How would you code a SELECT clause so it returns all columns from the base table quizlet?

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How would you code a SELECT clause so it returns all columns from the base table quizlet?

How would you code a SELECT clause so it returns all columns from the base table quizlet?

How would you code a SELECT clause so it returns all columns from the base table quizlet?

How would you code a SELECT clause so it returns all columns from the base table quizlet?

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Terms in this set (97)

If the results of a SELECT statement include more than one column of data, the column names must be separated in the SELECT clause by which of the following symbols? ​


What is the correct solution for the arithmetic expression (2+8)/2*9/3 using the order of operations employed by Oracle 12c when solving equations?​


When resolving arithmetic expressions, Oracle 12c always performs the operations by starting on the ____________________ side of the expression. ​


Contents of the BOOKS table

Based upon the contents of the BOOKS table, which of the following columns will be displayed with a right-aligned column heading?​


A query is accomplished by issuing a SELECT statement.​


When a user asks the database a question, the user is issuing a query.​


​ The DISTINCT keyword can be used to indicate that duplicate data should be suppressed in the results of a query. _________________________


Choosing specific columns to be displayed by a SELECT statement is known as projection. ​


Contents of the PUBLISHER table

​ Based upon the contents of the PUBLISHER table, which of the following SQL statements will display only two columns in the results?

​ SELECT contact person, name FROM publisher;​

Contents of the PUBLISHER table

Based upon the contents of the PUBLISHER table, which of the following SELECT statements will display the publisher's name first in the results?

none of the above

Which of the following symbols represents all the columns contained in a table?​


A ____________________ is used to end a SQL statement.


​ The optional keyword AS can be used to indicate that the subsequent string of characters is a column alias.


What is the correct answer for the arithmetic expression 9+2*(3-4) using the order of operations employed by Oracle 12c when solving equations? ​


The majority of operations performed on a typical database table utilize the SELECT statement.


A clause is a section within a SQL statement that begins with a keyword. ​


​ If a column alias contains a blank space, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks. _________________________


​ Parentheses can be used to override the order of operations in an arithmetic expression.


Which of the following keywords can be included in a SELECT statement to suppress duplicate data?​


The ALL option can be used in the SELECT clause to indicate that all columns should be retrieved. _________________________


​ The DESCRIBE command is used to view data in a table.


A(n) ____________________ is included in the SELECT clause to indicate that all columns in the specified table should be listed in the results. ​


By default, data within a numeric column is right-aligned when it is displayed. _________________________ ​


A(n) ____________________ is an alternative column heading displayed in the output of a query. ​

column alias

Contents of the BOOKS table

Which of the following is a valid SQL statement?​

SELECT title, retail-cost FROM books;

Each section of a SQL command that begins with a keyword is known as a statement.​


Insignificant zeros are displayed for numeric columns by default to show two decimal places. _________________________ ​


A(n) CRBMDS is a software program that can be used to create a relational database and allows you to enter, manipulate, and retrieve data. _________________________


Which of the following types of columns will automatically right-align the data when it is displayed?​


Each clause of a SELECT statement must be entered on a new line in SQL*Plus. _________________________ ​


​ The only required clauses for a SELECT statement are the WHERE and FROM clauses. _________________________


By default, the data for a numeric column is ____________________ aligned when it is displayed. ​


Contents of the BOOKS table

​ Based upon the contents of the BOOKS table, which of the following SQL statements will display the retail price for two copies of each book currently in inventory?

​ SELECT title, retail+retail FROM books;

Combining the contents of two or more columns is known as ____________________. ​


The ____ for a SQL statement gives the basic structure, or rules, required to execute the statement.​


Structure of the ORDERS table

Which of the following statements can be used to view the structure of the ORDERS table?​


The SELECT clause identifies the table containing the data to be queried. _________________________


What is used to indicate the end of an SQL statement?​


The syntax for a SQL statement gives the basic structure required to execute the statement.


A double backslash (\\) is used to indicate concatenation in a SELECT statement.


Contents of the BOOKS table

Based upon the contents of the BOOKS table, which of the following columns will be displayed with a right-aligned column heading?​


Contents of the BOOKS table

​ Based upon the contents of the BOOKS table, which of the following SQL statements will display the retail price for two copies of each book currently in inventory?

​ SELECT title, retail+retail FROM books;

​ If you assign a column alias to a column, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").


Which of the following is a mandatory clause in a SELECT statement?​


Which of the following statements is correct?​

​ The columns will be listed in the results in the same order they are listed in the SELECT clause of the SELECT statement.

If a column heading is longer than the assigned width of a character column, the column heading will be ____________________. ​


Contents of the BOOKS table

Which of the following SQL statements will display the profit generated by each book currently stored in the BOOKS table?​

​ SELECT title, retail-cost FROM books;

The names of the columns to be retrieved are listed in the ____________________ clause. ​


​ A double backslash (\\) is used to indicate concatenation in a SELECT statement.


____________________ statements can be used to retrieve data from database tables.​


A column heading that is longer than the width of a column will not be truncated for a column that is defined to store character data. _________________________


Combining the contents of two or more columns is known as projection. _________________________ ​


A user can indicate that all columns of a table should be displayed in the results of a SELECT statement by including an asterisk (*) in the SELECT clause.


