After manual spine motion restriction is established, it should never be released until:

An EMT’s most important functions are

assessing the patient plus providing emergency care and transport to a medical facility.

Assessment most important

In completing a modified assessment of the lower extremities of a stable​ patient's who​ fell, what should the EMT be sure to​ include?

Significant mechanisms of injury for an adult​ include:

Seatbelt injuries seatbelt injuries noted to the abdomen and shoulder areas.

Which of the following is considered inadequate​ breathing?

The first component of patient assessment is

Steps of the scene size up

A primary assessment is conducted on every patient regardless of the mechanism of injury or nature of the illness.

The main purpose of the primary assessment is to

identify and manage immediately life-threatening conditions to the airway, breathing, oxygenation, or circulation.

Any life-threatening condition that is identified must be treated immediately as found—before moving on to the next portion of the primary assessment.

Components of a primary assessment are...

The key to primary assessment is

making sure to assess and manage any immediate life threats to the airway, breathing, oxygenation, and circulation during the first 60 seconds after encountering the patient.

Steps of the primary assessment

Forming a general impression

steps taken to keep the spine in anatomic alignment and to restrict movement of the spine to prevent further injury when an existing spinal injury is suspected.

spine motion restriction methods

steps taken by a patient, without assistance, to keep his head, neck, and spine in alignment and to restrict or prevent their movement.

If not = cervical collar

All of the following assessment findings are indications for a​ 10-minute-or-less on-scene time and rapid​ transport, EXCEPT:

puncture wound to the forearm with controlled bleeding

Which of the following components is NOT part of the secondary assessment of a trauma patient who is​ stable?

For which of the following patients is it most important that the EMT perform a full neurological examination as a part of the secondary​ assessment?

The patient whom you suspect may have injured his neck in a car collision.

When determining the mental status during the primary​ assessment, what is typically determined FIRST in the​ patient?

Which of the following is TRUE about the inspection of the abdomen in a patient who sustained blunt abdominal​ trauma?

Discoloration around the navel and in the flank area usually appears several hours after the injury.

What is the first phase of patient assessment that the EMT should do at each and every patient​ encounter?

An absence of breathing is called

A large puncture wound or laceration to the neck must be immediately sealed with an occlusive dressing to​ prevent:

What are the important assessment parameters in determining the circulation status in a​ 25-year-old male who was shot in the​ leg, after the major bleed was​ controlled?

Color, temperature, and condition of the skin

You are treating a patient who has chest pain and difficulty breathing. The secondary assessment should​ evaluate, at a​ minimum, the:

What is the first portion of the secondary assessment for a medical patient who is responsive and​ stable?

While performing a rapid trauma assessment of a​ patient, you note a clear fluid leaking from the ears. This can indicate what significant​ injury?

A possible skull fracture

You arrive on scene and complete the scene​ size-up on an unresponsive patient. What should you consider doing​ next?

Assess the​ patient's airway patency.

While assessing the pulse in a patient as you determine the​ vitals, which of the following should you be sure to​ ascertain?

Rate, location,​ strength, and regularity

Which of the following findings would be considered critical in assessing the chest of a patient during the secondary​ assessment?

What should the EMT do if a patient is complaining of​ dyspnea, has ashen nail​ beds, and has a pulse ox of 95 percent on room​ air?

You are examining an otherwise healthy​ 20-year-old male jogger who tripped on a curb and fell onto the sidewalk. You note a possible fracture to his right​ wrist, and he complains of slight pain in his elbow. He denies any loss of​ consciousness, and there is no external bleeding. What would be the priority of this​ patient?

An unresponsive medical patient requires airway management. Which of the following is TRUE regarding airway control of the unresponsive medical​ patient?

Manual airway maneuvers helps to prevent the tongue and epiglottis from blocking the airway of an unresponsive patient.

During your assessment of a patient suspected of having a​ stroke, you find that you have to pinch the nail beds or the trapezius muscle in order for him to have a muscular response. This is what type of stimuli response in accordance with the AVPU​ scale?

