Which of the following statements is not true for assigning a macro to a button quizlet?

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Terms in this set (162)

SUM is a built-in formula that adds the values in a selected range.


The Formula bar displays the result of the formula and a cell displays the formula.


To enter a number as a label in a cell, we should press the space bar before typing the number.


The address $C$15 is a relative cell address.


The error message that alerts us that we are accidentally trying to divide a number by zero is #VALUE!


One of the components of the COUNTIF function is a criterion.


The Format Painter copies formatting attributes and styles from one cell to another cell or range.


We can copy a worksheet to create an exact duplicate of its data and formatting with the Move or Copy dialog box.


How should you save a file if you want it to be compatible with older versions of Microsoft Excel?

Excel 97-2003 Workbook

Which of the following is the name used to describe a group of cells?


Which of the following simplifies the process of entering the months of the year in a worksheet?

Fill Handle tool

To select non-adjacent cells, columns, or rows, which key must you press?


We should use cell addresses in formulas, rather than explicit numbers, because

the formulas can automatically update, if a number in a cell used by the formula is changed

The Excel feature that allows us to determine what kind of information we re entering into a cell is

Data type

One of the most important reasons for using Excel as a tool for describing and modeling business situations is that

it is capable of automatic recalculation.

In a function, the information inside the parentheses after the function name is called its


Excel recognizes patterns and can complete most series with the ___________________.

Fill handle

When you cut or copy data, they are stored

on the Windows clipboard

When we want to apply several formatting commands to a cell or range, we can use the

Format Cells dialog box

The ____________________ command displays a label on multiple lines within the cell, splitting the label between words to fit the width of the column.

Wrap Text

Which of the following is a true statement?

A. There are three types of cell references you can use in a formula.
B. The type of cell references included in a formula determines the result of a formula when it is copied.
C. Cells that contain absolute references do not change when copied.
D. All of the above.

D. All of the above.

In the function =SUM(B2:B6), which part of the function is the argument?


Which of the following functions counts the number of cells in a range based on specified criteria?


Which of the following functions counts the number of cells in a range that contain any data type, text, or numbers?


This type of cell reference does not change when copied and remains in a fixed position during operations:


A handy keyboard shortcut that turns a cell address entered in a formula into an absolute cell reference, adding the dollar sign ($) in front of the column and row addresses, is:


This useful Excel function evaluates a specified condition or statement and returns one value if the condition or statement is true and another value if it is false:


Which of the following cell addresses contains a column reference that is absolute and a row reference that will change when copied?


Which of the following functions uses a lookup table that is organized in columns?


Which of the following has an answer of 4?


Which of the following is true about the TODAY and NOW functions?

No arguments are required.

Which of the following shows the correct syntax for an IF function?

=IF(C5<50, "True", "False")

The term "syntax" refers to the required parts of a formula and the rules controlling the order of the parts.


Range names describe the cell or purpose of a group of cells and show that the range is expressed in relative cell addresses.


The ROUND function rounds a number to a specified number of decimal points.


The DATE function inserts the current date and updates itself, when the worksheet it's in is opened on a later day.


In Excel, you cannot create nested IF functions, because there can be only one logical test.


The argument of the YEAR function is the serial number of a calendar date.


The PMT function assumes the borrower makes regular payments and the loan has a variable interest rate.


Each group of data points or values used in a graph is a data series.


A clustered column chart uses one data series to display each value as a percentage of the whole.


A trendline displays averages in your data and can be used to forecast data by plotting future approximate averages.


In a pie chart, a data series is a slice of a pie.


Sparklines are miniature charts in a cell or cell range that illustrate trends and patterns without adding a separate chart object or sheet.


XY charts show the relatedness of two sets of data.


To find the Data Analysis pack in Excel, we first choose the File tab and then the Export command.


The Data Analysis command is located on the Data tab.


A histogram is the most commonly used graph to show frequency distributions.


Which of the following charts displays relationships among numeric values in two or more data series?


Which of the following explains the symbols, textures, or colors used to differentiate data series?


Which of the following displays averages in your data and can be used to forecast data?


Which of the following is not true about filters?

Filters alter the source data range.

What can pie charts graph?

a single data series

One of these pie chart types may be used to affect the viewer's perception of the importance of certain data points depicted by a pie slice:

exploded pie

This column chart is used to compare the percentage that each value contributes to a total:

100% stacked column

A(n) ___________ chart is used to display trends over time or categories, when order is important.


A(n) _________________ is used to smooth out irregularities (peaks and valleys) to easily recognize trends.

moving average

The _________________ is required to create a Moving Average chart.

Data Analysis pack

To create a histogram, we specify data break points, called _________.


External data are data in a worksheet that originated in another program or format.


A text file is a document that includes formatted text.


A text file is a document that includes basic data, no formatting, and commas or other characters to separate the data into columns and rows.

In a table, each row of data is a field and each column is a record.


In a table, each row of data is a record and each column is a field.

A PivotTable is a summary report based on a list-type range of data in a worksheet.


In an Excel table, the AutoFilter command displays a filter arrow for each label in the header row.


