How did the states of the upper South differ from those of the lower South quizlet?

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    Terms in this set (23)

    what states made up the upper south?

    Maryland, virgina,north carolina

    what states made up the deep south?

    Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas

    what crop replaced tobacco,rice, and indigo as leading cash crop of the south


    what caused the huge demand for cotton in the late 1800s

    European mills wanted southern cotton but cotton took time and labor to produce(taking the seeds out

    who invented the cotton gin?

    Eli Whitney

    what was the cotton gin?

    a machine that simplified the task of removing seeds from cotton,wanted to grow more

    how did the agriculture of the upper south and deep south differ by1860

    the upper south still produced tobacco, hemp, wheat and veggies. the deep south committed to cotton and some areas sugar and rice.

    what are the two reasons that there was the little industry in the south

    boom in cotton sales, lack of capital, southerns didn't want industry to flourish there

    who were two southerns who felt that factories would revive the economy of the upper south

    William Gregg, Joseph Reid Anderson

    why did southern cities grow more slowly than cities in the north and the Midwest

    built railroads but a lesser extent,rail lines were short, local didn't connect all parts of the region

    by 1860 how much of the nations rail lines lay within the south?


    small farms and plantations

    farmers who did not enslaved labor, yeomen made up the largest group of whites in the south. some southern whites rented land or worked as tenant on landlords estates


    the main economic goal for the large plantations to earn profited. dorm wives of plantations owners served as accountants, keeping the plantations financial records. enslaves people who worked in the house, cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry were called domestic slaves. most enslaves people however were field hands, supervise by an overseer

    life under slavery

    enslaved African Americans maintained there family life as best they could. to ensure stability, enslaves African Americans created a network of relatives and friends who made there extended family.the slave code aimed to prevent the dreaded slave rebellion. these laws also made it a crime to teach enslaved people to read or write. Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass were two African American leaders who escaped enslavement. the underground railroad a network of safe house offered assistance to runaway slaves

    city life and education

    several large cities in the south provide free African Americans new opportunities though they did not have the same rights as other citizens. many southern states has charity schools for those who could not afford to pay for education


    population north win always reps more people living


    each state is equal try to keep balanced forces comprises


    Hold back, refrain (especially from something bad or unhealthy); decline to vote

    Missouri compromise

    "Compromise of 1820" over the issue of slavery in Missouri. It was decided Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state and all states North of the 36th parallel were free states and all South were slave states.
    free said, speech, labor,men


    To leave or withdraw.


    (n.) one who flees or runs away; (adj.) fleeting, lasting a very short time; wandering; difficult to grasp


    Different parts of the country developing unique and separate cultures (as the North, South and West). This can lead to conflict. loyalty to ransom

    look at pages for more chapter 15


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