How many continuing education credit hours must Texas agents complete during each license period?

Texas requires all licensed real estate professionals to take Texas continuing education courses each time they renew their Texas real estate license. The requirements vary based on what type of license you want to renew and whether your license is active at the time of renewal.

This page will outline the requirements you must meet to renew your real estate license, including what classes you are required and the topics those courses will cover. Note that some courses (such as TREC Legal Update) are required by all real estate professionals, while other hours may be met by choosing from a list of qualifying courses.

Continuing Education Requirements for Real Estate Sales Apprentices in Texas 

To renew your sales apprentice license for the first time, Texas requires completion of 98 hours of SAE (sales apprentice continuing education.) These requirements may not be deferred and must be completed before a new license will be issued. 

Two courses are required for SAE: TREC Legal Update 1 and TREC Legal Update II. These courses will help you understand changes in regulations, rules, and statutes that impact real estate, property management, and disclosures. The rest of the required 90 hours of continuing education courses may be chosen from TREC's list of qualifying real estate courses, which cover topics such as:

  • Real estate finance

  • Real estate marketing

  • Real estate appraisal

  • Property management

  • Property inspection for real estate agents

To count towards your CE requirements, courses may not be repeated in the same two-year cycle.

When do I need to complete Texas SAE requirements? You must submit proof of course completion at least ten days before renewing your sales apprentice license, so plan to take courses several weeks before your license expires. 

Continuing Education Requirement for Real Estate Sales Agents in Texas

Once you are a licensed real estate agent, the continuing education requirements are drastically reduced. Unlike a sales apprentice, real estate agents must only complete 18 hours of continuing education courses each time they renew their license, which occurs every two years, according to the Texas Real Estate Commission.

As a real estate agent, you are required to take TREC Legal Update I and II, plus an additional ten hours in qualified real estate courses. These courses cover topics of interest to real estate professionals, such as Law of Contracts, Real Estate Finance, Property Management, Real Estate Investments, and Real Estate Appraisals. Courses can only be taken once every two years. 

Do I have to take CE courses to renew my real estate license as inactive? No, TREC does not require real estate agents who wish to renew a license as inactive to take continuing education courses. You cannot, however, work as a real estate license or broker with an inactive license.

Continuing Education Requirements for Real Estate Brokers in Texas 

If you are a broker or have been made a supervisor of other real estate agents by your broker, there are additional CE requirements. Texas real estate brokers are required to complete 18 hours of continuing education, including TREC Legal Updates I and II, and a six-hour Broker responsibility course. The remaining four hours of required CE may be chosen from TREC's list of qualifying real estate courses.

What happens if my real estate license expires before I complete the required CE?  If your license expires before you complete your continuing education requirements, you may pay a $200 CE deferral fee, which allows your license to remain active for an additional 60 days. You must complete your CE requirements during this time.

Are you an approved provider of CE in Texas?

Yes. Our Texas state approval number is: 32808.

How long will it take to have my credits processed?

Most students will have their credits processed the same day on which they complete their final exam. If a course is completed outside of our normal business hours, these credits will be processed on the morning of the next business day. Once your credits have been successfully filed, you will receive a notification email that also contains your Certificate of Completion.

Do I need a proctor during my exam?

No. Self-study final exams do not require a monitor.

What are the requirements for my course's final exam?

Self-study final exams are open book. Producers may refer to the course material as often as needed. Most of our courses allow you to download the class materials as a PDF. Please check the details page of your desired course to see if such material is available.

The final exam must be passed with a score of 70 percent or higher to receive credit. Students have unlimited attempts to pass the exam.

Are there filing fees in Texas?

A roster fee of $0.88 per credit is required to process course credits in this state. This fee will be added to your order total during checkout and is then sent by us to the state upon completion.

Are there time limits on my course or exam?

No. You may spend as much time with the course material as you feel necessary, and you may come and go from that material as often as you like. There is no time limit on our exams, however all exams must be completed within one sitting. Once started, if an exam is abandoned for any reason you will need to begin that exam from the beginning when you next return.

Do take special note that every course has an expiration date, which is based on both the state approval and your website purchase date. In order to receive credit you must complete the course before that expiration date.

What are the resident CE requirements in Texas?

Producers and Adjusters: 24 CE hours are required every 2-year license term. 2 hours of the required 24 CE hours must be in ethics and/or consumer protection (EFFECTIVE 09/01/2021, the ethics requirement will increase from 2 hours to 3 hours). Those who hold more than one license are not required to complete more than 24 hours (including 2 hours of ethics and/or consumer protection).

Limited Lines Producers: 10 CE hours are required every 2-year license term. 2 hours of the required 10 CE hours must be in ethics and/or consumer protection (EFFECTIVE 09/01/2021, the ethics requirement will increase from 2 hours to 3 hours). Producers who hold more than one license are not required to complete more than 10 hours (including 2 hours of ethics and/or consumer protection).