Patient responds to painful stimuli.

Which of the following​ findings, individually, would be sufficient to classify a trauma patient as a high​ priority?

If, during the secondary​ assessment, you are examining the skin​ color, temperature, and​ condition; jugular venous distension​ (JVD); and ankle​ edema, you are likely assessing a patient with​ a(n):

Once the scene is safe and​ controlled, you prepare to begin the primary assessment of the patient. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the primary​ assessment?

Critical conditions identified during the primary assessment must be treated immediately as found.

During the primary​ assessment, you are listening for sounds that may indicate partial airway obstruction. Each of the following may be heard in the patient with partial​ obstruction, EXCEPT:

What is the first component that is performed in completing the secondary assessment of a medical patient who is alert and​ oriented?

If you are computing a Revised Trauma​ Score, and the​ patient's GCS score is 14 with a respiratory rate of​ 30/min, a blood pressure of 102​ systolic, and a heart rate of​ 104, what is the​ patient's total revised trauma​ score?

What process would you use to further evaluate the chief complaint of the responsive medical​ patient?

You arrive on the scene of an automobile collision and find one of the drivers suffering from multiple injuries and an altered level of consciousness. After completion of the primary​ survey, you should​ next:

complete a rapid secondary assessment.

What would be considered a significant mechanism of injury for an​ infant?

A fall greater than 10 feet

As soon as the​ patient's airway is​ opened, which of the following is NOT part of what the EMT should consider doing​ NEXT?

Determine the need for spinal immobilization.

You should administer oxygen via face mask or cannula to an adequately breathing patient​ with:

a pulse oximeter reading of 92 percent and chest discomfort.

What is typically one of the initial interventions​ provided, once EMS​ arrives, for an unresponsive patient who has been injured by a​ fall?

Manual stabilization of the cervical spine

While on scene with a trauma​ patient, when should the EMT consider requesting ALS​ backup?

Whenever your​ patient's airway is compromised

When performing a secondary assessment on a trauma patient with a significant mechanism of​ injury, what type of secondary assessment should the EMT​ perform?

Rapid secondary assessment

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the secondary assessment for an unresponsive medical​ patient?

It is very similar to the secondary assessment for a trauma patient with a significant mechanism of injury.

You are transporting a patient who was injured as he was jogging along a road and was struck by a car. The patient has a GCS score of 10 with a respiratory rate of​ 30/min and a blood pressure of 78 systolic. The heart rate is​ 124/min. What is the​ patient's total revised trauma​ score?

You arrive on scene for a patient who is trapped in a car after an MVC. From the​ ambulance, you can see the male patient slumped over the steering wheel with blood coming from a large head laceration. There is also smoke billowing from under the hood. What should you do​ first?

Complete a full scene size up

What does the EMT know about the modified medical assessment of a stable​ patient?

MT knows that it is directed by the​ patient's complaints

Which of the following circulation assessment findings best describes a hemorrhage that the EMT should manage​ immediately?

Heavy​ venous/arterial bleeding from the thigh due to a penetration injury

Which of the following components is NOT used during the evaluation of the Revised Trauma​ Score?

You are working with a new EMT and while on scene with an unresponsive medical​ patient, your partner asks you when he should obtain vitals. What would you tell​ him?

After the rapid secondary assessment

Which of the following is recognized as one of the four main components or phases of patient​ assessment?

During the assessment of the vital signs during the secondary​ assessment, for which assessment parameter will the EMT typically use a​ stethoscope?

You are dispatched to a residence for a​ 34-year-old male patient complaining of severe abdominal pain for the past two hours. On​ arrival, the patient tells you he would rate the pain as a 9 on a 1 to 10 scale. What part of the OPQRST would this information apply​ to?

What is typically done during the scene​ size-up?

Taking appropriate body substance isolation​ (BSI) precautions

The EMT has completed the assessment of the airway and breathing components of the primary assessment. During the assessment of the circulatory​ system, which finding would be managed​ immediately?