By default, the data for character fields are displayed ____________________ aligned when they are displayed. ​


What is the correct solution for the arithmetic expression (2+8)/2*9/3 using the order of operations employed by Oracle 12c when solving equations?​


A column alias must be contained within double quotation marks (" ") if it contains which of the following?​

all of the above

​ Which of the following commands is used to issue a query?


SQL*Plus can only be accessed via an internet interface.


Structure of the ORDERS table

Based upon the structure of the ORDERS table, which of the following is a valid SQL statement?​

​ SELECT order#, orderdate DateOrdered FROM orders;

​ Each section of a statement that begins with a keyword is known as a(n) buffer . _________________________


Contents of the BOOKS table

Based upon the contents of the BOOKS table, which of the following SQL statements will display five rows in its results?​


What is the correct answer for the arithmetic expression 9+2*3-2 using the order of operations employed by Oracle 12c when solving equations? ​


If you do not want a column alias to appear in all upper case characters, the column alias must be enclosed in ____________________ marks. ​

double quotation

The following arithmetic operations can be performed in the SELECT clause of a SELECT statement: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and exponential (^).​


By default, data within a numeric column is right-aligned when it is displayed. _________________________ ​


The asterisk symbol (*) can be used in a SELECT statement to indicate that all rows in the table should be displayed in the results.​


Structure of the ORDERS table

Based upon the structure of the ORDERS table, the column heading for which column will be truncated in the results?​


By default, the data for a numeric column is ____________________ aligned when it is displayed. ​


Contents of the BOOKS table

Which of the following is a valid SQL statement?​

​ SELECT title, retail-cost FROM books;

Which of the following are case sensitive in Oracle 12c?​

none of the above

The SELECT command can be used to display the structure of a database table. _________________________ ​


A string literal must be enclosed in double quotation marks. _________________________ ​


Contents of the BOOKS table

Which of the following SQL statements will display the profit generated by each book currently stored in the BOOKS table?​

​ SELECT title, retail-cost FROM books;

Contents of the BOOKS table

Which of the following is a valid SQL statement?​

​ SELECT title, retail-cost FROM books;

​ A string literal must be enclosed in ____.

​ single quotation marks (' ')

A query can be executed in the SQL*Plus tool. _________________________ ​


​ The DIST or UNIQ keywords can be used to suppress duplicate data in the results of a SELECT statement.


A(n) ____________________ can consist of numbers, characters, or special symbols that should be included in the output exactly as entered by the user. ​

string literal

​ In a(n) SELECT statement, keywords, table names, and column names are not case sensitive. _________________________


​ The SELECT clause of the SELECT statement is used to identify which rows are to be retrieved from a specified table.


The ____________________ keyword can be included in a SELECT statement to suppress the display of duplicate data. ​


To indicate which database table contains the data to be selected by a query, the table name should be listed in the ____ clause.​


The optional keyword ____________________ can be used to distinguish between a column name and a column alias. ​


Structure of the ORDERS table

Based upon the structure of the ORDERS table, the column heading for which column will be truncated in the results?​


A(n) WHERE statement allows a user to retrieve data from a database table. ​ _________________________


​ The columns displayed in the results of a SELECT statement will be in the same order as they are stored in the database table.


If a column name is entered in lower case in the SELECT statement, the data for the column will be displayed in lower case in the results.​


Contents of the PUBLISHER table

​ Based upon the contents of the PUBLISHER table, which of the following is a valid SQL statement?

SELECT contact, name
FROM publisher;

A(n) ____ has a predefined meaning in Oracle 12c. ​


Structure of the ORDERS table

Based upon the structure of the ORDERS table, which of the following SQL statements will return an error message upon execution?​

​ SELECT order#, "order number" FROM orders;

A string literal must be enclosed in ____________________ marks. ​

single quotation or ' '

You can include ____________________ to override the order of operations when solving arithmetic expressions. ​

( ) or parentheses

A script file containing SQL statements can be executed from SQL*Plus.


Contents of the BOOKS table

​ Based upon the contents of the BOOKS table, which of the following SQL statements will display the retail price for two copies of each book currently in inventory?

​ SELECT title, retail+retail FROM books;

Which of the following symbols can be used to combine data from different columns into one column of output?​


SQL*Plus is an Oracle tool used to enter and edit SQL statements.​




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How would you code a SELECT clause so it return all columns from base table?

The SELECT clause specifies one or more columns to be retrieved; to specify multiple columns, use a comma and a space between column names. To retrieve all columns, use the wild card * (an asterisk). The FROM clause specifies one or more tables to be queried.

Which of the following symbols is used in a SELECT clause to display all columns from a table?

Detailed Solution. The * symbol is used to see every column of a table.

What keyword can you code in the SELECT clause to prevent duplicate rows from being returned?

The DISTINCT keyword in the SELECT clause is used to eliminate duplicate rows and display a unique list of values. In other words, the DISTINCT keyword retrieves unique values from a table.

Which clause of the SELECT statement specifies the table that contains the data to be retrieved?

In queries where all the data is found in one table, the FROM clause is where we specify the name of the table from which to retrieve rows. In other articles we will use it to retrieve rows from multiple tables.