CE Course Restrictions: Producers must complete at least 50% of their required CE in certified classroom or classroom equivalent courses; up to 50% of the required hours may be completed with self-study courses.

Special TrainingEducation Requirements
Annuity Best Interest
Updated Training Requirement!

Texas has updated its Suitability in Annuities training requirement to the Best Interest standard effective 9/1/2021. Any producer that completes a 4 hour Annuity Suitability course prior to 12/31/2021 may complete a 1 hour Best Interest update course.

Residents must take Texas courses. Non-resident producers may complete a four hour Best Interest course in another state that has implemented the Best Interest training requirement or may take a four hour Suitability in Annuities course in another state plus a 1 hour Texas Best Interest update course.

Flood To comply with the minimum training requirements established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), producers who sell standard flood insurance policies issued through the National Flood Insurance Program must complete a one-time 3-hour department-certified flood training course. 
Long-Term Care Partnership (LTCP)

Initial 8-hour training requirement: Licensed LAH producers who plan to sell long-term care insurance in conjunction with Texas’s partnership program are required to first complete Department of Insurance-qualified and Texas-specific 8-hour LTC partnership certification training. The training must be completed no later than the date on which a represented carrier introduces a partnership policy. The 8 hours of LTC partnership training may be counted toward the producer’s CE requirement. Licensees who are exempt from Continuing Education are not exempt from the initial training requirement. 

Ongoing 4-hour training requirement: In each license term following the term in which the initial 8-hour course was completed, producers who continue to sell LTC partnership insurance must complete 4 hours of department-certified LTC training as part of their general CE requirements. Licensees who are exempt from Continuing Education are not exempt from the ongoing training requirement.


Initial 8-hour training requirement: All producers who sell Medicare-related products must receive 8 hours of professional training prior to selling such products. Licensees who are exempt from Continuing Education are not exempt from the initial training requirement.

Ongoing 4-hour training requirement: In each license term following the term in which the initial 8-hour certification course was completed, producers who continue to sell Medicare-related products must complete 4 hours of department-certified Medicare-related training as part of their general CE requirements. Licensees who are exempt from Continuing Education are not exempt from the ongoing training requirement.

Small Employer Health Benefit Plan

Initial 8-hour training requirement: Licensed general life, accident, and health producers can aquire the specialty certification by complete the initial 8-hour course in Small Employer Health Benefit Plans and pass the exam.

Ongoing 5-hour training requirement: To retain the certification, producers must complete at least 5 hours of certified Small Employer Health Benefit Plans continuing education during each reporting period.

Exemptions: Individuals that are exempt from these requirements include those who hold one of the following designations

  • Registered Health Underwriter (RHU)
  • Certified Employere Benefit Apecialist (CEBS)
  • Registered Employee Benefits Consultant (REBC)

What are the non-resident CE requirements in Texas?

Nonresident producers who are in compliance with their resident state’s CE requirements are exempt from the Texas CE requirement with the exception of the state-specific product training requirements (see below).

A nonresident producer who becomes a Texas resident between renewals of his or her Texas license is immediately subject to Texas CE requirements and must complete a prorated schedule of CE study. Producers are encouraged to contact the Texas Department of Insurance to determine their CE requirements. See “State Contact Information” below.

Special TrainingEducation Requirements
Annuity Best Interest
Updated Training Requirement!

Texas has updated its Suitability in Annuities training requirement to the Best Interest standard effective 9/1/2021. Any producer that completes a 4 hour Annuity Suitability course prior to 12/31/2021 may complete a 1 hour Best Interest update course.

Residents must take Texas courses. Non-resident producers may complete a four hour Best Interest course in another state that has implemented the Best Interest training requirement or may take a four hour Suitability in Annuities course in another state plus a 1 hour Texas Best Interest update course.

Flood To comply with the minimum training requirements established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), producers who sell standard flood insurance policies issued through the National Flood Insurance Program must complete a one-time 3-hour department-certified flood training course. 
Long-Term Care Partnership (LTCP)

Initial 8-hour training requirement: Licensed LAH producers who plan to sell long-term care insurance in conjunction with Texas’s partnership program are required to first complete Department of Insurance-qualified and Texas-specific 8-hour LTC partnership certification training. The training must be completed no later than the date on which a represented carrier introduces a partnership policy. The 8 hours of LTC partnership training may be counted toward the producer’s CE requirement. Licensees who are exempt from Continuing Education are not exempt from the initial training requirement. 

Ongoing 4-hour training requirement: In each license term following the term in which the initial 8-hour course was completed, producers who continue to sell LTC partnership insurance must complete 4 hours of department-certified LTC training as part of their general CE requirements. Licensees who are exempt from Continuing Education are not exempt from the ongoing training requirement.


