Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

12 important questions on Creating long-term loyalty relationships - Cultivating customer relationships

What is customer relationship management (CRM)?

  • Customer relationship management is the process of carefully managing detailed information about individual customers and all customer "touch points" to maximize loyalty.
  • CRM enables companies to provide excellent real-time customer service through the effective use of individual account information.


What is a customer touch point?

A customer touch point is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product. From actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation.


What is the difference between customers and clients?

  • Customers may be nameless, clients cannot be nameless.
  • Customers are served as part of the mass, clients are served on individual basis.
  • Customers are served by anyone who happens to be available, clients are served by the professional assigned to them.


The 5 different CRM strategies

  1. Reduce the rate of defection
  2. Increase longevity
  3. Enhance growth potential (up and cross-selling)
  4. Terminate low-profile customers (or make more profitable)
  5. Focus more on high-profit customers


What is permission marketing?

Permission marketing is marketing to consumers only after gaining their expressed permission.


Explain the 4 steps of one-to-one marketing.

  1. Identify your prospects and customers.
  2. Differentiate customers in terms of their (1) needs and (2) value to your company.
  3. Interact with individual customers to improve your knowledge about their individual needs and to build stronger relationships.
  4. Customize products, services, and messages to each customer.


Forming strong customer bonds:

  • Create superior products, services and experiences for the target market
  • Get cross-departmental participation in planning and managing the customer satisfaction and retention process
  • Integrate the "voice of the customer" to capture their stated and unstated needs or requirements in all business decisions
  • Organize and make accessible a database of information on individual customer needs, preferences, contacts, purchase frequency and satisfaction
  • Make it easy for customers to reach appropriate company staff and express their needs, perceptions and complaints.
  • Assess the potential of frequency programs and club marketing programs
  • Run award programs recognizing outstanding employees


When does one-to-one marketing work for a company?

One-to-one marketing works for companies that normally collect a great deal of individual customer information and carry a lot of products that can be cross-sold, need periodic replacement or upgrading and offer high value.


What can be done to reduce defection rate?

To reduce defection rate a company must:

  1. Define and measure its retention rate.
  2. Distinguish the causes and identify those that can be managed better.
  3. Compare the customer's lifetime value to the costs of the products reducing the defection rate.


Explain conversion rates, customer relationship capital and customer base.

  • Conversion rates: the percentage at one stage of the funnel that move on to the next.
  • Customer relationship capital: satisfied customers.
  • Customer base: the number and value of customers who will do business with the new firm if the old firm were sold.


How can you improve the value of the customer base?

  • Reducing the rate of customer defection.
  • Increasing the longevity of the customer relationship.
  • Enhancing the growth potential of each customer through "share of wallet", cross-selling and up-selling.
  • Making low-profit customers more profitable or terminating them.
  • Focusing disproportionate effort on high-profit customers.


Explain frequency programs (FP) and club membership programs.

  • Frequency programs reward customers who buy frequently and in substantial amounts.
  • Club membership programs can be open to anyone who purchases a product or service, or limited to an affinity group or those willing to pay a small fee.


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Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

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Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

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Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

I was struggling to finish all my first-year subjects for 3 years. Then I discovered Study Smart, which helped me to finish all of them within 3 months.

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?


Public Administration Student

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Because of Study Smart with Chris, things are going well in many ways. Before, I always had study stress and no time for anything. Now I feel calm and confident (because of the program). I used to score a B, now I usually score an A or A+.

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Hey Chris, I really want to thank you very much for developing the platform, I usually got around C for my exams, now I scored an A+, an A and a A- !!

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?


Psychology Student

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

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Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

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Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?


Political Science Student

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

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Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

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Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

For the first time, I finally feel totally confident about the way I learn. I have the perfect overview and make great progress in terms of speed and the grades I get. Thanks, Chris!

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?


Industrial Engineering Student

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

I immediately started to enjoy learning again, and my grades soared. All of a sudden, everything went better. I highly recommend Study Smart to all students..

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

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Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?


Psychology Student

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

At first, my notes were a mess. Now I use Study Smart to take my notes in a perfectly structured way. It helps me to save a lot of time and do other things I enjoy.

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Students that study with Study Smart get better grades. The system applies all the learning methods in such a way that both well-performing students and students who struggle perform much better.

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?


Literature Student

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Hi Chris, I would like to thank you very much. Last year I scored C on a course, and this year I got an A+ thanks to your method! Thank you very much!

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

The largest effect is that my child is more enthusiastic about school! Every parent wants their children to be happy at school, Study Smart made it happen.

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?


Accountant Student

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

In high school, I failed several exams, and that has really changed now. I actually needed this tool very much back then. Since I started studying with Study Smart, I haven't had any D's. My average score is now an A and those are results I would have never had in the past

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?


Business and Science Student

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

With my old method, I passed only 3 out of 8 courses. Since I started taking my notes digitally in Study Smart, I have passed all my courses on the first try. For me, Study Smart takes away the stress of wondering if I will pass or not.

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?


Veterinarian Student

Is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product from actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation?

Thanks to Study Smart with Chris, I passed all my exams, and with better grades than before! On top of that, I have mastered a very good study method now, which I am confident will help me earn my degree.

Is any occasion a customer encounters the brand & product in actual experience personal mass communication or casual observation?

A touch point is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and product- from actual experience to personal or mass communication to casual observation (Anabila & Awunyo-Vitor, 2013).

Is any occasion on which the service is used by end customer?

B - Any occasion on which brand or product is encountered by end customers is called Customer touch - StuDocu.

Which of the following is the first step in customer value analysis?

Step -1: Identifying the main attributes that customers value. This may be identified by asking a group of representative customers of the target segment(s). You may ask them what they look for in a product and how they select a particular seller.

Is the practice of sending messages only when consumers express a willingness to become more involved with the brand?

Permission marketing refers to the practice of marketing to consumers only after gaining their expressed permission, is based on the premise that marketers can no longer use “interruption marketing” via mass media campaigns.