Conflict as it is experienced in the daily workplace involves at least two basic forms:

Which of the following are processes that lead to team effectiveness?

Effort, knowledge, and strategy 

What are the questions you ask to determine if a change has been successful?

-What were the effects the organization? -Did the change happen? -What were the effects on the change agent?

The formal study of change has been traced back to Kurt Lewin. Lewin developed a four part model of change. This model includes:

Understand context of change, unfreeze the organization, make the change, refreeze the organization

Getting into a market after a competition has entered a market is a ___ change.

A counterculture is a group of individuals with a a unique pattern of values and philosophy that is consistent with the organization's dominant values and philosophy 

In Lewin’s four-part model of change, ____________ relates to putting in new reward systems and policies. 

Refreezing the organization

Leaders influence the culture of an organization by which of the following actions:

All of at the answer choices are correct

A cultural symbol is any object, act, or event that serves to transmit cultural meaning. 

One of the key ways management influences the organizational culture is via the __________.

All of these choices are correct

With regards to decision-making, what should the best teams do?

Not limit themselves to just one decision-making method, using it over and over again regardless of circumstances.  

An essential criterion of a true team is that the members feel 'collectively accountable' for what they accomplish. 

Accommodation is a conflict management strategy may be used when an issue is trivial. 

Three important levels of cultural analysis in organizations are: 

observable culture, shared values, and common assumptions.

Team performance is not in danger of suffering when: 

An effective group is one that achieves high levels of task performance, member satisfaction, and team viability.

The top management of the GreenBucks Hills Coffee Company has decided to serve beer and wine after 5 PM at its 3000 retail outlets in the United States, after research revealed a potential opportunity to attract customers between work hours and dinnertime. This is an example of which of the following types of change? 

__________ are important because they are used to tell new members the real mission of the organization, how the organization operates, and how individuals can fit into the company. 

The observable culture includes the unique stories, ceremonies, and corporate rituals that make up the history of the firm or a group within the firm. 

Which of the following involves the creation of guidelines so that similar work activities are repeatedly performed in a similar fashion? 

Organizations with __________ possess a broadly and deeply shared value system that can provide a strong corporate identity, enhance collective commitment, provide a stable social system, and reduce the need for formal and bureaucratic controls.

A manager from a different department smugly walks into your office and says that if you don't work the night shift for the next two months, he will ensure that you will not receive a promotion. This manager is using what source of power?

Which of the following is not a key team input?

During a conflict situation Kyle is cooperative but unassertive with his employees. He tries to smooth over their differences but it only produces a false sense of harmony among them. Which type of conflict management style is Kyle using?

Functional departmentation refers to the grouping of individuals by skill, knowledge, and action

With the meteoric rise of Apple after Steve Jobs' return to CEO, many people predicted significant troubles for Apple without its iconic leader. Furthering this notion, Apple experienced some struggles with a lack of new product offerings and a faulty map application. Many of these performance troubles were attributed to Jobs' successor, Tim Cook. This attribution of both success and failure to the leader of the organization is an example of what? 

At IBM, the __________ culture would includes the unique stories, ceremonies, and corporate rituals that make up the history of the firm.

To many researchers and managers, shared common values lie at the heart of organizational culture

Observable culture, the first level of cultural analysis, refers to the way things are done in a particular organization. 

Which conflict management style involves being `erative and assertive? This style is characterized by working against the wishes of the other party, engaging in win-lose competition, and/or forcing things to a favorable conclusion through the exercise of authority.

Conflict as it is experienced in the daily workplace involves at least two basic forms, __________ and __________. 

substantive conflict and emotional conflict

A student from your university recently called you to ask for a donation. During the pitch, he said that a large percentage of undergraduate alumni have donated, and an even larger percentage of BHP alumni from your graduation year have donated. According to the six principles of persuasion, which two of the following is the caller using? 

The system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members is called organizational culture.

In a business setting, a firm's system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops within the company and guides the behavior of its members is called its __________. 

Organizational culture often specifies when various types of actions are appropriate and where individual members stand in the social system.

In today's environment, with so much focus on competition, research shows that managers and team leaders spend relatively little time dealing with conflicts.

What type of power does a manager exercise when he or she offers pay raises, bonuses, special assignments, or compliments as incentives to subordinates?

In order to judge whether a change implementation has been successful, it is important to not only assess whether the intended change happened, but also to assess how the change affected the organization and the change agent.

When dealing with conflict situations in her department, Morgan emphasizes cooperation and assertiveness. Differences are worked through together so that everybody's concerns are addressed and everyone gains something in the end. Which conflict management style does Morgan use?

The performance advantages of teams over individuals are most evident in all of the following cases EXCEPT:

when a conservative decision is required.

