Is defined as monitoring performance comparing it with goals and taking corrective?

Find answers to questions asked by students like you.

Q: In the process of selection, the step that follows the short-listing is normally the?Select one: a.…

A: The selection process is one of the important tasks that the human resource of an organization…

Q: Which description identifies the organizing function of the management process a. monitoring an…

A: Organizing involves planning and allotting a company's assets to complete its arrangements. It…

Q: A manager of a company is making a change to the order processing approach that has been in place…

A: The manager want to change the ordering processing approach that  has been in place for over seven…

Q: 9. ____________________ is part of the business plan which is the first to be presented but the last…

A: __________ is part of the business plan which is the first to be presented but the last to be made.…

Q: Which of the following is the responsibility of middle level managers? a. Coordinating the…

A: a). Coordinating the activities of middle level managers: Main responsibility of middle level…

Q: The administration of a University recently bought new copiers that make copies much more quickly,…

A: Organizing refers to the way of systematically arranging the available resources according to some…

Q: ������� As an administrative manager, you must ensurethata. information is protected from…

A: Option B is correct, The reason is that an administrative manager is responsible for the smooth and…

Q: The strength of relationship between the organization and the community is critical for their…

A: Organization and community are interrelated as the organization runs in the community and the…

Q: In a parameterized report, users can:    A.) drill down to more finely grained information. B.)…

A: A parameterized report uses input values to complete report or data processing. By using this, it is…

Q: Write TRUE if the statement is right and FALSE if it is wrong.   _____     1. Location is…

A: A business refers to an organization or enterprise that is engaged in commercial, industrial, or…

Q: The strength of relationship between the organization and the community is critical for their…

A: Ethics means sympathizing, defending, recommending the concept of what is right and what is wrong…

Q: 28. True or False? (a) The procedures are usually standing plans which detail the exact manner in…

A: The Correct answer is ''Both Statements are True" A Procedure is a well-defined way of performing a…

Q: Your team was assigned to write a report explaining how your company, a racing bicycle manufacturer,…

A: Since you have asked multiple questions, we will solve the first question for you as per our…

Q: _____ is the process of deciding things in advance. a. Organizing b. Controlling c. Planning d.…

A: Decision making is the psychological cycle of looking over a bunch of choices. Each dynamic…

Q: hospital is rolling out a new piece of software in the radiology department to facilitate increased…

A: Radiology- it is a branch of medicine that uses imaging technology to diagnose and treat disease. In…

Q: Rubrics : ·Addressing all questions above - ·Demonstrating a clear understanding of the course…

A: Price elasticity of demand refers to the changes in the demand for goods and services when the…

Q: Indicate whether each of the following statements is True or False, and briefly explain the answer:…

A: INFORMATION SYSTEM: An information system is an accumulated set of elements used for collecting,…

Q: Describe the key mistakes made by the CEO in the way he went about introducing the proposed changes…

A: In the above question several changes had to be incoprated for the maintenance of competitiveness in…

Q: Identify the relation between data and information: a. Information which has been processed into…

A: a. Information that has been processed into useful and meaningful form is called data: Data when…

Q: irections: Read each statement carefully. In a separate sheet of paper, write TRUE if the statement…

A: 1. A customer is a person or organization that transacts with a business person or business…

Q: Which of the following(s) is correct regarding the resumé? a. The combination resumé works well…

A: In order to grab the attention of the potential employers the job seekers will have to generate a…

Q: i. John pulled out of the contract because he could not estimate the expected profit after carefully…

A: The beliefs, core principles, culture, and ideals upon which an individual exists are known as…

Q: 9. At an early point, it offers an opportunity to get an understanding of what the academic paper is…

A: 9. The important aspects of the entire paper are summarised in a prescribed sequence in an abstract,…

Q: Which of the following is primarily the responsibility of an employee in his or her own career…

A: Option "D" is correct. (establishing goals and career plans)

