At what age group of people that are most likely to develop manifest symptoms of COPD?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

At what age group of people that are most likely to develop manifest symptoms of COPD?

Pace Hospitals

The 2020 theme for world COPD day will be"Living Well with COPD - Everybody, everywhere". This year aim is to send a positive message to both patients and providers that although COPD doesn't have a cure, there are many ways to actively lose well. In 2019 the theme was "All together to end COPD"


According to WHO, COPD will become the third leading cause of death in the world by 2030. In 2002 the first world COPD day was celebrated. Every year about countries from the world come forward and participate in the celebration of the tobacco, smoking, indoor and outdoor pollution and exposure to occupational dusts and chemicals.

Let us tell you that the global initiative for chronic obstructer lung disease (Gold) works for health care professionals and public health officials to create awareness and to educate people about chronic obstructer lung disease, its prevention and treatments.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, commonly referred to as COPD, is a group of progressive lung diseases. The most common are emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Many people with COPD have both of these conditions. Emphysema slowly destroys air sacs in your lungs, which interferes with outward air flow.

  • Smoking is the main cause. But it is also seen that some persons smoke for years and never get COPD
  • Non smoking can also suffer from COPD but it is rare. It is caused to those who get alpha-1 antitrypsin protein and can develop into emphysema
  • Passive smoking
  •  People suffering from asthma and smoke are at highest risk of COPD
  • In the workplace, exposure to certain gases or fumes.
  • Industrialization
  • Exposure to pollution whether indoor or outdoor
  • Without proper ventilation, frequent use of cooking fire
  • COPD develops gradually over the years in a person. So mostly symptoms may appear at the age of 35 to 40.

Symptoms of COPD

The common symptoms of COPD are as follows:-

  • Chronic and progressive dypnea that is breathlessness
  • Cough
  • Excessive production of sputum
  • Wheezing or chest tightness
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Depression
  • Anxiety 

In more sever cases:

  • A blue tint of the lips or fingernail beds
  • Shortness of breath while at rest
  • Leak of mental alertness
  • Rapid heartbeat and cardiac complications
  • Respiratory failure


COPD is commonly misdiagnosed many people who have COPD may not be diagnosed until the disease is advanced. To diagnose COPD, we review your (patient) symptoms and signs, discuss your family and medical history and discuss any exposure you have had to lung irritants - especially cigarette smoke.

Test include:

  • LUNG (PULMONARY) FUNCTION TEST: The most common test, called - Spirometry. Other tests include measurement of lung volumes and diffusion capacity six minute walk test and pulse oximetry.
  • CHEST X-RAY: A chest X-Ray can show emphysema. Chest X-Ray also can rule out other lung problems or heart failure.
  • CT SCAN: A CT Scan of your lungs can help detect emphysema and help to determine if you might benefit from surgery for COPD.


Many people with COPD have mild follows of the disease for which little therapy is needed other than smoking cessation. Even for more advanced stages of disease, effective therapy is available that can control symptoms, slow progression, reduce your risk of complications, exacerbations and improve your ability to lead and achieve life.

  • Quitting smoking


  1. Bronchodilators:
  2. To release cough and breathlessness
  3. These are available in inhalational route. Inhalational route is the best route for the treatment.
  4. These are beta agonists
  5. Antibiotics: Respiratory infections such as acute bronchitis, pneumonia and influenza can aggravate COPD symptoms. Antibiotics help treat episodes of worsening COPD but they are not generally recommended for prevention. 
  6. Oxygen Therapy: If required NIV or mechanical ventilator for severe COPD cases
  7. Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program.
  8. Surgery: It is option for some people with same forms of severe emphysema who are not helped sufficiently by medications alone. These are lung volume reduction surgery, lung transplantation, Bullectomy. 


  1. Avoid things that can irritate your lungs such as smoke, dust, pollution and air that is cold and dry.
  2. Pulmonary Rehabilitation includes.
  3. Physical exercise training tailored to your needs and ability - such as walking, cycling and strength exercises.
  4. Education about your (parent) condition for you and your family.
  5. Dietary advice - Vitamin-C, rice food, high protein diet.
  6. Psychological and emotional support.
  7. Get vaccinated: COPD can put a significant strain on your body and meals your are more vulnerable to infections. Everyone with COPD is encouraged to have the annual few vaccination and the pneumococcal vaccination every 5 years.
  8. Regular reviews and monitoring: You will have regular contact with your care team to monitor your condition. These appointment may invoice -
  9. Talks about your symptoms - such as whether they are offering your normal activities or are getting worse.
  10. Talking about your medicine - Including whether you think you might be experiences any side effects.
  11. Testing to monitor 


  • If you have COPD and are planning to fly, go to your pulmonologist for a fitness to fly assessment. This involves checking your breathing using spirometry and measuring your oxygen levels.
  • Before travelling, remember to pack all your medicines such as inhales in your hand luggage.
  • If your using oxygen therapy tell your travel operator and airline before you book your holiday, as you may need to get a medical form from yourPulmonologist / GP.
  • If your using long term oxygen therapy, you will need to make sure you have all adequate oxygen supply for your flight as well as for your time away.
  • Airlines generally do not allow you to bring oxygen cylinders with you but may permit portable oxygen concentrator devices.

Department of Lung diseases and cancers

At what age group of people that are most likely to develop manifest symptoms of COPD?

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At what age group of people that are most likely to develop manifest symptoms of COPD?

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At what age group of people that are most likely to develop manifest symptoms of COPD?

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At what age group of people that are most likely to develop manifest symptoms of COPD?

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At what age group of people that are most likely to develop manifest symptoms of COPD?

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At what age group of people that are most likely to develop manifest symptoms of COPD?

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At what age group of people that are most likely to develop manifest symptoms of COPD?

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What is the average age of onset for COPD?

The Mayo clinic states that most people are at least 35 to 40 years old when COPD first shows. In addition, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute reports that the disease develops most often in people who are 40 or older.

Who is more likely to develop COPD?

The most significant risk factor for COPD is long-term cigarette smoking. The more years you smoke and the more packs you smoke, the greater your risk. Pipe smokers, cigar smokers and marijuana smokers also may be at risk, as well as people exposed to large amounts of secondhand smoke.
Older age is an established risk factor for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),[2] in part, because COPD develops gradually. Most exposures such as cigarette smoking, biomass smoke, or occupational exposures take time to induce COPD.

Why is age a risk factor for COPD?

As described, ageing is associated with immunosenescence and inflammaging. These two factors underlie most age-associated diseases and are important during COPD development in aged individuals.