Loans available through the farm service agency have which of the following characteristics?

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journal article

Gender Bias Claims in Farm Service Agency's Lending Decisions

Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Vol. 34, No. 2 (August 2009)

, pp. 332-349 (18 pages)

Published By: Western Agricultural Economics Association

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This study analyzes the courts' denial of women farmers' motion for class-action certification of their lawsuits alleging gender discrimination in Farm Service Agency (FSA) lending decisions. The plaintiffs' claim of "commonality" of circumstances in women farmers' dealings with FSA is tested using a four-year sampling of Georgia FSA loan applications. The econometric framework has been developed after accounting for the separability of loan approval and amount decisions, as well as endogeneity issues through instrumental variable estimation. This study's results do not produce overwhelming evidence of gender bias in FSA loan approval decisions and in favor of the "commonality" argument among Georgia FSA farm loan applicants.

Journal Information

The mission of the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics is to publish creative and scholarly economic studies in agriculture, natural resources, and related areas. Manuscripts dealing with the economics of food and agriculture, natural resources and the environment, human resources, and rural development issues are especially encouraged. The Journal provides a forum for topics of interest to those performing economic research as well as to those involved with economic policy and education. Submission of comments on articles previously published in the Journal is welcomed.

Publisher Information

The objectives and purpose of the Western Agricultural Economics Association, Inc shall be:  To foster the study and understanding of agricultural economics and its application to problems in the western United States and Canada; To promote unity and effectiveness of effort among all concerned with those problems; To promote improvement in the professional competence and standards of all members;To cooperate with other organizations and institutions engaged in similar or related activities; and To increase the contribution of agricultural economics to human welfare.

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Farm Service Agency: Characteristics of Small County Offices (Letter
Report, 05/28/1999, GAO/RCED-99-162).

Historically, the Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Farm Service Agency
has provided personalized service to farmers through thousands of field
offices scattered across the country. These county offices run various
commodity, loan, conservation, and emergency disaster assistance
programs. In 1994, USDA was required to combine its field offices and
reduce personnel and duplicative overhead expenses. Since then, the Farm
Service Agency has closed more than 370 county offices and cut its
county office staff by about 28 percent. These reductions were achieved
primarily by closing and consolidating smaller county offices and by
reducing staff at larger county offices. This report provides
information on (1) the number of Farm Service Agency county offices with
three or fewer permanent full-time workers; (2) the characteristics of
these offices, including their proximity to another county office, their
workload, the level of program benefits delivered, the relative
contribution of farming to total county income, and the number of farms
and farmland acres in the counties served by these offices; and (3) the
ways in which varying the criteria associated with these characteristics
can affect the number of county offices that are candidates for closure
and consolidation.

--------------------------- Indexing Terms -----------------------------

     TITLE:  Farm Service Agency: Characteristics of Small County
      DATE:  05/28/1999
   SUBJECT:  Comparative analysis
	     Reductions in force
	     Federal downsizing
	     Federal agency reorganization
	     Agricultural programs
	     Statistical data
	     Farm income stabilization programs
IDENTIFIER:  National Performance Review

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================================================================ COVER

Report to the Chairman, Committee on the Budget, House of

May 1999



Farm Service Agency


=============================================================== ABBREV

  FSA - Farm Service Agency
  GAO - General Accounting Office
  USDA - U.S.  Department of Agriculture

=============================================================== LETTER


May 28, 1999

The Honorable John R.  Kasich
Chairman, Committee on the Budget
House of Representatives

Dear Mr.  Chairman: 

The Federal Crop Insurance Reform and Department of Agriculture
Reorganization Act of 1994 (P.L.  103-354, Oct.  13, 1994), also
known as the Reorganization Act of 1994, directed the Secretary of
Agriculture to combine the U.S.  Department of Agriculture's (USDA)
field offices and to reduce personnel and duplicative overhead
expenses, where practicable and to the extent consistent with
efficient, effective, and improved service.  Historically, USDA has
provided personalized assistance to farmers through thousands of
offices located in the nation's agricultural counties.  The
Department's Farm Service Agency (FSA) has county offices that
administer a variety of commodity, loan, conservation, and emergency
disaster assistance programs.  Since December 1994, FSA has closed
over 370 county offices and reduced its county office staff by about
28 percent.  These reductions were achieved primarily by closing and
consolidating smaller county offices and reducing the staff at larger
county offices. 

You asked us to provide information on (1) the number of FSA county
offices with three or fewer permanent full-time employees (hereafter
referred to as small county offices); (2) the characteristics of
these offices, including their proximity to another county office,
their workload, the level of FSA program benefits delivered, the
relative contribution of farming to total county income, and the
number of farms and farmland acres in the counties served by these
offices; and (3) the ways in which varying the criteria associated
with these characteristics can affect the number of county offices
that are candidates for closure and consolidation. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :1

As of November 1998, 673 of the nearly 2,400 Farm Service Agency
county offices, or almost 28 percent, had three or fewer permanent
full-time employees.  Most small offices, about 58 percent, had three
employees, and the remaining small offices had two or fewer
employees.  About 28 percent of these small offices serve two or more
counties.  Small county offices are located in every state except
Rhode Island.  The number of small offices in each state varies
greatly, ranging from one to 88.  Additionally, the number of small
offices as a percentage of total county offices in each state varies
greatly, ranging from about 2 percent in Iowa and South Dakota to 100
percent in Alaska. 

About 86 percent of these small offices are located within an
estimated 50-mile drive of another county office; about 43 percent
are within 25 miles of another office.  On average, employees in
small offices spent a higher percentage of their time on
administrative duties (as opposed to program delivery duties) than
their counterparts in larger offices in fiscal year 1997:  46 percent
and 32 percent, respectively.  Regarding program benefits, small
offices provided benefits to an average of 296 farmers in 1997,
compared with an average of 848 for larger offices.  For 1997, the
dollar value of these benefits averaged about $1 million in small
offices and about $4 million in larger offices.  On average, farming
accounted for about 1.3 percent of total income for the counties
served by small offices in 1995-96; this average was about 3.7
percent for counties served by larger offices.  In addition, small
offices served areas (one or more counties) containing, on average,
about 720 farms and 367,000 farmland acres in 1997; in contrast,
larger offices served areas with, on average, about 836 farms and
402,000 farmland acres. 

The number of Farm Service Agency county offices that are candidates
for closure and consolidation varies, depending on which
characteristics are considered and the criteria, or thresholds, set
for these characteristics.  For example, 45 of the 673 small offices
met all of the following thresholds for three significant
characteristics--they were located within 25 miles (estimated driving
distance) of another county office, spent at least 50 percent of
their time on administrative duties, and distributed financial
benefits to fewer than 350 farmers.  By changing the threshold for
one of the three characteristics, the number of offices with
potential for closure and consolidation will change.  For example, by
increasing the proximity threshold from 25 to 50 miles, 140 offices
show potential for closure and consolidation.  By decreasing the time
spent on administrative duties from at least 50 percent to at least
40 percent, 110 offices show potential for closure and consolidation. 
By increasing the number of farmers who receive Farm Service Agency
financial benefits from fewer than 350 to fewer than 500, 49 offices
show potential for closure and consolidation.  However, before
closing and consolidating any small office, other factors need to be
considered, including whether the office serves a sizeable population
of minority, socially disadvantaged, or limited-resource farmers. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :2

USDA has delivered farm program assistance through county offices
since 1933.  At that time, to serve more than 6 million farmers, the
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (FSA's
predecessor) had a county office in most of the agricultural counties
in the United States.  Over the past 65 years, the number of farmers
in the United States has declined to about 1.9 million, and farming
activity is increasingly concentrated in certain regions of the
country.  Despite these changes in the demographics of U.S. 
agriculture, USDA has, until recently, been slow to change the field
structure of its county offices. 

In response to the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 and
the Vice-President's National Performance Review, the Secretary of
Agriculture initiated a departmental reorganization to refocus and
simplify the Department's headquarters structure, improve
accountability and service to customers, reform the Department's
field structure, and reduce costs.  Several components of the
Secretary's reorganization required enabling legislation, which the
Congress provided in the Reorganization Act of 1994. 

Since the passage of that act, FSA has closed and consolidated over
370 county offices, or almost 14 percent of the 2,773 offices
operating at the end of 1994.\1 In closing these offices, FSA
transferred files, equipment, and staff, as appropriate, to another
of its county offices so that farmers in the affected counties would
continue to be supported.  However, these farmers must now drive to
an FSA office in another county for assistance.  Although this may
create some inconvenience for these farmers, FSA officials noted that
other means of doing business make it increasingly unnecessary for
farmers to visit county offices in person to apply for farm program
assistance.  For example, program information and application forms
are available to farmers by mail, facsimile, or via the Internet. 

Although the agency has already closed and consolidated a number of
its county offices, FSA officials said that there is further
potential to streamline its county office structure.  An FSA task
force composed of FSA state executive directors is currently studying
this issue.  In addition, while testifying before the House Committee
on Agriculture in March 1999, the Secretary of Agriculture indicated
that USDA's field structure needed more streamlining, particularly in
closing and consolidating small offices. 

In addition to the streamlining authority provided to the Secretary
in the Reorganization Act of 1994, more recent legislation offers the
potential to reduce FSA county offices' workload.  Specifically, the
1996 farm bill--the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of
1996 (P.L.  104-127, Apr.  4, 1996)--fundamentally changed the
federal government's role in supporting agriculture by eliminating or
reducing the scope of several farm assistance programs.  For example,
under the 1996 act, annual calculations of acreage devoted to
agriculture and associated payments to farmers were discontinued and
replaced by 7-year production flexibility contracts that provide
annual payments to farmers through 2002.  USDA and the Office of
Management and Budget projected that workload and staffing in county
offices would decline because of these changes; for its part, the
Office of Management and Budget proposed reducing FSA's county office
staff by more than 50 percent by 2002.  However, the impact of the
1996 act on FSA county offices' workload is difficult to determine,
largely because of an increase in workload in many county offices
that are assisting farmers in areas hit hard by sharply lower
commodity prices or severe weather problems in 1998. 

Over the past 2 years, we have issued several reports addressing
various aspects of USDA's reorganization, including the Department's
progress in addressing the specific goals set forth in the
Reorganization Act of 1994.  (See Related GAO Products.)

\1 In addition to FSA, several other USDA agencies have been
streamlining their field structures in response to the authority
provided by the Reorganization Act of 1994.  These agencies include
the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the agencies in the
Rural Development mission area. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :3

As of November 1998, about 28 percent, or 673, of the nearly 2,400
FSA county offices across the United States had three or fewer
permanent full-time employees.  In addition to these employees, these
offices may use part-time or seasonal employees when required by
workload exigencies.  These small county offices were located in
every state except Rhode Island, with the number of small offices
varying by state, ranging from one each in Delaware and South Dakota
to 88 in Texas.  In one state--Alaska--all of the FSA county offices
had three or fewer employees.  Nationwide, most small offices served
one county; however, about 28 percent of these offices served one to
five neighboring counties in addition to the county in which they are
located.  Appendix I lists the number of small FSA county offices and
the total number of FSA county offices in each state. 

Figure 1 depicts small FSA county offices having three, two, one, or
no permanent full-time employees as a percentage of the total number
of small county offices.  Figure 2 illustrates the locations of small
FSA county offices in the 48 contiguous states. 

   Figure 1:  Number of Small FSA
   County Offices with Three, Two,
   One, or No Permanent Full-Time
   Employees as a Percent of the
   673 Small County Offices, as of
   November 1998

   (See figure in printed

Note:  Percentages may not add to 100 percent due to rounding. 
Generally, the work of an office with no permanent full-time employee
is conducted by part-time or seasonal employees, or by employees
loaned by another county office. 

Source:  GAO's analysis of FSA's data. 

   Figure 2:  Location of Small
   FSA County Offices, as of
   October 1998

   (See figure in printed

Note:  Excludes Alaska and Hawaii. 

Source:  GAO's analysis of FSA's data. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :4

Most small FSA county offices are in relatively close proximity to
another county office--about 86 percent are within a 50-mile drive of
another office.  Compared with employees in larger FSA county offices
(offices with four or more permanent full-time employees), small
county office employees generally spent a greater percentage of their
time on administrative duties than on program delivery in fiscal year
1997.  Small offices also provided financial benefits to fewer
farmers, on average, than their larger counterparts that year. 
Generally speaking, small offices served counties that do not depend
on farming income for a substantial portion of total county income,
with farming income usually amounting to less than 2 percent of the
total.  In addition, small county offices served counties containing
an average of about 720 farms and 367,000 farmland acres in 1997,
which was lower than the average for their larger counterparts. 
Appendix II provides detailed information on these characteristics
for each of the 673 small FSA county offices. 

---------------------------------------------------------- Letter :4.1

About 86 percent of small FSA county offices are within an estimated
50-mile drive of another FSA county office within the same state. 
The estimated driving distance between offices varied from
approximately 6 miles between two offices in New York to
approximately 280 miles between two offices in Alaska. 

According to FSA officials, reasonable access to a county office for
farmers should be a key consideration in deciding whether to close a
county office and transfer its workload to another county office. 
Specifically, these officials said that farmers in a county losing
its FSA office should not be unduly inconvenienced in terms of how
far they may have to drive to conduct business in another FSA county
office.  For example, in closing over 370 county offices since 1994,
FSA generally used a threshold of 25 miles (driving distance) as a
gauge of reasonable access.  Applying this criterion to small FSA
county offices, we found that about 43 percent, or 287, of these
offices are within a 25-mile drive of another county office in the
same state.  Table I provides additional information on the
distribution of small FSA county offices according to selected
driving distance criteria. 

                                Table 1
                Distribution of Small FSA County Offices
                 According to Selected Driving Distance

                                            Number of small FSA county
Estimated driving distance in miles to    offices and percent of total
the nearest FSA county office (same           (673) small offices they
state)                                                       represent
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
25                                                          287 (43%)
30                                                          401 (60%)
35                                                          480 (71%)
40                                                          526 (78%)
45                                                          557 (83%)
50                                                          582 (86%)
Note:  Percentages have been rounded. 

Source:  GAO's analysis of FSA's information on county office
location and mapping software--Geographic Information Systems and, Inc. 

Some FSA officials have indicated that it may be possible to
consolidate FSA offices across state lines, although FSA did not use
this option in the county office closures and consolidations that
have occurred since 1994.  These officials noted, however, that
issues related to FSA's field office structure, including the
supervisory relationship of state offices to county offices and the
control of FSA staff resources within a state, would have to be
considered.  Regarding possible interstate consolidations, our
analysis found 73 cases in which the closest FSA county office to a
small county office was across a state line.  See appendix III for a
listing of these offices. 

---------------------------------------------------------- Letter :4.2

Employees in small FSA county offices spent, on average, a higher
percent of their time performing administrative duties instead of
program delivery duties when compared with their counterparts in
larger county offices during fiscal year 1997.  Specifically,
employees in small offices spent, on average, about 46 percent of
their time performing such administrative tasks as reading mail,
maintaining files, processing payrolls, and updating collection and
disbursement registers.\2 In contrast, employees in larger county
offices spent, on average, about 32 percent of their time on these

\2 Workload data were not available for 51 small offices because FSA
combined these data with data from another office.  In addition,
workload data were not available for seven small offices located in
either Alaska or Hawaii because FSA does not collect workload data
for these states. 

---------------------------------------------------------- Letter :4.3

On average, small FSA county offices provided the financial benefits
of farm programs to fewer farmers than did larger county offices, and
the dollar value of the benefits paid by small offices was also less. 
Specifically, the average number of farmers served by small offices
in 1997 was 296, compared with an average of 848 farmers for larger
offices.  Regarding the dollar value of these benefits, the average
amount of benefits paid by small offices was about $1 million, while
the average amount for larger offices was about $4 million. 

Table 2 provides information on the distribution of small offices
providing benefits to various numbers of farmers in 1997.  Table 3
provides information on the distribution of these offices according
to various levels of financial benefits that they provided in 1997. 

                                Table 2
                Distribution of Small FSA County Offices
                Providing Benefits to Various Numbers of
                             Farmers, 1997

Number of farmers who received      Number of small county offices and
FSA financial benefits in each    percent of total small offices (673)
small county office                                     they represent
------------------------------  --------------------------------------
<200                                                         293 (44%)
<400                                                         500 (74%)
<600                                                         592 (88%)
<800                                                         633 (94%)
Source:  GAO's analysis of FSA's data. 

                                Table 3
                Distribution of Small FSA County Offices
                  According to the Levels of Financial
                Benefits They Provided to Farmers, 1997

                                                Number of small county
                                          offices and percent of total
Dollar value of FSA financial benefits        small offices (673) they
provided by each small county office                         represent
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
<$250,000                                                    207 (31%)
<$500,000                                                    320 (48%)
<$1,000,000                                                  458 (68%)
<$2,500,000                                                  592 (88%)
<$5,000,000                                                  648 (96%)
Source:  GAO's analysis of FSA's data. 

Nationwide, small FSA county offices provided financial benefits
under the farm programs to about 12 percent of all farmers who
received these benefits in 1997or about 200,000 of about 1.6 million
farmers who received benefits.  In terms of their dollar value, these
benefits accounted for about 9.8 percent (approximately $733.7
million) of the about $7.5 billion in benefits distributed that year. 

---------------------------------------------------------- Letter :4.4

On average, farming's contribution to total county income was small
in the counties served by small FSA county offices.  Specifically,
farm income averaged about 1.3 percent of total income in these
counties in calendar years 1995 and 1996, the years with the most
current data available; this average was 3.7 percent for the counties
served by larger offices.  However, in a few cases, small FSA county
offices served counties in which farm income contributed
significantly to total county income.  For instance, farm income
accounted for 20 percent or more of total county income in 11 of the
counties served by small FSA county offices.  In contrast, USDA's
Economic Research Service has reported that 556 counties in the
United States derive 20 percent of more of their total income from
farming activities.\3

Although the percent of total county income represented by farm
income was low in most counties served by small FSA county offices,
the dollar value of farming activity in some of these counties may
have been significant.  For example, although farm income represented
only about 1 percent of the total income in one Florida county served
by a small office, the dollar value of this farm income was about $79
million.  In other cases, although the percentage of total income
represented by farm income was relatively high, the dollar value of
this agricultural activity was relatively small.  For example,
although farm income accounted for about 36 percent of the total
income in one Texas county served by a small office, the dollar value
of this farm income was about $40 million. 

