For which of the following research questions would qualitative methods be most appropriate?

What is the responsibility of a consumer of research? (Select all that apply.)

  • To collect data for clinical trials
  • To apply research in practice
  • To stay abreast of emerging nursing research
  • To evaluate programs of generalizable research only

  • To apply research in practice
  • To stay abreast of emerging nursing research

Why is research essential for the delivery of quality nursing care?

  • Research provides the nurse with knowledge needed to make sound clinical decisions.
  • One study can change nursing practice dramatically.
  • The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires all nurses to be consumers of research.
  • Traditional nursing care is no longer appropriate for twenty-first century nursing.

Research provides the nurse with knowledge needed to make sound clinical decisions.

Why is nursing research valuable to the consumers of health care?

  • Research provides evidence that nursing care makes a difference.
  • The nursing profession needs to define its place in the health care system.
  • Accrediting agencies must determine how best to use the technology needed to provide nursing care.
  • Nurses must justify the cost of their services for reimbursement purposes.

Research provides evidence that nursing care makes a difference.

Why would a nursing research study that found that specific advanced-practice nursing interventions lowered health care costs by 50% be important to nursing practice?

  • It proves that nurses are less expensive than physicians.
  • Advanced-practice nurses must define their impact more clearly.
  • It demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of the nursing interventions studied.
  • The high cost of health care is an important national crisis.

It demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of the nursing interventions studied.

To be important to nursing practice, how must nursing theory be supported?

  • Educational environment
  • Nursing research.
  • Patient outcomes
  • Expansive body of science

What is the most important contribution that nursing research can make to address concern about rising health care costs?

  • Documentation of the importance of nursing practice.
  • Research in the area of health care economics.
  • Documentation of cost-effective, high-quality nursing interventions.
  • Evaluation of emerging health care technologies.

Documentation of cost-effective, high-quality nursing interventions.

How do nurses with master's or doctoral degrees differ from other nurses regarding research?

  • They generate clinical research questions.
  • They track quality-improvement data.
  • They are prepared to conduct research as primary investigators.
  • They promote ethical principles of research.

They are prepared to conduct research as primary investigators.

Why is it crucial to have both intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary networks in similar areas of study across disciplines?

  • They maximize utilization of resources.
  • They improve relations across disciplines.
  • They increase the credibility of nursing research.
  • They build common databases of knowledge.

They maximize utilization of resources.

What is the purpose of the World Health Organization (WHO)'s designated Collaborating Centers throughout the United States?

  • To facilitate interdisciplinary education and research for health care professionals
  • To promote the development of nursing theory and theoretical scholars within the United States
  • To improve infectious disease control and research across Pan-America
  • To provide research and clinical training in nursing to colleagues around the globe

To provide research and clinical training in nursing to colleagues around the globe

What is the vision of Healthy People 2010?

  • Improved hospital systems accountable to the public
  • Increased funding for the five leading causes of morbidity and mortality
  • A population free of chronic illness and debilitation of the elderly
  • A cost-effective, community-based health care delivery system

A cost-effective, community-based health care delivery system

What is one of the most exciting areas of research emerging for nurses?

  • Multimedia technology and remote care
  • Cancer treatment and prevention
  • Genetics and the human genome
  • Eradication of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Genetics and the human genome

How is evidence-based practice derived?

  • From research on patient outcomes
  • From theories that ground practice
  • From multidisciplinary collaborations
  • From the need to lower health care cost

From research on patient outcomes

Why did early nursing researchers focus primarily on nursing education?

  • To move away from the Nightingale model
  • To reform nursing education
  • To promote university-based nursing programs
  • To improve theory development and education

To reform nursing education

What is an advantage of the replication of nursing studies?

  • Tends to use large amounts of valuable resources
  • Is valuable when conducted by the original researcher
  • Promotes depth in nursing science
  • Can be conducted by other disciplines with a minimum of value

Promotes depth in nursing science

What is the importance of generalizability in research?

  • It increases the usefulness of research findings.
  • It allows replication of studies.
  • It obtains funding from the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR).
  • It promotes the development of a large research program.

It increases the usefulness of research findings.

Which research process steps may be noted in an article's abstract? (Select all that apply.)

  • Identifying the phenomenon
  • Research question study purpose
  • Literature review
  • Design
  • Sample
  • Legal-ethical issues
  • Data-collection procedure

  • Identifying the phenomenon
  • Research question study purpose
  • Design

What are the stages of understanding of critical reading? (Select all that apply.)

  • Critiquing
  • Preliminary
  • Comprehensive
  • Detailed
  • Analysis
  • Synthesis

  • Preliminary
  • Comprehensive
  • Analysis
  • Synthesis

What does a level-of-evidence model use to evaluate the strength of a research study and its findings? (Select all that apply.)

