An analysis of the economic segment of the external environment would include all of the following

An analysis of the economic segment of the external environment would include all of the following







Chapter 02: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor


True / False

1. The external environment facing business stays relatively constant over time.

a. True

b. Fals




2. Demographic, economic, political/legal, sociocultural, technological, global, and sustainable physical are the seven

elements comprising the general environment.

a. True

b. Fals



3. Firms can directly control the elements of the seven segments of the general environment.

a. True

b. Fals




4. The bankruptcy filings by major corporations during the Great Recession illustrate that firms cannot directly control the

general environment's segments.

a. True

b. Fals



5. The industry environment directly influences a firm and its competitive actions and responses.

a. True

b. Fals



6. Competitor analysis is focused on the factors and conditions influencing an industry's profitability potential.

a. True

b. Fals




7. When firms analyze the external environment, they typically have complete and unambiguous data.

a. True

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An analysis of the economic segment of the external environment would include all of the following

An analysis of the economic segment of the external environment would include all of the following

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Indiana Institute of Technology

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15 Which economics analyzes all level of employment in the economy Select one: a. None b. Financial economics c. Microeconomics d. Industrial Economics


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the restaurants we need to right here which economics analyzes our levels of employment in the economy swan series. If I write for this, so the answer is macroeconomics for that microeconomics. If I right here for this macro economics is the study we need to raise. This is the study of the countries of a country's or the lesions reasons overall economic behavior, poor oral economic behavior, which includes poverty, unemployment, anything. So basically which economics analyzes our level of employment in the economy. So answer is none. Because answer is macroeconomics, so hence we can right here. Hence macroeconomics. Economics fight ID here macro economics and analyzes analyzes our level of all levels of employment employment in the economy in the economy. So basically answer is option number E, which is none. So basically, if I write for this, this whole this statement, so let's say this, this, this none is going to be our final answer in this case. Thank you.

What are the 5 components of the external business environment?

Organization's External Environment - Five Components.
Customers. The customers can be attempted to influence, through marketing and strategic release of corporate information. ... .
Government. ... .
Economy. ... .
Competition. ... .
Public Opinion..

What is analysis of the external environment?

External Analysis. An External Analyis (or Environmental Analysis) is an objective assessment of the changing world in which an enterprise operates, in order to have an 'early warning system' for identifying potential threats and opportunities.

Which of the following would be considered to be part of external environment?

The external environment of a business are the external factors in the environment that affects the business. Example of external environment are Institutions, organizations, forces operating outside the company.

Which is an economic factor when analyzing an external environment?

E: Economic factors include elements such as interest rates, inflation rates, gross domestic product, unemployment rates, levels of disposable income, and the general growth or decline of the economy.