Is the study of drug absorption distribution metabolism and excretion in the body quizlet?

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Terms in this set (115)


What is the study of what happens to a drug from the time it is put in the body until it has left the bod

Bioavailability, low

What is the extent of drug absorption; how much of the drug is absorbed into circulation for action
High Bioavailability= ______ first-pass effect

First-pass effect, low

High first-pass=_____ bioavailability
What is known as part of the drug will become inactive by the liver when metabolized. If a large portion of the drug is still active, it has high first-pass effect


In ____________ drug administration, the drug is absorbed into the systemic circulation through the mucosa of the stomach and. or small or large intestines

acid, food

Many factors can alter the absorption of drugs, including _____ changes within the stomach, absorption changes in the intestines and the presence or absence of _______ and fluid.


The presence of food may _____________ the absorption of some fat-soluble drugs that are more easily broken down in an acidic environment

sublingual, buccal

Drugs administered by the ______________ route are absorbed into the highly vascularized tissue under the tongue, hence drugs are absorbed quickly there. The same applies to the ________ route

parental route

This route is the fastest by which a drug can be absorbed


Iv injections delivers drug __________ into circulation


Medications given by the parental route have the advantage of _____________ the first-pass effect of the liver

Sublingual- under the tongue
Buccal- between check and gum

Where are sublingual and buccal mean?
Sublingual- under the tongue
Buccal- between check and gum

When exercising, there will be more blood supply to muscles and less blood supply to other nonactive organs like stomach

What effects does exercising have?

Massaging the site will allow faster absorption because blood supply will increase to the area

What effects does massaging have?

topical route

This route involves application of medications to various body surfaces


Topic application delivers a uniform amount of drug over a longer period but the effects are usually __________ in their onset and prolongued in their duration compared to oral and parental


All topical routes of drug administration ________ first-pass effects of the liver, with the exception of rectal administration

eratic, unreliable

The drawback of using the tropical route is that their systemic absorption is often _________ and ___________

Transdermal routes

this route are used for systemic drug delivery; there is
slow absorption through skin into circulation

clean, hairy

When applying patches, _______ the area first and place it on the patient's chest or arm; areas that are not _______.
Select a site with less hair. If patch is applied to hair surface, it will not stick properly and could fall off

Inhaled route

This is another type of topical route that are delivered to the lungs as microsized drug particles.




This term refers to the transport of a drug by the bloodstream to its site of action


Drugs are administered to sites that have large blood supply. Areas of large blood supplies include the heart, kidneys liver and brain. Areas of low blood supply include muscle, skin and fat

liver, kidneys

Once a drug reaches the bloodstream, it is distributed throughout the body. At this point, it is starting to be eliminating by the organs that metabolize and excrete drugs--primarilythe _______ and the ____________


What is the most common blood protein and carries the majority of protein-bound drug molecules


If a given drug binds to albumin then there is only a ____________ amount of drug that is not bound

drug-drug interaction

When an individual is taking more than one drug that are higly protein bound, the medications may compete for binding sites on the albumin molecule. Because of this competition there is more free, unbound drug. This can lead to an unpredictable drug response called a:

volume of distribution

This theoretical volume is sometimes used to describe the various areas in which drugs may be distributed

high, low

Highly water soluble drugs have __________ volume of distribution and high blood concentrations. In contrast, fat-soluble drugs have a __________ volume of distribution and low blood concentrations


This term is also refferred to as biotransformation. It involves the biochemical alteration of a drug into an active metabolite, a more soluble compound, a more potent active metabolite


Metabolism is the next step after absorption and distrubution. The organ most responsible for the metabolism of drugs is the _________


Drug molecules that are the metabolic targets of specific enzymes are said to be _______________

P-450 system

What is one of the most important systems that influence drug-drug interactions

Enzyme inhibitors

Many drugs can inhibit drug-metabolizing enzymes and are called:

enzyme inducers

Decrease in drug metabolism results in the accumulation of the drug which results in drug toxicity. In contrast, some drugs can stimulate drug metabolism and are called:


What is the elimination of drugs from the body


What organ is responsible for excretion


Most drugs are metabolized by the liver in different ways. Therefore, by the time the drug reaches the kidneys, they have undergone extensive biotransformation and only a small fraction of the drug is __________ as its original compound


