Ex post facto control group designs are not considered quasi-experimental because _____.

This type of study has a flexible approach, interest in qualitative and quantitative, and conducted when little is known about the subject.

This study studies the relationship between variables and hypotheses are studied.

This study searches for causal explanations, is more rigorous than exploratory or descriptive studies, manipulates variables and is usually experimental.

In the ___ design, there is a pretest-posttest control group, posttest-only control group and Solomon four group.

This is a nonequivalent control group with a time series

Quasi-experimental designs

One-shot case study and one-group pretest-posttest

This type of research measures the dependent variable, manipulates the independent variable and is concerned with cause and effect relationships. Highly respected.

A type of variable that is not the variable of interest to a researcher but that may influence the results of a study.

What are 2 other terms for extraneous variable?

intervening and confounding variable

The degree to which changes in the dependent variable (effect) can be attributed to the independent or experimental variable rather than to the effects of extraneous variables.

Internal validity threats

The degree to which study results can be generalized to other people and other research settings.

External validity threats

Other factors that influence dependent variables and constitute rival explanations or competing hypothesis.

The degree to which changes in the dependent variable can be attributed to the independent or experimental variable rather than to the effects of extraneous variables.

Internal validity threats

The instrument that is the most ___ and most ____will also be the most valid.

As control for internal increases, ______ decreases

As concern for external increases, _____ may be affected

Selection bias, history, maturation, testing, instrumentation change and mortality are all ______

Threats to internal Validity

Occurs when study results are attributed to the experiment or the researchers manipulation of the independent variable when, in fact, the results are related to subject differences before the independent variable was manipulated.

Occurs when some event besides the experimental treatment occurs during the course of a study, and this event influences the dependent variable.

___ becomes a threat when changes that occur within the subjects during an experimental study influences study results.

The --- threat may occur in studies where a pretest is given or where subjects have knowledge of baseline data.

Involves the difference between the pretest and posttest measurement caused by a change in the accuracy of the instrument or the judges ratings, rather than a result of the experimental treatment.

Occurs when the subjects do not complete a study

Occurs when study participants respond in a certain manner because they are aware that they are being observed.

Hawthorne effect may also be considered a threat to_____

Neither the researcher nor the research participants are aware of which participants are in the experimental group and which are in the control group.

A threat to study results that occurs when researcher characteristics or behaviors influence subject behaviors.

Used to indicate the influence of an interviewer on respondents answers.

Occur when subjects have been sensitized to the treatment because they took the pretest.

Reactive effects of the pretest

What's the symbol for random assignment of subjects to groups

What's the symbol for experimental treatment or intervention.

A procedure that ensures that each subject has an equal chance of being assigned or placed in any of the groups in an experimental study.

___ designs are those in which the researcher has a great deal of control over the research situation.

Definition experimental designs.

___ is when the independent, or experimental, variable is controlled by the researcher.

Indicates a group in an experimental study that does not receive the experimental treatment.

indicates any group in an experimental study that either receives no treatment, or a treatment that is not thought to be as effective as the experimental treatment.

The most frequently used experimental design where the subjects are randomly assigned, pretest and post test is given to both groups.

Pretest-Posttest control group design

The experimental group receives the experimental treatment and the comparison group receives the routine treatment or no treatment and a posttest is given to both groups.

Posttest only control group design

Group 1 and comparison group 1 are pretested and experimental group 1 and 2 receive the experimental treatment whereas two of the groups, comparison group 1 and comparison group 2, receive the routine treatment or no treatment and a posttest is given to all four groups

Solomon four-group design

The Solomon four group design is considered to be the most prestigious experiential design because why?

it minimizes the threats to internal/external validity

Those in which there is either no comparison group or subjects are not randomly assigned to groups.

Quasi-experimental designs

Similar to the pretest-posttest control group design except there is no random assignment of subjects to the experimental and comparison groups.

Nonequivalent control group design

The researcher periodically observes or measures the subjects and the treatment is administered between two of the observations.

Designs that are considered very weak and in which the researcher has little control.

A single group is exposed to an experimental treatment and observed after the treatment.

Provides a comparison between a group of subjects before and after the experimental treatment.

Definition-posttest design

The Pre-experimental design is the ____ of all designs

All nonexperimental research is _____

Investigations in which self report data are collected from samples with the purpose of describing populations on some variable of interest.

The researcher examines the strength of relationships between variables by determining how changes in one variable are associated with another variable.

May be positive or neg and range from -1.00 to 1.00.

What is the perfect neg correlation

What is a perfect positive correlation

A direct relationship meaning that as the value of one variables increases, the value of the other variable also increases.