\3 Understanding Rural America, Agriculture Information Bulletin
Number 710, Feb.  1995. 

---------------------------------------------------------- Letter :4.5

On average, small FSA county offices served areas (one or more
counties) with about 720 farms and about 367,000 farmland acres.  In
contrast, larger county offices served areas that had, on average,
about 836 farms and 402,000 farmland acres.  The number of farms in
areas served by small FSA county offices ranged from 67 for a North
Carolina county office to over 4,300 farms for an Oregon county
office.  The number of farmland acres ranged from almost 16,000 for a
Kentucky county office to almost 8 million for an Arizona county

Table 4 provides information on the distribution of small county
offices according to the number of farms located in the counties
served by these offices. 

                                Table 4
                Distribution of Small FSA County Offices
                According to the Number of Farms in the
                          Counties They Serve

                                                Number of small county
                                          offices and percent of total
                                              small offices (673) they
Number of farms in county                                    represent
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
<300                                                          98 (15%)
<600                                                         340 (51%)
<900                                                         510 (76%)
<1,200                                                       579 (86%)
<1,500                                                       619 (92%)
Note:  Some small offices serve more than one county; farms in the
additional county or counties served have been included in the totals
for these offices. 

Source:  GAO's analysis of USDA's 1997 Census of Agriculture data. 

Table 5 provides information on the distribution of these offices
according to the farmland acres in the counties served by these

                                Table 5
                Distribution of Small FSA County Offices
                  According to the Number of Farmland
                    Acres in the Counties They Serve

                                                Number of small county
                                          offices and percent of total
                                              small offices (673) they
Number of farmland acres in the county                       represent
----------------------------------------  ----------------------------
<100,000                                                     178 (26%)
<200,000                                                     379 (56%)
<300,000                                                     467 (69%)
<400,000                                                     497 (74%)
<500,000                                                     537 (80%)
Note:  Some small offices serve more than one county; farmland
acreage in the additional county or counties served has also been
included in the totals for these offices. 

Source:  GAO's analysis of USDA's 1997 Census of Agriculture data. 

\4 The 1997 Census of Agriculture generally defines a farm as any
place from which $1,000 or more of agricultural products were
produced and sold, or normally would have been sold, during the
reference year. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :5

The number of small FSA county offices that are candidates for
closure and consolidation will vary depending on which
characteristics are considered and the criteria or thresholds set for
these characteristics.  For example, 45 of the 673 offices met all of
the following thresholds for three significant characteristicsthey
were located within an estimated 25-mile drive of another county
office, spent at least 50 percent of their time on administrative
duties in fiscal year 1997, and distributed the financial benefits of
farm programs to fewer than 350 farmers in calendar year
1997.\5 However, by changing the initial threshold for one or more of
these characteristics, the number of offices (and their identity)
with potential for closure and consolidation will change.  Before
closing and consolidating any small office, other factors need to be
considered, including whether the office serves a sizeable population
of minority, socially disadvantaged, or limited-resource farmers. 

\5 Because 58 small offices did not report workload data, we are
unable to determine whether some of these offices should be included
in the totals for any of the combinations of characteristics. 

---------------------------------------------------------- Letter :5.1

As discussed, altering the thresholds for characteristics such as
proximity, workload, and benefits changes the number of offices with
potential for closure and consolidation.  These thresholds can be
altered either one at a time (keeping the thresholds for the other
two characteristics constant) or in unison.  For illustrative
purposes, we discuss several possible combinations below and the
effects of these alternatives on the number of offices with potential
for closure and consolidation.  Other combinations, including other
combinations of characteristics, are also possible. 

  -- Change in Threshold for Proximity:  The number of small offices
     with potential for closure and consolidation increases as the
     threshold for geographic proximity to the next closest office is
     increased from 25 to 50 miles.  Specifically, 140 small offices
     are within 50 miles of another office and in 1997 spent at least
     50 percent of their time on administrative duties and provided
     benefits to fewer than 350 farmers.

  -- Change in Threshold for Percent of Workload Time Spent on
     Administrative Duties:  The number of small offices with
     potential for closure and consolidation increases as the
     threshold for the percent of time spent on administrative duties
     is decreased to at least 40 percent.  Specifically, 110 small
     offices are within 25 miles of another county office and in 1997
     spent at least 40 percent of their time on administrative duties
     and served fewer than 350 farmers.

  -- Change in the Threshold for Number of Farmers Who Received
     Program Benefits:  The number of small offices with potential
     for closure and consolidation increases as the threshold for the
     number of farmers who received program benefits is increased
     from fewer than 350 to fewer than 500.  Specifically, 49 small
     offices are within 25 miles of another county office and in 1997
     spent at least 50 percent of their time on administrative duties
     and provided benefits to fewer than 500 farmers.

  -- Changes to All Three Thresholds:  The number of small offices
     with potential for closure and consolidation increases when all
     three thresholds are changed in the manner discussed above. 
     Specifically, 344 small offices meet the expanded thresholds for
     these characteristics--they are within 50 miles of another
     county office and in 1997 spent at least 40 percent of their
     time on administrative duties and provided benefits to fewer
     than 500 farmers. 

---------------------------------------------------------- Letter :5.2

For each of these small county offices, mitigating factors need to be
considered when determining the potential for office closure and
consolidation.  These factors may include whether a county office
serves a sizeable population of minority, socially disadvantaged, or
limited-resource farmers; provides a significant degree of
nonfinancial benefits, such as technical assistance, to local farmers
and other USDA agencies; or is collocated with county offices of the
Natural Resources Conservation Service and/or Rural Development
agencies in order to provide a single location where farmers can
obtain assistance from these agencies. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :6

We provided a draft of this report to USDA for its review and
comment.  We met with officials from USDA's Farm Service Agency and
National Agricultural Statistics Service, including the Farm Service
Agency's Deputy Administrator for Management and Executive Director
for State Operations.  USDA generally agreed with the report.  With
respect to sharp increases in workload at some Farm Service Agency
county offices during 1998 and 1999, USDA noted, and we agree, that
this short-term surge in workload represents nonrecurring activity
that should not be the basis for long-term management decisions
regarding county office infrastructure. 

USDA provided a number of technical changes and clarifications to the
report, which we incorporated as appropriate. 

------------------------------------------------------------ Letter :7

To determine which FSA county offices have three or fewer permanent
full-time employees, we obtained FSA data on staffing levels for all
FSA county offices as of November 1998, the most recent year for
which data were available.  These data included employees responsible
for farm credit programs as well as employees responsible for farm
support programs.  We then compared these data with information we
obtained from other FSA data sources.  In doing so, we identified
several additional small offices that FSA concurred should be
included in our analysis. 

To determine the geographic proximity of small offices to other
county offices, we obtained FSA's national database of its county
offices.  Using the county office zip codes contained in this
database, we calculated straight-line distances between small
offices and other nearby offices (usually three), including those in
another state where appropriate, using Geographic Information Systems
software.  Having identified the closest offices to each small county
office, we then calculated estimated driving distances using, Inc.  software.  This software maps the fastest route
between two locations (some local roads, such as rural routes, may
not be captured by this software).  In each case, we selected the
office with the shortest driving distance as the nearest office. 
It is possible that other mapping software could give slightly
different results. 

To obtain information on county office workload, we reviewed FSA
county office workload reports for fiscal year 1997.  To determine
the time spent by county office employees on administrative duties,
we subtracted their time charges for program delivery activities from
total workload charges.  In doing this analysis, we noted that
workload data were not available for 51 of the 673 small offices
because FSA combined these data with data from another county office. 
In addition, workload data were not available for seven small offices
located in either Alaska or Hawaii because FSA does not collect
workload data for these states.  To determine the level of FSA
program benefits provided by county offices, including the number of
farmers who received these benefits, we used relevant data from FSA's
producer payment reporting system for calendar year 1997.  This
system includes data on all farm support program payments that are
distributed through FSA county offices. 

To determine agriculture's contribution to a county's total income,
we used data compiled by the Department of Commerce's Bureau of
Economic Analysis for calendar years 1995 and 1996, the most recent
data available.  We used the average of these 2 years in performing
our analysis because the agricultural income reported for a few
counties in 1996 was a negative number.  To obtain information on the
number of farms and farmland acres in counties, we used data from the
National Agricultural Statistics Service's Census of Agriculture for
1997.  Although the Service estimates that about 13.7 percent of the
farms in the United States are not captured by the census, the census
remains the most comprehensive database of statistics on U.S.  farms. 

Regarding county office characteristics, we strove to keep the
timeframes of the various data we used as consistent as possible. 
For example, since the most recent data available on agriculture's
contribution to county income and on the number of farms and farmland
acres in counties was from 1996 and 1997, respectively, we used 1997
data for county office workload and farm program benefits (although
1998 data were available for each).  In addition, concerning workload
and benefits, we considered 1997 to be the most normal, or typical,
year for these characteristics during 1996 through 1998, the 3 most
recent years for which data were available for each.  Specifically,
1996 was a transition year as the farm bill phased out some farm
programs while introducing others.  As to 1998, some county offices
experienced dramatic short-term increases in workload that were
associated with assisting farmers hurt by sharply lower prices for
some commodities and/or severe weather problems experienced that

We conducted our work from October 1998 through May 1999 in
accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.  We
did not independently verify the accuracy of the data we collected
from outside sources.  However, we obtained information from agency
officials or documents on the measures taken to ensure the accuracy
and completeness of these data.  As appropriate, we also noted any
limitations to these data. 

---------------------------------------------------------- Letter :7.1

As agreed with your office, unless you publicly announce its contents
earlier, we plan no further distribution of this report until 30 days
after the date of this letter.  At that time, we will provide copies
to appropriate congressional committees, interested Members of
Congress, the Honorable Dan Glickman, Secretary of Agriculture, the
Honorable Jacob Lew, Director of the Office of Management and Budget,
and other interested parties.  We will also make copies available to
others upon request. 

Please contact me at (202) 512-5138 if you or your staff have any
questions about this report.  Major contributors to this report are
listed in appendix IV. 

Sincerely yours,

Robert E.  Robertson
Associate Director, Food and
 Agriculture Issues

=========================================================== Appendix I

                                                          Small county
                                 Number of  Total number  offices as a
                                 small FSA        of FSA    percent of
                                    county        county    all county
State                              offices       offices       offices
----------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Alabama                                  8            49           16%
Alaska                                   4             4           100
Arizona                                  5             9            56
Arkansas                                17            60            28
California                              12            32            38
Colorado                                17            40            43
Connecticut                              3             5            60
Delaware                                 1             3            33
Florida                                 10            35            29
Georgia                                 17            82            21
Hawaii                                   3             4            75
Idaho                                   11            35            31
Illinois                                11            92            12
Indiana                                 23            81            28
Iowa                                     2           100             2
Kansas                                  18           104            17
Kentucky                                37            92            40
Louisiana                               14            44            32
Maine                                    6            15            40
Maryland                                12            21            57
Massachusetts                            2             7            29
Michigan                                12            55            22
Minnesota                                9            81            11
Mississippi                             22            71            31
Missouri                                26           100            26
Montana                                  8            49            16
Nebraska                                 7            83             8
Nevada                                   6             8            75
New Hampshire                            5             6            83
New Jersey                               2             6            33
New Mexico                              15            28            54
New York                                20            45            44
North Carolina                          18            80            23
North Dakota                             7            54            13
Ohio                                    11            74            15
Oklahoma                                17            65            26
Oregon                                  18            25            72
Pennsylvania                            26            49            53
Rhode Island                             0             1             0
South Carolina                          18            37            49
South Dakota                             1            59             2
Tennessee                               30            72            42
Texas                                   88           209            42
Utah                                    10            21            48
Vermont                                  5             9            56
Virginia                                15            50            30
Washington                              10            26            38
West Virginia                           20            30            67
Wisconsin                                5            60             8
Wyoming                                  9            18            50
Total                                  673          2385            28
Note:  Excludes 11 total offices in Puerto Rico and 1 office in the
Virgin Islands. 

========================================================== Appendix II

                                                                (Dollars in thousands)

                      Estimated driving
                     distance to another
                          FSA office
            Number                                                                                                                        Farm income
State/          of                                                                            Number of                                            as
FSA       permanen                                                                          farmers who              Number     Average             a
county           t                              Percent of      Percent of                     received                  of       total    percentage
office/      full-                          workload spent        workload                          FSA    Number                  farm      of total
other         time                                      on        spent on   FSA financial    financial        of  farmland      income        county
counties  employee          FSA county      administration         program        benefits    benefits,    farms,    acres,  in county,       income,
served           s   Miles  office                  , 1997  delivery, 1997  provided, 1997         1997      1997      1997     1995-96       1995-96
--------  --------  ------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -----------  --------  --------  ----------  ------------
Blount           3    35.2  Etowah                   43.3%           56.7%          $444.3          281     1,191   138,509     $43,271          5.9%
Jefferso                                                                                                      426    41,333      $1,809           0.0
Walker                                                                                                        470    54,950     $12,015           0.9
Subtotal                                                                                                    2,087   234,792     $57,094           0.3
Calhoun          3    23.9  Talladega                 41.1            58.9          $349.4          282       629    77,429     $18,721           0.9
Cleburne                                                                                                      340    50,782     $19,919           8.9
Subtotal                                                                                                      969   128,211     $38,640           1.7
Macon            2    25.7  Lee                         \a              \a          $994.7          229       300   127,334      $1,756           0.5
Marion           3      32  Lamar                     40.2            59.8          $531.3          524       677    98,078      $7,114           1.4
Winston                                                                                                       582    59,090     $19,119           4.6
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,259   157,168     $26,233           2.8
Marshall         3    35.5  Etowah                    32.1            67.9          $539.6          576     1,583   146,129     $45,599           3.1
Pickens          1    38.5  Greene                      \a              \a          $815.1          257       454   123,132      $4,241           1.3
Randolph         2    39.4  Calhoun                   46.0            54.0          $158.1          264       599   108,122     $17,566           5.5
Clay                                                                                                          397    75,249     $15,253           6.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      996   183,371     $32,819           5.8
Russell          3    27.1  Lee                       39.9            60.1          $774.9          111       246    96,088      $2,796           0.3

Delta            2    96.2  Fairbanks                   \a              \a        $1,156.6           74        \a        \a          \a            \a
Fairbank         1    96.2  Delta                       \a              \a            $9.7            5        \a        \a          \a            \a
Homer            1   280.2  Palmer                      \a              \a           $23.6            9        \a        \a          \a            \a
Palmer           1   280.2  Homer                       \a              \a          $298.3           30        \a        \a          \a            \a

Bradley          3    17.2  Drew                      43.7            56.3          $228.5          122       249    28,900      $8,411           4.1
Calhoun                                                                                                       112    17,622        $577           0.8
Dallas                                                                                                        121    23,228        $295           0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      482    69,750      $9,282           2.1
Conway           2    22.1  Faulkner                    \a              \a          $756.3          221       729   162,732     $27,076           7.7
Fulton           2    18.1  Sharp                     37.0            63.0          $109.3           88       737   227,794      $1,655           1.2
Hot              2    22.1  Saline                    52.9            47.1          $244.4           55       447    75,305      $2,699           0.7
Howard           3    28.9  Little River              30.0            70.0          $211.5          140       656   108,020     $46,830          16.9
Garland                                                                                                       360    43,471      $1,939           0.1
Pike                                                                                                          406    73,211     $20,844          11.8
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,422   224,702     $69,613           3.2
Izard            2    25.6  Fulton                    38.7            61.3          $300.8          315       703   187,863      $4,845           2.7
Little           3    25.8  Miller                    64.4            35.6          $890.0          105       381   146,344      $6,311           2.8
Miller           3    25.8  Little River              45.0            55.0        $2,735.6          152       502   154,096      $9,648           1.5
Ouachita         2    49.2  Bradley                   78.9            21.1           $54.6           29       177    29,449        $706           0.2
Union                                                                                                         281    34,150     $15,708           1.6
Subtotal                                                                                                      458    63,599     $16,414           1.1
Polk             2    45.9  Sevier                    43.9            56.1           $19.6           13       850   133,203     $33,774          11.3
Pulaski          3    25.5  Lonoke                    65.2            34.8        $1,610.9          215       421   110,830      $7,420           0.1
Saline           2    22.1  Hot Spring                67.8            32.2           $78.0           31       329    50,225      $2,104           0.2
Grant                                                                                                         215    32,519      $1,211           0.5
Subtotal                                                                                                      544    82,744      $3,315           0.2
Searcy           1    27.2  Van Buren                   \a              \a          $385.2          205       614   188,275      $2,470           2.3
Sebastia         3    37.9  Logan                     55.3            44.7          $373.5          220       724   114,950      $6,127           0.3
Crawford                                                                                                      806   138,811     $15,443           2.1
Scott                                                                                                         655   115,733     $25,617          15.8
Subtotal                                                                                                    2,185   369,494     $47,186           1.5
Sevier           3    33.2  Little River                \a              \a           $50.1           26       588   133,466     $34,029          13.9
Stone            2      26  Izard                       \a              \a          $315.1          244       601   142,453     $14,321           9.1
Van              2    27.2  Searcy                    46.2            53.8           $26.3           39       578   132,417      $3,382           1.5