  • Creativity
  • Quality
  • Quantity
  • Consistency
  • Efficiency

  • Quality
  • Quantity
  • Consistency

What are the critiquing criteria used to judge the worth of a research study? (Select all that apply.)

  • Measures
  • Objectives
  • Standards
  • Effectiveness
  • Evaluation guides
  • Questions

  • Measures
  • Standards
  • Evaluation guides
  • Questions

How does a researcher critically read for preliminary understanding?

  • Through copious note taking
  • Through skimming
  • Through repeated reading sessions
  • Through reading aloud

Which statement best describes qualitative research? (Select all that apply.)

  • Studies are conducted in natural settings.
  • Data are collected from a large number of subjects.
  • Data collected tend to be numeric.
  • The research design is systematic and subjective.

  • Studies are conducted in natural settings.
  • The research design is systematic and subjective.

What does a critique of a research study always include? (Select all that apply.)

  • Determining its strengths and weaknesses
  • Researching similar studies
  • Using critical reading skills
  • Explaining your own personal opinions

  • Determining its strengths and weaknesses
  • Using critical reading skills

For which of the following research questions would qualitative methods be most appropriate?

  • Which pain medications decrease the need for sleep medication in elderly patients?
  • What is the meaning of health for migrant farm-worker women?
  • Under what conditions does a decubitus ulcer heal most quickly?
  • How does frequency of medication administration impact the degree of pain experienced following knee replacement surgery?

  • What is the meaning of health for migrant farm-worker women?

Which of the following is an accurate statement about critical thinking?

  • To be a critical thinker, you must know how to apply research findings to the patient-care setting.
  • Critical thinking involves judging a body of work against the prevailing truth of the time.
  • Critical thinking is the art of thinking clearly and defensibly.
  • Most critical thinkers use inductive reasoning.

Critical thinking is the art of thinking clearly and defensibly.

What must a nurse researcher do to read a research study critically?

  • Read the study through once very thoroughly
  • Use a research text to clarify unfamiliar terms
  • Underline the study's findings
  • Use the abstract to select the parts of the study needing closer perusal

Use a research text to clarify unfamiliar terms

What must a nurse do to use research in practice?

  • Examine a research study and follow the researcher's recommendations.
  • Read many studies in the same content area and follow the recommendations of the studies with similar findings.
  • Explore the strength of the evidence available.
  • Replicate studies in their own settings to make sure recommendations are contextually appropriate.

Explore the strength of the evidence available

What must a person do to think critically?

  • Focus on reaching logical conclusions.
  • Consciously be aware of one's own thoughts and assumptions.
  • Assume the validity of research findings.
  • Develop a process of deductive reasoning.

Consciously be aware of one's own thoughts and assumptions

What can a nurse researcher determine by reading the abstract, introduction, major headings, and conclusions of a study?

  • Relevance of the study to nursing practice
  • Appropriateness of methods used
  • Need for further study
  • Study's main theme

How can a nurse researcher achieve a comprehensive understanding of any research report?

  • Skim the entire report for a general overview.
  • Study the abstract to learn the main components of the study.
  • Seek assistance for unclear content.
  • Review the conclusion to link the content with the research question.

Seek assistance for unclear content.

What is an accurate description of a critique?

  • It requires some knowledge of the subject matter.
  • It is the process of creating standards used to judge an article.
  • It is an executive summary of a study.
  • It is conducted for the purpose of explaining the link between theory and application.

It requires some knowledge of the subject matter.

What must a nurse researcher do before beginning to analyze a study?

  • Synthesize the material
  • Comprehensively understand the study
  • Apply recommendations to practice
  • Read other similar studies

Comprehensively understand the study

What is the most accurate term for making patient-care decisions based on research findings?

  • Critical reflection
  • Evidence-based practice
  • Applied research
  • Research implications

When does the strength of the scientific evidence available influence changes in nursing practice?

  • Studies in the area have used quantitative methodology.
  • All studies in the content area show similar results.
  • Each study uses small, highly controlled samples of subjects.
  • Selective bias is built into the research design.

All studies in the content area show similar results.

Data collected from an experimental study where subjects were randomly selected are an example of what level of study?

  • Level II
  • Level IV
  • Level VI
  • Level VII

Which of the following phrases would be found in a report of a



  • "The hypothesis of this study is ? ."
  • "Perceived pain was measured using the Abbott pain scale? ."
  • "The control group received no instruction ? ."
  • "Subjects were asked to relate their perceptions of pain ? ."

Subjects were asked to relate their perceptions of pain

Which of the following phrases would be found in a report of a quantitative study?