In many firms, the management philosophy is supported by a series of organizational rituals.

When teams accomplish more than the total of their individual members' capabilities, what occurs?

In North American companies, subcultures and countercultures may naturally form on the basis of ethnic, racial, gender, generational, or locational similarities.

Most large organizations contain several subcultures as well as one or more countercultures

The team decision technique of __________ asks everyone to respond individually and in writing to a basic question such as: 'What should be done to improve the effectiveness of this work team?'

The member satisfaction criterion of group effectiveness means that members are sufficiently satisfied to continue working well together on an ongoing basis and/or to look forward to working together again in the future.

Tony is a manager at Tone Corporation. As a manager he can modify the __________ of culture, such as the language, stories, rites, rituals, and sagas. 

When Pat Smith was appointed as a change leader in charge of implementing a new sales process at WisTech Inc., she met with key sales managers, regional vice-presidents, and staff members and got their buy-in for the change. Which of the following steps in the planned change model proposed by John Kotter do her actions address?

Forming a powerful guiding coalition

Cultural differences can have a major impact on the performance of organizations and the quality of work life experienced by their members

__________ are embellished heroic accounts of accomplishments, especially regarding the founding of an organization

Legitimate power, or formal hierarchical authority, stems from the extent to which a manager can control subordinates' behavior because they believe the boss has the right to do so.

Leaders influence the culture of an organization by which of the following actions:

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following are processes that lead to team effectiveness?

Effort, knowledge, and strategy

Getting into a market after a competitor has entered a market is a _______ change. 

Leading change is hard because people are: Select all that apply.

All of the above. : Concerned about the future, Concerned about power, their own power and that of others, Uncertain, don’t know what to expect

Considering the framework outlined in the McGinn and Lingo article, the three types of power you can use to resolve tension are:

Positional, personal, and relational

Values, underlying assumptions, and deep beliefs make up the ______ component of an organization’s culture.

A counterculture is a group of individuals with a unique pattern of values and philosophy that is consistent with the organization’s dominant values and philosophy.

Which conflict management style involves being uncooperative and assertive? This style is characterized by working against the wishes of the other party, engaging in win-lose competition, and/or forcing things to a favorable conclusion through the exercise of authority. 

When teams accomplish more than the total of their individual members' capabilities, what occurs? 

With the size advantage, larger firms often have a single dominant culture with a universal set of shared actions, values, and beliefs.

Your boss sits down at one of the weekly staff meetings. She explains that there are tremendous challenges ahead for the company, beginning with developing a new marketing strategy. She says that she knows there have been some personal tragedies within the team during the past few months. But, she goes on to say that she cares deeply about each person and wants to publicly offer her support so that an effective decision can be made. According to Leadership That Gets Results by Daniel Goleman, your boss is exhibiting what style of leadership? 

The five stages of team development are forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning.

An organization with a 'strong culture' possesses a broadly and deeply shared value system that can provide a strong corporate identity, enhance collective commitment, provide a stable social system, and reduce the need for formal and bureaucratic controls. 

When a team achieves its performance goals regarding quantity, quality, and timeliness of work results, what characteristic of team effectiveness is being demonstrated?

A subculture has a pattern of values and philosophy that outwardly rejects the surrounding culture of the larger organization or social system.

Ralph makes it a point to always offer help in technical areas in which he is skilled and knowledgeable. His subordinates trust his judgment, and form one of the most productive units in the company. What type of power is Ralph exerting? 

When issues are more important to others than to yourself or when you want to build 'credits' for use in later disagreements __________ may be used

Three important levels of cultural analysis in organizations are _______________.

observable culture, shared values, and common assumptions

The top management of the GreenBucks Hills Coffee Company has decided to serve beer and wine after 5 PM at its 3000 retail outlets in the United States, after research revealed a potential opportunity to attract customers between work hours and dinnertime. This is an example of which of the following types of change?

. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding subcultures?

Subcultures reflect groups with a unique pattern of values and philosophy that are inconsistent with the dominant culture of the larger organization or social system.

According to the planned change model proposed by John Kotter, which of the following is the first step in implementing a planned change? 

establishes a sense of urgency

Most large organizations contain several subcultures as well as one or more countercultures. 

In a change management context, driving forces refer to those forces that prevent the implementation of organizational change

A number of studies suggest that the key difficulty with product development is the integration across all of the units needed to move from the idea stage to final implementation. 

According to John Kotter, in order to establish a sense of urgency for change, it is sufficient to have 25% of a company's management be honestly convinced that business as usual is totally unacceptable.

Which of the following set of conditions would require the narrowest span of control?

tasks are complex, when subordinates are inexperienced or poorly trained, or when tasks call for team effort.