Apache           2    58.6  Navajo                    57.6            42.4          $101.9           57       288        \a       -$669          -0.1
Coconino         2    92.5  Navajo                    64.5            35.5        $1,077.3          129       199  6,209,42       -$639           0.0
Mohave                                                                                                        212   997,171      $3,556           0.2
Yavapai                                                                                                       453   771,632      $3,542           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      864  7,978,22      $6,459           0.1
Graham           2    46.4  Cochise                   58.5            41.5        $1,180.4          170       281  1,244,76      $2,347           0.6
Greenlee                                                                                                       99    29,406      $1,430           0.9
Subtotal                                                                                                      380  1,274,16      $3,777           0.7
Navajo           3    58.6  Apache                    34.2            65.8          $231.9          113       310  3,902,55      $7,825           0.7
Gila                                                                                                          148        \a     -$1,040          -0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      458  3,902,55      $7,305           0.4
Pima             3    66.6  Pinal                     47.0            53.0        $1,259.3           66       419  2,913,60      $8,777           0.1
Santa                                                                                                         156   265,285     -$2,168          -0.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      575  3,178,89      $6,609           0.0

Contra           1    45.4  Solano                    54.2            45.8          $296.7           53       587   147,859     $24,755           0.1
Humboldt         1   132.9  Shasta                    54.0            46.0           $67.6           59       792   584,538      $4,209           0.2
Del                                                                                                            66    13,303     $11,683           3.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      858   597,841     $15,891           0.6
Imperial         3    88.1  Riverside                 40.4            59.6        $7,210.1          346       557   489,726    $246,638          12.1
Lassen           2   104.3  Tehama                    38.3            61.7          $243.2           75       365   453,826     -$4,552          -1.0
Plumas                                                                                                        117   108,896     -$1,544          -0.4
Sierra                                                                                                         47    46,359     -$3,576          -5.5
Subtotal                                                                                                      529   609,081     -$9,672          -1.0
Los              3    84.2  Kern                      57.8            42.2          $160.4           57     1,226   130,838    $190,020           0.1
Orange                                                                                                        349    58,113    $102,034           0.1
San                                                                                                         1,455   924,015    $178,804           0.6
Subtotal                                                                                                    3,030  1,112,96    $470,858           0.2
Modoc            3   104.9  Lassen                    47.7            52.3          $764.0          172       440   662,927       -$736          -0.5
Placer           3    36.3  Sacramento                54.2            45.8        $2,924.4          152       997   139,597        $971           0.0
El                                                                                                            763   102,726     -$4,898          -0.1
Nevada                                                                                                        412    62,772     -$2,768          -0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                    2,172   305,095     -$6,695          -0.1
Sacramen         3    22.3  Solano                    57.8            42.2        $5,217.2          486     1,288   308,035     $51,904           0.2
Amador                                                                                                        360   204,398      $4,560           0.7
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,648   512,433     $56,464           0.2
San              2      27  Monterey                  49.9            50.1          $798.0          127       562   511,571     $61,102           7.5
Santa                                                                                                         985   318,654     $69,430           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,547   830,225    $130,532           0.2
Santa            1    54.1  San Luis                  45.8            54.2          $153.4           13     1,451   817,068    $264,645           2.6
 Barbara                     Obispo
Solano           3    22.3  Sacramento                48.4            51.6        $2,887.8          533       795   362,102     $39,361           0.5
Napa                                                                                                        1,318   212,401     $50,260           1.5
Subtotal                                                                                                    2,113   574,503     $89,621           0.8
Sonoma           2    46.5  Alameda                   57.2            42.8          $191.7           97     2,745   570,804    $113,136           1.0
Marin                                                                                                         276   149,663     $16,680           0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                    3,021   720,467    $129,816           0.6

Arapahoe         2    51.7  Elbert                    45.1            54.9        $2,996.4          443       258   332,940      $1,196           0.0
Bent             1      29  Otero                     48.2            51.8        $1,952.7          317       270   784,273      $8,090           9.4
Boulder          2    26.7  Adams                     53.5            46.5          $310.9          205       657   128,146     $12,523           0.2
Jefferso                                                                                                      377    97,623      $4,602           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,034   225,769     $17,125           0.1
Conejos          2      14  Alamosa                   59.3            40.7          $645.1          211       429   284,676      $5,967           6.0
Costilla                                                                                                      171   363,220      $2,200           4.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      600   647,896      $8,167           5.4
Delta            2      21  Montrose                  46.9            53.1          $625.8          133     1,041   281,889      $3,955           1.0
El Paso          2    43.2  Pueblo                    55.6            44.4          $741.5          175       851   866,953        $661           0.0
Park                                                                                                          183   311,182        $648           0.3
Teller                                                                                                         84    83,443       -$706          -0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,118  1,261,57        $603           0.0
Elbert           3      39  Lincoln                   50.0            50.0        $2,824.5          486       822  1,095,24       -$321          -0.1
Douglas                                                                                                       574   204,360       -$335           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,396  1,299,60       -$656           0.0
Fremont          2    39.3  Pueblo                    50.5            49.5          $487.7          171       561   283,490        $752           0.1
Chaffee                                                                                                       189    85,608       -$724          -0.3
Custer                                                                                                        152   144,247       -$554          -1.1
Lake                                                                                                           20    17,188          $0           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      922   530,533       -$526          -0.1
La Plata         2    44.6  Montezuma                 50.2            49.8          $754.0          193       781   580,135     -$2,322          -0.3
Archulet                                                                                                      206   112,670         $54           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      987   692,805     -$2,268          -0.2
Larimer          3    31.1  Weld/Boulder              46.2            53.8          $862.2          403     1,298   542,259     $15,719           0.3
Las              2    81.9  Otero                     56.4            43.6        $1,076.0          120       485  2,214,99        $941           0.4
 Animas                                                                                                                   2
Huerfano                                                                                                      273   641,124     -$1,382          -1.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      758  2,856,11       -$441          -0.1
Moffat           2    39.8  Routt                     49.5            50.5        $1,758.6          300       389  1,031,09        $519           0.2
Phillips         3      32  Sedgwick                  49.1            50.9        $6,981.0          943       344   463,376     $20,651          21.7
Pueblo           2    39.3  Fremont                   49.8            50.2        $1,713.3          240       664   822,584      $2,174           0.1
Rio              2    47.8  Moffat                    58.8            41.2          $452.2           78       255   466,272     -$2,211          -1.9
Rio              3    15.7  Saguache                  58.5            41.5        $1,256.5          190       348   231,734     $15,097           8.0
Hinsdale                                                                                                       14     8,834        $123           0.9
Mineral                                                                                                        10        \a         $52           0.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      372   240,568     $15,246           7.1
Sedgwick         3      32  Phillips                  39.1            60.9        $3,880.5          664       215   294,185      $8,959          15.5

New              3      31  Hartford                  49.3            50.7           $99.2           60       423    24,563     $17,524           0.1
Middlese                                                                                                      288    18,682     $12,802           0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      711    43,245     $30,325           0.1
New              3      32  Windham                   44.6            55.4          $253.4           99       610    67,924     $41,069           0.6
Windham          3      32  New London                45.9            54.1          $293.7           87       440    56,514     $10,003           0.4

New              3    39.5  Kent                      46.3            53.7        $1,353.3          202       327    77,302      $7,018           0.1

Calhoun          2    27.7  Jackson                   50.2            49.8          $600.3          237       130    43,799      $6,291           4.0
Franklin                                                                                                       19     5,125          $0           0.0
Gulf                                                                                                           33     3,823          $0           0.0
Liberty                                                                                                        47     7,238        $231           0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      229    59,985      $6,521           1.1
Duval            2    45.3  Columbia                  64.2          35.8 $          87.5 7          0 3      20 3   5,531 $    11,425 0            .1
Baker                                                                                                         157    13,035     $13,005           4.1
Nassau                                                                                                        238    35,165     $11,400           1.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      715    83,731     $35,829           0.2
Gadsden          2    24.6  Leon                      40.5            59.5          $317.5          204       290    57,933     $36,867           5.6
Hardee           3    24.3  Polk                      55.0            45.0          $128.6           52     1,045   345,643     $39,636          11.6
De Soto                                                                                                       715   322,402     $48,712          10.7
Manatee                                                                                                       697   267,993     $84,032           1.4
Sarasota                                                                                                      315   128,655      $6,126           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                    2,772  1,064,69    $178,505           1.1
Highland         3    32.2  Hardee                    46.0            54.0          $126.4           17       779   489,579     $52,759           3.7
Lee              1    62.7  Hendry                      \a              \a           $95.9           19       509   129,001     $39,842           0.4
Charlott                                                                                                      209   290,340      $8,971           0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      718   419,341     $48,813           0.4
Polk             2    23.8  Hillsborough                \a              \a              \a           \a     2,464   621,489     $79,461           0.9
St.              2      36  Okeechobee                60.1            39.9           $93.7           23       500   227,414     $38,756           1.2
Indian                                                                                                        437   168,399     $48,476           1.5
Martin                                                                                                        305   183,724     $56,233           1.4
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,242   579,537    $143,464           1.4
Sumter           3      28  Pasco                     63.0            37.0            $9.8           15       718   183,374      $6,571           1.2
Citrus                                                                                                        294    49,192         $25           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,012   232,566      $6,596           0.3
Volusia          1    39.2  Lake                        \a              \a           $20.3            4       910   111,502     $51,505           0.6
Seminole                                                                                                      344    37,222     $11,987           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,254   148,724     $63,492           0.4

Atkinson         3      15  Coffee                    42.0            58.0          $648.8          179       196    62,779     $28,929          23.8
Candler          2    23.1  Evans                     35.3            64.7        $1,242.0          463       264    78,376     $10,601           6.9
Effingha         2    33.8  Screven                   47.4            52.6          $343.7          134       203    52,479      $4,476           0.8
Bryan                                                                                                          61    25,477      $1,201           0.3
Chatham                                                                                                        42     8,694      $1,745           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      306    86,650      $7,421           0.1
Greene           2    20.9  Morgan                    56.0            44.0          $142.8           74       198    52,426      $3,149           1.5
Hancock                                                                                                       103    33,653       -$259          -0.2
Taliafer                                                                                                       55    16,359        $308           1.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      356   102,438      $3,197           0.9
Habersha         3    29.4  Hall                      46.2            53.8          $167.4          119       407    31,278     $52,890           8.6
Rabun                                                                                                         122    10,865      $8,349           3.5
White                                                                                                         284    26,316     $30,453           9.5
Subtotal                                                                                                      813    68,459     $91,691           7.8
Hart             3      18  Elbert                    42.0            58.0          $492.6          297       460    57,884     $13,926           3.8
Henry            3    49.6  Lamar                     54.0            46.0          $274.1          147       327    44,643      $1,687           0.1
Butts                                                                                                         148    27,488      $3,746           1.3
Clayton                                                                                                        54     4,922         $18           0.0
Fayette                                                                                                       184    18,350     -$1,475          -0.1
Spalding                                                                                                      193    26,684       -$810          -0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      906   122,087      $3,167           0.0
Jeff             3    15.2  Appling                   34.7            65.3          $985.0          258       220    71,201     $11,066           5.4
Long             2    12.5  Wayne                     50.6            49.4           $77.0           76        64    18,875      $1,627           1.8
Liberty                                                                                                        43    20,989       -$124           0.0
Mcintosh                                                                                                       24     4,205          \a            \a
Subtotal                                                                                                      131    44,069      $1,503           0.2
McDuffie         2    26.1  Wilkes                    49.2            50.8          $568.1          222       217    41,157      $9,614           2.5
Columbia                                                                                                      169    29,146        $313           0.0
Richmond                                                                                                      106    14,775        $320           0.0
Warren                                                                                                        134    44,447      $2,679           2.9
Subtotal                                                                                                      626   129,525     $12,769           0.2
Marion           3      20  Webster                   49.1            50.9          $301.5          171       147    51,645      $3,612           4.2
Chattaho                                                                                                       13     4,070        $627           0.2
Harris                                                                                                        207    46,940      $1,787           0.4
Muscogee                                                                                                       39     8,499       -$503           0.0
Talbot                                                                                                        111    36,481       -$124          -0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      517   147,635      $5,461           0.1
Morgan           3    20.7  Putnam                    46.1            53.9          $540.0          262       390    87,644     $20,476           7.2
Jasper                                                                                                        185    51,948      $8,210           4.8
Newton                                                                                                        260    45,579      $1,503           0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      835   185,171     $30,189           2.2
Oconee           3    22.9  Morgan                    59.4            40.6          $414.7          244       305    51,254     $27,932           5.6
Barrow                                                                                                        361    41,231     $21,167           3.2
Clarke                                                                                                         80    12,660     $11,890           0.7
Subtotal                                                                                                      746   105,145     $60,988           2.1
Taylor           3      30  Peach                     42.4            57.6          $768.6          249       196    69,584     $10,022           7.6
Toombs           3      15  Tattnall                  34.4            65.6        $1,739.2          557       401    99,949     $14,878           3.4
Wayne            3    12.5  Long                      50.6            49.4          $776.1          280       276    65,209      $4,586           1.2
Camden                                                                                                         46    18,963        $750           0.1
Glynn                                                                                                          36     7,742         $61           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      358    91,914      $5,397           0.2
Wilkes           2    26.1  McDuffie                  53.4            46.6          $206.0          185       298    94,989      $5,156           2.7
Lincoln                                                                                                       163    31,176      $3,231           2.5
Subtotal                                                                                                      461   126,165      $8,387           2.6

Honolulu         2      \a  \a                          \a              \a           $88.2           13       880    79,927     $58,828           0.3
Kauai            2      \a  \a                          \a              \a            $8.3            5       468   197,042     $27,843           2.3
Maui             2      \a  \a                          \a              \a          $211.2           40       806   292,090     $57,766           2.2

Ada              3    19.4  Canyon                    69.6            30.4        $1,095.2          340     1,221   231,188     $17,198           0.2
Bannock          3    25.8  Bingham                   33.3            66.7        $3,649.5          403       664   309,281     $10,205           0.8
Bear             2      30  Caribou                   30.3            69.7        $1,789.4          313       410   221,717        $413           0.5
Benewah          1      34  Kootenai                    \a              \a        $1,814.5          310       226   125,988      $1,659           1.1
Boundary         1    77.8  Kootenai                  61.2            38.8          $908.0          155       312    72,685      $5,503           4.1
Bonner                                                                                                        501    98,662      $1,137           0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      813   171,347      $6,640           1.0
Jefferso         3      10  Madison                   42.6            57.4        $4,380.1          607       773   332,535     $15,734           6.0
Clarke                                                                                                         83   215,301      $9,326          51.6
Subtotal                                                                                                      856   547,836     $25,060           8.9
Jerome           1      19  Lincoln                     \a              \a        $2,013.5          502       683   193,921     $60,136          20.1
Lemhi            1   138.4  Butte                       \a              \a           $70.0           54       308   196,584     -$1,264          -1.0
Oneida           3    57.3  Franklin                  35.0            65.0        $4,244.3          473       387   271,108      $2,079           3.9
Payette          2      11  Washington                45.9            54.1          $980.4          342       564   148,467     $22,325           7.5
Washingt         3      11  Payette                   40.5            59.5        $2,212.8          374       489   443,184      $3,958           2.8
Adams                                                                                                         279   200,480     -$1,340          -2.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      768   643,664      $2,618           1.3

Alexande         2      20  Union                     43.5            56.5        $1,800.8          651       166    71,280      $2,751           1.9
Pulaski                                                                                                       239    83,127      $3,113           2.7
Subtotal                                                                                                      405   154,407      $5,864           2.3
Calhoun          2      19  Jersey                    40.1            59.9        $1,692.8          754       433    99,483      $3,169           3.5
Cumberla         2    19.9  Clark                     29.1            70.9        $3,479.1        1,385       547   169,773     $11,356           5.7
Jackson          3      24  Williamson or             42.1            57.9        $2,148.0          807       680   202,558     $11,706           1.2
Kane             0    22.4  De Kalb                   27.8            72.2        $4,940.2          594       650   209,941     $19,339           0.2
Du Page                                                                                                        93    17,103     $11,169           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      743   227,044     $30,507           0.1
Kendall          3    21.5  Grundy                    47.6            52.4        $4,165.7          739       441   167,486      $6,175           0.5
Perry            3      18  Washington                35.9            64.1        $2,488.0        1,188       551   172,013      $5,601           1.5
Scott            2      19  Morgan                    42.8            57.2        $2,609.5          669       327   145,529       -$745          -0.9
Stark            3    33.9  Marshall                  38.7            61.3        $4,581.1          763       354   179,711      $6,000           4.8
Union            2      19  Johnson                   39.6            60.4        $1,920.7          572       591   136,060      $5,747           1.9
Wabash           3      23  Lawrence                  32.4            67.6        $2,412.3          753       212   121,664      $2,109           0.9

