Sometimes a comprehensive review of the literature before data collection is not recommended by

Sometimes a comprehensive review of the literature before data collection is not recommended by

Multiple Choice Quizzes

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weaknesses are, then test yourself again once you’ve read the chapter to see how well

you’ve understood.


1. Which of the following should not be a criterion for a good research project?

a.Demonstrates the abilities of the researcher

b.Is dependent on the completion of other projects

c.Demonstrates the integration of different fields of knowledge

d. Develops the skills of the researcher


b: Is dependent on the completion of other projects

2. Which form of reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from a set of


a.Objective reasoning

b.Positivistic reasoning

c.Inductive reasoning

d.Deductive reasoning


d. Deductive reasoning

3. Research that seeks to examine the findings of a study by using the same design but

a different sample is which of the following?

a.An exploratory study

b.A replication study

c.An empirical study

d.Hypothesis testing


b: A replication study

4. A researcher designs an experiment to test how variables interact to influence job-

seeking behaviours. The main purpose of the study was:


Research Methods –STA630

Solved MCQ’s BANK A

1.    A good qualitative problem statement:

a. Defines the independent and dependent variables

b. Conveys a sense of emerging design

c. Specifies a research hypothesis to be tested

d. Specifies the relationship between variables that the researcher expects to find

2. The “tool” function of theory is to:

a. Summarize existing knowledge

b. Summarize existing hypotheses

c. Suggest new relationships and make new predictions

d. Suggest new theories

3. The statement of purpose in a research study should:

a. Identify the design of the study

b. Identify the intent or objective of the study

c. Specify the type of people to be used in the study

d. Describe the study

4. Why is the statement “What are the effects of extracurricular activities on cognitive development of school age children” not a good statement of a quantitative research question?

a. Because there is no connection between extracurricular activities and cognitive


b. Because there are not enough school age children engaged in extracurricular activities

to conduct the study

c. Because the study would be too difficult to do given all the different extracurricular


d. Because the statement was not specific enough to provide an understanding of the variables being investigated

5. A qualitative research question:

a. Asks a question about some process, or phenomenon to be explored

b. Is generally an open-ended question

c. both a and b are correct

d. None of the above

6. According to the text, which of the following orders is the recommended in the flowchart of the development of a research idea?

a. Research topic, research problem, research purpose, research question, hypothesis

b. Research topic, research purpose, research problem, research question, hypothesis

c. Research topic, research problem, research purpose, research question, hypothesis

d. Research topic, hypothesis, research problem, research question, research purpose

7. It is essential that you evaluate the quality of internet resources because information obtained via the internet ranges from very poor to very good.

a. True

b. False

8. One step that is not included in planning a research study is:

a. Identifying a researchable problem

b. A review of current research

c. Statement of the research question

d. Conducting a meta-analysis of the research

e. Developing a research plan

9. Sources of researchable problems can include:

a. Researchers’ own experiences as educators

b. Practical issues that require solutions

c. Theory and past research

d. All of the above

10. A key characteristic of past research that guides researchers in new research questions is that:

a. Extensive research conclusively and definitively answers research questions

b. Studies typically generate more research questions than they answer

11. Which of the following is a function of theory?

a. Integrating and summarizing current knowledge

b. Making predictions

c. Explaining phenomena

d. All of the above are important functions of theory

12. A review of the literature prior to formulating research questions allows the researcher to do which of the following?

a. To become familiar with prior research on the phenomenon of interest

b. To identify potential methodological problems in the research area

c. To develop a list of pertinent problems relative to the phenomenon of interest

d. All of the above

13. Sometimes a comprehensive review of the literature prior to data collection is not recommended by grounded theorists.