External arterial bleeding

Which of the following can indicate that the EMT should conduct a full secondary assessment rather than a modified secondary assessment in a patient with no significant mechanism of​ injury?

More injuries exist than the patient complains of.

You are called to a scene for an unresponsive patient. As you approach the​ patient, it appears he is in cardiac arrest. Given this​ assumption, what assessment parameter should you determine​ FIRST?

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the rapid secondary​ assessment?

Any critical finding identified in the primary assessment makes the patient unstable and a candidate for a rapid secondary assessment.

Forming your general impression of the patient can essentially be characterized​ as:

your view from the door before you start your physical exam.

If the patient has been​ injured, the EMT should first attempt to determine​ the:

The range of a normal respiratory rate for an adult patient is​ between:

While conducting reassessments of your unresponsive medical​ patient, which of the following merits MOST of your​ attention?

You have established manual​ in-line C-spine stabilization of an unconscious trauma patient. You may release manual​ stabilization:

when immobilization has been completed with straps and the CID.

When assessing the​ chest, where should the EMT listen to breath sounds at​ bilaterally?

Just below the second rib at the midclavicular line and just below the fourth rib at the midaxillary line.

It is important to form a general impression of every patient you care​ for, as it provides valuable information about the​ patient's condition. Forming a general impression​ includes:

Obtaining the patients chief compliant

Your​ 64-year-old patient is complaining of chest pain radiating to his left jaw. What part of the OPQRST would this information apply​ to?

Which of the following is LEAST directly related to checking the effectiveness of interventions you have performed on a trauma​ patient?

Obtaining a blood pressure and pulse rate

How often should a reassessment be performed on a patient who presents​ stable?

If during your primary​ assessment, you note blood or secretions in the mouth and the patient is​ gurgling, what should you do​ NEXT?

Immediately Immediately suction the airway and clear any secretions.

Which of the following terms means closed or​ blocked?

Which of the following BEST describes establishing manual​ in-line stabilization?

Bringing the​ patient's head into a neutral​ in-line position and holding it there.

Once the scene is safe and​ controlled, you prepare to begin the primary assessment of the patient. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the primary​ assessment?

Critical conditions identified during the primary assessment must be treated immediately as found.

The FIRST step in the primary assessment of the patient​ involves

Forming the general impression

Why may the EMT have to change the general impression of the patient on the basis of information learned during the primary or secondary​ assessment?

An intoxicated patient may present as a medical patient but actually also have a traumatic injury.

You are called to a scene for an unresponsive patient. As you approach the​ patient, it appears he is in cardiac arrest. Given this​ assumption, what assessment parameter should you determine​ FIRST?

Which of the following abnormal airway​ sounds, if present in an unresponsive​ patient, would be considered a critical​ finding?

When determining the mental status during the primary​ assessment, what is typically determined FIRST in the​ patient?

During reassessment of your responsive medical​ patient, AVPU would refer to assessment of what patient​ parameter?

Which of the following clinical findings is consistent with a patient who is struggling to​ breathe?

Excessive abdominal muscle use.

At what point would the EMT consider the administration of oxygen to a patient with abdominal​ pain?

If the pulse ox dropped below 94 percent

You are assessing a​ 21-year-old female who is complaining of sharp and severe chest pain and shortness of breath. She states it started during her daily​ five-mile run. Her vitals are respirations of​ 32, pulse of​ 126, and blood pressure of​ 106/72 with an SPO2 of 94 percent. What is her treatment​ priority?

Your patient was injured in a construction accident and is complaining of pain to the pelvic region. Upon​ inspection, you note gross deformities to the pelvis. How should you continue to assess the​ pelvis?

Do not palpate the pelvis.

Which of the following is not part of the neurological assessment that the EMT would perform during the body systems​ approach?

Ask the patient about had any bowel or bladder changes.