Clark            3    21.1  Scott                     42.9            57.1        $1,178.0          595       647   108,773      $4,113           0.2
Elkhart          3    22.6  Kosciusko                 40.0            60.0        $2,160.1          664     1,335   182,771     $14,150           0.4
Hamilton         3    17.3  Madison                   41.5            58.5        $2,375.2          679       591   140,813      $3,000           0.1
Hendrick         0    28.4  Putnam                      \a              \a        $2,642.3          650       631   167,228      $8,644           0.4
Howard           3    14.5  Tipton                    39.3            60.7        $3,170.4          851       486   147,750     $15,606           0.8
Lake             3    20.6  Porter                    39.3            60.7        $2,727.3          602       442   148,872      $5,155           0.1
Madison          3    17.3  Hamilton                  39.5            60.5        $3,875.7        1,266       738   223,751      $9,725           0.4
Miami            3    14.5  Cass                      41.1            58.9        $3,314.9          828       678   197,198      $4,592           0.8
Morgan           3    19.8  Monroe                    43.3            56.7        $2,010.8          713       601   133,958      $2,847           0.2
Newton           3    14.9  Jasper                    35.6            64.4        $4,878.6        1,068       381   207,315     -$1,835          -0.8
Orange           3      20  Washington                41.3            58.7        $1,785.7          495       531   123,343       -$408          -0.1
Perry            0      24  Warrick                     \a              \a          $551.3          294       484    84,251        $633           0.2
Pike             3    13.3  Daviess                   38.9            61.1        $1,675.0          697       288    84,237      $1,999           0.9
Porter           3    20.6  Lake                      40.9            59.1        $2,631.0          659       476   134,505      $5,564           0.2
Rush             3      17  Fayette                   41.0           59.0%        $4,639.5          955       663   227,874      $3,994           1.2
Scott            3    20.6  Washington                44.5           55.5%        $1,028.8          392       348    57,372      $1,058           0.3
Steuben          3    23.1  De Kalb                   35.2           64.8%        $3,268.9          802       581   123,953      $3,035           0.5
Switzerl         3    26.2  Jefferson                 38.7           61.3%          $367.0          314       541    67,881       -$727          -0.6
Tipton           3    14.5  Howard                    44.1           55.9%        $3,352.0          829       415   158,440     $14,176           3.7
Vanderbu         3    15.3  Warrick                   49.1           50.9%        $1,766.0          737       271    72,112      $5,291           0.1
Vigo             3    17.1  Clay                      38.0           62.0%        $2,408.6        1,415       455   114,889      $3,417           0.2
Wabash           3    15.7  Miami                     39.1           60.9%        $3,759.5          984       762   188,230      $7,812           1.1
Warrick          3    15.3  Vanderburgh               33.7           66.3%        $1,691.6          646       356    98,549       -$628          -0.1

Wapello          3      21  Davis                     40.3           59.7%        $4,230.0          998       781   208,213      $7,648           1.1
W.               0      24  E.                          \a              \a        $4,886.5        1,063     1,325   536,704     $25,811           0.0
 Pottawa                     Pottawattamie

Anderson         3    23.6  Franklin                  42.0            58.0        $2,016.1          865       688   367,031      $3,081           2.4
Atchison         3    26.5  Jefferson                 28.4            71.6        $2,442.1          914       632   242,096      $5,614           1.9
Barber           3    29.3  Pratt                     34.6            65.4        $4,598.3          916       433   595,104     -$1,539          -1.5
Chase            3      21  Lyon                      47.4            52.6          $698.1          355       285   409,224     -$1,508          -2.8
Douglas          3    17.8  Jefferson                 40.1            59.9        $1,586.3          904       839   218,517      $5,100           0.3
Greenwoo         3    24.1  Elk                       45.2            54.8          $888.9          424       593   634,169     -$1,066          -0.8
Hamilton         2    27.7  Kearny                      \a              \a        $9,356.0        1,173       267   527,709     $13,861          25.0
Hodgeman         3    25.5  Ness                      39.4            60.6        $5,228.1        1,148       359   485,004     $11,356          23.7
Jefferso         3    17.8  Douglas                   38.1            61.9        $2,332.5          899     1,018   269,019      $4,114           1.2
Johnson          3    21.8  Miami                     49.4            50.6          $822.5          463       604   135,787      $4,518           0.0
Kiowa            3      22  Comanche                  36.3            63.7        $5,626.7          902       318   441,979      $1,787           2.7
Lane             3    23.6  Scott                     40.0            60.0        $5,228.1          998       287   435,349      $5,199          11.8
Meade            3    37.2  Clark                     42.3            57.7        $6,859.8        1,216       416   554,522     $13,186          15.5
Morris           3    36.1  Wabaunsee                 45.0            55.0        $2,139.7          761       489   395,856      $1,254           1.3
Morton           3    32.8  Stevens                   32.1            67.9        $7,082.2        1,010       233   422,492      $1,475           2.2
Shawnee          3    26.2  Douglas                   41.9            58.1        $1,862.3        1,046       823   224,143      $8,283           0.2
Wabaunse         3    24.3  Riley                     41.4            58.6        $1,879.9          733       597   478,426      $2,520           1.9
Woodson          2    20.3  Allen                       \a              \a        $1,355.0          546       371   254,482       -$553          -0.9

Anderson         2    15.5  Woodford                  45.2            54.8          $127.6          164       691    83,948        $429           0.1
Ballard          3    20.1  McCracken                 34.3            65.7        $1,719.5          614       482   118,597     $12,674           7.7
Boone            3    31.2  Grant                     45.4            54.6          $215.4          334       691    79,855         $81           0.0
Campbell                                                                                                      503    45,108     -$1,523          -0.1
Kenton                                                                                                        442    37,788     -$2,216          -0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,636   162,751     -$3,658          -0.1
Bracken          3      20  Pendleton                 38.8            61.2          $110.4          287       656    91,714        $908           0.8
Breathit         3    14\b  Lee                       43.2            56.8           $23.8          148       193    46,646       -$306          -0.2
Carlisle         3    17.4  Hickman                   33.2            66.8        $1,446.3          543       323    90,258      $8,135           8.3
Casey            3    33.5  Adair                     28.8            71.2          $505.8          820     1,332   190,623      $2,813           1.6
Clark            3    17.1  Montgomery or             26.5            73.5          $267.2          272       847   146,819      $4,421           0.7
Clinton          3    18.3  Cumberland or             43.3            56.7          $183.5          379       639    78,057        $187           0.2
Cumberla         3    27.3  Monroe                    42.2            57.8          $215.3          533       524   108,409      $1,572           1.9
Franklin         2    14.1  Woodford                  46.6            53.4           $76.5          137       675    82,636      $2,399           0.2
Fulton           2    18.8  Carlisle                    \a              \a        $1,359.2          447       162    93,677     $11,675           7.9
Garrard          2      13  Lincoln                     \a              \a          $106.9          251       880   124,749      $6,456           3.3
Hancock          3    22.4  Breckenridge              45.0            55.0          $430.5          407       449    65,046      $5,621           3.3
Hopkins          3    23.9  Webster                   39.9            60.1        $1,396.6          662       538   141,248      $6,428           0.8
Jessamin         2    20.2  Garrard                   34.1            65.9          $121.6          214       754    88,508     $10,384           1.6
Johnson          2    40.7  Morgan                    60.5            39.5           $15.4           63       182    20,389       -$453          -0.1
Floyd                                                                                                          59     7,319          \a            \a
Martin                                                                                                          9     2,230     -$1,243          -0.7
Pike                                                                                                           37     5,851        $177           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      287    35,789     -$1,519          -0.1
Knox             3    31.6  Laurel                    46.2            53.8          $134.1          206       322    46,470      $1,845           0.5
Bell                                                                                                           54     3,684       -$253          -0.1
Clay                                                                                                          402    57,164        $334           0.1
Harlan                                                                                                         27     2,326          \a            \a
Subtotal                                                                                                      805   109,644      $1,926           0.1
Larue            3      12  Hardin                    34.1            65.9          $935.3          606       806   116,503      $5,891           2.7
Lee              3    40.9  Wolfe                     49.2            50.8           $72.2          189       161    23,956       -$235          -0.2
Owsley                                                                                                        246    31,767        $167           0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      407    55,723         $50           0.0
McCracke         3      19  Livingston                36.2            63.8          $992.9          593       457    66,547      $3,852           0.3
Marion           3    11.2  Washington                33.6            66.4          $773.1          747       983   166,135      $4,225           1.6
Meade            3    31.8  Breckenridge                \a              \a        $1,028.1          601       841   120,645      $2,061           0.5
Mercer           3      10  Boyle                     37.6            62.4          $270.3          331       976   126,389      $5,554           1.5
Metcalfe         3    29.3  Green                     40.6            59.4          $313.9          572       950   133,706      $5,163           4.0
Muhlenbe         3    26.5  Ohio                      38.6            61.4          $876.2          499       559   114,824      $8,675           1.8
Owen             3    22.9  Franklin                  32.2            67.8          $181.5          700       803   150,444        $329           0.2
Pendleto         3    17.9  Grant                     35.2            64.8          $154.6          241       816   116,691     -$2,518          -1.2
Perry            1    51.7  Lee                       65.8            34.2           $18.2           18        29     6,784        $271           0.1
Knott                                                                                                          21     3,710         $81           0.0
Leslie                                                                                                         17     2,670        -$86          -0.1
Letcher                                                                                                        31     2,686          \a            \a
Subtotal                                                                                                       98    15,850        $266           0.0
Rockcast         3      24  Laurel                    40.2            59.8          $161.2          317       771    93,657        $936           0.5
Russell          3    18.5  Adair                     38.7            61.3          $292.0          339       943    94,837      $8,569           3.8
Scott            3    15.5  Fayette                   34.6            65.4          $231.4          411       851   145,858     $36,438           6.1
Taylor           3    12.1  Green                     40.0            60.0          $706.5          714       971   112,307      $5,600           1.5
Trigg            3    19.7  Christian                 38.3            61.7        $1,257.4          555       411   116,966      $8,650           4.5
Union            2      23  Henderson                 38.1            61.9        $2,898.3          598       352   211,642     $17,800           5.8
Whitley          3    28.8  Laurel                    51.6            48.4          $104.4          251       368    43,526       -$925          -0.2
McCreary                                                                                                      108    10,902       -$386          -0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      476    54,428     -$1,311          -0.2
Wolfe            3    26.3  Morgan                    46.1            53.9          $187.3          397       382    56,718        $489           0.6
Powell                                                                                                        231    28,490       -$399          -0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      613    85,208         $91           0.0

Ascensio         3      25  Iberville                 40.1            59.9          $216.6           57       279    55,270      $2,656           0.2
St.                                                                                                            65    45,347      $6,658           1.8
Subtotal                                                                                                      344   100,617      $9,314           0.5
Beaurega         3    44.9  Allen                     19.9            80.1        $1,237.4          236       676   165,274        $643           0.1
Bienvill         2    20.3  Lincoln                   73.2            26.8          $128.5           86       221    46,759      $5,221           2.2
Jackson                                                                                                       183    15,823      $8,057           3.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      404    62,582     $13,278           2.7
Bossier          2    14.2  Caddo                     44.1            55.9          $885.4          119       372   111,464        $858           0.1
De Soto          3    26.6  Red River                 45.1            54.9          $320.5          139       516   156,733      $2,611           0.6
East             2      33  Pointe Coupee             48.1            51.9          $663.3          150       386   115,153       -$196          -0.1
West                                                                                                          148    76,164        $602           0.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      534   191,317        $406           0.1
Grant            3    25.1  Rapides                   52.1            47.9          $675.2          128       186    48,609       -$405          -0.2
Winn                                                                                                          147    17,871      $1,697           0.7
Subtotal                                                                                                      333    66,480      $1,293           0.3
Lafayett         3    11.2  St. Martin                38.3            61.7        $1,076.5          724       577    87,880      $4,675           0.1
Lafourch         3      36  Ascension                 40.5            59.5          $195.8           93       398   135,042      $8,234           0.6
Assumpti                                                                                                      102    64,060      $5,650           1.6
Terrebon                                                                                                      137    52,873      $2,165           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      637   251,975     $16,049           0.5
Livingst         2    21.3  W. Baton Rouge            52.4            47.6           $82.1           50       345    40,471      $5,809           0.4
E. Baton                                                                                                      441    66,008         $13           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      786   106,479      $5,822           0.1
St. John         2    31.4  Lafourche                 49.1            50.9           $20.6           54        27     9,538      $1,751           0.2
Jefferso                                                                                                       62     4,836          \a            \a
Orleans                                                                                                        10        41          $0           0.0
Plaquemi                                                                                                      127    36,756     -$1,077          -0.2
St.                                                                                                            27     3,404        $385           0.0
St.                                                                                                            71    21,338      $2,098           0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      324    75,913      $3,156           0.0
St.              3    11.2  Lafayette                 28.3            71.7          $666.3          408       243    77,997      $7,353           1.2
Washingt         3    25.2  Tangipahoa                52.9            47.1          $286.6          205       814   100,006      $8,062           1.2
St.                                                                                                           451    41,863      $2,704           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,265   141,869     $10,766           0.2
Webster          2    25.9  Bienville                 59.3            40.7          $187.3           97       341    50,296        $113           0.0
Claiborn                                                                                                      261    58,409     $12,549           5.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      602   108,705     $12,662           1.3

Cumberla         3    33.8  Androscoggin              51.2            48.8          $250.5          124       455    49,829      $4,460           0.1
York                                                                                                          499    58,341      $2,995           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      954   108,170      $7,455           0.1
Franklin         2    25.7  Somerset                  40.8            59.2          $120.3           83       223    40,091      $1,381           0.3
Hancock          1    28.5  Penobscot                 47.3            52.7           $48.2           55       310    42,607      $9,254           0.9
Knox             3    35.6  Waldo                     45.7            54.3           $37.6           40       194    25,183        $933           0.1
Lincoln                                                                                                       210    25,920      $1,295           0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      404    51,103      $2,228           0.1
Oxford           2    14.7  Androscoggin              39.3            60.7          $134.0           73       358    63,959      $2,360           0.3
Washingt         3    54.9  Hancock                   39.3            60.7           $97.8           30       399    98,336     $16,822           2.9

Baltimor         3      26  Carroll                   38.1            61.9          $722.5          120       781    75,795     $27,184           0.1
Charles          3    27.9  Prince                    46.1            53.9          $351.3          103       410    55,928      $3,093           0.1
Dorchest         3    17.3  Talbot                    40.2            59.8        $1,224.3          348       297   122,928     $14,177           2.5
Garrett          3    47.9  Allegany                  54.6            45.4          $126.7          127       649   107,695      $3,458           0.7
Harford          2      29  Baltimore                   \a              \a              \a           \a       651    94,112      $5,463           0.1
Howard           1    24.5  Frederick                   \a              \a          $229.4           41       318    39,846     $13,275           0.2
Kent             2    18.7  Queen Anne's              54.2            45.8        $2,289.4          425       314   117,526     $15,863           3.6
Montgome         3    24.5  Frederick                 29.1            70.9          $838.5          141       526    77,266     $18,862           0.1
Somerset         2      14  Wicomico                    \a              \a          $584.2          139       288    54,823     $12,348           3.5
Talbot           3    17.1  Caroline                  37.7            62.3        $2,059.6          380       240   109,572      $4,310           0.4
Washingt         2    25.3  Frederick                 38.9            61.1          $492.4          206       768   126,292      $3,196           0.1
Worceste         2    19.4  Wicomico                  31.7            68.3        $1,142.8          209       415   111,835     $23,070           2.4

Berkshir         2    56.6  Hampshire                 46.9            53.1          $103.3           50       387    62,833      $3,278           0.1
Middlese         3    38.4  Worcester                 43.9            56.1           $92.5           64       531    30,718     $30,444           0.1
Essex                                                                                                         396    25,547     $12,446           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      927    56,265     $42,890           0.1

Alcona           1      32  Alpena                    57.0            43.0          $198.9           97       207    43,383        $110           0.1
Antrim           3    41.6  Emmet                     56.1            43.9          $477.2          280       261    55,166      $3,011           0.8
Otsego                                                                                                        139    34,450       -$953          -0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      400    89,616      $2,059           0.3
Baraga           2    84.3  Dickinson                 53.3            46.7           $67.2          134        54    14,988          \a            \a
Houghton                                                                                                      128    23,126        $522           0.1
Ontonago                                                                                                       92    32,516       -$437          -0.3
Keweenaw                                                                                                        5        \a          $0           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      279    70,630         $85           0.0
Chippewa         3    92.8  Emmet                     45.2            54.8          $119.2          166       319    98,979     -$1,520          -0.3
Luce                                                                                                           31        \a        $138           0.1
Mackinac                                                                                                       72    21,513        $319           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      422   120,492     -$1,132          -0.1
Dickinso         2      52  Menominee                 52.7            47.3          $184.4           92       116    28,298        $103           0.0
Iron                                                                                                           86    23,823       -$442          -0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      202    52,121       -$339           0.0
Iosco            2      33  Alcona                    44.9            55.1          $517.2          191       238    42,667        -$32           0.0
Menomine         3      51  Delta                     42.9            57.1          $511.1          176       348   109,661      $1,927           0.4
Midland          3    19.1  Bay                       44.0            56.0          $854.2          477       418    79,667      $3,317           0.1
Newaygo          3    33.5  Oceana                    41.8            58.2        $1,450.2          617       670   122,294      $6,338           0.9
Muskegon                                                                                                      410    73,113      $7,246           0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,080   195,407     $13,584           0.4
Oceana           3    32.4  Mason                     39.9            60.1          $871.1          237       573   127,994     $13,169           3.2
Osceola          2    16.4  Mecosta                     \a              \a          $808.3          381       496   108,250       -$101           0.0
Lake                                                                                                          126    22,971       -$853          -0.6
Subtotal                                                                                                      622   131,221       -$954          -0.2
Shiawass         1    21.3  Clinton                     \a              \a        $2,338.2        1,109       915   214,153      $1,554           0.1

Beltrami         3    24.9  Clearwater                38.2            61.8          $894.7          357       656   224,898       -$962          -0.2
Crow             3    28.1  Aitkin                    45.9            54.1          $869.3          491       593   135,322        $622           0.1
Cass                                                                                                          598   191,847      $2,372           0.6
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,191   327,169      $2,994           0.2
Lake Of          3      60  Roseau                    46.9            53.1          $998.6          239       196   117,644        $274           0.3
Koochich                                                                                                      213    76,635       -$756          -0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      409   194,279       -$482          -0.1
Mahnomen         2    36.1  Becker                    37.8            62.2        $2,277.3          395       341   189,927      $2,418           3.1
Mille            2    13.8  Benton                      \a              \a          $971.0          479       711   134,622      $1,281           0.4
Pine             3      22  Kanabec                   43.2            56.8          $776.0          488       950   246,804      $2,527           0.7
Red Lake         3    17.8  Pennington                36.1            63.9        $4,114.5          565       376   204,977      $2,342           3.6
Scott            3      27  Le Sueur                  36.2            63.8        $1,756.7          495       805   117,830      $2,394           0.1
Washingt         2    41.8  Dakota                    46.0            54.0        $1,043.2          331       653    89,935     $13,553           0.3
Ramsey                                                                                                         59        \a        $650           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      712    89,935     $14,203           0.1

