How an audience regards a speakers intelligence expertise and knowledge of the subject

Presentation on theme: "PERSUASION. Credibility: - Audience’s perception of how believable the speaker is - Factors of credibility: Competence- how the audience regards the intelligence,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Credibility: - Audience’s perception of how believable the speaker is - Factors of credibility: Competence- how the audience regards the intelligence, expertise, and knowledge of the speaker/ subject Character- how the audience regards the sincerity, trustworthiness, and concern of the speaker for their well-being

3 Types of credibility: - Initial- credibility before speaking - Derived- credibility produced by everything that is said and done during the speech - Terminal- credibility at the end; after the speech

4 Enhancing credibility: - Say and do everything in a way that will make you appear capable and trustworthy - Have good organization - Use appropriate, clear, and vivid language - Have a fluent and dynamic delivery - Use strong evidence and sound reasoning

5 Boost credibility by: - Explain competence- qualifications (personal experiences, research) - Establish common ground with the audience- show respect, that your views are consistent with theirs, that you share the same values, attitudes and experiences - Speak with genuine conviction- use good delivery skills - Present ideas sincerely, dynamically and use good eye contact - Show spirit and enthusiasm **Remember: If you want the audience to believe and care about your ideas, you must believe and care about them first.**

6 Ethos: Personal appeal Credibility appeals- relies on speaker to convince listeners - believability- shows knowledge and interest in topic - ethical standards- acknowledges the other side of the issue and demonstrates thorough research - dynamic - sincere - good reputation - good appearance Expertise Trustworthiness Perceived good intentions

7 Pathos: Emotional appeal - Uses a listener’s feelings to persuade them guilt fear freedom justice greed patriotism belonging anger happiness - Understand how audience feels

8 Logos: Logical appeal - Uses solid evidence and sound reasoning to convince listener - Is this fact or opinion? - Is the information current? - Is the source credible? - Is it relevant? - Is it valid or representative? - Appeal to audience’s intellectual, rational side - Use forceful, clear arguments to make a point - Considered substance of a speech

9 Fallacies: - Red herring- introduces irrelevant issue to divert attention away from the subject - Ad hominem (against the man)- attacks the person - False dilemma or “either-or”- forces listeners to choose between two choices, when more exist - Bandwagon- assumes that because something is popular, it is therefore good, correct, or desirable; join everyone else

10 Fallacies cont’d: - Unrelated testimonial- endorsement by someone who is disconnected from the product/idea. - Glittering Generalities- vague and general statements that cannot be proven or disproven. - Card Stacking- piling up information about an idea/product without much backing. - Transfer- projecting positive or negative qualities of a person, object, or value to another in order to make the second more acceptable or to discredit it.

11 Questions used to analyze an audience:  How old are they?  What is the gender breakdown?  What is their economic background?  What are their political or religious views?  How many will be in favor of your position? Against it?

12 Four categories of audiences: 1. supportive 2. uncommitted 3. indifferent 4. opposed

13 MONROE’S MOTIVATED SEQUENCE: Step 1- Attention (gain audience’s attention about issue) Step 2- Need (describe the problem) Step 3- Satisfaction (describe the solution; how to solve the problem) Step 4-Visualization (so audience can picture solution in their minds; what world will be like if solution is put into place) Step 5- Action (what do we do; what is audience goal)

How an audience regards a speakers intelligence expertise and knowledge of the subject

Name: Bianca UhukaChapter 17

Methods of Persuasion

I.There is a perpetual interest in themethodsof persuasion.

A.People have been studying thestrategiesandtacticsof successful

persuasion forthousandsof years.

B.Scholars generally agree that listeners are persuadedby a speaker

for one or more of four reasons.

1.Because theyperceivethe speaker as having high credibility.

2.Because they are won over by the speakersevidence.

3.Because they are convinced by the speakersreasoning.

4.Because theiremotionsare touched by the speakers ideas or


II.A speakersuse of evidenceplays an important rolein

persuading the audience.

A.Credibility is the audience’sattitudetoward or perceptionof the


B.A speakers credibility is affected by two primaryfactors ---


1.Competencerefers to how the audience regards a speakers

intelligence, expertise, and knowledge of the subject.

2.Characterrefers to how an audience regards a speakerssincerity,

trustworthiness, and concern for the well-being ofthe audience.

C.There are three types of credibility.

1. Initialcredibility is the audience’s perceptionof the

speaker before the speech begins.

2.Derivedcredibility is produced by everything a

speaker says and does during the speech.

3.Terminalcredibility is the audience’s perceptionof

the speaker at the end of the speech.

D.There are three strategies speakers can use to enhancetheir


1.Speakers can enhance their credibility by explainingtheir


2.Speakers can enhance their credibility by establishing

common groundwith the audience.

3.Speakers can enhance their credibility by deliveringtheir speeches

fluently,expressively, and withconviction.

How an audience regards a speaker's intelligence expertise and knowledge of the subject?

Competence refers to how an audience regards a speaker's intelligence, expertise, and knowledge of the subject.

How can speakers enhance their credibility with the audience?

Establishing Credibility.
Explain to your audience why you are qualified to speak on the topic. Provide your own personal experience with your topic, if relevant. ... .
Establish common ground with your audience. ... .
Deliver your speech fluently, expressively, and with confidence..

What are two ways a speaker can establish credibility with an audience?

5 Ways to Win Credibility with Your Audience.
Tell us your full name and title. ... .
Tell the audience why your talk matters to them. ... .
Establish your credentials. ... .
Live in your audience's world. ... .

What is the aspect of credibility that's determined by a speaker's knowledge and experience?

Ethos refers to the credibility of a speaker and includes three dimensions: competence, trustworthiness, and dynamism. The two most researched dimensions of credibility are competence and trustworthiness (Stiff & Mongeau, 2003).