. bullet
____________________ are solid, dotted, or dashed lines that fill the blank space before a tab setting. leaders
Remember that you create a new paragraph every time you press ____________________, so a paragraph can be a single line or even one word. enter
If you select text, the ____________________ displays the number of words in the selection. status bar
You can click a pin next to a file in the _____________________ list to keep that file “pinned” to the list. recent documents
____________________ are pictures that help illustrate the meaning of the text and make the page more attractive. graphics
A ____________________ is a shape specifically designed to hold text. text box
A(n) ____________________ is a special type of label in a drawing that consists of a text box with an attached line to point to something in the drawing. callout
To create columns in your document, you click the ____________________ tab on the ribbon. page layout
You can use Word’s _____________ tools to create your own graphics in your document. Drawing
A(n) ____________________ is text that is printed at the bottom of each page. footer
The intersection of a row and column is called a _______________. cell
The place where one page ends and another begins is called a __________________. page break
A ______________ is an arrangement of text or numbers in rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet. table
_______________ arranges a list of words in ascending order or in descending order. sorting
To insert customized information in the body of the letter using mail merge, you have to add the data to the _________________________. data source
You can use ___________________ to help you create consistent looking documents that contain the correct information. templates
Identified possible grammantical errors with green wavy underlines. automatic grammar
Displays synonyms for a selected word. thesaurus
Changes fractions and numbers as you type, such as 3/4 to ¾. autoformat as you type
Word-processing program. Word
Presentation program. PowerPoint
Contains commands for working with the document, organized by tabs. ribbon
Contains buttons (icons) for common commands. quick access toolbar
Shows where text will appear when you begin typing. insertion point
Displays information about the current document and process. status bar
Allow you to change views quickly. view buttons
File containing the information that varies in each document. data source
The document with the information that does not change. main document
Placeholders that are replaced with data from the data source. merge fields
Combines a document with information that personalizes it. mail merge
A file that already contains the basic elements of a document, such as page and paragraph formatting, fonts, and text. template

Which of the following is placed two lines below the last line of the message in the letter?

Salutation: The salutation is where you greet the receiver of the letter. I. The salutation is placed two lines below the last element—either the inside address or the subject or reference line.

What tab automatically appears when a shape is selected in a document?

ANSWER : The Format tab appears . When we select any shape ( look in the Attachment ) the Format tab appears .

When you press the blank key without entering any text?

Word Module 2 & 3.

What file type identifies a Word 2016 document?

The . doc file extension is a file saved in Word 97-2003 format. The . docx file extension is a file saved in Word 2007- 2016 format.


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