The actual act of renal excretion is accomplished through glomerulus filtration, active tubular reabsorption, active tubular extretion


What is the time required for one half of a given drug to be removed from the body. It is a measure of rate at which the drug is eliminated from the body

Steady state

What refers to the physiological state in which the amount of a drug removed via elimination is equal to the amount of drug absorbed with each dose

drug effects

What are the physiological reactions of the body to the drug?

onset, peak, duration and trough

These terms are used to describe a drugs effects

onset of action

This is the drug's time required to elicit a therapeutic response

peak of effect

This is the time required for a drug to reach its maximum therapeutic response

duration of action

This is the length if tune that the drug concentration is sufficient to elicit a therapeutic response


This relates to the mechanisms of drug actions to living tissues

therapeutic response

A positive change in a faulty physiological system is called a ________ _____ of a drug, Such an effect is the goal of drug therapy


Drugs can produce actions (therapeutic effects) in several ways. Once the drug is at the site of action, it can modify (increase or decrease) the rate at which that cell or tissue functions or it can modify the ___________ of function of that cell

receptors, enzymes, nonselective interactions

Drugs can exert their actions in three basic ways:


Receptor interactions


-This is a reactive site on the surface or inside of a cell


Drug-receptor interaction is the joining of the drug ___________ with a reactive site on the surface of a cell or tissue. Once a drug binds to and interacts with the receptor, a pharmacological response is produced

block, elicit

A drug with the best "fit" will have the strongest effect. Drugs works with receptors to either ________ or _______ a response


enzyme interactions...


What are the substances that catalyze nearly every biochemical reaction in a cell. Drugs can produce effects by interacting with these substances

selective interaction

For a drug to elicit a response, it may either inhibit (more common) or enhance (less common) the action of a specific enzyme. This process is called


Drug-enzyme interactions occurs when the drug chemically binds to an enzyme molecule in such a way that it alters the enzymes ______________ with its normal target molecules in the body


Nonselective interactions

receptors, enzymes

Drugs with nonspecific mechanisms of action do not interact with ___________ or ___________


These drugs can either physically interfere with or chemically alter cellular _____________ or processes


Pharmacokinetics Distribution and Metabolism CANCELLED CLASS NOTES....

Blood stream

Highly vascularized areas include major organs like the heart, kidneys, liver, and brain.

Areas of slower distribution include muscle, skin, and fat.

The transport of a drug
Drugs are transported via the ____________________

What are areas of rapid distribution? - highly vascularized

Areas of slower distribution?

After a drug is absorbed it is distributed anywhere the blood goes so it will be distributed throughout the body

After the drug is absorbed where does it go for distribution?

metabolism, excretion

_______________ and _______________ begin soon after the drug is being distributed.

Distribution can be delayed by anything that slows down the blood flow (Hypothermia, cardiac function) and protein binding to be discussed next.

What can delay distribution and therapeutic effect?

protein bound

**EX: Some drugs really love protein! We call these drugs highly ____________ ___________


STUDY PROTEIN BINDING concept for exam 1...
If a medication is high in protein, we will give more of it and expect that it will last longer

Some of the drug molecules hook up with the protein and are unable to leave the vascular system, thus not getting distributed and metabolized.

What happens with a drug that is highly protein bound?

There are limited protein sites so some of the drug gets absorbed and does it's job (therapeutic effect).
Conditions that cause a patient to have low protein include malnourishment and significant burn injuries. In these cases more drug is free to circulate which could cause toxicity.

What if your patient has a low protein level?

drug-drug interactions

If a patient is on two drugs that are highly protein binding it can lead to ________-__________ _____________

sporadic, unpredictable

Drug-drug interactions can result in ____________ and _______________ responses.

Drug molecules that bind to protein will eventually fall off and then be free to circulate and have a therapeutic effect. Because the drug molecules fall off at a later time it increases the duration of the drug effect.

