If the selling price of an article is two fifth of its cost price find the loss

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    Given the Selling Price(SP) and percentage profit or loss of a product. The task is to Calculate the cost price(CP) of the product.

    Input:  SP = 1020, Profit Percentage = 20
    Output: CP = 850
    Input: SP = 900, Loss Percentage = 10
    Output:  CP = 1000


    • Formula to calculate cost price if selling price and profit percentage are given:

    CP = ( SP * 100 ) / ( 100 + percentage profit).

    • Formula to calculate cost price if selling price and loss percentage are given:

    CP = ( SP * 100 ) / ( 100 – percentage loss ).

    Below is the required implementation: 


    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    float CPwithProfit(int sellingPrice, int profit)


        float costPrice;

        costPrice = (sellingPrice * 100.0) / (100 + profit);

        return costPrice;


    float CPwithLoss(int sellingPrice, int loss)


        float costPrice;

        costPrice = (sellingPrice * 100.0) / (100 - loss);

        return costPrice;


    int main()


        int SP, profit, loss;

        SP = 1020;

        profit = 20;

        cout << "Cost Price = " << CPwithProfit(SP, profit) << endl;

        SP = 900;

        loss = 10;

        cout << "Cost Price = " << CPwithLoss(SP, loss) << endl;

        SP = 42039;

        profit = 8;

        cout << "Cost Price = " << CPwithProfit(SP, profit) << endl;

        return 0;



    import java.util.*;

    class solution


    static float CPwithProfit(int sellingPrice, int profit)


        float costPrice;

        costPrice = (sellingPrice * 100) / (100 + profit);

        return costPrice;


    static float CPwithLoss(int sellingPrice, int loss)


        float costPrice;

        costPrice = (sellingPrice * 100) / (100 - loss);

        return costPrice;


    public static void main(String args[])


        int SP, profit, loss;

        SP = 1020;

        profit = 20;

        System.out.println("Cost Price = "+CPwithProfit(SP, profit));

        SP = 900;

        loss = 10;

        System.out.println("Cost Price = "+CPwithLoss(SP, loss));

        SP = 42039;

        profit = 8;

        System.out.println("Cost Price = "+CPwithProfit(SP, profit));




    def CPwithProfit(sellingPrice, profit):

        costPrice = ((sellingPrice * 100.0) /

                            (100 + profit))

        return costPrice

    def CPwithLoss(sellingPrice, loss):

        costPrice = ((sellingPrice * 100.0) /

                              (100 - loss))

        return costPrice

    if __name__ == '__main__':

        SP = 1020

        profit = 20

        print("Cost Price =", CPwithProfit(SP, profit))

        SP = 900

        loss = 10

        print("Cost Price =", CPwithLoss(SP, loss))

        SP = 42039

        profit = 8

        print("Cost Price =", int(CPwithProfit(SP,



    using System;

    class solution


    static float CPwithProfit(int sellingPrice, int profit)


        float costPrice;

        costPrice = (sellingPrice * 100) / (100 + profit);

        return costPrice;


    static float CPwithLoss(int sellingPrice, int loss)


        float costPrice;

        costPrice = (sellingPrice * 100) / (100 - loss);

        return costPrice;


    public static void Main()


        int SP, profit, loss;

        SP = 1020;

        profit = 20;

        Console.WriteLine("Cost Price = "+CPwithProfit(SP, profit));

        SP = 900;

        loss = 10;

        Console.WriteLine("Cost Price = "+CPwithLoss(SP, loss));

        SP = 42039;

        profit = 8;

        Console.WriteLine("Cost Price = "+CPwithProfit(SP, profit));





    function CPwithProfit($sellingPrice, $profit)


        $costPrice = ($sellingPrice * 100.0) / (100 + $profit);

        return $costPrice;


    function CPwithLoss($sellingPrice, $loss)


        $costPrice = ($sellingPrice * 100.0) / (100 - $loss);

        return $costPrice;


        $SP = 1020;

        $profit = 20;

        echo("Cost Price = ");

        echo(CPwithProfit($SP, $profit));


        $SP = 900;

        $loss = 10;

        echo("Cost Price = ");

        echo(CPwithLoss($SP, $loss));


        $SP = 42039;

        $profit = 8;

        echo("Cost Price = ");

        echo(CPwithProfit($SP, $profit));




     function CPwithProfit(sellingPrice,  profit)


        var costPrice;

        costPrice = (sellingPrice * 100) / (100 + profit);  

        return costPrice;


    function CPwithLoss( sellingPrice,  loss)


        var costPrice;

        costPrice = (sellingPrice * 100) / (100 - loss);

        return costPrice;


        var SP, profit, loss;

        SP = 1020;

        profit = 20;

        document.write("Cost Price = " + CPwithProfit(SP, profit) + "<br>");

        SP = 900;

        loss = 10;

        document.write("Cost Price = " + CPwithLoss(SP, loss)  + "<br>");

        SP = 42039;

        profit = 8;

        document.write("Cost Price = " + CPwithProfit(SP, profit)  + "<br>");



    Cost Price = 850
    Cost Price = 1000
    Cost Price = 38925

    Time Complexity: O(1)

    Auxiliary Space: O(1)