Adams            2    40.7  Claiborne                 40.1            59.9        $1,268.7          195       132    64,561        $234           0.0
Benton           1    21.5  Tippah                      \a              \a          $801.8          284       213    81,444        $457           0.4
Carroll          3      11  Montgomery                31.4            68.6        $1,998.2          407       423   142,892       -$945          -0.7
Claiborn         3    28.3  Warren                    45.0            55.0        $1,398.5          246       170    81,229       -$349          -0.2
Jefferso                                                                                                      158    63,517      $3,500           3.8
Subtotal                                                                                                      328   144,746      $3,151           1.4
Clarke           3    23.5  Lauderdale                25.6            74.4           $99.6          109       269    52,018      $1,498           0.6
Copiah           2    23.3  Lincoln                   45.3            54.7          $531.7          182       510   120,681     $12,361           3.1
Itawamba         3    19.4  Lee                       34.5            65.5          $606.7          493       387    81,566     $10,746           3.1
Jefferso         3    16.6  Lawrence                  41.5            58.5          $407.4          274       389    78,668      $4,762           2.7
 n Davis
Lamar            2    14.9  Forrest                   48.7            51.3          $245.2          130       401    74,162      $5,093           0.9
Lawrence         2    16.6  Jefferson                 44.1            55.9          $325.8          149       308    55,146      $2,084           1.1
Leake            3    22.9  Attala                    38.2            61.8          $535.4          360       583   104,050     $30,254          10.3
Lowndes          3      19  Clay                      39.2            60.8        $1,750.5          473       378   145,098      $5,958           0.6
Madison          3    28.5  Hinds                     41.9            58.1        $4,226.8          456       465   182,095      $1,113           0.1
Pike             3    29.5  Walthall                  46.5            53.5          $239.3          211       437    70,507       -$304          -0.1
Rankin           3    13.4  Hinds                     42.5            57.5          $748.2          154       558   117,296     $20,312           1.0
Scott            3      27  Smith                     32.9            67.1          $619.6          184       674   107,468     $78,085          17.5
Simpson          3    25.6  Smith                     44.5            55.5          $339.9          195       550    93,715     $54,190          12.1
Stone            1    23.7  Pearl River                 \a              \a          $124.3           69       212    41,544      $2,466           1.4
Harrison                                                                                                      275    17,871         $36           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      487    59,415      $2,502           0.1
Tate             0      15  De Soto                     \a              \a        $1,660.3          466       508   134,657      $2,403           0.6
Walthall         3    21.4  Marion                    41.0            59.0          $588.4          320       538   110,322        $819           0.4
Wayne            3    26.7  Clarke                    54.1            45.9          $160.4          156       458    75,766     $20,859           6.9
Greene                                                                                                        334    58,916      $7,946           5.7
Subtotal                                                                                                      792   134,682     $28,805           6.6
Winston          3      17  Choctaw                   43.1            56.9          $595.9          265       458    88,045     -$2,439          -0.8

Barry            3    41.9  Newton                      \a              \a          $183.9          199     1,598   285,169     $12,608           2.5
Cedar            2    20.5  Dade                      49.9            50.1          $640.4          228       865   203,685       -$725          -0.4
Clinton          3    22.6  Buchanan                  32.9            67.1        $2,207.1          546       768   216,483      $3,676           1.0
Dade             3    20.5  Cedar                     44.3            55.7        $1,468.0          384       808   249,096        $213           0.2
Dallas           3    18.2  Polk                      54.4            45.6          $214.5          101     1,130   221,713     -$1,490          -0.7
Gasconad         3      28  Osage                     47.4            52.6          $507.0          435       762   187,925        -$17           0.0
Greene           3    16.7  Christian                 49.3            50.7          $126.0          141     1,997   277,043     -$9,836          -0.2
Hickory          2    28.6  Dallas                    48.8            51.2          $173.7          117       521   171,780     -$2,107          -2.0
Howell           3      31  Oregon                    65.7            34.3           $73.3           74     1,637   386,796     -$6,585          -1.3
Jackson          2    26.5  Clay                      44.4            55.6          $755.6          402       765   150,581      $4,293           0.0
Jasper           3      22  Barton                    43.1            56.9        $2,491.7          821     1,355   271,040      $8,061           0.4
Jefferso         3    41.1  St. Louis                 60.9            39.1          $162.3          108       659   109,430     -$1,802          -0.1
Washingt                                                                                                      499   126,905        $617           0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,158   236,335     -$1,186           0.0
Laclede          3    27.4  Webster                   52.6            47.4          $185.4          189     1,300   317,051     -$4,871          -1.0
Camden                                                                                                        584   172,273     -$1,616          -0.3
Pulaski                                                                                                       539   139,681     -$3,098          -0.5
Subtotal                                                                                                    2,423   629,005     -$9,585          -0.6
Marion           3    23.9  Ralls                     36.5            63.5        $3,190.4          934       695   221,353      $3,334           0.6
Morgan           3      29  Moniteau                  53.3            46.7          $525.9          249       869   202,467      $6,625           2.3
Newton           3    27.9  Jasper                    48.8            51.2          $770.6          392     1,622   255,605     $13,278           1.5
McDonald                                                                                                    1,078   231,648     $16,432           5.7
Subtotal                                                                                                    2,700   487,253     $29,710           2.6
Osage            2    27.8  Cole                      54.4            45.6          $588.2          442     1,147   304,823      $2,535           1.1
Maries                                                                                                        817   228,892     -$3,176          -2.6
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,964   533,715       -$641          -0.2
Putnam           3    24.1  Sullivan                  39.3            60.7        $2,460.8          455       615   261,360       -$739          -1.0
Ripley           3    31.8  Butler                    48.3            51.7          $911.6          232       472   151,963     -$3,568          -2.2
Carter                                                                                                        202    62,899       -$600          -0.7
Subtotal                                                                                                      674   214,862     -$4,167          -1.7
Schuyler         3    18.6  Scotland                  40.0            60.0        $1,841.5          502       493   159,543        $705           1.2
St.              3    19.5  Henry                     42.3            57.7        $1,635.2          589       778   262,963     -$1,177          -0.9
St.              3    24.2  St. Charles               56.4            43.6          $329.1          157       291    45,019      $2,168           0.0
Shannon          1      39  Oregon                      \a              \a           $72.4           59       470   133,320     -$1,433          -1.4
Reynolds                                                                                                      302   113,214     -$1,777          -1.9
Subtotal                                                                                                      772   246,534     -$3,210          -1.7
Warren           3      21  Lincoln                   41.0            59.0        $1,561.2          719       555   132,520       -$733          -0.2
Wayne            3    33.4  Butler                    64.1            35.9          $277.7          185       380    97,664     -$1,517          -0.9
Madison                                                                                                       386   110,092     -$1,026          -0.6
Subtotal                                                                                                      766   207,756     -$2,543          -0.8
Wright           3    24.7  Douglas                   51.9            48.1          $150.8          211     1,331   312,388     -$5,209          -2.3

Beaverhe         3    55.1  Jefferson                 46.0            54.0          $861.9           89       360  1,152,00      $6,742           4.3
 ad                                                                                                                       8
Flathead         3    58.6  Lake                      44.7            55.3          $798.6          347       898   216,303      $2,021           0.1
Lincoln                                                                                                       252    46,167     -$1,885          -0.7
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,150   262,470        $136           0.0
Garfield         3    67.9  McCone                    35.6            64.4        $4,352.7          286       244  2,163,27        $153           0.8
Jefferso         2    56.8  Broadwater                43.3            56.7        $1,289.7          223       266   364,153        $940           0.5
Madison                                                                                                       460  1,079,50        $839           0.8
Silver                                                                                                        116   100,181        $325           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      842  1,543,83      $1,942           0.2
Missoula         2    47.6  Ravalli                   56.2            43.8          $136.1           70       482   262,419     -$1,182          -0.1
Mineral                                                                                                        71    16,329          \a            \a
Subtotal                                                                                                      553   278,748     -$1,182          -0.1
Powell           2    53.7  Lewis and                 47.5            52.5          $304.9          106       230   649,489         $63           0.1
Deer                                                                                                           83   101,657       -$207          -0.1
Granite                                                                                                       117   268,413       -$357          -0.9
Subtotal                                                                                                      430  1,019,55       -$398          -0.1
Prairie          1      37  Custer                    29.9            70.1        $2,072.9          216       158   612,906        $581           2.6
Ravalli          3    47.6  Missoula                  37.1            62.9          $319.8          184     1,080   183,647       -$616          -0.1

Banner           3      23  Kimball                   41.6            58.4        $3,637.3          470       220   446,482      $3,336          30.4
Brown            3    45.3  Cherry                    40.7            59.3        $5,717.1          593       349   700,954      $9,549          14.4
Keya                                                                                                          225   499,714     -$1,587         -22.2
Rock                                                                                                          316   631,119     $10,309          27.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      890  1,831,78     $18,270          16.4
Custer           2    37.5  Sherman                     \a              \a        $8,600.2        1,318     1,307  1,552,16     $27,414          12.3
Keith            2    20.9  Perkins                     \a              \a        $4,159.1          673       375   606,891      $7,728           5.2
Arthur                                                                                                         83   465,313     -$1,396         -29.7
Subtotal                                                                                                      458  1,072,20      $6,332           4.1
Kimball          3      23  Banner                    31.0            69.0        $7,161.9        1,047       326   565,199      $9,440          11.1
Sheridan         3    31.8  Dawes                     35.3            64.7        $4,499.3          717       656  1,486,93        $135           0.1
Sherman          3    25.8  Valley                    40.1            59.9        $3,333.3          690       483   323,887      $1,190           2.5

Clark            2   243.9  White Pine                65.8            34.2           $37.4           23       209    70,741      $4,051           0.0
Nye                                                                                                           144    85,534      $3,744           0.8
Subtotal                                                                                                      353   156,275      $7,795           0.0
Douglas          2    56.1  Lyon                      54.8            45.2          $232.3           57       156    90,372        $323           0.0
Alpine,                                                                                                        12     3,942          $0           0.0
Inyo, CA                                                                                                       82   198,658     -$1,617          -0.4
Mono, CA                                                                                                       63    68,813     -$2,761          -1.3
Carson                                                                                                         18     7,224          \a            \a
Subtotal                                                                                                      331   369,009     -$4,054          -0.1
Elko             3   128.1  Humboldt                  39.0            61.0          $154.7           37       402  2,855,47      $5,261           0.6
Eureka                                                                                                         84   214,966      $1,251           3.6
Subtotal                                                                                                      486  3,070,43      $6,512           0.7
Lyon             1    56.1  Douglas                   55.1            44.9          $587.8           90       305   174,448     $10,894           2.1
Esmerald                                                                                                       20    27,454      $1,471           6.7
Mineral                                                                                                        37        \a       -$192          -0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      362   201,902     $12,173           1.8
Pershing         1    55.7  Churchill                 63.6            36.4          $231.0           57       120   119,435      $2,365           2.7
White            2   179.7  Elko                      57.8            42.2           $57.0           35       115   247,446        $773           0.4
Lincoln                                                                                                       121    48,897      $1,704           2.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      236   296,343      $2,091           0.8

New Hampshire
Cheshire         2      51  Hillsborough              57.2            42.8          $225.3           80       293    41,651      $5,745           0.3
Sullivan                                                                                                      246    47,267      $5,254           0.6
Subtotal                                                                                                      539    88,918     $10,999           0.4
Coos             2    48.5  Grafton                   58.9            41.1          $127.0           50       185    42,931      $2,201           0.3
Carroll                                                                                                       177    24,155      $1,281           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      362    67,086      $3,482           0.2
Grafton          3    50.1  Coos                      45.8            54.2          $226.5          129       406    75,883      $4,224           0.2
Hillsbor         1    31.7  Merrimack                 60.0            40.0           $36.8           32       391    37,572      $7,621           0.1
Rockingh         2    38.3  Merrimack                 58.4            41.6          $113.6           68       407    35,465      $4,957           0.1
Straffor                                                                                                      235    26,078      $4,907           0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      642    61,543      $9,863           0.1

New Jersey
Hunterdo         3    27.1  Warren                    47.6            52.4          $607.9          189     1,313   105,230      $8,736           0.2
Somerset                                                                                                      437    46,258      $4,246           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,750   151,488     $12,982           0.1
Monmouth         3    37.5  Burlington                55.0            45.0          $543.8          102       874    59,405     $35,174           0.2
Mercer                                                                                                        285    28,391      $3,127           0.0
Middlese                                                                                                      275    28,100      $9,510           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,434   115,896     $47,810           0.1

New Mexico
Bernalil         2    19.7  Valencia                  81.4            18.6           $29.0            6       468   464,801      $6,686           0.1
Sandoval                                                                                                      353   779,766      $6,360           0.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      821  1,244,56     $13,046           0.1
Colfax           2    81.4  Union                     54.7            45.3          $163.6           58       322  2,227,15      $1,728           0.8
Eddy             3    76.1  Chaves                    45.4            54.6          $866.1          246       467  1,275,52     $20,523           2.3
Guadalup         3    45.2  De Baca                   12.6            87.4           $90.7           40       236  1,418,96        $296           0.6
 e                                                                                                                        6
Harding          2    72.5  Quay                      53.0            47.0          $680.0          104       172  1,254,87       -$861          -7.5
Hidalgo          2    63.3  Luna                      52.3            47.7        $1,134.9           75       146  1,104,82      $8,259           7.8
Luna             3    58.3  Dona Ana                  51.7            48.3        $1,050.8          128       192   603,428     $12,145           4.3
Grant                                                                                                         286  1,173,59        $641           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      478  1,777,02     $12,785           1.7
McKinley         1   133.8  San Juan                  67.2            32.8           $49.7           63       224  3,157,13       -$787          -0.1
Otero            1      65  Dona Ana                    \a              \a           $71.9           26       417  1,081,05       -$526          -0.1
Lincoln                                                                                                       337  1,975,01       -$557          -0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      754  3,056,07     -$1,082          -0.1
Rio              3    26.4  Santa Fe                  64.8            35.2          $234.8          110       940  1,463,39       -$394          -0.1
 Arriba                                                                                                                   6
San Juan         2   133.8  McKinley                  49.6            50.4          $841.6          103       666        \a     $27,649           1.7
San              2    64.7  Santa Fe                  60.9            39.1          $211.3           86       643  2,556,80      $1,780           0.5
 Miguel                                                                                                                   3
Mora                                                                                                          398   974,759      $3,734           7.1
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,041  3,531,56      $5,514           1.3
Sierra           2    74.4  Socorro                   61.3            38.7           $51.7           24       180  1,286,88      $4,708           2.6
Socorro          2    55.9  Valencia                  70.7            29.3          $102.2           38       395  1,650,97      $8,115           3.8
Catron                                                                                                        217  1,795,36        $615           1.6
Subtotal                                                                                                      612  3,446,34      $8,730           3.4
Valencia         1    22.3  Bernalillo                68.3            31.7           $40.0           41       639   383,531      $8,165           0.9
Cibola                                                                                                        166  1,699,34       -$546          -0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      805  2,082,87      $7,619           0.6

New York
Albany           2    14.2  Rensselaer                35.9            64.1          $377.7          125       396    56,782      $1,645           0.0
Allegany         3    42.8  Wyoming                   38.7            61.3          $587.7          348       724   157,744      $4,129           0.5
Chenango         3    43.5  Madison                   43.5            56.5          $444.5          237       801   183,312      $4,296           0.5
Clinton          2    58.3  Franklin                  51.0            49.0        $1,050.2          331       488   148,677     $13,123           0.9
Essex                                                                                                         197    48,196      $2,621           0.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      685   196,873     $15,744           0.7
Columbia         3    37.9  Rensselaer                35.3            64.7          $661.4          259       464   114,883     $16,106           1.2
Greene                                                                                                        244    48,770      $1,253           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      708   163,653     $17,359           0.8
Delaware         3    46.1  Chenango                  45.2            54.8          $345.1          274       717   183,667      $4,067           0.5
Dutchess         3      48  Columbia                  47.2            52.8          $390.8          183       539   106,749      $6,551           0.1
Putnam                                                                                                         48     3,433          \a            \a
Ulster                                                                                                        409    68,989     $13,852           0.4
Westches                                                                                                       91     7,528      $1,893           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,087   186,699     $22,296           0.0
Fulton           1     5.9  Montgomery                59.0            41.0          $147.8           97       176    34,291        $911           0.1
Hamilton                                                                                                       13       788          $0           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      189    35,079        $911           0.1
Herkimer         3    23.2  Oneida                    50.9            49.1          $478.1          294       583   141,847      $3,431           0.3
Lewis            2    30.1  Jefferson                 48.0            52.0          $481.6          322       623   179,696      $8,026           1.9
Onondaga         3      24  Cortland                  34.5            65.5        $1,506.0          257       602   147,109     $11,621           0.1
Oswego           2    40.2  Jefferson                 53.9            46.1          $409.3          213       605   102,537      $1,018           0.0
Otsego           2    27.2  Herkimer                  44.1            55.9          $443.1          291       865   206,985      $5,593           0.5
Renssela         3    14.3  Albany                    36.3            63.7          $599.3          222       459    98,965      $7,710           0.2
Saratoga         3    20.1  Washington                48.6            51.4          $338.4          113       472    72,928      $2,722           0.1
Seneca           2    15.8  Cayuga                    44.7            55.3        $1,339.9          218       413   117,426      $6,067           0.9
Suffolk          1   118.1  Dutchess                  47.3            52.7           $44.0           35       606    35,858     $39,985           0.1
Sullivan         2    40.6  Orange                    41.5            58.5          $168.2           93       311    58,067      $1,260           0.1
Tioga            3    37.7  Tompkins                  47.6            52.4          $613.6          398       497   109,356      $3,353           0.3
Chemung                                                                                                       313    59,272      $1,190           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      810   168,628      $4,543           0.2
Tompkins         2    22.5  Cortland                  40.2            59.8          $972.2          325       447    95,451     $12,030           0.6
Schuyler                                                                                                      318    65,281      $1,405           0.5
Subtotal                                                                                                      765   160,732     $13,435           0.6