Organizational culture often specifies when various types of actions are appropriate and where individual members stand in the social system.

The performance advantages of teams over individuals are most evident in all of the following cases EXCEPT

when a conservative decision is required.

In order to judge whether a change implementation has been successful, it is important to not only assess whether the intended change happened, but also to assess how the change affected the organization and the change agent.

Which of the following is not a key team input? 

During a conflict situation Kyle is cooperative but unassertive with his employees. He tries to smooth over their differences but it only produces a false sense of harmony among them. Which type of conflict management style is Kyle using? 

Within which of the following major stages of a planned change implementation in Kurt Lewin's model would you place the 'creating a vision' step in Kotter's planned change model? 

What type of power does a manager exercise when he or she offers pay raises, bonuses, special assignments, or compliments as incentives to subordinates?

A cultural symbol is any object, act, or event that serves to transmit cultural meaning.

In many firms, the management philosophy is supported by a series of organizational rituals. 

Which of the following is an example of an increase in the complexity of an organization's environment?

An increase in the types of competitors faced by the organization

Legitimate power, or formal hierarchical authority, stems from the extent to which a manager can control subordinates' behavior because they believe the boss has the right to do so.

Which of the following characteristics of a change leader is/are related to successful implementation of change?

All of the answer choices are correct. Flexibility, Focus, Determination, Credibility.

Organizational __________ often specify/ies when various types of actions are appropriate and where individual members stand in the social system.

When dealing with conflict situations in her department, Morgan emphasizes cooperation and assertiveness. Differences are worked through together so that everybody's concerns are addressed and everyone gains something in the end. Which conflict management style does Morgan use?

Functional departmentation refers to the grouping of individuals by skill, knowledge, and action. 

When an organization faces greater dynamism in its environment, its managers should increase centralization of power so that they can closely monitor and control the actions of front-line employees. 

T or F: Accommodation is a conflict management strategy may be used when an issue is trivial.

. __________ are important because they are used to tell new members the real mission of the organization, how the organization operates, and how individuals can fit into the company. 

Which of the following emphasizes horizontal specialization, extensive use of personal coordination, and loose rules, policies, and procedures?

Avoidance involves pretending a conflict does not really exist. 

According to Kurt Lewin, before you make any changes, you should mobilize or unfreeze the organization to get it ready for change. 

Often, the language of a subculture, and its rituals and rites, emerge from the group as a form of jargon.

The following are reasons why the common knowledge effect occurs EXCEPT

In modern day organizations when change is implemented it is often a:

Unfortunately, given its origin from the founders’ values, managers cannot modify the visible aspects of culture, such as the language, stories, rites, rituals, and sagas.

________ are groups of individuals with a unique pattern of values and philosophy that is inconsistent with the organization's dominant values and philosophy. 

Decentralization increases when the discretion to spend money, to hire people, and to make similar decisions is moved farther up the hierarchy of authority.

Personal power resides in the individual and is independent of that individual's position within an organization. 

our leader makes it well known that she doesn't have time for employees' personal problems. She doesn't really care who does the workÉso long as it is of good quality. Further, she sets high standards, lets you know if you are not maintaining a high level of performance, and doesn't care whose feelings are hurt as a result. She can be described as leader ______ in consideration and ______ in initiating structure.

Some of the tradeoffs in having control over an organization through centralization is: 

Exceptions slow down the responsiveness of your organization

form of departmentalization is the best organizational structure for a company that produces only one product but sells it in numerous geographical locations.

Interestingly, strong subcultures are seldom found in high-performance taskforces, teams, and special project groups in organizations.

In many firms, the management philosophy is supported by a series of organizational rituals.

The major advantages of which of the following types of departmentalization are its flexibility in attending to the specific needs of different regions of the world?

Among the major risks of creating a virtual or networked organization with part of the organizations activities outsourced to contractors, are theft or intellectual property as well as unethical practices and other wrong doing by potential contractors

High-performance teams turn a general sense of sense of purpose into specific performance objectives.

What are the two types of conflict in an organization?

In particular, three types of conflict are common in organizations: task conflict, relationship conflict, and value conflict.

What are the two types of organizational conflict quizlet?

There are three types of conflict that can arise within an organization:.
Intrapersonal conflict..
Interpersonal conflict..
Intergroup conflict..

What is conflict and types of conflict?

A conflict is a struggle and a clash of interest, opinion, or even principles. Conflict will always be found in society; as the basis of conflict may vary to be personal, racial, class, caste, political and international.

What are the main sources of conflict?

There are five main causes of conflict: information conflicts, values conflicts, interest conflicts, relationship conflicts, and structural conflicts. Information conflicts arise when people have different or insufficient information, or disagree over what data is relevant.