When using an Advanced Filter, the criteria range must be at least three rows.


For the Subtotal command to work properly, you must sort the rows into order by the first column.


Excel's data visualization Conditional Formatting commands format cells with icons, cell shading, or shaded bars to distinguish the values.


The Value Field Settings in a PivotTable control how the data are summarized in the table.


In a PivotTable, a calculated field is a field in the source data.


In a PivotTable, a calculated field is a field NOT in the source data.

In an Excel table, which of the following represents a row of data?


In an Excel table, which of the following represents a column of data?


Which of the following statements becomes true after your data is formatted as a table?

Each label in the header row displays an AutoFilter button

Which of the following is NOT true of PivotTables?

A. PivotTables provide great flexibility when it comes to analyzing your data.
B. The list of data in a PivotTable is dynamic.
C. A PivotTable is a separate worksheet in which you can sort, filter, and calculate large amounts of data.
D. PivotTables are not interactive because you cannot rearrange parts of the report for analysis by clicking or dragging.

D. PivotTables are not interactive because you cannot rearrange parts of the report for analysis by clicking or dragging.

In an Excel table, what is the name assigned to a column called?

structured reference

Which of the following words best describes a Z to A sort?


What must you create to use an Advanced Filter?

a criteria range

To use an Advanced Filter, you need to create a criteria range.

Which of the following statements is not true?

A. If you apply a filter to data with subtotals, you can hide the subtotal rows
B. The Subtotal command is available only when the range is formatted as an Excel table.
C. The Subtotal command automatically inserts summary rows for data that are arranged in related groups.
D. The Subtotal command is available for a normal range of cells.

B. The Subtotal command is available only when the range is formatted as an Excel table.

Which of the following is the default Value Field Setting in a PivotTable?


Excel2019 allows us to import Stock information easily by employing the ___________ button in the _______________ tab.

Stocks - Data

In order to use the Consolidate command, you must be working with worksheets that have common data located in the same position on each worksheet.
A. TrueB. False


A static consolidation summarizes the data and displays a result that updates automatically on the consolidated sheet.


If values are edited in any of the source worksheets used in a static consolidation, you can run the Consolidate command again.


After you create a dynamic consolidation, you can expand each outline item to display the individual values that are summarized.


A dependent workbook includes data that is referenced in a source workbook.


An identifier is a character such as an exclamation point that marks or signifies a component of the reference.


A SmartArt graphic is linked to worksheet data.


Which tab is the Consolidate command located on?

Data tab

How does Excel format a sheet that is being used in a dynamic consolidation?

as an outline

In a dynamic data consolidation, which of the following does the resulting outline in the consolidation use?

3D reference formulas

Which of the following includes data from another workbook?

dependent workbook

Which of the following is an example of an external reference with all its identifiers?


Which of the following is not a component of a SmartArt graphic?

external reference formula

Which of the following is a clickable string of text or objects that, when you click on it, displays another worksheet, opens another workbook, opens another program, or displays a web page?


The screenshot in our textbook of consolidating workbooks shows this mistake:

the Totals row contains values that are double-counted in each month's column.

This Totals row had to be recalculated manually!

In an OR function, if any one of the arguments is true, the result is TRUE.


The syntax for an INDEX function (type one) is =INDEX(array, row_num,column_num).


The syntax for the MATCH function is =MATCH(lookup_array, lookup_value).


A mean absolute deviation uses two Excel functions, ABS and SUMIF.


A mean absolute deviation uses two Excel functions, ABS and AVERAGE.

The syntax for a STDEV.S function is =STDEV.S(number1,[number2],...).


The IFERROR function contains an argument that is some other function or formula.


Which of the following shows the correct syntax for the AND function?


Which of the following illustrates an accurate, statistical analysis of forecasting errors?

mean absolute deviation (MAD)

A mean absolute deviation (MAD) illustrates an accurate, statistical analysis of forecasting errors.

Which of the following measures how broadly values deviate from the mean or average value in the range?

standard deviation

Using financial functions, which of the following arguments specifies the total number of payments?


Which of the following functions allows you to link or join text in a chain?

CONCAT function

Which of the following functions lets you display your own custom error message?


Which of the following functions looks for data that you specify and returns the relative location of the data that matches the search?

MATCH function

An expression composed of 3 components that each can be either TRUE or FALSE has ______ ways to be TRUE or FALSE, as a whole.


An expression composed of 3 components that each can be either TRUE or FALSE has 8 ways to be TRUE or FALSE, as a whole, because two T/F values are raised to the third power.

n a normal(bell-shaped) distribution curve, the mean is at the center of the curve, and about 68% of all values lie one standard deviation, plus or minus, from the mean.


The Developer tab is displayed by default.


Basic form controls do not require any knowledge of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) coding but they do allow you to edit several properties.


Excel templates have an .xltx file name extension.


Workbook protection allows changes to the structure of a workbook.


There are multiple steps involved in setting data validation, so it is primarily used in worksheets that are used rarely.


Even if a worksheet is protected, and some cells are locked, a user might still be able to create a PivotTable from the data on that sheet.