For the mnemonic​ OPQRST, what is indicted by the​ "O" in relation to the medical​ patient?

Your patient was struck in the head by a golf ball while watching a golfing event. The patient experienced NO loss of consciousness. His airway is​ patent, breathing is​ regular, and the peripheral pulse is absent. The patient keeps asking you​ "What happened?" repeatedly. Given​ this, what would be your priority status​ determination?

What is the order in which you should perform a secondary assessment for a stable trauma patient who is​ responsive?

Modified secondary​ assessment, baseline​ vitals, history

While conducting reassessments of your unresponsive medical​ patient, which of the following merits MOST of your​ attention?

What is the purpose of repeating the assessment of your​ patient's chief complaint during the reassessment​ phase?

To determine the effectiveness of your treatment plan

Which of the following BEST outlines the sequences for completing the reassessment phase by the EMT while en route to the​ hospital?

Repeat the primary​ assessment, reassess the​ vitals, repeat the secondary​ assessment, assess effectiveness of​ interventions, and note trends in the​ patient's condition.

While obtaining the baseline vitals during the secondary​ assessment, the EMT will assess the respirations. What would be included about the respirations during the baseline vitals​ assessment?

​Rate, tidal​ volume, and pulse ox reading

When assessing a patient using the major body systems​ approach, which body system is typically not included in the​ assessment?

Which of the following assessment findings would be considered a critical finding in an unresponsive medical​ patient?

A respiratory rate that is too slow is​ called:

During your secondary assessment of a patient who was injured while​ skiing, you remove her snow pants and find a puncture wound that is bleeding heavily. What critical intervention should you perform​ immediately?

Direct Pressure on the bleed

Which of the following conditions would cause the EMT to perform a​ head-to-toe secondary assessment when the patient has a​ non-significant mechanism of​ injury?

A sudden decline in the​ patient's mental status

You are treating a patient whose hand and arm were entrapped in a piece of​ equipment, causing a crushing injury. The​ patient's coworkers extricated him before your​ arrival, and there was no associated​ fall, unresponsiveness, or trauma elsewhere in the body. What type of immobilization will this patient likely​ receive?

Immobilization to the arm and hand

Which of the following steps is not part of the scene​ size-up?

Opening the airway of a patient who is in cardiac arrest

While assessing a patient with​ non-traumatic chest pain that is not cardiac in​ nature, when should the EMT perform the focused physical​ exam?

After obtaining the patient history

Which of the following is considered to be a critical finding of the neck in your unresponsive medical​ patient?

While on scene with a trauma​ patient, your EMT partner asks you whether she should request ALS backup. The presence of what clinical finding would cause you to have your partner summon​ ALS?

You are conducting a primary assessment on a patient who has suffered an emergency. Although the patient is not spontaneously​ conscious, you note that when you call his name loudly he will open his eyes and then respond. Given​ this, you determine that his mental status​ is:

When conducting the secondary assessment on a trauma patient whose upper body was under a car that fell on​ him, you should check the chest for superficial​ wounds, punctures,​ and:

Of the patients listed which would you consider to be most​ unstable?

An unconscious​ 29-year-old female who has very shallow breathing

An airway that is open can also be​ called:

You are conducting the primary assessment of a​ 52-year-old male who was in a car crash. When checking the​ airway, breathing, and​ circulation, you are looking​ for:

immediate threats to life.

When assessing the​ patient, paying attention to his​ mood, speech,​ posture, and motor activity would be MOST relevant to which body​ system?

A patient is breathing 24 times a minute with shallow chest wall motion and absent alveolar breath sounds. The pulse ox reads 94​ percent, and the nail beds are ashen. Which of these findings most clearly indicates inadequate​ breathing?

Absent alveolar breath sounds

Which of the following is TRUE regarding crowing and​ stridor?

Both are commonly associated with swelling of the airway.

If the EMT is preparing to assess the characteristics of the​ skin, what location is the LEAST reliable location to​ use?

