Document analysis is the examination and comparison of questioned documents with known material.

Principles of Forensic Document Examination

Forensic document examiners often deal with questions of document authenticity. To determine whether a document is genuine, an examiner may attempt to confirm who created the document, determine the timeframe in which it was created, identify the materials used in its preparation or uncover modifications to the original text.

Documents can be examined for evidence of alterations, obliterations, erasures and page substitutions. Or the examiner can study the methods, materials or machines that created the document, providing key information that can identify or narrow the possible sources of the document. The ink, paper, writing tools, ribbons, stamps and seals used in production of the document may all reveal important clues. The examiner may even discover valuable evidence in a document’s invisible impressions.

A key element of document examination focuses on handwriting. Forensic examination and comparison of handwriting, which includes hand printing and signatures, is based on three main principles: (1) Given a sufficient amount of handwriting, no two skilled writers exhibit identical handwriting features; (2) every person has a range of natural variation to his or her writing; (3) no writer can exceed his or her skill level (i.e., it would not be possible for a marginally literate person who has only learned to produce very basic hand-printed letters to execute perfectly formed, highly skilled cursive writing).

Computer databases maintained by the U.S. Secret Service, German Federal Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation contain handwriting samples from hundreds of thousands of writers. Comparisons of these databases have not identified two individuals who have the exact same combination of handwriting characteristics, adding to the authenticity of handwriting as a solid form of evidence.

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10_  Document Analysis: Handwriting, Forgery, and Counterfeiting 

Document Analysis is the examination and comparison of questioned documents with known material.
–Questioned Documents- any signature, handwriting, typewriting, or other written mark whose source or authenticity is in dispute or uncertain

​Experts establish the authenticity of documents and detect any changes, erasures, or obliterations that may have occurred
–Obliteration- writing over top to smear or make orginal writing unreadable

  • Like Fingerprints, every person’s handwriting is unique and personalized
  • Handwriting is difficult to disguise or forge

–Good tool for including or excluding persons when determining a match with an exemplar

  • Questioned documents are compared to exemplars to determine matches

–Exemplars- prewritten handwriting samples from a suspect(s)

A Document Expert is a specially trained person who scientifically analyzes handwriting and other features in a document

  • Examines written notes and compares various traits.

12 Characteristics of Handwriting Line Quality

  1. Line Quality: Do the letters flow or are they erratic and shaky?​
  2. Spacing:​Are letters equally spaced or crowded?Are margins evenly spaced?​
  3. Size Consistency: Is the ratio of height to width consistent?
  4. Continuous: Is the writing continuous or does the writer lift the pen/pencil?
  5. Connecting Letters: Are the capital and lowercase letters connected and continuous?
  6. Letters Complete: Are letters completely formed?  Or, is part of a letter missing?
  7. Cursive/Printed Letters: Are there printed letters, cursive letters, or both?
  8. Pen Pressure: Is pressure equal when applied to upward and downward strokes?
  9. Slant: Left, right, or variable?
  10. Line Habits: Is the text on the line, above the line, or below the line?
  11. Fancy Loops or Curls: Are there fancy loops? Any other distinguishing features?
  12. Places of Crosses on t’s & Dots on i’s: Are t’s crossed?  –t’s crossed in middle, toward top, or toward bottom.  Are i’s dotted? Dotted toward left, toward right, or centered


Case Studies:

  • Master Forger: Frank Abagnale pag. 314. / Movie: "Catch me if you can" starring Leonardo Di Caprio

The Frank Abagnale Story / Frank Abagnale Questions

  • Forensic Files: "A Tight Leash"
  • Case Study Analysis Sheet

Activity 10-1: Handwriting Analysis (pg.333-335)
Part 1: Analysis of your own handwriting 
  Part 2: Analysis of classmate's handwriting 

Activity 10-2: Analysis of a Ransom Note(pg. 336-339)
Part 1: Analysis of Ransom Note and 6 Suspect's Exemplar Note Analysis
  Part 2: Report to Jury

Is the examination and comparison of questioned documents with known material?

Document analysis is the examination and comparison of questioned documents with known material. A questioned document is any signature, handwriting, typewriting, or other written mark whose source or authenticity is in dispute or uncertain. A graphologist is also known as an exemplar.

What is a document analysis in forensics?

What is document analysis? the examination of handwriting, ink, and paper to ascertain source or authenticity. Examples of things examined using document analysis. letters, checks, licenses, contracts, wills, passports.

Which are used in comparison with a questioned document?

Exemplars are known handwriting samples used for comparison with questioned documents. There are two types of exemplars, formal and informal.

What is Document Analysis quizlet?

Document Analysis. Form of forensic science that includes the analysis of handwriting as well as the detection of forged documents? Stimulated Forgery. One made by copying a genuine signature.