It is best to create data validation settings after all data is entered.


The Circle Invalid Data command corrects cells with data that do not fit the criteria.


Which of the following are the rules applies to data as they are entered?

validation settings

Which of the following would you use to require that a whole number would be between 1 and 10?

validation settings

Validation settings would let you require that a whole number would be between 1 and 10.

When you build a data validation list, what do users see when they select the affected cell on the worksheet?

drop-down arrow

Which of the following shows an exclamation mark (!) in a yellow triangle?

Warning box

If you set a Warning box, the message box shows an exclamation mark (!) in a yellow triangle.

Which of the following are templates well suited for?

A. work that requires the same layout
B. work that requires the same design
C. work that requires the same data pattern
D. all of the above

D. all of the above

Which of the following statements is true about protecting workbooks with a password?

A. You can protect workbook structure with a password
B. You can protect workbook structure without a password
C. If you use a password, you must enter that password to remove the protection
D. all of the above

D. all of the above

Which of the following tasks do forms help with?

A. quick entry
B. consistent entry
C. organization of data
D. all of the above

D. all of the above

The default setting in the Excel Trust Center is set to enable all macros when a workbook is opened


Click the Macros button on the View tab to open the Macro dialog box.


Click the Macros button on the Developer tab to open the Macro dialog box.

As long as a workbook is open, you can use its macros in any workbook.


The code behind a macro is written in the programming language Visual Basic for Applications.


Because you can "record" a macro, it is essential that you know VBA to create a macro.


The first key in a macro shortcut is always Alt


When input values are in a column, the data table formulas to be recalculated must start in the column to the right and one row above where the input values start.


A one-variable data table allows just one formula to be recalculated with different values of one variable.


A scenario summary report is formatted as an Excel outline.


Which of the following extensions identifies a macro-enabled workbook?


Why is the default setting in the Excel Trust Center set to disable all macros when a workbook is opened?

A. Macros might contain malicious code.
B. Macros are likely targets for viruses.
C. Macros can be intentionally harmful programs called malware.
D. all of the above

D. all of the above

Which of the following statements is not true about assigning a macro to a button?

When you create a button form control, it is automatically assigned to a macro.

What should you do before creating a new scenario in Excel?

save the current data in a worksheet as a scenario

How are scenario summary reports formatted?

as an Excel outline

One of the following statements is not true of the Goal-Seek command.

Goal-Seek solves a formula for one or more cells (arguments) in the formula.

In a data table, an input value is a number from a column or row.


The Table function, inserted in each result cell in a data table, is an array formula.


A two-variable data table is used to evaluate two or more formulas


Scenarios are simple macro tools.


Goal Seek is a What-If analysis command that lets us choose a desired result and then determine a specific value needed to reach that result.


The Solver button is one of the default commands in Excel 365/2019.


A Solver problem has three parameters.


Which of the following can Solver help you find for a formula?

A. the highest result
B. the lowest result
C. a specific result
D. all of the above

D. all of the above

Which of the following is not a Solver parameter?


Which of the following Solver reports identifies and lists each parameter?

Answer report

Which of the following always enclose array formulas in a data table?

curly braces

One of the tools below is not included in the Analysis ToolPak.

Filled Map

One of the statements below is not true about a Filled Map chart.

A. A Filled Map chart plots the values of the column to the right of the identifying geography data.
B. A Filled Map chart plots the values of all columns to the right of the identifying geography data.
C. A Filled Map chart recognizes common geographical division names for column titles, such as Country, State, or Province.
D. A Filled Map chart should have its data formatted as an Excel table.

B. A Filled Map chart plots the values of all columns to the right of the identifying geography data.

The mapping method of displaying the 3-dimensional parts of the globe on a 2-dimensional surface is referred to as _____________________.

map projection

By default, what file name extension is given to Excel workbook files?


Which of the following symbols display when a column is too narrow?


A cell address:

identifies a cell by a column letter and a row number.

The fill handle:

is a small green or black square at the bottom-right corner of a cell.

A formula containing the entry =$B3 is copied to a cell one column to the right and two rows down. How will the entry appear in its new location?



is a set of rules that govern the structure and components for a function.

How many arguments are required for the SUM function?


The #DIV/0! error indicates a misspelled word in Excel.


The sheets in a workbook are identified in the sheet tabs at the top of the workbook window.


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Which of the following is not true when assigning a macro to a button?

Which of the following is not true when assigning a macro to a button? You can resize a button, but you cannot move the button. Which of the following is a form control that runs a macro with a single click?

Which of the following is not true for Excel templates quizlet?

Which of the following is not true for Excel templates? Templates cannot include formulas.

Which of the following form controls can you use to run a macro?

You can use a Form control button or a command button (an ActiveX control) to run a macro that performs an action when a user clicks it. Both these buttons are also known as a push button, which can be set up to automate the printing of a worksheet, filtering data, or calculating numbers.

Which of the following form controls can you use to run a macro quizlet?

the button form control is available from the insert controls button on the developer tab..
the button is a form control that is used to run a macro with a single click..
to use a button, you assign a macro to the control..


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