Profit margins for disruptive innovations are usually worse than those for incumbent technologies.

cost per thousand impressions

One of Facebook's key resources for competitive advantage includes:

a situation where ads appear alongside text an advertiser would like to avoid.

_____ is a term that refers to a closed network or single set of services controlled by one dominant firm.

Why did users initially protest against the introduction of News Feeds by Facebook? 

News Feeds were thought to be infringing on users' privacy

_____ refers to the concern that an advertisement will run near offensive material, embarrassing an advertiser and/or degrading their products or brands.

Investor groups that provide funding in exchange for a stake in the firm, and often, a degree of managerial control, are called:

It refers to adapting products and services for different languages and regional differences.

sites that cannot be indexed by Google and other search engines is reffered to as:

With just a few lines of HTML code, any developer can add a Facebook "Like" button to their site and take advantage of the social network's power of viral distribution. However, some sites have renamed "Like" to "Recommend," because it would be inappropriate to "Like":

a story about a disaster or a tragedy

Which of the following is true about advertising and Facebook?

Facebook execs argue that people remember ads better and are more likely to make purchases when their friends endorse products

refers to a situation when the value of a product or service increases as its number of users expands.

_____ refers to the cost a consumer incurs when moving from one product to another.

the global mapping of users, organizations, and how they are connected.

_____ is the biggest photo-sharing site on the Web, taking in around three billion photos each month.

Facebook has offered a system where Web site operators can choose to accept a user's Facebook credentials for logging in. Web site operators appreciate this feature because

users like accessing content without signing up

Banner ads are charged on a _____ basis.

Which factors prevents social networking sites from monetizing advertising effectively?

Why do programmers prefer Facebook over MySpace for developing applications?

MySpace does revenue sharing. On Facebook developers retain all the revenue they generate

Facebook was conceived as a place for reinforcing:

users preexisting contacts

How are Facebook and MySpace different from each other?

Real names vs bogus profiles

How are News Feeds a source of value for users on Facebook?

News Feeds help users:keep track of their contacts and friend's social lives keep track of their contacts and friend's social lives

"Users want some semblance of control over their personal data, even if they likely cannot be bothered to manage it." This is often known as the:

What factor suggests that Facebook can offer Google greater competition in the search engine market? 

Facebook's content can't be accessed by standard search engines

______ refer to a promotion technique popular with social media that attempts to get consumers to interact with an ad, and then shares that action with friends.

Facebook hoped to grab consumer activity at points of purchase to post a user's profile via News Feeds and called it:

Developers creating applications create _____ that have the potential to add value to Facebook beyond what the firm itself provides to its users.

_____ refers to the act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined generally large group of people in the form of an open call.

The acronym VoIP is considered by many to be a disruptive innovation. It refers to:

The technology used in internet telephony.

Which of the following is true of disruptive technologies?

Initially underperforming incumbents, over time their performance attributes improve to the point where they invade established markets.

Yahoo!'s mobile team didn't have an executive champion to protect and nurture the team during the pioneering phase when financial results couldn't be realized. It couldn't show substantial results, so managers were reassigned. This is an example of:

Which of the following is a way to recognize potentially disruptive innovations?

Seeking the opinions of venture capitalists, research academics, and passionate internal engineering staff.

Big firms fail to see disruptive innovations as a threat because:

they primarily focus on the bottom line

Which if the following strategies was followed by Amazon's founder?

He postponed profit harvesting

At Netflix, the majority of the DVD titles shipped are from back catalog titles not new releases.

Which if the following is true about bitcoin?

Users transferring funds across border are likely to consider bitcoin because it has the potential to dramatically lower transaction fees

Identify the true statement about amazon

Profitability has varied widely and analysts continue to struggle to interpret the firms future.

Initial amazon adopted the domain of non profit organization

Netflix gets to retain the entire subscription revenue for every disk sent out to a customer

One pundit once suggested that be renamed to because:

It was predicted that the company would never make money.

Roughly one in every five people on the planet has a Facebook account.

A professional or student looking for guidance with a programming problem is likely to be best served by positing questions to:

Which of following is not true regarding the competitive dynamics of most sharing economy market places

Late movers have a substantial advantage in this market since inventory should be cheaper to acquire for those firms that have entered markets more recently.

Entrepreneurs are scrappy in their quest to gather market intelligence and understand how customers respond to their offerings. How did Airbnb's CEO gather additional intelligence on how the firm was being used?

He lived out of a Airbnb rentals full time

Web 2.0 services are targeted at creating resources and sharing information based on transaction focused store front models

peer production and social medial fall under the web 1.p umbrella

Crowdsourcing can be considered a type of peer production

Many social media websites have emerged as top destinations on the Internet, however the category has remained volatile, with many one-time leaders losing popularity over time

Facebook founder and CEO mark zuckerberg maintains a majority of voting rights in the public company, virtually guaranteeing that his control of the firm continues, regardless of what investors say

Which of the following is not an example of larger, conventional firms working with sharing economy startups

Apples purchase of Beats to give new musical artist more exposure

Social networking sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn form valuable sources of vital information that can be used to craft a scam by con artist.

