For what sum of money the difference between simple interest and compound interest for 2 years at 5% per annum equals to Rs 50?

The sooner you start to save, the more you'll earn with compound interest.

How compound interest works

Compound interest is the interest you get on:

  • the money you initially deposited, called the principal
  • the interest you've already earned

For example, if you have a savings account, you'll earn interest on your initial savings and on the interest you've already earned. You get interest on your interest.

This is different to simple interest. Simple interest is paid only on the principal at the end of the period. A term deposit usually earns simple interest.

Save more with compound interest

The power of compounding helps you to save more money. The longer you save, the more interest you earn. So start as soon as you can and save regularly. You'll earn a lot more than if you try to catch up later.

For example, if you put $10,000 into a savings account with 3% interest compounded monthly:

  • After five years, you'd have $11,616. You'd earn $1,616 in interest.
  • After 10 years you'd have $13,494. You'd earn $3,494 in interest.
  • After 20 years you'd have $18,208. You'd earn $8,208 in interest.

Compound interest formula

To calculate compound interest, use the formula:

A = P x (1 + r)n

A = ending balance
P = starting balance (or principal)
r = interest rate per period as a decimal (for example, 2% becomes 0.02)
n = the number of time periods

How to calculate compound interest

To calculate how much $2,000 will earn over two years at an interest rate of 5% per year, compounded monthly:

1. Divide the annual interest rate of 5% by 12 (as interest compounds monthly) = 0.0042

2. Calculate the number of time periods (n) in months you'll be earning interest for (2 years x 12 months per year) = 24

3. Use the compound interest formula

A = $2,000 x (1+ 0.0042)24
A = $2,000 x 1.106
A = $2,211.64

For what sum of money the difference between simple interest and compound interest for 2 years at 5% per annum equals to Rs 50?

Lorenzo and Sophia compare the compounding effect

Lorenzo and Sophia both decide to invest $10,000 at a 5% interest rate for five years. Sophia earns interest monthly, and Lorenzo earns interest at the end of the five-year term.

After five years:

  • Sophia has $12,834.
  • Lorenzo has $12,500.

Sophia and Lorenzo both started with the same amount. But Sophia gets $334 more interest than Lorenzo because of the compounding effect. Because Sophia is paid interest each month, the following month she earns interest on interest.

Q.1.The difference in simple interest and compound interest on a certain sum of money in 2 years at 10 % p.a. is Rs. 50. The sum is

a) Rs. 10000

b) Rs. 6000

c) Rs. 5000

d) Rs. 2000

e) None of these

Q.2. The difference in simple interest and compound interest on a certain sum of money in 2 years at 18 % p.a. is Rs. 162. The sum is

a) Rs. 4000

b) Rs. 5200

c) Rs. 4250

d) Rs. 5000

e) None of these

Q.3. The compound interest on a certain sum of money for 2 years is Rs. 208 and the simple interest for the same time at the same rate is Rs. 200. Find the rate %.

For what sum of money the difference between simple interest and compound interest for 2 years at 5% per annum equals to Rs 50?

a) 5 %

b) 6 %

c) 7 %

d) 4 %

e) 8 %

Q.4.The difference between compound interest and simple interest on a certain sum for 2 years at 10 % is Rs. 25. The sum is

a) Rs. 1200

b) Rs. 2500

c) Rs. 750

d) Rs. 1250

e) Rs. 2000

Q.5.The simple interest on a certain sum for 3 years in Rs. 225 and the compound interest on the same sum for 2 years is Rs. 165. Find the rate percent per annum.

a) 20 %

b) 2.5 %

c) 5 %

d) 15 %

e) 7.5%

Q.6.The simple interest on a sum of money for 2 years is Rs. 150 and the compound interest on the same sum at same rate for 2 years is Rs. 155. The rate % p.a. is

a) 16 %

b) 20/3 %

c) 12 %

d) 10 %

e) None of these

Q7.Mihir’s capital is 5/4 times more than Tulsi’s capital. Tulsi invested her capital at 50 % per annum for 3 years (compounded annually). At what rate % p.a. simple interest should Mihir invest his capital so that after 3 years, they both have the same amount of capital?

a) 20/3 %

b) 10 %

c) 50/3 %

d) 1.728 %

e) None of these

Q8.The difference in simple interest and compound interest on a certain sum of money in 3 years at 10 % p.a. is Rs. 372. The sum is

a) Rs. 8000

b) Rs.9000

c) Rs. 10000

d) Rs. 12000

e) None of these

Q9.Sahil’s capital is 1/6 times more than Chaya’s capital. Chaya invested her capital at 20 % per annum for 2 years (compounded annually). At what rate % p.a. simple interest should Sahil invest his capital so that after 2 years, they both have the same amount of capital?

a) 10%

b) 11 5/7%

c) 20%

d) 13 5/7%

e) None of these

Q10.The difference in simple interest and compound interest on a certain sum of money in 3 years at 20 % p.a. is Rs. 640. The sum is

For what sum of money the difference between simple interest and compound interest for 2 years at 5% per annum equals to Rs 50?

a) Rs. 5000

b) Rs. 8500

c) Rs. 8250

d) Rs. 6000

e) None of these

On what sum of money will the difference between simple interest and compound interest for 2 years at 5% per annum will be equal to 50?

Hence, the sum is Rs. 6000.

On what sum of money will the difference between simple interest and compound interest for 2 years at 5% per annum be equal to 63?

The difference between simple interest and compound interest is Rs. 63. ∴ The required sum of money is Rs. 25200.

On what sum of money will the difference between simple interest and compound interest for 2 years at 5% per annum is rupees 12 find the sum of money?

This is Expert Verified Answer And based on a two-year compounded interest rate and the rate of %. Hence, the required answer is Rs. 20,000.

What is the difference between simple interest and compound interest for a period of 2 years?

Generally, simple interest paid or received over a certain period is a fixed percentage of the principal amount that was borrowed or lent. Compound interest accrues and is added to the accumulated interest of previous periods, so borrowers must pay interest on interest as well as principal.