All of the following would be considered to be in a companys micro environment EXCEPT

20.A firm’s microenvironment consists of all of the followingEXCEPT:a)Social changesb) Suppliersc) Consumersd) CompetitorsMacroenvironment – suppliers

21.Wal-Mart has become the leading discount retailer in the UnitedStates by focusing on satisfying customer’s needs and wants.This philosophy is best described by:22.Private-label manufacturing by a company in a foreign country

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All of the following would be considered to be in a companys micro environment EXCEPT

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Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach


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23.The managerial process of creating and maintaining a fitbetween the organization’s resources and evolving marketopportunities is best described by the term:

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24.There are two products, A and B.We’ve always preferred B.the purchase point we still prefer B.We buy B then find thatduring the entire post-purchase phase B remains the preferredchoice.Which of the following best describes this situation?Ata)We were able to psychologically reevaluate the decision toreduce dissonanceb)This is an example of a successful dissonance resolutionc)This is an example of an unsuccessful dissonance resolutiond) There was no cognitive dissonance

25.In the consumer decision-making process, our preferred ordesired state is best described as:

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26.Cannibalization would most likely be associated with whichtarget market selection strategy?

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27.Which phase of the Marketing Plan is most likely to contain anassessment of customers, competitors, distribution channels andthe overall environment?

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28.Market orientation was defined in the modules as consisting ofall of the following EXCEPT:a)Having a coordinated responseb)Employing both a social and economic justification for theirexistencec)Disseminating knowledge to the rest of the organizationd)Gathering market information

29.Which of the following is least likely to be included indetermining one’s level of social class in the United States?

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30.Selecting the most appropriate markets in the STP process isbest defined by:

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Brand, average household size

1. Type of question in which all possible choices are given in the questionnaire is ________?
A. close-ended question
B. open-ended question
C. Both a and b
D. none of above

2. In the marketing process, the first step is to.
A. develop a research plan
B. define research objectives
C. Both A & B
D. implement a research plan
e. none of the above

3. Changes made in product characteristics such as quality, style, and features are called
A. modifying the raw material schedule
B. modifying marketing mix
C. Both A & B
D. modifying the product
E. modifying the market
F. None of these

4. ‘non-probability sample’ includes_________?
A. cluster sample
B. stratified random sample
C. Both A & B
D. simple random sample
E. convenience sample
F. None of these

5. In the existing market strategy of introducing a new product is classified as_______.
A. Market penetration
B. Market development
C. Both A & B
D. Product development
E. Diversification
F. None of these

6. logistical network that moves finished product from the company to resellers and so to finish users are assessed as_______?
A. reverse distribution
B. risk-averse distribution
C. Both A & B
D. inbound distribution
E. outbound distribution
F. None of these

7. analysis that is employed to explain the market potential of any market giving is best classified as
A. exploratory research
B. casual research
C. Both A & B
D. descriptive research
E. both a and c
F. None of these

8. Advertising and personal selling can be referred to as_______ In marketing strategy.
A. Product
B. Place
C. Both A & B
D. Price
E. Promotion
F. None of these

9. ‘Family Dollar’ is evaluating one location out of the many by checking near areas conditions is associate as______.
A. ethnographic research
B. experimental research
C. Both A & B
D. observational research
E. survey research
F. None of these

10. Arrangement of various market performance measures as a single display to monitor results is known as as_____.
A. Marketing dashboard
B. Return on investment
C. Both A & B
D. Marketing scorecard
E. Both a and b
F. None of these

11. “________ fever” results from the convergence of a good vary of forces within the marketing environment—from technological, economic, and demographic forces to cultural, social, and political ones.
A. Cultural
B. Marketing
C. Both A & B
D. Technographic
E. Millennial
F. None of these

12. The ______________________ consists of the actors and forces outside marketing that have an effect on marketing management’s ability to develop and maintain palmy relationships with its target customer.
A. marketing system
B. marketing organization
C. Both A & B
D. marketing network
E. marketing environment
F. None of these

13. Which of the subsequent terms best describes the environment that includes the forces getting ready to the corporate that has an effect on its ability to serve its customers—the company, suppliers, promoting channel companies, client markets, competitors, and publics?
A. macroenvironment
B. microenvironment
C. Both A & B
D. global environment
E. networked environment
F. None of these

14. In a company’s microenvironment all of the following would be considered EXCEPT:
A. political forces.
B. marketing channel firms.
C. Both A & B
D. publics.
E. customer markets.
F. None of these

15. Which of the subsequent BEST describes the environment that contains the larger social group forces that have an effect on the company-level environment—demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces?
A. macroenvironment
B. microenvironment
C. Both A & B
D. global environment
E. networked environment
F. None of these

16. In a company’s macro environment all of the following would be considered to be a part EXCEPT:
A. marketing channel forces.
B. demographic forces.
C. Both A & B
D. technological forces.
E. natural forces.
F. None of these

17. Finance, analysis and development, purchasing, and manufacturing are all activities that are a part of that element of the microenvironment?
A. the suppliers.
B. the company’s internal environment
C. Both A & B
D. the marketing channel firms
E. the publics
F. None of these

18. The company’s mission, objectives, broad strategies, and policies are set by __________ management.
A. Mid-level
B. Top
C. Both A & B
D. Marketing
E. Tactical
F. None of these

19. ________________ are an important link within the company’s overall “value delivery system” since they supply the resources required by the company to produce its merchandise and service.
A. Competitor networks
B. Marketing intermediaries
C. Both A & B
D. Suppliers
E. Service representatives
F. None of these

All of the following would be considered to be in a companys micro environment EXCEPT
Prof.Fazal Rehman Shamil (Available for Professional Discussions)
1. Message on Facebook page for discussions,
2. Video lectures on Youtube
3. Email is only for Advertisement/business enquiries.

What are the 5 components of micro environment?

Answer: The important elements of the micro environment of an organization are:.
Customers and Consumers..

Which of the following is not included in the micro environment?

Technology is not part of the micro environment.

What is micro environment of a company?

the factors or elements in a firm's immediate environment which affect its performance and decision-making; these elements include the firm's suppliers, competitors, marketing intermediaries, customers and publics.

Which of the following is not a part of company's macro environment?

Macro environment is the environment which is external to the business. It deals with the PESTLE effect. These are Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental. Hence, competitive forces are not a part of macro environment.