North Carolina
Buncombe         2      20  Madison                   36.5            63.5           $80.0           89     1,009    87,382     $15,813           0.4
Catawba          3    16.2  Lincoln                   39.0            61.0          $291.9          265       596    72,264     $10,111           0.3
Cherokee         2    43.9  Swain                     55.1            44.9          $150.6          225       243    24,533      $2,634           0.8
Clay                                                                                                          166    18,288        $883           0.7
Graham                                                                                                        110     7,194        $972           0.9
Subtotal                                                                                                      519    50,015      $4,489           0.8
Durham           2    11.7  Orange                    36.2            63.8          $237.0          135       159    22,238      $3,388           0.1
Forsyth          3    23.2  Davidson                  30.1            69.9           $69.7          179       621    51,091      $6,876           0.1
Gaston           2    11.5  Lincoln                   39.7            60.3          $180.0          199       333    34,860      $6,271           0.2
Guilford         3    22.7  Rockingham                45.1            54.9          $261.3          308       920   111,882     $26,319           0.3
Henderso         3    25.2  Buncombe                  54.3            45.7          $184.0          175       488    44,511     $73,707           4.1
Polk                                                                                                          188    30,701      $1,973           0.5
Transylv                                                                                                      174    12,675     $13,516           2.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      850    87,887     $89,195           3.2
Lincoln          3    11.5  Gaston                    36.1            63.9          $371.3          283       497    63,177      $2,036           0.2
Orange           3    12.2  Durham                    40.7            59.3          $442.8          384       485    72,515     $22,415           0.8
Pamlico          3    17.5  Craven                    36.3            63.7          $714.6           86        67    50,232      $4,468           2.1
Randolph         3      27  Guilford                  36.4            63.6          $346.3          312     1,366   148,301     $60,292           2.6
Rowan            3    15.6  Davidson                  41.6            58.4          $416.4          309       779   107,555     $20,504           0.9
Rutherfo         3    26.6  Cleveland                 60.5            39.5          $208.3          204       505    61,147        $579           0.1
Swain            3    23.6  Macon                     57.6            42.4           $13.6           69        77     6,624      $3,395           2.0
Jackson                                                                                                       217    18,882      $8,667           1.8
Subtotal                                                                                                      294    25,506     $12,061           1.9
Tyrrell          2    29.4  Chowan                    49.5            50.5        $1,214.6          121        83    54,838      $6,228          11.0
Dare                                                                                                            9     4,961          $0           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                       92    59,799      $6,228           1.1
Washingt         3    21.9  Martin                    36.3            63.7        $1,336.2          280       203   107,280     $10,447           4.4
Watauga          3    25.4  Ashe                      50.7            49.3           $42.5          133       674    56,508     $17,922           2.6
Avery                                                                                                         429    27,037     $38,526          12.6
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,103    83,545     $56,448           5.6

North Dakota
Adams            2      40  Bowman                    26.3            73.7        $5,296.0          701       367   629,677      $1,957           4.0
Bowman           3    23.8  Slope                     29.0            71.0        $5,085.8          714       358   715,177      $2,442           3.9
Foster           3      17  Eddy                      35.8            64.2        $4,071.5          526       282   370,231      $1,461           2.1
Golden           3    60.5  Stark                     36.6            63.4        $3,081.7          489       244   578,700     -$2,267          -8.3
Oliver           3    36.6  Mercer                    40.6            59.4        $1,985.4          432       327   400,248     -$2,528          -8.2
Sioux            1    55.2  Morton                      \a              \a        $1,984.2          271       193   704,872     -$4,992         -13.8
Slope            2    23.8  Bowman                    37.2            62.8        $3,196.9          509       263   757,051        $551           6.7

Belmont          3      32  Guernsey                  60.4            39.6          $187.4          224       622   148,287        $696           0.1
Monroe                                                                                                        589   109,650     -$2,418          -1.0
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,211   257,937     -$2,070          -0.1
Clermont         2    30.4  Highland                  38.1            61.9          $692.6          292       744    88,298      $4,162           0.1
Coshocto         3      23  Holmes                    38.3            61.7        $1,382.4          453       864   170,087      $4,602           0.7
Franklin         3    27.1  Delaware                  47.3            52.7        $1,328.7          407       407    79,620     $23,129           0.1
Guernsey         3    23.2  Muskingum                 59.7            40.3          $348.9          306       802   137,653     -$1,328          -0.2
Noble                                                                                                         519    99,003     -$1,885          -1.1
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,321   236,656     -$3,213          -0.4
Holmes           3    19.4  Wayne                     41.7            58.3          $823.5          372     1,404   171,732     $21,759           3.9
Lorain           3    34.1  Medina                    40.2            59.8        $1,242.6          350       778   130,631     $37,649           0.6
Meigs            3    24.8  Gallia                    44.0            56.0          $234.0          175       491    84,761      $1,060           0.3
Perry            3    18.6  Fairfield                 46.0            54.0          $710.3          208       606    96,603     -$2,151          -0.4
Pike             3    17.8  Ross                      41.8            58.2          $907.0          376       435    78,311     -$2,926          -0.7
Washingt         3    44.9  Athens                    44.7            55.3          $446.9          296       900   146,504      $3,630           0.3

Clevelan         2    19.7  McClain                   54.2            45.8          $289.4          152     1,017   162,308         $51           0.0
Delaware         2    35.3  Mayes                       \a              \a              \a           \a     1,303   264,620     $45,992           8.6
Greer            3    25.7  Jackson                   37.4            62.6        $4,381.8          953       478   314,416     -$2,786          -2.8
Haskell          1    40.8  Leflore                   52.1            47.9          $208.7           69       872   267,655        $464           0.3
Hughes           3     9.6  Seminole                  37.8            62.2          $358.8          280       897   355,192     -$2,926          -1.6
Johnston         2    32.9  Bryan                       \a              \a           $99.8           77       624   334,041         $67           0.1
Lincoln          2      27  Pottawatomie              42.8            57.2          $367.8          294     1,916   431,368     -$2,256          -0.5
McClain          2    19.7  Cleveland                 43.2            56.8          $849.8          377     1,046   268,034      $6,466           1.5
McCurtai         3    44.3  Choctaw                   33.8            66.2          $676.4          149     1,573   327,524     $44,291           8.4
Osage            3    46.3  Nowata                    48.1            51.9          $973.6          283     1,196  1,207,46        $815           0.1
Pawnee           3      29  Payne                     42.4            57.6          $758.4          338       671   263,369     -$2,320          -0.9
Pottawat         3      27  Lincoln                   46.6            53.4          $341.1          279     1,448   336,486     -$1,719          -0.2
Pushmata         1    21.4  Choctaw                     \a              \a           $22.0           31       776   256,438        $482           0.3
Rogers           3    17.2  Mayes                     51.7            48.3          $612.4          451     1,408   312,870     -$1,632          -0.1
Tulsa                                                                                                         954   142,978     $11,989           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                    2,362   455,848     $10,357           0.1
Seminole         2     9.6  Hughes                    45.9            54.1          $205.2          135     1,018   277,535     -$1,499          -0.4
Stephens         3    24.6  Jefferson                 37.6            62.4        $1,703.7          583     1,165   426,884     -$2,453          -0.3
Wagoner          3    15.9  Muskogee                  49.2            50.8          $799.9          433       973   240,660      $4,677           0.6

Baker            2    45.2  Union                     33.7            66.3          $706.3          121       704  1,007,73     -$4,417          -1.6
Clackama         3    27.9  Washington                54.8            45.2          $440.9          190     3,745   179,650     $69,316           0.8
Multnoma                                                                                                      577    34,479     $17,824           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                    4,322   214,129     $87,140           0.4
Coos             3    68.3  Douglas                   39.2            60.8          $204.6           61       675   163,021     $21,656           1.8
Curry                                                                                                         168    84,781      $1,316           0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      843   247,802     $22,972           1.5
Deschute         3   104.4  Sherman                     \a              \a        $2,303.3          413     1,235   124,395     -$5,211          -0.2
Crook                                                                                                         521   916,451     -$3,888          -1.3
Jefferso                                                                                                      399   783,466      $5,857           2.2
Subtotal                                                                                                    2,155  1,824,31     -$3,242          -0.1
Douglas          2    68.3  Coos                      49.3            50.7          $237.0           73     1,908   401,635      $3,360           0.2
Grant            3    66.1  Harney                    28.0            72.0          $240.8           54       407  1,080,75     -$1,819          -1.3
Harney           1    66.1  Grant                       \a              \a          $856.7          134       504  1,358,88     -$4,801          -4.1
Jackson          3    75.8  Klamath                   52.5            47.5          $322.7          146     1,623   246,101     $16,205           0.5
Josephin                                                                                                      616    34,565      $3,426           0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                    2,239   280,666     $19,631           0.4
Klamath          3    75.8  Jackson                   36.7            63.3          $976.2          253     1,066   713,534        -$70           0.0
Lake             2    96.1  Klamath                   54.7            45.3        $1,080.1          119       418   736,694      $4,883           3.9
Lane             3    39.4  Linn                      51.7            48.3          $374.5          158     2,104   223,720     $19,301           0.3
Polk             3    17.5  Marion                    40.4            59.6        $1,188.0          343     1,147   171,423     $12,047           1.1
Sherman          3      41  Wasco                     41.4            58.6        $6,437.1          577       168   425,036      $1,118           3.5
Tillamoo         2    58.4  Washington                62.5            37.5          $513.9          127       313    35,580     $13,750           3.2
Clatsop                                                                                                       229    22,783      $3,827           0.5
Subtotal                                                                                                      542    58,363     $17,577           1.6
Union            3    50.3  Umatilla                  39.7            60.3        $2,252.2          449       832   531,990      $2,976           0.7
Wallowa          3    65.8  Union                     43.8            56.2        $2,070.2          292       459   620,886       -$429          -0.3
Wasco            3      41  Sherman                   34.2            65.8        $5,316.7          476       470  1,135,19     $14,410           3.3
Hood                                                                                                          537    28,362     $20,117           5.7
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,007  1,163,56     $34,526           4.4
Washingt         2    27.9  Clackamas                 33.6            66.4        $1,467.4          644     1,681   130,887     $59,263           0.6
Columbia                                                                                                      686    65,567      $6,351           0.8
Subtotal                                                                                                    2,367   196,454     $65,613           0.6

Beaver           2    54.2  Butler                    67.0            33.0          $173.1          176       499    53,774      $1,759           0.0
Alleghen                                                                                                      334    26,944        $443           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      833    80,718      $2,202           0.0
Bucks            3    22.2  Montgomery                53.1            46.9          $489.8          123       739    83,534     $17,839           0.1
Philadel                                                                                                        9       285          \a            \a
Subtotal                                                                                                      748    83,819     $17,839           0.0
Butler           3    22.5  Armstrong                 39.2            60.8          $536.9          315       972   118,547      $3,363           0.1
Cambria          3      20  Blair                     37.3            62.7          $488.4          238       525    87,802      $2,105           0.1
Chester          3    29.1  Montgomery                48.9            51.1          $753.4          295     1,424   175,363     $87,783           0.6
Delaware                                                                                                       63     4,841        $267           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,487   180,204     $88,050           0.3
Clarion          3    28.6  Venango                   45.6            54.4          $467.5          255       457    94,086      $3,291           0.4
Cumberla         3      21  Perry                     37.2            62.8        $1,282.4          464       970   143,163     $18,598           0.3
Dauphin          3    23.7  Perry                     33.7            66.3          $839.7          240       625    86,522      $6,503           0.1
Franklin         3    22.5  Fulton                    43.2            56.8        $1,313.6          473     1,304   237,642     $32,701           1.2
Fulton           3    22.5  Franklin                  43.9            56.1          $504.9          284       449    94,285      $3,200           1.3
Huntingd         1      26  Blair                     47.4            52.6          $759.8          272       586   124,857      $7,052           1.0
Indiana          3      28  Armstrong                 40.8            59.2          $653.0          306       767   138,522     $13,141           0.8
Juniata          3    12.7  Mifflin                   40.9            59.1          $810.0          447       611    86,740     $11,550           3.1
Lawrence         2    26.2  Butler                    49.1            50.9          $410.3          189       621    87,177      $4,441           0.2
Lehigh           3      16  Northampton               40.1            59.9          $582.7          163       425    91,629     $12,125           0.2
Luzerne          3      32  Wyoming                   47.0            53.0          $385.9          205       451    57,317        $854           0.0
Lycoming         2    32.8  Clinton                   40.7            59.3          $956.0          400       841   135,561      $6,366           0.3
Mifflin          2    12.7  Juniata                   54.5            45.5          $428.2          253       619    79,400      $6,692           0.8
Montgome         2    22.2  Bucks                     50.9            49.1          $277.5          136       462    41,552      $5,952           0.0
Northamp         3      16  Lehigh                    39.3            60.7          $965.8          178       396    78,317      $4,674           0.1
Perry            2      21  Cumberland                43.2            56.8          $952.3          397       618   114,882      $6,052           0.7
Potter           3    30.7  Tioga                     50.6            49.4          $484.3          263       292    83,462      $2,360           0.7
Cameron                                                                                                        26     4,121         $67           0.1
McKean                                                                                                        209    39,045        $387           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      527   126,628      $2,813           0.2
Susqueha         3    40.7  Lackawanna                44.4            55.6          $364.9          281       703   168,514      $4,026           0.5
Venango          3    28.6  Crawford                  57.3            42.7          $360.9          257       351    46,186      $1,126           0.1
Forest                                                                                                         34     5,362        $206           0.3
Warren                                                                                                        390    64,498      $2,742           0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      775   116,046      $4,074           0.2
Washingt         3      48  Beaver                    46.2            53.8          $388.6          377     1,307   186,190      $3,868           0.1
Wyoming          3    31.2  Lackawanna                53.7            46.3          $376.9          189       307    61,001      $8,812           1.6
Sullivan                                                                                                      123    27,317        $924           0.8
Subtotal                                                                                                      430    88,318      $9,736           0.8

South Carolina
Abbevill         2      31  Anderson                  50.6            49.4          $227.2          245       471    81,245      $1,585           0.4
Greenwoo                                                                                                      377    68,065      $2,197           0.2
McCormic                                                                                                       92    20,306        $521           0.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      940   169,616      $4,302           0.3
Aiken            3    21.1  Edgefield                 40.9            59.1          $808.3          399       729   134,069      $4,668           0.2
Allendal         3    13.6  Hampton                   44.0            56.0        $1,471.4          270       131    91,891      $7,683           4.9
Bamberg          3    17.5  Orangeburg                35.4            64.6        $1,378.9          421       254   100,925      $3,250           1.4
Charlest         3    46.8  Dorchester                46.6            53.4          $354.7          223       266    44,082      $6,285           0.1
Chester          2    21.6  York                      56.3            43.7          $298.4          122       340    80,691      $1,531           0.3
Fairfiel                                                                                                      172    46,609      $2,239           0.6
Subtotal                                                                                                      512   127,300      $3,770           0.4
Dorchest         3    17.1  Colleton                  33.9            66.1          $693.6          240       314    65,333      $8,787           0.6
Edgefiel         2    21.1  Aiken                       \a              \a          $253.9          167       271    71,425      $6,072           2.0
Georgeto         3    34.7  Horry                     43.2            56.8          $284.9          243       206    53,168      $5,223           0.5
Greenvil         2    30.4  Spartanburg               54.0            46.0          $160.7          168       761    70,382      $4,146           0.1
Pickens                                                                                                       532    46,862      $1,039           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,293   117,244      $5,185           0.1
Hampton          3    13.6  Allendale                 42.5            57.5        $1,373.9          297       207   117,387      $4,662           1.6
Jasper           2      28  Hampton                   65.4            34.6          $273.1          134       123    68,151        $810           0.3
Beaufort                                                                                                       99    39,147      $3,250           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      222   107,298      $4,060           0.2
Kershaw          3    24.2  Lee                       44.7            55.3          $588.7          278       324    72,625     $13,605           1.6
Lancaste         0    29.7  Chester                     \a              \a          $198.8          199       500    75,181      $9,426           0.9
Laurens          2    29.5  Newberry                  46.3            53.7          $407.2          323       686   126,761     -$1,460          -0.1
Lexingto         3    32.2  Calhoun                   60.4            39.6          $384.8          302       799    93,408     $21,657           0.5
Newberry         3    21.9  Saluda                    39.2            60.8          $421.2          260       499    94,597      $2,437           0.4
Oconee           1    32.1  Anderson                    \a              \a          $156.3           87       611    66,497     $40,327           3.2

South Dakota
Harding          0    55.2  Perkins                     \a              \a        $3,212.7          313       275  1,702,14     -$2,479         -13.0

