Is the programmed activity that would elicit beneficial adaptations when performed regularly?

Presentation on theme: "REPETITIVE MOVEMENTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a repetitive movement?
It is performed over time can alter the normal movement pattern of an individual. It results to a movement inefficiency and muscle imbalance.

3 Movement Screening It can be used to evaluate the presence of muscle imbalance.


5 Squat A multi-joint movement that has a ability to show neuromuscular deficit in the core muscles and the lower extremity muscles. It is common to sports because it mimics the preparatory motion when jumping and the recovery phase when landing.

6 Lunge Movement that evaluates movement stability and neuromuscular deficit of the lower extremities.

7 Trunk Rotation A common movement in many sports that involve throwing.
Throwing movements - push the center of gravity of the body outside of the normal region and forces the deep abdominal muscles to counteract the displacement.

8 Push-up A basic exercise that evaluates the strength of the arms and abdominal muscles as well as the flexibility of the shoulder joint. For men ages 17-19: average straight push- ups needed is 19 to 34 a day. For women ages 17-19: average straight push-ups needed is 11 to 20 a day.


10 Exercise Load A programmed activity that would elicit beneficial adaptation when performed regularly. It has classifications: rate of specificity of exercise, intensity, volume.

11 Warm up Essential prior to the actual workload as it prepares the body for more strenuous activity. Generally consists of a gradual increase in intensity in physical activity, joint mobility exercise, and stretching.

12 Types of Stretches Dynamic stretches Static stretches

13 Dynamic Stretches Improves range of motion
Better performed during warm-up Making it easier Examples of Dynamic Stretches: Lunge with a Twist Hip Stretch with a Twist Inchworm Jump Squats Jump Lunges Twisting Lunge Walk

14 Static Stretches Exercises that hold the joint in a stationary position for a period of time. Examples of Static Stretches: Head Bend Arm and Shoulder Stretch Trunk Rotation Hamstring Stretch Quadriceps Stretch

15 Cool Down It is an easy exercise, done after a more intense activity, to allow the body to gradually transition to a resting or near-resting state. RECOVERY – an example of cool-down that is important as the workload.

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  • School University of the Fraser Valley
  • Course Title HSC MISC
  • Pages 9

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PHYSICAL EDUCATIONCHAPTER 1: EXERCISE FOR FITNESSNon-communicable Diseases-A disease that is not transmissable directly from one person to another.Communicable Diseases-A disease that is spread from one person to another through a variety of ways.PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND EXERCISEPhysical Activity-Involves any bodily movement caused by muscular contractions that result in the expenditure of energy.Exercise-A planned program of physical activities usually designed to improve physical fitness with the purpose ofincreasing physical fitness level.BENEFITS OF BECOMING ACTIVEANG BEING PHYSICALY FIT:PHYSICAL FITNESS-A condition that allows the body to effectively cope with the demands od daily activities and still have theenergy to enjoy other active leisure activities.1.Aerobic Capacity-The ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to the working musclesefficiently in order to sustain prolonged rhythmical exercises-Ex. Running2.Muscular Strength-The ability of the muscle to generate the greatest force-Ex. Wight lifting3.Muscular Endurance-The ability of the muscle to resist fatigue when performing multiple repetitions of a submaximal load-Ex. Abdominal curls up and push ups4.Flexibility-The ability to move a joint without pain over its entire range of motion.-Ex. Sit and reach and trunk forward flexion

5.Body Composition-The total make-up of the body using the concept of two component model: the lean body mass and the bodyfat.-Ex. Waist circumferenceIMPORTANCE OF AN ACTIVE LIFESYLERegular, moderate to high intensity of physical activity, and exercise was proven to improve overall health andfitness. As such, it; (HEALTH BENEFITS)Improves bone, joint, and muscle strengthDevelops motor control and coordinationHelps maintain a healthy body compositionImproves the psychological functioning of an individualIncrease the efficiency of the lungs and heartIncrease muscle strength enduranceProtects from musculoskeletal problems such as “low” back painPossibly delay the aging processReduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease and srokePromoted healthy cholesterol levelHelps regulate blood pressureDecreases risk of type 2 diabetesReduces the risk of breast cancer and colon cancerImproves control over anxiety and depressionBuilds self-esteem and social interactionTYPES OF EXERCISES CAN BE PERFORMED TO DEIVE THESE HEALTH BENEFITS:1.AEROBIC EXERCISE-Involve large muscle groups that perform rhythmic and continuous movement for a prolonged period of timein order to improve aerobic capacity.2.RESISTANCE EXERCISE-Require the muscle group to contact against an external load in order to improve muscular strength, muscularendurance, and bone strength.

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strength training, Physical exercise

Which part of the program stimulates beneficial adaptation when performed regularly?

Which of the following is true about warm-up? It stimulates beneficial adaptation when performed regularly. It permits the pre-exercise heart rate and blood pressure for a gradual recovery. It increases the blood flow to the working muscles without an abrupt increase in lactic acid accumulation.

What part of an exercise program is essential prior to actual workload as it prepares the body for more strenuous activity?

Cool down is essential prior to the actual workload as it prepares the body for more strenuous activity. The cool down starts with general multi-joint movements such as jogging or skipping to increase over all body temperature.

Which part of exercise program is done after exercise?

Stretch – One of the major things to do after exercising is stretching. After a work-out the muscles will normally tighten and stretching stops the muscles from shrinking. Stretching the muscles helps them rebuild which allows the body to receive full benefits from the exercise and hard work you just put in.

Which of the part of the exercise program is essential after a workout as it permits the pre exercise heart rate and blood pressure for a gradual recovery?

Cooling down after your workout allows for a gradual recovery of preexercise heart rate and blood pressure. Cooling down may be most important for competitive endurance athletes, such as marathoners, because it helps regulate blood flow.