Will highly protein bound drugs have shorter or longer duration of effects?

synergistic effect

This is the term for the effect of two drugs with similar actions, resulting in greater than the sum of the individual effects; When drugs have a synergistic effect they work better together than alone.
1 + 1 = greater than 2

Additive effect

**EX: What is the term for the effect of two drugs, resulting in the equal sum of the individual effects alone; the effect is equal to the sum of the drug action.
1 + 1 = 2


Metabolism is also known as ______________________ (the biochemical alteration of a drug)


This is where the drug is altered to be easily excreted, or to become more or less active.


Where does metabolism primarily occur?

Cytochrome P-450

This is an enzyme that aids in the metabolism of drugs. The role that the enzymes play vary from person to person and depends on the type of drug. For this class it is only important that you recognize that the enzymes play a role in metabolism and vary from person to person.


This is the last phase; known as the elimination of drugs from the body

urine, stool

Drugs can be eliminated through ________ and ________

Kidneys, liver

What are the organs of elimination?

Kidneys, Liver

What organ excretes water soluble drugs? Fat soluble drugs?

Mammary glands (breast milk)
Salivary glands

What are the less common routes of excretion?


This is The time required for one half of the amount of a drug to be removed by the body

So that we know how much to dose and how much metabolites are building up in the body.

Why does half-life matter?


Half Life
Ex. 50% of drug is gone in 2hrs. In 1 hr, another 25% of the drug will be gone. In half an hour, about 12.5 is left over.

the rate of elimination

Half life is also known as?

Steady State

The physiologic state in which the amount of drug removed via elimination is equivalent to the amount of drug absorbed with each dose, resulting in a steady action of the drug.


Drug effects on the body...

Onset of action

This is the time it takes for the drug to elicit a therapeutic response/ have its effect


This is when the drug has reached its max therapeutic effect; maximum amount


The length of time it take for the drugs to take its complete response; all the way to the end


This lowers blood sugar


If body is working properly, insulin is secreted ___________________ when digesting food to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Diabetics cannot produce insulin, so they must be injected subcutaneously with it

short, long

Different types of insulin works at different levels.
Diabetics are given a combination of ________ and __________ acting insulin to reach a steady state of insulin for their bodies

right time

If you take insulin without eating, your blood sugar will get really low. Hence, insulin injection should be injected at the __________ __________.

peak levels

This Measures the drug when it's at its peak. Draw blood to see peak level of drug

Trough levels

This Measures the drug at its lowest level of action


The longer you're on a drug the higher the peak and trough levels rise, increasing chances of experiencing __________


This is when the drugs go beyond the peak; there's too much,


Toxicity of the ears


is the study of the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of a drug; what the body does do to the drug


the study of how a drug acts on the body and its effects on various systems in the body; the study of the physiochemical properties of drugs and how they influence the body.


the science of how drugs are made in proper forms and dosages and then supplied to the market.


the study of the uses of drugs to prevent and treat diseases.


the study of drugs that are obtained from natural plant and animal sources.


is the broadest term for the study or science of drugs


Extended pharmacologic action is an increased therapeutic effect of the drug

Be eliminated from the body

Drug half-life is defined as the amount of time required for 50% of a drug to do what?

Therapeutic index

What term means the ratio between a drug's therapeutic effects and toxic effects?


is a reduced response to a drug after prolonged use

Distribution rates among various body compartments

Pharmacokinetics involves the study of which factor?


when two parenteral drugs mixed together result in the chemical deterioration of one or both of the drugs or formation of a precipitate

antagonistic effect

when the effect of two drugs given together is lower than the sum of each drug taken separately.

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What is the study of drug absorption distribution metabolism and excretion?

The study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and how the body affects the drug falls under the term pharmacokinetics. The application of pharmacokinetic methods to ensure patients are treated safely and effectively is known as clinical pharmacokinetics.

What is the term used to describe the absorption distribution metabolism and excretion of a drug quizlet?

Terms in this set (15) Pharmacokinetics. is the study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion in the body.

What does pharmacokinetics study quizlet?

the study of what happens to the drug(s) in the patients body after administered. Includes absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion.

What term describes the motion of drugs through the body and includes the absorption distribution metabolism and excretion of drugs?

Pharmacokinetics focuses on how drugs move within the body once administered. The movement of drugs involves four processes which include absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.