Anderson         3    16.7  Knox                      63.2            36.8           $25.2           64       462    40,928        $793           0.1
Bedford          3    23.3  Marshall                  44.7            55.3          $696.7          397     1,408   207,434     $12,571           2.0
Benton           3    19.5  Humphreys                 44.3            55.7          $564.6          359       433    68,931       -$248          -0.1
Bledsoe          2      18  Rhea                      53.8            46.2          $212.3          176       525    95,876       -$359          -0.3
Cannon           2    21.6  Rutherford                46.2            53.8          $245.0          198       754   102,762        $257           0.1
Carter           3    15.5  Washington                42.5            57.5           $46.4          237       622    38,894       -$797          -0.1
Cheatham         3      21  Robertson                 38.8            61.2           $94.1          226       556    68,158      $1,838           0.3
Coffee           3    24.9  Warren                    53.2            46.8          $924.5          489       968   135,615      $5,510           0.6
Cumberla         3    29.6  Bledsoe                   47.9            52.1          $199.4          138       726   100,352      $2,523           0.4
De Kalb          3      18  Warren                    44.5            55.5          $230.8          216       806    99,160      $7,674           2.8
Dickson          3    23.1  Humphreys                 34.9            65.1          $154.4          171     1,106   148,565     -$1,384          -0.2
Giles            3      18  Lawrence                  36.4            63.6          $776.6          545     1,570   249,257     -$1,448          -0.3
Hamilton         2    23.7  Marion                    52.3            47.7           $52.7           67       604    56,822      $1,539           0.0
Hardin           3    21.9  McNairy                   47.4            52.6        $1,534.2          758       594   115,598       -$467          -0.1
Humphrey         2    19.5  Benton                    46.9            53.1          $280.6          145       577   121,983       -$934          -0.3
Jackson          3    21.5  Putnam                    48.7            51.3          $149.6          347       605    83,243       -$804          -0.6
Jefferso         3    16.4  Cocke                     40.4            59.6          $120.8          101     1,147    98,067     -$1,995          -0.3
Knox             3    16.7  Anderson                  35.4            64.6           $45.7           62     1,193    87,809     -$2,074           0.0
Lake             2    27.1  Dyer                      45.5            54.5        $1,327.1          222        80    89,635      $5,765           6.0
Marion           2    24.6  Hamilton                  63.2            36.8          $193.7          140       294    51,060        $889           0.2
Sequatch                                                                                                      169    25,557       -$122          -0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      463    76,617        $767           0.1
Marshall         3    22.9  Giles                     40.4            59.6          $198.8          212     1,097   166,840     -$1,169          -0.2
Maury            3    23.1  Marshall                  34.0            66.0          $400.0          341     1,532   242,575     -$2,053          -0.2
Morgan           3    23.8  Roane                     55.9            44.1          $107.8          122       328    45,997      $1,693           0.7
Putnam           3    14.7  White                     44.7            55.3          $113.6          174     1,120   112,122     -$1,336          -0.1
Rhea             2      18  Bledsoe                   48.9            51.1          $173.6          101       404    56,049      $1,364           0.3
Rutherfo         2    21.6  Cannon                    43.4            56.6          $603.0          346     1,591   195,295     -$2,665          -0.1
Sevier           3    19.9  Jefferson                 46.6            53.4           $24.9           56       801    71,677     -$3,850          -0.3
Sullivan         3    21.9  Carter                    38.1            61.9           $46.5           78     1,315    86,402       -$901           0.0
Trousdal         2    17.6  Macon                     44.6            55.4           $21.1           46       405    51,638        $118           0.1
Wilson           2    18.4  Trousdale or              42.2            57.8           $44.1           86     1,676   210,657     -$6,828          -0.4

Andrews          2    27.6  Gaines                    47.8            52.2        $2,143.2          172       142   828,859       -$630          -0.3
Angelina         2    42.3  Cherokee                  60.6            39.4          $154.0           69       790   117,920      $1,717           0.1
Trinity                                                                                                       518    98,748        $576           0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,308   216,668      $2,005           0.1
Atascosa         3    24.5  Wilson                    27.5            72.5        $1,411.9          484     1,322   708,067       -$227           0.0
Bastrop          1    26.2  Lee                       41.7            58.3          $319.2          216     1,765   392,255     -$1,720          -0.2
Baylor           3    30.1  Throckmorton              34.6            65.4        $2,311.4          372       270   377,871        $143           0.2
Bee              2    30.5  Goliad                    40.6            59.4        $2,123.7          589       686   421,287        $894           0.2
Bosque           3    37.3  Johnson                   44.6            55.4          $384.0          277     1,077   548,359      $7,056           2.5
Bowie            3    37.1  Cass                      47.3            52.7        $1,272.8          209     1,138   280,762      $7,799           0.5
Brazoria         3    37.7  Matagorda                 48.7            51.3        $7,610.2          408     1,783   566,809      $4,238           0.1
Brazos           3      24  Burleson                  74.1            25.9          $743.3           76     1,084   265,163     -$3,825          -0.2
Brooks           2    35.9  Jim Wells                 47.6            52.4        $1,254.3          243       283   458,487     -$1,521          -1.5
Jim Hogg                                                                                                      188   768,209     -$1,676          -2.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      471  1,226,69     -$2,359          -1.4
Brown            3    25.9  Comanche                  43.8            56.2          $516.7          444     1,228   516,058        -$55           0.0
Burleson         2      24  Brazos                    40.3            59.7          $989.2          221     1,337   321,657     -$3,688          -1.5
Caldwell         3    28.3  Travis                    50.1            49.9          $476.5          216     1,068   265,269         $32           0.0
Calhoun          3    30.3  Victoria                  44.0            56.0        $2,808.8          395       257   213,390      $5,338           1.5
Callahan         3    21.3  Taylor                    38.8            61.2          $624.9          323       849   488,662       -$373          -0.2
Chambers         2    34.2  Liberty                   48.3            51.7        $6,241.3          227       421   241,933      $9,406           2.2
Cherokee         2    31.6  Anderson                  36.3            63.7        $1,401.4          200     1,429   283,241     $71,214           9.6
Clay             2    33.3  Wichita                   41.7            58.3        $1,238.6          360       818   603,652      $1,891           1.1
Coke             3    31.7  Tom Green                 53.1            46.9          $588.8          218       336   482,480     -$3,851          -6.6
Coleman          2    29.5  Brown                     37.1            62.9        $1,249.5          585       837   736,739     -$4,068          -2.7
Cooke            2    31.6  Denton                    41.8            58.2        $1,114.6          472     1,487   478,860        $888           0.2
De Witt          2    27.9  Victoria                  34.5            65.5          $575.1          329     1,502   560,093       -$447          -0.1
Denton           3    26.9  Wise                      35.9            64.1        $1,599.3          583     1,782   362,712      $4,345           0.1
Duval            3    17.5  Jim Wells                 35.3            64.7        $1,727.9          501       880   844,195     -$2,551          -1.7
Ector            2    19.6  Midland                   66.7            33.3          $101.1           14       208   462,315     -$1,173          -0.1
Crane                                                                                                          53   491,112     -$1,223          -1.7
Ward                                                                                                           85   363,034       -$500          -0.3
Winkler                                                                                                        39   487,734       -$648          -0.5
Subtotal                                                                                                      385  1,804,19     -$3,543          -0.1
Fayette          3    19.3  Lee                       32.8            67.2          $868.2          643     2,659   515,108      $3,962           0.9
Frio             3    33.5  LaSalle                   24.1            75.9        $1,603.3          264       485   662,124      $7,687           4.5
Glasscoc         3    30.7  Martin                    40.6            59.4        $3,108.6          361       200   436,528        $808           5.1
Goliad           1      26  Refugio                   55.4            44.6          $625.8          226       786   433,568     -$1,385          -1.4
Gray             3    22.1  Roberts                   41.8            58.2        $3,086.5          574       341   560,796      $5,375           1.1
Hamilton         3    31.4  Coryell                   34.5            65.5          $387.5          292       966   465,847        $625           0.4
Hansford         3      26  Ochiltree                 34.2            65.8        $7,868.6          842       279   582,092     $36,721          27.9
Hardeman         2    21.3  Foard                     38.3            61.7        $4,070.7          731       342   322,727       -$574          -0.7
Harris           3    25.6  Waller                    50.6            49.4        $2,694.7          119     1,727   311,005     $24,427           0.0
Harrison         3    31.3  Panola                    57.5            42.5           $15.8            7     1,107   214,495     -$2,054          -0.2
Hartley          2      24  Moore                     36.4            63.6        $5,838.9          431       245   822,989     $39,879          36.1
Hays             2    22.1  Guadalupe                 57.3            42.7          $256.0          105       816   298,493      $3,270           0.2
Hemphill         3    21.4  Roberts                   57.0            43.0        $1,135.1          223       230   623,614      $2,433           2.9
Henderso         3      25  Van Sandt                 53.6            46.4          $108.3           28     1,630   367,096      $8,922           0.8
Hood             2      24  Parker                    52.7            47.3           $63.1          114       799   225,450     $10,523           1.3
Somervel                                                                                                      245    71,694       -$664          -0.5
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,044   297,144      $9,859           1.1
Hutchins         2    30.6  Hansford                  50.9            49.1        $2,188.7          239       190   400,166     $29,932           6.0
Jefferso         3      42  Chambers                  52.3            47.7        $6,194.0          297       562   433,597     $13,336           0.3
Kent             1    23.7  Stonewall                 41.1            58.9        $1,234.9          271       171   560,952      $1,028           6.4
Kerr             2    24.2  Gillespie                 41.6            58.4          $559.6          289       778   547,882     -$1,326          -0.1
Bandera                                                                                                       650   364,190     -$1,535          -0.6
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,428   912,072     -$2,861          -0.2
Kimble           3    31.5  Menard                    51.3            48.7          $192.1          130       485   773,046       -$829          -1.2
Kleberg          3    22.6  Nueces                    53.4            46.6        $1,262.8          277       272        \a      $6,099           1.3
La Salle         0    33.5  Frio                      39.7            60.3        $1,571.4          178       280   526,978        $314           0.5
Lamar            3      28  Delta                     43.5            56.5        $2,834.3          745     1,539   431,136      $1,241           0.1
Lampasas         2    36.5  Mills                     49.5            50.5          $233.8          259       746   434,737     -$2,462          -1.0
Burnet                                                                                                      1,110   537,198        $130           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,856   971,935     -$2,332          -0.3
Lavaca           3    34.1  DeWitt                    40.5            59.5        $1,539.9          550     2,558   526,067     -$2,397          -0.7
Lee              3    19.3  Fayette                   36.2            63.8          $260.6          353     1,685   344,475       -$130          -0.1
Limeston         3    26.6  Falls                     48.3            51.7        $1,326.7          420     1,212   442,882        -$59           0.0
Mason            2    29.2  McCulloch                 50.8            49.2          $237.0          202       565   595,265          $1           0.0
Llano                                                                                                         565   532,277       -$710          -0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,130  1,127,54       -$709          -0.2
Matagord         3      25  Wharton                   44.5            55.5        $9,735.8          727       768   550,642     $22,489           3.5
Medina           2      40  Bexar                     55.6            44.4        $2,353.0          551     1,570   749,653      $4,539           0.9
Midland          3    19.2  Martin                    46.6            53.4        $1,765.5          369       411   863,073        $200           0.0
Mills            3    21.7  San Saba                  39.1            60.9          $382.5          308       731   425,370     -$1,757          -2.3
Mitchell         2    30.5  Nolan                     34.8            65.2        $3,614.7          871       378   541,253     -$2,667          -2.2
Montague         3    34.2  Cooke                     43.1            56.9          $635.8          231     1,234   493,542     -$4,243          -1.4
Motley           1    31.6  Cottle                    46.9            53.1        $2,048.5          397       214   589,947        $757           3.5
Oldham           1    29.5  Deaf Smith                48.8            51.2        $2,758.9          278       140   841,907      $9,033          20.9
Palo             2      19  Parker                    53.4            46.6          $241.7          216       830   524,449     -$4,491          -1.0
Jack                                                                                                          730   531,787     -$2,934          -2.6
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,560  1,056,23     -$7,425          -1.4
Panola           1    28.6  Shelby                    61.0            39.0          $104.4           76       866   202,258      $4,370           1.2
Polk             3    43.9  Walker                    65.5            34.5           $20.9           27       551   135,988        $998           0.1
Presidio         3    26.5  Brewster                  69.4            30.6          $209.8           18       138  1,690,09       -$204          -0.3
Red              3    29.6  Lamar                     48.8            51.2        $2,056.3          377     1,088   444,611      $6,652           3.1
Reeves           1    76.4  Ector                     58.8            41.2        $1,792.4          122       176  1,013,80      $4,157           2.4
Loving                                                                                                         14   352,072        -$92          -3.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      190  1,365,87      $4,065           2.3
Roberts          0    21.4  Hemphill                    \a              \a          $838.2          136        96   566,057       -$234          -1.6
Rusk             3      29  Panola                    42.1            57.9          $168.5          132     1,296   267,448      $5,567           0.7
San              3    44.2  Jasper                    79.4            20.6           $29.6           31       291    65,250      $2,251           1.8
Scurry           3    32.9  Fisher                    34.0            66.0        $4,176.7          983       606   478,576     -$3,251          -1.1
Shackelf         2    23.7  Callahan                  44.3            55.7          $468.9          222       250   515,842     -$1,219          -1.7
Shelby           2    19.3  San Augustine               \a              \a          $155.3           86     1,047   201,427     $28,328           7.0
Starr            3    50.3  Hidalgo                   38.0            62.0        $3,278.9          378       609   636,083     $16,635           4.4
Stephens         2      24  Shackelford               41.0            59.0          $135.2          147       454   464,737       -$157          -0.1
Stonewal         3    23.7  Kent                      36.0            64.0        $2,169.4          499       305   483,523     -$3,251         -10.0
Tarrant          2    28.2  Parker                    66.5            33.5          $385.1          117     1,048   184,081      $7,439           0.0
Throckmo         3    30.1  Baylor                    45.6            54.4          $919.2          269       249   562,070        $936           2.6
Travis           2    26.8  Williamson                45.1            54.9        $1,264.5          544     1,038   396,165       -$118           0.0
Val              2    70.1  Uvalde                    54.8            45.2          $898.5          138       238  1,748,02     -$3,516          -0.7
 Verde                                                                                                                    8
Kinney                                                                                                        128   628,811     -$3,631         -10.3
Maverick                                                                                                      169   470,270     -$1,635          -0.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      535  2,847,10     -$8,781          -0.9
Victoria         3    25.4  Jackson                   39.5            60.5        $3,164.5          693     1,084   458,111        $781           0.0
Walker           3    29.2  Madison                   57.8            42.2           $63.4           21       826   183,988      $3,869           0.5
Waller           3    15.6  Austin                    43.0            57.0        $2,537.2          200     1,066   238,110      $1,700           0.4
Wise             2    26.9  Denton                    43.9            56.1          $326.6          137     2,075   411,737     -$2,729          -0.4
Wood             2    27.2  Hopkins                   50.9            49.1          $188.6          172     1,331   214,656     $11,624           2.1
Rains                                                                                                         493    94,427      $1,800           1.6
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,824   309,083     $13,423           2.0
Young            3    32.9  Stephens                  38.3            61.7        $1,165.5          367       709   553,406     -$3,430          -1.0
Zapata           3    48.2  Webb                      59.8            40.2          $169.2           76       323   403,273        $984           0.8

Beaver           3    46.4  Garfield                  46.1            53.9          $145.1           73       219   130,994      $2,267           3.1
Emery            2    53.8  Sanpete                   42.0            58.0          $190.6          116       450   158,798        $294           0.2
Carbon                                                                                                        199   201,679       -$938          -0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      649   360,477       -$644          -0.1
Garfield         3    46.4  Beaver                    39.5            60.5           $67.0           32       285   121,381         $26           0.0
Kane                                                                                                          143   175,384        $181           0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      428   296,765        $207           0.1
Juab             2    37.9  Utah                      45.1            54.9        $1,172.7          233       228   275,632      $2,688           2.9
Rich             2    55.5  Summit                    41.9            58.1          $280.7           28       162   523,744      $3,708          13.9
Salt             2    32.3  Utah                      73.3            26.7          $172.3           22       593   113,912      $5,181           0.0
Sanpete          2    40.8  Juab                      29.8            70.2          $321.1          165       776   359,717     $18,179           7.3
Sevier           1    52.4  Sanpete                     \a              \a          $400.5          159       478   147,032     $10,818           4.3
Piute                                                                                                         106    44,540      $2,023          11.7
Subtotal                                                                                                      584   191,572     $12,841           4.7
Summit           2    50.4  Weber                     49.3            50.7          $145.7           58       476   589,528      $2,844           0.4
Tooele           2      48  Salt Lake                 48.1            51.9          $224.3           47       332   291,746      $2,734           0.5

Caledoni         3    38.6  Lamoille                  64.8            35.2          $235.6          237       452    94,255      $7,806           1.5
Essex                                                                                                          79    25,497      $6,492           7.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      531   119,752     $14,298           2.4
Chittend         1    33.3  Franklin                  63.8            36.2          $362.3          155       456    83,355      $6,921           0.2
Washingt                                                                                                      344    56,290      $4,332           0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      800   139,645     $11,253           0.2
Lamoille         2    36.6  Chittenden                52.3            47.7          $116.9           98       297    48,967      $3,233           0.7
Rutland          3    33.3  Addison                   52.4            47.6          $340.5          180       530   125,770      $6,629           0.5
Benningt                                                                                                      171    32,374      $4,877           0.6
Subtotal                                                                                                      701   158,144     $11,506           0.5
Windham          1    71.4  Rutland                   48.1            51.9           $86.6           69       305    46,818      $5,535           0.6

