Marketing intermediaries form an important component of a companys overall value delivery network

Part A : Structure Question1 . Differentiate between microenvironment and macroenvironment.Microenvironment consists of the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve itscustomers—the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors,and publics*.Macroenvironment consists of the larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment—demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces.2. Name and briefly describe the types ofpublics in a company’s marketing environment*.Financial publics.This group influences the company’s ability to obtainfunds. Banks, investment analysts, and stockholders are the majorfinancial publics.Media publics. This group carries news, features, editorial opinions, andother content. It includes television stations, newspapers, magazines, andblogs and other social media.Government publics. Management must take government developmentsinto account. Marketers must often consult the company’s lawyers onissues of product safety, truth in advertising, and other matters.Citizen-action publics. Consumer organizations, environmental groups,minority groups, and others may question a company’s marketingdecisions. Its public relations department can help it stay in touch withconsumer and citizen groups.Internal publics. This group includes workers, managers, volunteers, andthe board of directors. Large companies use newsletters and other meansto inform and motivate their internal publics. When employees feel goodabout the companies they work for, this positive attitude spills over to theexternal publics.General public. A company needs to be concerned about the generalpublic’s attitude toward its products and activities. The public’s image ofthe company affects its buying behavior.

Diff: 2LO:3-1: Describe the environmental forces that affect the company's ability to serve itscustomers.29) Advertising agencies that help a company target a certain section of customers are marketingintermediaries.

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Diff: 1LO:3-1: Describe the environmental forces that affect the company's ability to serve itscustomers.30) A bank that helps a company finance transactions is both a financial intermediary and afinancial public.

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Marketing intermediaries form an important component of a companys overall value delivery network

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Diff: 2LO:3-1: Describe the environmental forces that affect the company's ability to serve itscustomers.31) The most important actors in a company's microenvironment are its competitors.Diff: 1

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LO:3-1: Describe the environmental forces that affect the company's ability to serve itscustomers.32) What are marketing intermediaries? What are the different types of marketingintermediaries?Diff: 2

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LO:3-1: Describe the environmental forces that affect the company's ability to serve itscustomers.

33) Markwin Electronics is a company that only sells products online. Orders are taken throughan interactive Web site, and goods are shipped out through a small warehouse the companyowns. Markwin employees also handle the shipment of goods to desired destinations. How couldmarketing intermediaries help Markwin expand its business?

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Marketing, AACSB, Lo, Diff, Environmental Forces

What is the importance of marketing intermediaries?

Marketing intermediaries work to promote the product through marketing channels, which builds customer relationships and ultimately increases brand loyalty and awareness. The proper development of a marketing plan, promotion and packaging ensures repeat customers and can affect the success or failure of a product.

What are the 4 marketing intermediaries?

There are four main types of intermediaries, Agents/Brokers, Wholesalers/Distributors, Retailers, and Specialized Intermediaries.

Which intermediaries are most important?

The direct marketing intermediaries are the most important intermediaries nowadays as it helps in catering the needs of the consumers directly.

Which of the following is considered part of a company's marketing intermediaries?

Marketing intermediaries help the company promote, sell, and distribute its products to final buyers. They include resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, and financial intermediaries.