Inverse relationship that as the value of one variable increases the other decreases.

Examines differences between groups on a dependent variable. There is no manipulation of the ind variable.

COmparative studies are frequently classified as _____ or _____

retrospective or prospective

The dependent variable is identified in the present and an attempt is made to determine the ind variable that occurred in the past.

The ind variable or presumed cause is id'd at the present time, then subjects are followed in the future to observe the dependent variable

Data is collected after the fact.

Concerned with the development, testing, and evaluation of research instruments and methods.

Data from a previous study may be analyzed in light of new research questions or new hypothesis.

Subjects are studied in a special environment created by the researcher.

___ are conducted in a real life situation where not much control can be maintained.

Considered to be lab studies.

Well suited for questions about which there is little or no research and can often help answer questions about processes humans use to avoid, cope with or adjust to illness and disease.

Examines human experiences and generally obtained through interviews.

A process in which qualitative researchers put aside their own feelings or beliefs about a phenomenon that is being studied to keep from biasing their observations.

The process of identifying and setting aside personal beliefs about the subject of the study.

Collection and analysis of data about cultural groups that focuses on social relationships and context in which they occur.

Ethnographers study how people ____ and how they _______.

Research studies in which data are collected and analyzed, then a theory is developed that is grounded in the data.

Example of a grounded theory

Seeks to explore experiences of participants through the stories told by participants. Researcher attends to verbal and nonverbal elements such as pauses, rhythm and pacing, sighs or smiles.

Research studies that involve an in depth exam of a single person or a group of people. Also possibly an institution.

A type of qualitative research that actively engages the community of interest in solving a problem

Community based research where participants and researchers collaborate. Also called community engaged research.

Participatory action research (PAR)

The combination of quantitative and qualitative methods in one study.

Involves collecting qualitative data after analyzing quantitative data.

Involves an initial period of qualitative data and analysis followed by a quan data collection and analysis.

Specific theoretical perspective, such as feminism, is guided framework for the study.

Sequential transformative

Researcher collects data using one primary approach with the secondary approach nested in.

Data is collected concurrently with equal priority given to each type of data collection.

Concurrent transformative

____ strategies require less time than other strategies.

____require additional time for data collection and analysis before moving to the second data collection and analysis phase.

The entire group of people or objects to which the researcher wishes to generalize the findings of a study.

he group of people or objects that is available to the researcher for a particular study.

Listing of all elements of a pop

Occasionally data obtained from a ___ are more exact than data from a sample frame.

Procedure to select a sample from elements or members of a pop.

andom fluctuations that occur when sample selected to represent a pop.

Sample selected from pop through nonrandom methods.

A research study that collects data on subjects at one point in time.

Probability sampling procedure to select a sample from a pop.

Involves the assistance of study subjects to help obtain other subjects.

Researcher select subjects considered to be representative of the pop.

Number of members chosen is in proportion to the total pop.

Each element of the pop has an equal chance of being chosen.

Difference between sample data and pop data.

Random sampling that involves two or more stages.

Procedure used to determine the sample size needed to prevent a type 2 error.

Sample selected after the pop has been divided into subgroups.

Every kth(5th) element is selected.

Most nursing research studies involve this type of sampling procedure.

A nonprobability sampling procedure that involves the selection of the most readily available people or objects for a study.

Convenience sampling is also called....

a nonprobability sampling procedure in which the researcher selects the sample to reflect certain characteristics of the population.

Handpicking of subjects and aka judgmental sampling

Examines subjects at one point in time.

___ samples are required for probability sampling.

The influence of interviewers on respondents' answers.

A threat to the external validity of a research study that occurs when the researcher's behavior influences the subjects' behavior in a way that is not intended by the researcher.

True experimental design that minimizes threats to internal and external validity.

Solomon four-group design

Why is ex post facto design considered a quasi

Ex post facto research differs from a true experiment by not employing random assignment and is considered a quasi-experimental type of study due to this lack of random assignment.

Why is an ex post facto study not an experiment?

Despite studying facts that have already occurred, ex post facto research shares with experimental research design some of its basic logic of inquiry. Ex post facto research design does not include any form of manipulation or measurement before the fact occurs, as is the case in true experimental designs.

What is the difference between experimental and ex post facto research?

○ like experimental research, ex post facto research has clearly identifiable independent and dependent variables; ○ unlike experimental research, ex post facto research involves no direct manipulation of the independent variable – the presumed “cause” has already occurred.

What is the ex post facto design?

research that examines past occurrences in order to understand a current state. Although this type of design involves both a dependent variable and an independent variable, the investigator cannot manipulate the latter.