Albemarl         3    28.8  Orange                    52.1            47.9          $406.2          205       747   172,251     $11,275           0.4
Greene                                                                                                        198    33,679       -$890          -0.4
Nelson                                                                                                        357    73,200      $1,319           0.5
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,302   279,130     $11,704           0.3
Appomatt         2    18.1  Campbell                  45.4            54.6          $118.3          209       353    76,643     -$1,143          -0.5
Bedford          3    30.5  Botetourt                 44.3            55.7          $200.0          198     1,198   194,946     -$1,701          -0.1
Campbell         3    18.1  Appomattox                44.2            55.8          $419.8          444       621   140,671      $2,200           0.1
Amherst                                                                                                       406    92,720        $122           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,027   233,391      $2,322           0.1
Chesapea         3    20.9  Suffolk                   47.1            52.9        $1,139.0          154       201    60,667      $8,360           0.2
Virginia                                                                                                      147    29,958      $6,993           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      348    90,625     $15,353           0.1
Culpeper         3      20  Orange                    48.2            51.8          $660.0          246       521   114,926      $8,552           1.3
Rappahan                                                                                                      335    72,141       -$557          -0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      856   187,067      $7,995           0.9
Fauquier         3    24.7  Culpeper                  46.4            53.6          $554.4          141       957   239,034     $15,969           1.0
Prince                                                                                                        261    35,936     -$1,265           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,218   274,970     $14,704           0.2
Gloucest         3      41  New Kent                  50.7            49.3          $465.5          147       108    23,211      $1,335           0.2
Mathews                                                                                                        58     8,421      $1,319           0.6
Middlese                                                                                                       67    18,263        $891           0.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      233    49,895      $3,544           0.3
Goochlan         1    30.8  Louisa                      \a              \a          $263.9          128       229    46,789      $1,334           0.3
Powhatan                                                                                                      208    43,088      $1,016           0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      437    89,877      $2,350           0.3
New Kent         3    29.1  Hanover                   51.8            48.2          $836.7          123        64    16,392        $688           0.3
Henrico                                                                                                       154    26,403      $2,728           0.0
James                                                                                                          58     8,861        $874           0.1
York                                                                                                           39     1,976      $1,260           0.1
Hampton                                                                                                        \a        \a          $0           0.0
Newport                                                                                                        \a        \a          $0           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      315    53,632      $5,549           0.0
Prince           2    33.3  New Kent                  42.6            57.4          $338.1          143       133    44,981      $1,612           0.2
Rockbrid         2      41  Botetourt                 47.2            52.8          $169.5          129       631   140,110      $3,371           0.6
Shenando         2    24.7  Frederick                 45.5            54.5          $517.3          160       841   126,844     $12,385           1.9
Spotsylv         3    38.3  Fauquier                  57.1            42.9          $573.1          283       253    47,947       -$859           0.0
King                                                                                                          139    34,180      $2,884           0.8
Stafford                                                                                                      158    19,896     -$1,028          -0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      550   102,023        $998           0.0
Tazewell         3    32.8  Smyth                     52.9            47.1           $63.3          101       488   133,601        $150           0.0
Buchanan                                                                                                       70     6,303        $331           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      558   139,904        $480           0.0

Asotin           1    30.5  Garfield                    \a              \a        $2,313.9          176       140   304,471      $1,588           0.4
Benton           2    36.9  Franklin                  39.5            60.5        $4,998.2          354     1,078   611,903     $65,240           2.2
Clark            2    79.9  Lewis                     57.3            42.7          $131.1           70     1,175    72,841     $12,605           0.2
Cowlitz                                                                                                       349    31,103     $16,718           0.9
Skamania                                                                                                       63     4,220       -$789          -0.5
Wahkiaku                                                                                                      108    13,379        $495           0.7
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,695   121,543     $29,028           0.3
Ferry            1    50.7  Stevens                     \a              \a          $147.8           44       179   809,816      $1,261           1.3
Kittitas         3      38  Yakima                    48.8            51.2          $362.1          113       757   177,815     $20,531           3.7
Klickita         3    67.4  Yakima                    38.9            61.1        $3,929.1          414       530   588,732     $10,415           3.2
Pierce           3    58.2  Snohomish                 58.9            41.1          $358.9          113       989    50,868     $21,743           0.2
King                                                                                                        1,091    41,653     $41,438           0.1
Kitsap                                                                                                        359    19,129        $658           0.0
Mason                                                                                                         211    19,986      $3,282           0.4
Thurston                                                                                                      832    56,300     $20,354           0.5
Subtotal                                                                                                    3,482   187,936     $87,474           0.1
Skagit           2      31  Snohomish                 53.9            46.1          $556.1          166       714    93,495     $63,228           3.1
Island                                                                                                        261    15,900      $2,319           0.2
San Juan                                                                                                      174    16,887        $201           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,149   126,282     $65,748           1.7
Snohomis         2      31  Skagit                    57.6            42.4          $642.5          127     1,139    60,588     $23,187           0.2
Clallam                                                                                                       292    21,034      $2,411           0.2
Jefferso                                                                                                      144    13,091        $351           0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                    1,575    94,713     $25,948           0.2
Stevens          2    50.7  Ferry                     43.1            56.9          $797.2          306       989   525,121      $6,243           1.1
Barbour          1    23.1  Randolph                    \a              \a            $4.2           27       437    86,546     -$1,628          -0.8
Braxton          2    33.7  Nicholas                  66.6            33.4           $59.7           53       280    67,081       -$796          -0.4
Clay                                                                                                          100    17,292       -$265          -0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      380    84,373     -$1,061          -0.3
Cabell           3    29.3  Lincoln                   55.1            44.9           $38.5           65       305    31,987        $341           0.0
Wayne                                                                                                         151    28,622       -$505          -0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      456    60,609       -$165           0.0
Gilmer           2    24.1  Lewis                     65.9            34.1           $38.0           51       214    63,317     -$1,562          -1.5
Calhoun                                                                                                       171    38,442       -$432          -0.5
Subtotal                                                                                                      385   101,759     -$1,994          -1.0
Hampshir         3    23.7  Mineral                   43.0            57.0          $602.7          184       547   140,416        $683           0.3
Hardy            3      14  Grant                     42.4            57.6          $454.1          158       467   142,940      $8,158           4.0
Jackson          2    21.4  Roane                     48.9            51.1           $57.2          110       730   116,677     -$2,715          -0.6
Jefferso         3    14.6  Berkeley                  50.8            49.2          $776.1          155       357    72,978      $1,136           0.1
Lewis            1      18  Harrison                  57.4            42.6           $63.6           50       364    79,427     -$1,581          -0.6
Upshur                                                                                                        399    64,282       -$692          -0.2
Subtotal                                                                                                      763   143,709     -$2,272          -0.4
Lincoln          3    29.3  Cabell                    54.8            45.2           $20.2           60       214    27,435     -$1,038          -0.4
Boone                                                                                                          23     2,335          \a            \a
Logan                                                                                                          10        \a        -$57           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      247    29,770     -$1,094          -0.1
Marion           3    15.5  Monongalia                63.8            36.2           $35.6           37       317    39,350     -$1,350          -0.1
Taylor                                                                                                        278    43,697        $740           0.4
Subtotal                                                                                                      595    83,047       -$610          -0.1
Mercer           2    35.7  Raleigh                   58.1            41.9           $12.5           39       409    53,450       -$648          -0.1
Mineral          1    23.7  Hampshire                 54.0            46.0          $137.4          104       343    79,655        $761           0.2
Monongal         2    15.5  Marion                    29.9            70.1            $4.9           16       430    58,074     -$1,930          -0.1
Nicholas         2    43.4  Braxton                   60.9            39.1           $64.8           74       304    39,658       -$608          -0.2
Webster                                                                                                        74     8,043       -$369          -0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      378    47,701       -$976          -0.2
Pendleto         3    30.7  Grant                     41.9            58.1          $998.6          279       590   175,319      $6,793           5.1
Pocahont         3    33.7  Greenbrier                49.9            50.1          $172.4          173       357   128,965     -$1,742          -1.2
Preston          3    24.5  Monongalia                52.4            47.6          $189.3          134       866   151,697     -$2,725          -0.6
Raleigh          3    35.7  Mercer                    73.2            26.8           $59.4          106       260    35,439       -$783          -0.1
Fayette                                                                                                       205    23,065       -$783          -0.1
Summers                                                                                                       316    57,178       -$141          -0.1
Wyoming                                                                                                        31     3,978       -$126           0.0
Subtotal                                                                                                      812   119,660     -$1,832          -0.1
Tyler            2    42.9  Marshall                  57.9            42.1           $34.8           59       234    48,031       -$166          -0.1
Wetzel                                                                                                        260    47,771       -$411          -0.1
Subtotal                                                                                                      494    95,802       -$577          -0.1
Adams            2    25.6  Juneau                    38.8            61.2        $1,186.5          428       360   121,572      $5,741           2.3
Forest           3    42.5  Lincoln                   46.8            53.2           $90.7          179       111    26,150       -$429          -0.3
Florence                                                                                                       86    19,371       -$954          -1.1
Oneida                                                                                                        117    39,036      $1,951           0.3
Vilas                                                                                                          44     7,578      $1,141           0.3
Subtotal                                                                                                      358    92,135      $1,710           0.1
Marinett         3    22.7  Oconto                    38.4            61.6        $1,040.2          530       551   131,641     -$2,866          -0.4
Marquett         3    20.1  Wautoma                   35.2            64.8        $1,374.3          526       443   124,804      $1,303           0.6
Rusk             3    36.8  Barron                    57.2            42.8          $696.7          521       578   159,104       -$279          -0.1
Sawyer                                                                                                        184    48,463      $2,239           0.8
Subtotal                                                                                                      762   207,567      $1,960           0.4
Big Horn         3      39  Washakie                  45.4            54.6          $495.9          271       495   443,434      $6,763           4.0
Carbon           2   148.7  Natrona                   52.7            47.3          $347.3           49       310  2,281,65      $4,457           1.4
Albany                                                                                                        315  1,922,30      $4,105           0.7
Subtotal                                                                                                      625  4,203,96      $8,562           1.0
Converse         3      55  Niobrara                  39.1            60.9          $685.9           91       348  2,515,29      $2,161           1.0
Natrona          2    50.2  Converse                  72.8            27.2          $276.5          105       311  2,806,70       -$156           0.0
Niobrara         3      55  Converse                  44.6            55.4        $1,085.6          156       278  1,608,31      $1,854           3.6
Sheridan         3    33.6  Johnson                   55.6            44.4          $473.7           96       568  1,608,20      $1,642           0.3
Sweetwat         2     101  Fremont                   63.5            36.5          $466.5           42       160  1,420,99        $396           0.0
 er                                                                                                                       3
Sublette                                                                                                      275   591,779      $3,384           2.9
Subtotal                                                                                                      435  2,012,77      $3,780           0.4
Uinta            1   101.9  Sweetwater                64.7            35.3           $71.9           29       300   940,013      $1,213           0.3
Weston           2    47.4  Crook                     54.6            45.4          $405.2          109       233  1,420,63      $2,093           1.5
Notes:  Farm income may be negative because of the Department of
Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis reports farm income as net
profit and does not include the value of agricultural products sold
from inventory. 

Subtotals may not add due to rounding. 

\a Data not available. 

\b Estimated driving distance did not appear reasonable when checked
against a map.  We have reported the straight-line distance instead. 

Sources:  All data on county offices, county office employees,
workload, benefits provided, number of farmers receiving benefits,
number of farms, and number of farmland acres, USDA.  All data on
farm income and farm income as a percentage of total county income,
Department of Commerce.  Information on estimated driving distances
was calculated using, Inc.  software. 

========================================================= Appendix III

                                         Proximity to next
                                         closest FSA office     Proximity to next closest
                                          within the state        FSA office in another
                                         (estimated driving     state (estimated driving
                                         distance in miles)        distance in miles)
                                      ------------------------  -------------------------
                           Number of
        FSA county         full-time            FSA county                FSA county
State   office             employees     Miles  office             Miles  office
------  ----------------  ----------  --------  --------------  --------  ---------------
AL      Marion                     3        32  Lamar               26.7  Itawamba, MS

CA      Imperial                   3      88.1  Riverside           64.8  Yuma, AZ

CA      Modoc                      3     104.9  Lassen              55.8  Lake, OR

CO      La Plata                   2      44.6  Montezuma           35.6  San Juan, NM

CO      Las Animas                 2      81.9  Otero               22.6  Colfax, NM

CO      Sedgwick                   3        32  Phillips            15.4  Deuel, NE

DE      New Castle                 3      39.5  Kent                 7.1  Cecil, MD

FL      Gadsden                    2      24.6  Leon                23.3  Decatur, GA

ID      Lemhi                      1     138.4  Butte                 92  Ravalli, MT

ID      Oneida                     3      57.3  Franklin            32.6  Box Elder, UT

ID      Payette                    2        11  Washington           8.4  Malheur, OR

IL      Wabash                     3        23  Lawrence            12.4  Gibson, IN

IN      Perry                      0        24  Warrick             12.6  Daviess, KY

IN      Steuben                    3      23.1  De Kalb             23.1  Branch, MI

IN      Vanderburgh                3      15.3  Warrick                9  Henderson, KY

IA      W. Pottawattamie           0        24  E.                   5.1  Sarpy, NE

KY      Boone                      3      31.2  Grant               30.8  Dearborn, IN

KY      Meade                      3      31.8  Breckenridge        13.6  Harrison, IN

LA      Washington                 3      25.2  Tangipahoa            23  Walthall, MS

MD      Garrett                    3      47.9  Allegany            19.1  Preston, WV

MD      Washington                 2      25.3  Frederick           21.8  Berkeley, WV

MA      Berkshire                  2      56.6  Hampshire           33.5  Columbia, NY

MA      Middlesex                  3      38.4  Worcester           27.8  Hillsboro, NH

MI      Menominee                  3        51  Delta               23.6  Marinette, WI

MN      Washington                 2      41.8  Dakota              30.1  St. Croix, WI

MS      Adams                      2      40.7  Claiborne           10.2  Concordia, LA

MO      Barry                      3      41.9  Newton                37  Carroll, AR

MO      Marion                     3      23.9  Ralls               16.4  Adams, IL

MO      Putnam                     3      24.1  Sullivan            20.7  Appanoose, IA

MO      Ripley                     3      31.8  Butler                29  Randolph, AR

MO      St. Louis                  3      24.2  St. Charles         21.8  St. Clair, IL

NV      Clark                      2     243.9  White Pine         118.4  Washington, UT

NH      Cheshire                   2        51  Hillsborough        20.1  Windham, VT

NH      Coos                       2      48.5  Grafton             30.7  Caledonia, VT

NH      Grafton                    3      50.1  Coos                25.9  Caledonia, VT

NH      Hillsborough               1      31.7  Merrimack           27.8  Middlesex, MA

NM      Colfax                     2      81.4  Union               22.6  Las Animas, CO

NM      McKinley                   1     133.8  San Juan            94.5  Apache, AZ

NM      San Juan                   2     133.8  McKinley            35.6  La Plata, CO

NY      Clinton                    2      58.3  Franklin            54.9  Franklin, VT

NY      Columbia                   3      37.9  Rensselaer          33.5  Berkshire, MA

NY      Suffolk                    1     118.1  Dutchess            58.9  New London, CT

NC      Cherokee                   2      43.9  Swain               19.1  Union, GA

NC      Watauga                    3      25.4  Ashe                23.1  Johnson, TN

ND      Adams                      2        40  Bowman              39.9  Perkins, SD

ND      Golden Valley              3      60.5  Stark               10.2  Wibaux, MT

ND      Sioux                      1      55.2  Morton              47.9  Corson, SD

OH      Meigs                      3      24.8  Gallia              15.5  Mason, WV

OH      Washington                 3      44.9  Athens                15  Mill Run, WV

OK      McCurtain                  3      44.3  Choctaw             31.3  Red River, TX

OK      Osage                      3      46.3  Nowata              35.6  Chautauqua, KS

OR      Jackson                    3      75.8  Klamath             50.8  Siskiyou, CA

OR      Lake                       2      96.1  Klamath             55.8  Modoc, CA

OR      Sherman                    3        41  Wasco               30.7  Klickitat, WA

OR      Wasco                      3        41  Sherman             36.3  Klickitat, WA

PA      Beaver                     2      54.2  Butler              36.8  Columbiana, OH

PA      Chester                    3      29.1  Montgomery          24.7  New Castle, DE

PA      Washington                 3        48  Beaver              39.5  Marshall, WV

SD      Harding                    0      55.2  Perkins             42.6  Bowman, ND

TX      Bowie                      3      37.1  Cass                24.2  Miller, AR

TX      Cooke                      2      31.6  Denton              22.5  Love, OK

TX      Lamar                      3        28  Delta               26.2  Choctaw, OK

VT      Caledonia                  3      38.6  Lamoille            25.9  Grafton, NH

VT      Windham                    1      71.4  Rutland             20.1  Cheshire, NH

VA      Tazewell                   3      32.8  Smyth                 30  Mercer, WV

WA      Asotin                     1      30.5  Garfield             0.7  Nez Perce, ID

WA      Clark                      2      79.9  Lewis               29.3  Clackamas, OR

WA      Klickitat                  3      67.4  Yakima              30.7  Sherman, OR

WV      Mercer                     2      35.7  Raleigh               30  Tazewell, VA

WV      Mineral                    1      23.7  Hampshire           22.7  Allegany, MD

WV      Preston                    3      24.5  Monongolia          19.1  Garrett, MD

WY      Carbon                     2     148.7  Natrona            128.5  Routt, CO

WY      Uinta                      1     101.9  Sweetwater          56.5  Summit, UT
Sources:  Information on employees, FSA's database.  Driving
distances computed using, Inc.  software. 

========================================================== Appendix IV

James L.  Dishmon, Jr.
Jerry D.  Hall
Cathy L.  Helm
James R.  Jones, Jr.
Mitchell B.  Karpman
Paul J.  Pansini
Carol Herrnstadt Shulman
John W.  Shumann


U.S.  Department of Agriculture:  Administrative Streamlining Is
Expected to Continue Through 2002 (GAO/RCED-99-34, Dec.  11, 1998). 

U.  S.  Department of Agriculture:  Status of Closing and
Consolidating County Offices (GAO/T-RCED-98-250, Jul.  29, 1998). 

Farm Programs:  Service to Farmers Will Likely Change as Farm Service
Agency Continues to Reduce Staff and Close Offices (GAO/RCED-98-136,
May 1, 1998). 

Farm Programs:  Administrative Requirements Reduced and Further
Program Delivery Changes Possible (GAO/RCED-98-98, Apr.  20, 1998). 

U.S.  Department of Agriculture:  Status of USDA's Reorganization
(GAO/RCED-98-109R, Mar.  19, 1998). 

Farm Programs:  Impact of the 1996 Farm Act on County Office Workload
(GAO/RCED-97-214, Aug.  19, 1997). 

U.S.  Department of Agriculture:  Update on Reorganization and
Streamlining Efforts (GAO/RCED-97-186R, Jun.  24, 1997). 

*** End of document. ***