While users can block third-party cookies within their web browsers it is illegal for browser firms to set this as a default option, as it would be considered an anti-competitive tactic that Apple and Microsoft could use against google.

Some of the most common guidelines issued by web sites when designing a secure password include:

The password should be at least 8 characters long and include at least one number and other non alphabet character

Which of the following statements holds true for the term opt-out?

It refers to a program that enrolls all customers by default, but that allows consumers to discontinue participation if they want to

Privacy advocates maintain that don't be evil is not enough, since even well intentioned firms can make mistakes, where employee errors or programming bags could leave data dangerously or embarrassingly exposed

Which weakness of websites to launch attacks does and SQL injection technique exploit?

Sloppy programming practices where software developers do not validate use your input

Which of the following statements holds true for the term cost per click

It refers to the maximum amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay for each click on their ad

Google mount racks of servers inside standard size shipping containers each with as many as 1160 servers per box. Google assumes individual components will regularly fail, but no single failure should interrupt the firms operations. By doing so, google can ensure it's network is:

If a firms pages are not near the top of the query results, customers may never discover it's a website. This has led to ____becoming a critical function for many marketing organizations.

Search engine optimization

The bulk of Google's revenue comes from _____.

Facebook's phenomenal growth implies that it requires minimal infrastructure investment.

Advertisers have relatively low performance on Facebook because they must rely entirely on Facebook-provided data. Ads on Facebook cannot be targeted using any data collected outside of Facebook.

_____ is considered to be the most persuasive and valuable method of promoting products and services.

Facebook enjoys significantly higher click-through rates than Google.

A significant portion of Facebook's underlying technical infrastructure consists of open source software.

Facebook was one of the first social networking sites where users actually identified themselves using their real names.

Facebook's Beacon effort was a failure largely because it was "opt-out" instead of "opt-in."

When a firm has an IPO, it is said to have:Term

gone public, selling shares on a public stock exchange for the first time.

Facebook has offered a system where Web site operators can choose to accept a user's Facebook credentials for logging in. Web site operators appreciate this feature because:

users are keen on accessing content on these Web sites without signing up.

For years, which of the following is the only major media category that has seen an increase in spending?

The bulk of Facebook's revenue comes from:

Users of Google and other search engines are said to be on a hunt because they:

are there to seek information to drive a specific action.

Which of the following statements is true about Facebook?

Mark Zuckerberg lost most of the value in the firm he founded to the Winklevoss twins, providing evidence that entrepreneurs should have a founder with a strong legal background.

What is the biggest problem confronted by Facebook in the wake of the Beacon fiasco?

Managers are unlikely to sign up for Facebook's future experiments.

In its current state, bitcoin can only process a fraction of transactions of traditional credit card companies.

Firms might not want to use ARM chips because they are incompatible with Intel chips

Many disruptive firms were started by former employees of the disrupted giants.

Firms that listen to existing customers and tailor offerings based on this input are far more likely to identify potentially disruptive technologies than those that experiment with products that existing customers do not demand.

Like most open-source efforts, bitcoin was created by a consortium of for-profit corporations hoping to fuel adoption of a beneficial new standard.

ARM provides logic in the majority of smartphones, including products by Apple and Samsung.

Incentives for U.S. consumer adoption of bitcoin are quite high.

Disruptive innovations don't need to perform better than incumbents; they simply need to perform well enough to appeal to their customers (and often do so at a lower price).

An option is a right and an obligation to make an investment.

Profit margins for disruptive innovations are usually worse than those for incumbent technologies.

ARM is one of the only firms, aside from Intel, that has scale allowing it to own and operate its own fabs.

Firms might not want to use ARM chips because they are incompatible with Intel chips.

Intuit has avoided disruption in the shift away from packaged software by developing products that leverage cloud computing, some of which are initially provided for free.

Cross-border bank transfers are not likely to adopt bitcoin since these functions are already electronic and highly automated.

Low-margin retailers are interested in bitcoin because it may allow the elimination of fees associated with credit card transactions.

Firms spend more advertising online than they do on radio and magazine ads

third-party Web sites can choose to accept a user's Facebook credentials to allow the user to access their content

software that is free and whose code can be accessed and potentially modified by anyone is referred to as________

Facebooks acquisition of WhatsApp was a way for Facebook to gain leadership in the fast-growing mobile messaging market

which of the following statements is true about Facebook

facebook is highly profitable, with a growing ad business on mobile platforms

Facebook will reduce the rank of posts that request reshares

today, mobile makes up the vast majority of Facebook advertising revenue

Facebook's key resources for competitive advantage are the sophisticated technological tools it provides to its users

Near field communication refers to a short-range, wireless communication standard.

When computers identify a user's physical location for the purpose of delivering tailored ads or other content, it is called _____.

The Web site displayed when a user clicks on an ad is called the:

In online advertising, the term "impression" describes:

each time an ad appears on a website

_____ is a concept where advertisers do not pay unless someone clicks on their ad.

Refers to a massive network of computer servers running software to coordinate their collective use.