Q: When the sender produces the message, then this is part of the: Select one: O a. completion step O…

A: Planning is one of the six important management functions of the business. The other five management…

Q: Why is a campaign manager important to a wellorganized campaign?a. to help ensure the candidate’s…

A: A campaign manager is the person who is responsible for planning, executing the campaign in order to…

Q: 47) The customer is the person who pays everyone's salary and who decides whether a business is…

A: Every organization focus on Consumers, buyers, & clients who require to give a fair value for…

Q: **Documenting data in business reports  Can strehten your argument Protects you from charges of…

A: Introduction: The term Business refers to an exchange of goods and services between the buyer and…

Q: Name the process which coordinates with humans collects resources and integrates both into a unified…

A: Management has been described as a process for achieving organizational objectives. Managers must…

Q: Success at Best Buy depends on meeting the needs of our customers. It must be the central focus of…

A: The direct Approach is the process when any statement is presented directly to the audience. It…

Q: If you write a report that uses information you found in a magazine article, what should you include…

A: Citations need to be mentioned in Your report that ensure the reliability of your data used in your…

Q: Some companies are replacing classroom training with computer-based and online training programs…

A: Training provides a great understanding of the responsibilities, knowledge, and skills required to…

Q: Planning function will provide the following EXCEPT O a. Planning provides list of programs O b.…

A: Find the answer below The correct answer is b. Planning ensures that the company will not experience…

Q: When you are presented with raw data, you may have several options for which visual you choose to…

A: option four -Representation of company types because in this case, our primary purpose in using a…

Q: 2. The biggest error most applicants make when writing a cover message is Misspelling the receivers…

A: A cover letter is an application attached to the resume or curriculam vitae. It is also called…

Q: or this assignment, you will conduct an in-depth evaluation of the enterprise content management…

A: Organizational process: It can be explained as a set of actions that requires to achieve…

Knowledge Booster

Is defined as monitoring performance comparing it with goals and taking corrective?

  • Jetaway, a small manufacturer of replacement parts forthe aircraft industry, had always maintained a simplelayout—all like machines were located together. That waythe firm could be as flexible as possible in producing small amounts of the variety of parts its customers re-quired. No one questioned the production arrangement until Chris Munnelly started to work for the company.Chris was actually hired to upgrade Jetaway’s computer system. In the process of creating a database of part rout-ings, Chris began to see similarities in the parts pro-duced. A part routing matrix for nine of the most popular parts is shown below, along with a schematic of thefactory layout.Chris, who was already tired of being a programmer,decided to reorder the matrix and see what he couldfind. If he could identify distinct part families, he couldreorganize the placement of machines into the cells hehad been reading about in his business magazines.Maybe then someone would notice his managementpotential.Help…

    Which of the following Statement is correct   O a. Shorter the Lead time, Higher the pipeline Inventory   O b. Longer the Lead time, Higher the pipeline Inventory   O c. Longer the Lead time, Smaller the pipeline Inventory   O d. There is no relationship between Lead time and pipeline Inventory

    33 The business function is defined as "planning, organization, execution, coordination and control activities in order to bring together the materials, machinery and human resources in the hands of the enterprise in a way that will ensure that a certain amount of goods or services are produced at the desired quality, at the desired time and at the lowest possible cost". which one?    a) Production  B) Financing  NS) Human Resources  D) Marketing  TO) management


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    Is defined as monitoring performance comparing it with goals and taking corrective action as needed?

    controlling. defined as monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed.

    Which management function is involved with monitoring performance comparing it with goals?

    Controlling is the process of monitoring activities, measuring performance, comparing results to objectives, and making modifications and corrections when needed.

    Which management function is involved with monitoring performance?

    Controlling. The controlling function consists of monitoring performance and progress through project execution and making adjustments as needed.

    What involves monitoring comparing and correcting work performance?

    Management function that involves setting goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities. Management function that involves monitoring, comparing, and correcting work performance.