It presents research findings referring to the number or frequency of something in numerical forms

Does the child sometimes has fits, becomes rigid or loses conscious? ​

may dream for may family​

Why is message one of the most important elements in communication?

death pinalty disagreement ​

II. b. demonstrative d. possessive UNDERLINE THE CORRECT ADJECTIVE TO BE USED IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES 1. I think primo is (more, most) resourceful … among my three brothers. 2. Anthony is (better, best) football player than Luis. 3. This one is the (better, best) book I have read for how many years. 4. Malabon is the (richer, richest) of all the towns in Rizal Province 5. Malaybalay Bukidnon has a (milder, mildest) climate than Baguio City. 6. Aljun is (active, more active) than Rayver. 7. One kilo is heavy, two kilos are (heavier, heaviest). 8. Jenny won as (sexier, sexiest) woman in the whole Compostela Valley. 9. Eva is (pretty, prettier). 10. Wegyl was chosen as (more beautiful, most beautiful) woman in Korea.​


ObjectivesAfter this lesson, you should be able to:Widen your vocabulary through contextual clues;Examine things appealing to senses to hone your investigative thinking;Discuss the characteristics of research;Classify research based on a set of criteria;Differentiate the various types of research; andDescribe completed or published research studies based on concepts learned about research.

Activity 1Directions: INDIVIDUAL WORK. Relying on your stock knowledge, write on the lines provided themeaning of the following words used in the selection that you will read later. Be guided by someclues in the given sentences.1.Absolute____________________________________________________________________Man has no absolutepower on something; God Has.2.Abstract_____________________________________________________________________A stone is concrete; intelligence is abstract.3.Portrayal____________________________________________________________________Give a clearer portrayalof what is in your mind by drawing it on that paper.

Activity 1 cont…4.Perspective__________________________________________________________________Change your sitting position to have a better perspectiveabout the whole thing.5.Hone_______________________________________________________________________Honeyour reading skills by spending more time in reading books.6.Superb______________________________________________________________________For the actor’s superbperformance, he won an award.7.Trigger______________________________________________________________________Say a line on love to triggeroff a conversation between those two people.

Activity 2Directions: PICTURE ANALYSIS. Examine this different scenic places. Which of this places interestyou most? Why? Would you like to know more about them? How do you think will you be moreknowledgeable about your favorite or most loved places?

Meaning of ResearchWhat is Research?A number of books on research define this term in many ways, but such varied definitions boildown to the primary meaning of this word, which is:Researchis a process of executing various mental acts for discovering and examining facts andinformation to prove the accuracy or truthfulness of your claims or conclusions about the topic ofyour research.Researchrequires you to inquire or investigate about your chosen research topic by askingquestions that will make you engage yourself in top-level thinking strategies of interpreting,analyzing, synthesizing, criticizing, appreciating, or creating to enable you discover truths aboutthe many things you tend to wonder about the topic of your research work.(Litchman 2013)

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Correlational Research

What research provides data that can be expressed numerically?

Quantitative data are used when a researcher is trying to quantify a problem, or address the "what" or "how many" aspects of a research question. It is data that can either be counted or compared on a numeric scale.

What type of research to be used if the purpose of the research is to find out how reasonable or possible it is to conduct a research study on a certain topic?

Exploratory Research – an exploratory research's purpose is to find out how reasonable or possible it is to conduct a research study on a certain topic.

What research is usually based on numerical measurements?

Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon.

What kind of research requires non

Qualitative research is any which does not involve numbers or numerical data. It often involves words or language, but may also use pictures or photographs and observations.