In what time will a sum of money lent at 81 by 3% simple interest becomes 4 times of itself?

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Let sum of money be P=100Interest per annum =10% amount = 2× 100 = 200 simple interest = 200 - 100 = 100Since, SI=PTR100⇒T=100×SIPR=100×100100×10∴t=10 years.

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In second case, Principal (P) = Rs. 900

Rate (R) = 4%, Time (T) = 5 years


In first case, SI = Rs. 180

Rate = 5%, Time = 3 years

∴ Sum = \frac{SI\times100}{R\times T}=\frac{180\times100}{3\times5}=Rs.1200

Let principal = X, A = 3X, T = 8 years, R = ?

Case I,
`"A" = "P"[ 1 + "R"/100 ]^"T"`

`"3X" = "X"[ 1+ "R"/100 ]^8`

`3^(1/8) = 1 + "R"/100 `                ...(1)

Case II,
P = X, A = 27X, T = ?
`27"X" = "X"[ 1 + "R"/100 ]^"T"`

`27^(1/T) = 1 + "R"/100`             ...(2)

From (1) and (2)
`3^(1/8) = 27^(1/T)`

`3^(1/8) = 3^(1/8) = 3/"T"`

T = 24

Time = 24 years.

A sum of money invested at compound interest triples itself in six years. In how many years will it become 81 times itself at the same rate of compound interest?

  1. 24 years 
  2. 20 years 
  3. 15 years
  4. 18 years
  5. None of these

Formula Used

A = P (1 + r/100)t


A = P (1 + r/100)t

It is given that the sum of money triples itself in six years.

So, 3P = P(1 + r/100)6

⇒ 3 = (1 + r/100)6​

⇒ (3)1/6 = (1 + r/100) …………….(1)

Again, the sum of money becomes 81 times itself  at the same rate of compound interest.

⇒ 81P = P (1 + r/100)t

⇒ 81 = (1 + r/100)t

Now, put the value of (1 + r/100) from (1), we get,

⇒ 81 = (31/6)t

⇒ 34 = (31/6)t

⇒ t/6 = 4

⇒ t = 24 years.

∴ It will take 24 years to become the sum 81 times itself.

Let's discuss the concepts related to Interest and Compound Interest. Explore more from Quantitative Aptitude here. Learn now!

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∴ Time is 8 years. Was this answer helpful?

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∴ S I = P R T 100 = 900 × 4 × 5 100 = 180 R s . ∴SI=\frac{PRT}{100}=\frac{900\times4\times5}{100}=180Rs. ∴SI=100PRT=100900×4×5=180Rs.

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Time period be t years. So, Amount, A = 4 times principal sum of money = 4*1 = Rs 4. Therefore, Time period, t = 30 years.

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Thus, the sum of Rs. 350 will amount to Rs. 392 at the rate of 4% p.a in 3 years.