a. True

b. False

14. What kind of ideas can’t be empirically researched?

a. Effectiveness of different methods of instruction

b. Description of educational practices

c. Issues of values and morality such as the correctness of having prayer in schools

d. Factors helpful in predicting future drug use

15. Which of the following is not a database containing information to be used during the literature review?


b. PsychINFO

c. SocioFILE

d. all of the above are potentially useful data bases

16. Computer database searches can be done:

a. With a computer with CD-ROM drive

b. At the library

c. Online

d. All of the above

17. The feasibility of a research study should be considered in light of:

a. Cost and time required to conduct the study

b. Skills required of the researcher

c. Potential ethical concerns

d. All of the above

18. A formal statement of the research question or “purpose of research study” generally ______.

a. Is made prior to the literature review

b. Is made after the literature review

c. Will help guide the research process

d. All of the above

e. b and c

19. Is the following qualitative research purpose statement “well stated” or “poorly stated”? “The focus of the present study was to explore distressing and nurturing encounters of patients with caregivers and to ascertain the meanings that are engendered by such encounters. The study was conducted on one of the surgical units and the obstetrical/gynecological unit of a 374-bed community hospital.”

a. It is a well stated

b. It is poorly stated

20. Which of the following quantitative research questions is superior?

a. “What is the effect of participation in various extracurricular activities on academic performance?”

b. “What effect does playing high school football have on students’ overall grade point average during the football season?”

21. A statement of the quantitative research question should:

a. Extend the statement of purpose by specifying exactly the question(s) the researcher will


b. Help the research in selecting appropriate participants, research methods, measures, and


c. Specify the variables of interest

d. All of the above

22. The research participants are described in detail in which section of the research plan?

a. Introduction

b. Method

c. Data analysis

d. Discussion

23. Research hypotheses are ______.

a. Formulated prior to a review of the literature

b. Statements of predicted relationships between variables

c. Stated such that they can be confirmed or refuted

d. b and c

24. Hypotheses in qualitative research studies usually _____.

a. Are very specific and stated prior to beginning the study

b. Are often generated as the data are collected, interpreted, and analyzed

c. Are never used

d. Are always stated after the research study has been completed

25. A research plan _____.

a. Should be detailed

b. Should be given to others for review and comments

c. Sets out the rationale for a research study

d. All of the above

26. The Method section of the research plan typically specifies

a. The research participants

b. The results of prior studies that address the phenomena of interest

c. The apparatus, instruments, and materials for the research study

d. The planned research procedures

e. a, c and d

27. The Introduction section of the research plan

a. Gives an overview of prior relevant studies

b. Contains a statement of the purpose of the study

c. Concludes with a statement of the research questions and, for quantitative research, it includes

the research hypothesis

d. All of the above

28. According to your text, which of the following is not a source of research ideas?

a. Everyday life

b. Practical issues

c. Past research

d. Theory

e. All of the above ARE sources of research ideas


1. b

2. c

3. b

4. d

5. c

6. a

7. a

8. d

9. d

10. b

11. d

12. d

13. a

14. c

15. d

16. d

17. d

18. e

19. a

20. b

21. d

22. b

23. d

24. b

25. d

26. e

27. d

28. e

What is a comprehensive review of literature?

A literature or narrative review is a comprehensive review and analysis of the published literature on a specific topic or research question. The literature that is reviewed contains: books, articles, academic articles, conference proceedings, association papers, and dissertations.

What are the data collection methods for literature review?

2.2 Conducting interviews According to Bless (2000:103), the main types of qualitative data collection methods include non-participant observation, participant observation, interviews and questionnaires.

When conducting a review of literature on a particular subject the researcher should?

Your literature review should be guided by a central research question. Remember, it is not a collection of loosely related studies in a field but instead represents background and research developments related to a specific research question, interpreted and analyzed by you in a synthesized way.

What should a review of the literature enable an investigator to do?

The purpose of a literature review is to:.
Place each work in the context of its contribution to the understanding of the research problem being studied,.
Describe the relationship of each work to the others under consideration,.
Identify new ways to interpret, and shed light on any gaps in previous research,.