Search engines use _____ ____to discover documents for indexing and retrieval.

a line of identifying text, assigned and retrieved by a given Web server and stored by a user's browser.

ad rates quoted in cost-per-thousand impressions

Which of the following parameters decides the rank of Web pages in Google's organic search results? 

The number of pages linking to them

Formula used by Google to determine rank order?

Ad rank = Maximum CPC x Quality score

_____ is sometimes used interchangeably with the term pay-per-click.

Which of the following represents the only advertising category trending with positive growth?

The _____ measures the percentage of people who clicked on an ad to arrive at a destination-site.

Which of the following represents a major barrier for newer search engine firms that attempt to compete with Google? Investment in ____ ____

Why is linking ads to search results considered a brilliant move?

Users' search term indicates an overt interest in a given topic

____ ____are third-party computers that pass traffic to and from specific addresses without revealing the address of the connected users.

refers to software that traverses available Web links in an attempt to perform a given task

A(n) _____ refers to a search performed on Google or any other search engine.

refers to the number of users who clicked an ad divided by the number of times the ad was delivered

Google assumes individual components will regularly ail, but no single failure should interrupt the firm's operations. Google can ensure its network is:

Which of the following is a function of the Internet Advertising Bureau? Setting ____ ____ for display ads

It refers to the process of improving a page's organic search results

search engine optimization (SEO)

The rate at which customers leave a product or service

a classification of software that monitors trends among customers and uses data to personalize an individual customer's experience

a cost that does not vary according to production volume, ex: warehouse rent for Netflix

phenomenon whereby firms can make money by selling a near-limitless selection of less-popular products

A firm that focuses on a specific product, service, or business model.

Some sort of hardware architecture and software framework that allows software to run

expenses that change in proportion to the activity of a business (ex: costs related to sending each DVD, varies on how many orders are sent)

variable deployment costs

Which of the following statements holds true for the term cost-per-click?

It refers to the maximum amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay for each click on their ad.

Google's stated mission is to:

organize the world's info and make it universally accessible and useful

Which of the statements about Google's strategy and competitive environment is true

the scale of server farms capable of indexing today's web represents a significant barrier to entry

search engines use ___ to discover documents for indexing and retrieval

which of the following statements holds true for the term spider

it refers to software that traverses available web links in an attempt to perform a given task

third party computers that pass traffic to and from specific addresses without revealing the address of the connected users

Which of the following statements holds true for the term dark Web?

It refers to Internet content that can't be indexed by Google and other search engines

Which of the following factors contributes to a web page's quality score?

The _____ measures the percentage of people who clicked on an ad to arrive at a destination-site.

Ad rank on Google is calculated using the equation: Ad Rank = f(_______________, Quality Score, expected impact of extensions and formats).

In online advertising, the term "impression" refers to

each time an ad is shown.

Which of the following represents the market capitalization of a firm?

Share price × Number of shares

Which of the following is true of Google's discounting scheme for advertisers?

Advertisers pay one cent more than the minimum needed to retain an ad's position on a page.

Which of the following statements holds true for search engine optimization (SEO)?

it refers to the process of improving a page's organic search results

Search engines use _____ to discover documents for indexing and retrieval.

Which of the following statements holds true for the term cache?

It refers to a temporary storage space used to speed computing tasks.

A(n) _____ is a search performed on Google or any other search engine

_____ is the process of creating a series of bogus Web sites, all linking back to the pages one is trying to promote.

A bare-bones offering that allows entrepreneurs and product developers to collect customer feedback and to validate concepts and assumptions that underlie a business idea.

Altering a product offering, business model, or target market in hopes that the change will lead to a viable business.

A key concept in entrepreneurship and new product development that conveys the degree to which a product satisfies market demand. Successful efforts should be desired by customers, and scale into large, profitable businesses.

The amount of money a firm spends to convince a customer to buy (or in the case of free products, try or use) a product or service.

Customer Acquisition Costs

The rate at which consumers leave a product or service.

What are the disadvantages of disruptive innovation?

A disruptive technology when introduced is able to do similar things as an existing technology, but has one or more disadvantages that make it less desirable for the existing market, such as higher price, lower performance, lower reliability etc.

Why do big firms fail to see disruptive technologies as a threat?

Most big firms are not comfortable with disruptive innovations as these innovations do not satisfy their current customers. They only focus on the demands of the mainstream customers. If the customer wants better products, they'll keep evolving the products.

Why do big firms fail to see disruptive innovations as a threat quizlet?

Big firms fail to see disruptive innovations as a threat because: they primarily focus on the bottom line. Firms may want to use ARM chips because they draw less power than Intel chips.

Is disruptive technology good or bad?

In most cases, disruptions are associated with something bad. When you combine disruptive elements with technology, things can start to sound even worse. After all, no one wants a disruption in technology. Luckily, disruptive technology means something else entirely–and it's typically a good thing for consumers.