Initial 8-hour training requirement: All producers who sell Medicare-related products must receive 8 hours of professional training prior to selling such products. Licensees who are exempt from Continuing Education are not exempt from the initial training requirement.

Ongoing 4-hour training requirement: In each license term following the term in which the initial 8-hour certification course was completed, producers who continue to sell Medicare-related products must complete 4 hours of department-certified Medicare-related training as part of their general CE requirements. Licensees who are exempt from Continuing Education are not exempt from the ongoing training requirement.

Small Employer Health Benefit Plan

Initial 8-hour training requirement: Licensed general life, accident, and health producers can aquire the specialty certification by complete the initial 8-hour course in Small Employer Health Benefit Plans and pass the exam.

Ongoing 5-hour training requirement: To retain the certification, producers must complete at least 5 hours of certified Small Employer Health Benefit Plans continuing education during each reporting period.

Exemptions: Individuals that are exempt from these requirements include those who hold one of the following designations

  • Registered Health Underwriter (RHU)
  • Certified Employere Benefit Apecialist (CEBS)
  • Registered Employee Benefits Consultant (REBC)

When do I need to have my CE completed?

Effective September 1, 2015

A license will expire on the second anniversary of the license issuance date based on the licensees date of birth:

  • for a license issued or renewed in an even-numbered year, the individual license holder's birthday each even-numbered year

  • for a license issued or renewed in an odd-numbered year, the individual license holder's birthday each odd-numbered year

Note: If a person holds more than one license, all licenses issued will expire on the earliest expiration date and renew every two years thereafter in accordance with the above renewal terms.

Previous Requirement (Before September 1, 2015)

The license renewal date is 2 years from the license issuance date, and every 2 years following. All required continuing education hours must be completed before the expiration date of the license.

May I re-take a course for credit that I have already completed successfully?

Credit will not be given for any course taken more than once in any 2-year license term.

Is there a CE carryover allowance in Texas?

Excess hours earned in one license term may not be carried forward to a subsequent license term.   

Are there any CE exemptions in Texas?

  • Nonresident producers who are in compliance with their resident state’s CE requirements are exempt from the Texas CE requirement with the exception of the state-specific product training requirements (Long-Term Care products).
  • Nonresident adjusters who are not licensed in their home state or whose home state does not have a CE requirement may submit a letter of certification from another state in which they are licensed and in which they have completed continuing education study.
  • Licensees who on or after January 1, 2003, have been continuously licensed for at least 20 years may apply for an exemption from the CE requirement. To apply for this exemption, licensees must submit a written request to the Department of Insurance.
  • Producers may apply to the Texas Department of Insurance for an extension to receive more time to complete their CE requirement due to illness, medical disability, or circumstances beyond their control. Business reasons do not constitute circumstances beyond the producer’s control. Unless an extension has been granted, those who have not met their CE requirements by their license renewal date will be in violation of the state’s rules.

How may I contact the state of Texas?

Texas Department of Insurance

Mailing Address:

Texas Department of Insurance
Agents Licensing Unit, 107-1A
P.O. Box 149104
Austin, TX 78714-9104

Sircon Contact Information

Phone: 877-876-4430

Fax: 404-656-0874

Here are some additional links that we believe you may find helpful:

Disclaimer: InsuranceStudy provides this information as a courtesy to individuals who are subject to continuing education (CE) as insurance producers, agents, adjusters and/or brokers. Although reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information provided here is accurate and current, neither InsuranceStudy nor its employees warrant or represent that this information is accurate and current. All information is subject to change without notice. We encourage you to contact the relevant licensing body and/or your carrier to find the most up-to-date and personally relevant requirements.

How many hours of continuing education must Agents complete each licensing term?

A. Life-only agents, accident and health agents, property broker-agents, casualty broker-agents, or personal lines broker-agents: 1. Complete a minimum of 24 continuing education (CE) credit hours for the license type during each two-year license term.

How many continuing education hours are required for license renewal every 2 years in Texas?

You need 18 hours of CE credit every two years to renew your license. Eight (8) of these 18 hours must be the required TREC Legal Update I and TREC Legal Update II courses, which offer four (4) CE hours each.

How many CE hours do I need to renew my Texas Insurance license?

Resident Requirements All Texas resident licensees (producers and adjusters) must complete 24 hours of CE every 2 year reporting period, including 2 hours of ethics (EFFECTIVE 09/01/2021, the ethics requirement will increase from 2 hours to 3 hours).

How many CE hours are required for P&C license in Texas?

Continuing education credits To keep your license in good standing, you must take 24 hours of continuing education every two years. Three hours must be in ethics / consumer protection (if your license expired on or before August 31, 2022, you need only two hours of ethics).