All dolphins are mammals, all mammals have kidneys; therefore all dolphins have kidneys

Deductive reasoning is a type of reasoning which goes from general to specific. 

Deductive reasoning is based on premises and if the premises are true, then the reasoning will be valid.

  • In mathematics, If A = B and B = C, then A = C.
  • Since all humans are mortal, and I am a human, then I am mortal. 
  • All dolphins are mammals, all mammals have kidneys; therefore all dolphins have kidneys. 
  • Since all squares are rectangles, and all rectangles have four sides, so all squares have four sides. 
  • If Dennis misses work and at work there is a party, then Dennis will miss the party.
  • All numbers ending in 0 or 5 are divisible by 5. The number 35 ends with a 5, so it is divisible by 5.
  • To earn a master’s degree, a student must have 32 credits. Tim has 40 credits, so Tim will earn a master’s degree.
  • All birds have feathers and robins are birds, so robins have feathers.
  • It is dangerous to drive on icy streets. The streets are icy now so it is dangerous to drive now.
  • All cats have a keen sense of smell. Fluffy is a cat, so Fluffy has a keen sense of smell.
  • Snakes are reptiles and reptiles are cold-blooded; therefore, snakes are cold-blooded.
  • Cacti are plants and all plants perform photosynthesis; therefore, cacti perform photosynthesis.
  • Red meat has iron in it and beef is red meat, so beef has iron in it.
  • Acute angles are less than 90 degrees and this angle is 40 degrees so this angle is acute.
  • All noble gases are stable and helium is a noble gas, so helium is stable.
  • Magnolias are dicots and dicots have two embryonic leaves; therefore magnolias have two embryonic leaves.
  • Elephants have cells in their bodies and all cells have DNA, so elephants have DNA.
  • All cars have at least two doors and a Ford Focus is a car, so the Ford Focus has at least two doors.
  • All horses have manes and the Arabian is a horse; therefore Arabians have manes.

Other Patterns of Deductive Reasoning 

Some deductive reasoning does not follow the classic reasoning pattern of A = B and B = C, then A = C. Some examples of other patterns are:

  • Be careful around bees, they might sting you. (The reasoning is understood that all bees might sting.)
  • It takes me an hour to get to the mall. If I leave at five o’clock I will reach the mall by six o’clock.
  • That dog is growling so be careful or you might get bitten. (It is logical is the dog is angry, he might bite.)
  • The apple hit me on the head because of gravity. 
  • There are three people in my family. Each one is tall, so everyone in my family is tall.

You can use deductive reasoning to better understand the world around you. 




What Is Deductive Reasoning?

Deductive reasoning is a type of deduction used in science and in life. It is when you take two true statements, or premises, to form a conclusion. For example, A is equal to B. B is also equal to C. Given those two statements, you can conclude A is equal to C using deductive reasoning.

Now, let’s look at a real-life example.

All dolphins are mammals.

All mammals have kidneys.

Using deductive reasoning, you can conclude that all dolphins have kidneys. Remember, for this to work, both statements must be true. Okay, now that you have a good grasp on it, try a few examples.

Examples of Deductive Reasoning

Everyday life often tests our powers of deductive reasoning. Did you ever wonder when you'd need what you learned in algebra class?

Well, if nothing else, those lessons were meant to stretch our powers of deductive reasoning. Remember, if a = b and b = c, then a = c. Let's flesh that out with added examples:

All numbers ending in 0 or 5 are divisible by 5. The number 35 ends with a 5, so it must be divisible by 5.

All birds have feathers. All robins are birds. Therefore, robins have feathers.

It's dangerous to drive on icy streets. The streets are icy now, so it would be dangerous to drive on the streets.

All cats have a keen sense of smell. Fluffy is a cat, so Fluffy has a keen sense of smell.

Cacti are plants, and all plants perform photosynthesis. Therefore, cacti perform photosynthesis.

Red meat has iron in it, and beef is red meat. Therefore, beef has iron in it.

Acute angles are less than 90 degrees. This angle is 40 degrees, so it must be an acute angle.

All noble gases are stable. Helium is a noble gas, so helium is stable.

Elephants have cells in their bodies, and all cells have DNA. Therefore, elephants have DNA.

All horses have manes. The Arabian is a horse; therefore, Arabians have manes.

Step-by-step explanation:

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What type of reasoning was used all dolphins are mammals All mammals have hair Therefore all dolphins have hair?

Given those two statements, you can conclude A is equal to C using deductive reasoning. Now, let's look at a real-life example. All dolphins are mammals.

Which is an example of deductive reasoning?

With this type of reasoning, if the premises are true, then the conclusion must be true. Logically Sound Deductive Reasoning Examples: All dogs have ears; golden retrievers are dogs, therefore they have ears.

What is a deductive statement?

Deductive reasoning is a logical process in which a conclusion is based on the concordance of multiple premises that are generally assumed to be true. Deductive reasoning is sometimes referred to as top-down logic. Deductive reasoning relies on making logical premises and basing a conclusion around those premises.

Is deductive conclusion always true what I learned?

Reasoning by Deduction If the major premise is true and the minor premise is true the conclusion cannot be false. Deductive reasoning is black and white; a conclusion is either true or false and cannot be partly true or partly false.