  • "A convenience sample was chosen ? ."
  • "The phenomenon studied was ? ."
  • "Data were analyzed and interpreted ? ."
  • "Researchers sought to explore the meaning of the hospital experience ? ."

"A convenience sample was chosen

Which one of the following titles of studies indicates use of qualitative methodology?

  • Comparison of Nursing Assessment Techniques in Hospitals and Home Care Settings
  • The Relationship between Numbers of Errors Made and Educational Preparation
  • The Effectiveness of Patient Teaching Pre- and Post-operatively
  • The Experience of Mother-Child Bonding in Inner City Populations

The Experience of Mother-Child Bonding in Inner City Populations

A nurse researcher asks the following question of a group of research subjects: "What was it like to have postpartum depression?" Which type of research question format is this considered to be?

  • Correlational
  • Comparative
  • Quantitative
  • Phenomenologic

A nurse researcher develops the following research question: Is there a relationship between anxiety and body weight in premenopausal and postmenopausal women? Which type of research question format is this considered to be?

  • Correlational
  • Comparative
  • Quantitative
  • Phenomenologic

A nurse researcher develops the following research question: Do menopausal women who received daily doses of an herbal hormone treatment report a lesser number of hot flashes than women who did not receive the treatment? Which type of research question format is this considered to be?

  • Correlational
  • Comparative
  • Quantitative
  • Phenomenologic

Name the 7 points to determine if the study you are reading is of a quantitative design

1.  Hypothesis are stated or implied in the article.
2.  the term "treatment" or "intervention" and "control" or "comparison group" appear.
3.  The terms "survey, correlation, or ex post facto" are used.
4.  The terms "random" or "convenience" are mentioned in relation to the sample.
5.  Variables are measured by instruments or tools.
6.  Reliability and validity of instruments are discussed.
7.  statistical analyses are used.

why is knowing about nursing research important?

In order to base your practice on scientific evidence gained through research, you must first understand the research process.  Then you need to know how to critique research in order to decide whether particular studies and their results have enough merit to change your practice.

How will nurses produce depth in nursing?

Depth in nursing science will occur when a sufficient number of nurse researchers replicate and have consistent findings in a substantive area of inquiry.  It is important that each study builds on prior studies, adding new variables or questions as the need arises.

If you were asked to give testimony about your practice to the local city council, state assembly, or senate, what research information would you like to have to assist you in presenting the testimony?

If your area of practice is psyc/mental health nursing with an emphasis on chemical dependency, you would like research findings demonstrating that nursing interventions related to "knowledge deficit regarding addiction" have an effect on the outcome of increased sobriety time for the addict or alcoholic.

What type of study would be conducted if the question to be answered is about understanding the meaning of human experience (such as grief, hope, or loss).

What type of research is systematic in its method and uses a subjective approach?

Describe the difference between qualitative and quantitative studies

Qualitative study seeks to interpret the meaning and phenomena

Quantitative study research seeks to test a hypothesis or answer research questions using statistical methods

The process where investigators find all relevant studies, published and unpublished, on the topic or question, at least two members of the main review team independently assess the quality of each study, include or exclude studies based on preestablished criteria, statistically combine the results of individual studies, and present a balanced and impartial evidence summary of the findings that represents a "state of the science" conclussion about the evidence supporting benefits and risks of a given healthj care practice.

The systematic, logical, and empirical inquiry into the possible relationship among particular phenomena to produce verifiable knowledge.

Conscious and judicious use of current and the best evidence in the care of patients and delivery of health care services, integration of clinical expertise and patient values (preferences)

Integrative Research Review

Synthesis review of liturature on a specific concept or topic

Integrates qualitative research findings on a topic and is based on comparative analysis and interpretive synthesis

A research method that takes the results of multiple studies in a specific area and sythesizes the findings to make conclusions regarding the area of focus


Which of the following best describes the purpose of conducting a qualitative research?

Whic of the following best describes the purpose of conducting a qualitative research? To explore the meaning of people's experiences, culture, etc.

Which type of research seeks to test relationships hypotheses and requires objective data?

Quantitative research involves the process of objectively collecting and analyzing numerical data to describe, predict, or control variables of interest. The goals of quantitative research are to test causal relationships between variables, make predictions, and generalize results to wider populations.

What are the critiquing criteria used to judge the worth of a research study Select all that apply?

What are the critiquing criteria used to judge the worth of a research study? (Select all that apply.) Measures, standards, evaluation guides, and questions are used to judge the worth of a research study. Objectives and effectiveness are not used to judge the worth of a research study.

Which is the best way for the nurse to use research appropriately?

Which is the best way for a nurse to use research appropriately? Explore the strength of the evidence available. A nurse reads a research article and asks other graduate students to study the same article using the same criteria.