Give a specific example of and explain a centripetal force that affects the viability

Give a specific example of and explain a centripetal force that affects the viability

AP Human Geography

Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces Free Response

3a. The concept “centripetal force” is defined as a force or attitude that tends to unify people and

enhance support for a state. They provide stability, strengthen the state, help bind people

together, and create unity.

The concept “centrifugal force” is defined as a force or attitude that divides people in a country.

Centrifugal forces can lead to balkanization, or when a state splits up into smaller states that are

hostile to each other.

b. A centripetal force that affects the viability of India is the common religion of Hinduism.

Because almost all the people in India are devoted to Hinduism, they share a commonality that

unites them and brings the country together. They are able to worship together on holy days, and

are able to preserve sacred places together because everyone is cooperative.

c. A centrifugal force that affects the viability of Nepal is the geography. Parts of Nepal lie in the

Himalayas Mountain Range. The mountains scattered in Nepal separate and isolate different

communities. In this way, information spreads around slower and the communities that are in the

mountains feel isolated from the rest of their state.

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Whether or not you’ve ever heard of centripetal force before, you’ve definitely seen it in action, and even felt it in your entire body.

In fact, you’re probably using centripetal force more often than you realize. Even some of your home appliances help you use it for everyday tasks (more on that later).

As common as this force is, though, not everyone entirely understands the nuances surrounding the physics of centripetal force. So before we list some cool examples of science in action, let’s take a quick look at what centripetal force is (and what it isn’t).

Centripetal vs Centrifugal Force

The main difference between centripetal force and centrifugal force is that only the former can truly be described as a “force.”

Centripetal force is the force that acts on an object in order to direct it towards a center of curvature.

Imagine swinging a yo-yo around in a circle. The force generated by your arm puts the yo-yo itself in motion, and the tension on the string keeps it moving in a circular path as you twirl it. That tension is centripetal force.

If the string were to break any given point, the yo-yo would fly off in a direction that’s tangent to the point on the circle that the yo-yo was at when the string broke. Its velocity could no longer be redirected by the centripetal force provided by the pull of the string.

The centrifugal force that’s felt by an object moving along a curve is described as an apparent force, because there’s actually no force pushing the object directly outward from a central radius.

The “force” that the object feels is actually the result of inertia, which is technically the absence of force. An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon.

So the outward sensation of force that the object feels is actually the force of it pushing on something else due to its linear velocity and inertia.

Here are ten real-life examples of centripetal force in action.

A Merry-go-round

Once you enact force on a merry-go-round to get it started, its outer perimeter can move at a rate of dozens of feet per second. 

Unless you’re safely on the inside of the bars, the only centripetal force keeping you or your child from flying off is the friction of your feet on the metal, or the strength of your grip as you cling to the outside of the bar.

The Gravitron

In essence, this is a merry-go-round on steroids. When you go to a carnival and hop on the Gravitron, you’re experiencing the beginner levels of the force that NASA uses to train astronauts.

The only centripetal force at work here is the tensile strength of the metal that holds the rotor to the wall you’re pinned against (or technically, that you’re pushing against).


Back to the playground. Under ordinary circumstances, if you pound on a ball with your fist, it’s going to fly straight in that direction.

But when you smash a tetherball, the tension of the string acts as a centripetal force that redirects it along the perimeter of a circle, of which the pole acts as a radius.

A Porch Swing

Gravity causes a porch swing to hang directly beneath its suspension system (usually ropes or chains) when it’s not in motion.

But when you push (or swing) it forward or backwards, the chain’s tension redirects it upward as well.

Turning in a car

If you turn slowly in a car (like you’re supposed to), you’ll probably feel next to nothing. But if you bank hard while moving fast, you’ll feel the sensation of being tugged in the opposite direction.

The centripetal force that prevents you from flying in that direction is a combination of the friction of your tires on the road, the powerful tensile strength of the car’s body, and of course, your seatbelt.

Planet Earth

The only reason why earth isn’t hurtling through space in a straight line (a scenario in which we’d all quickly turn into human popsicles) is the pull of our sun’s gravity.

The centripetal force of gravity forces the earth to revolve in an elliptical pattern around the sun.

Discus Throw

Whether you’re watching it in the Olympics or doing it yourself at a high school track meet, the centripetal force of the athlete’s arm prevents the disc from flying until they’ve achieved maximum velocity.

The release of that centripetal force lets it fly tangent to the circle they created with their spin.

A Washing Machine

As your very own home centrifuge, the final spin cycle of a washing machine uses centripetal force (and basket perforations) to separate as much water from your clean clothes as possible once they’re clean.

A Salad Spinner

Similar to a washing machine in concept, the idea of a salad spinner is to generate a fast enough rotation speed to dry lettuce leaves.

The idea is actually to generate enough force to break the weak hydrogen bonds that help water cling to your lettuce leaves.

Industrial Centrifuges

Give a specific example of and explain a centripetal force that affects the viability

Designed specifically to take full advantage of the physics detailed earlier, industrial centrifuges can generate levels of force several hundred or several thousand times that of the earth’s gravity.

This extreme force accelerates a process of filtration or sedimentation, helping separate liquids from solids (or liquids from denser liquids) at speeds that would be impossible with gravity alone.

The practical applications are nearly limitless. Industrial centrifuges are commonly used to extract sugar crystals from maple syrup, sift precious metals from murky water, and dewater algae biomass. 

They can also be used for dairy processing, wastewater treatment, hemp manufacturing, desalination, and oil refining.

A force to be reckoned with

You can’t trip without falling into an example of centripetal force—because tripping is literally an example of centripetal force. As a part of centrifugation, it offers a litany of benefits to our society, too.

If you’d like to learn more about what an industrial centrifuge could do for your business, consult with our team. We’re experts in centrifugation, and our response speed is second only to the rotation speed of our equipment.

Give a specific example of and explain a centripetal force that affects the viability

What is a centripetal force that affects the viability of India?

A centripetal force that affects the viability of India is the common religion of Hinduism. Because almost all the people in India are devoted to Hinduism, they share a commonality that unites them and brings the country together.

What is an example of a centripetal force?

Imagine swinging a yo-yo around in a circle. The force generated by your arm puts the yo-yo itself in motion, and the tension on the string keeps it moving in a circular path as you twirl it. That tension is centripetal force.

What is a good example of a centripetal force in political geography?

Nationalistic forces that bind a country together are called “centripetal forces.” Common examples of “centripetal forces” include a shared sense of common history, a shared language, reliable national institutions, and government legitimacy.

Which is the best example of a centrifugal force for a country?

Religious differences can be an overriding centrifugal force in a country. These divisions can lead to separatist movements like the Sikhs in India or the Kurds in Turkey.