At the base of the nail beds of the hands

The mnemonic used to assess a​ patient's mental status​ is:

In performing a secondary assessment on a trauma patient for whom no critical findings were identified in the primary​ assessment, in what order should the EMT complete the​ steps?

Modified secondary​ assessment, baseline vital​ signs, history

Which of the following is NOT a reason to perform a reassessment of the​ patient?

Your transport time to the hospital is less than 10 minutes

What component of the body system approach in the secondary assessment would be most important on a patient who fell from a ladder as he tried to clean out the gutters of his​ home?

You arrive on scene and find an elderly female patient at the bottom of a flight of stairs leading to the basement of the home. The patient was found there by a family member. Given this​ information, what should you initially assume during the general​ impression?

That the patient is injured

What is the purpose of computing the Revised Trauma​ Score?

It is a numerical way to identify the severity of trauma.

Which of the following patients would receive a modified secondary assessment rather than a rapid secondary​ assessment?

A patient with a laceration to the finger

What is the critical intervention that must be provided to a patient who suddenly went unresponsive and has no palpable carotid pulse during the secondary​ assessment?

During the primary​ assessment, you should be looking for conditions that require immediate management as found. These may​ include:

open wounds to the chest that may disrupt thoracic pressures

During your​ ride-along time as an EMT​ student, you are called for a female patient with a severe headache that occurred suddenly and now radiates into her neck and jaw. She said that this occurred after she fell backwards and struck her head on the ground about 2 hours ago. Learning that the pain started 2 hours ago would be what part of the OPQRST​ history?

Which of the following is most likely to produce critical injuries in an adult​ patient?

Partial ejection from a vehicle that was involved in an automobile crash

During​ reassessment, you determine that your stable cardiac patient has suddenly begun to deteriorate rapidly. In addition to evaluating your treatment​ plan, you may also wish​ to:

increase your transport priority.

Tracheal deviation found during the general impression or primary examination may indicate​ a/an:

When discussing the reassessment​ phase, the EMT would likely say that​ it:

is performed​ continuously, until arrival at the hospital.

When you report to your partner that the patient is a​ 46-year-old conscious male patient with leg​ pain, you have determined​ the:

What is the final component that is performed in completing the secondary assessment of a medical patient who is alert and oriented and complaining of​ non-traumatic chest​ pain?

You have been called to the scene of an MVC where a single occupant was ejected from the car. As you approach​ her, you note that her leg is grotesquely​ angulated, there is blood on her​ face, and you see a mix of blood and vomit bubbling from her mouth. As you perform manual cervical​ immobilization, the patient does NOT open her eyes. Given the findings thus​ far, what is her immediate life threat that should be managed during the primary​ assessment?

You are assessing a​ 35-year-old female patient who fell and struck her head while skiing. She is confused about the day of the​ week, and she does not remember​ falling, although a witness says that she collided with a tree. She was wearing a helmet at the​ time, according to bystanders. On the basis of what you know​ already, what is her​ priority?

Cool skin that is moist is referred to as cool and clammy. It is often related​ to:

blood loss or decreased perfusion.

You are at the scene of a patient with a significant mechanism of injury. After you complete your primary​ assessment, you find that the patient responds to painful stimuli with decorticate posturing. You also note blood in the​ hypopharynx, unequal chest wall​ motion, and a penetration injury to the leg with moderate bleeding. According to these​ findings, what would be your transport​ decision?

When assessing scene​ safety, the FIRST priority​ is:

The pulse oximeter is failing to read​ properly, and the patient is complaining of​ dyspnea, abdominal​ pain, and nausea and is becoming more and more anxious. What should the EMT​ do?

Administer​ high-concentration oxygen.

Which of the following steps will the EMT NOT include in the secondary assessment of a patient with a traumatic​ injury?

You are assessing a​ 25-year-old male who was struck in the head by a piece of heavy metal while at work and had a brief moment of unresponsiveness. Upon your​ arrival, the patient is conscious and complaining of a headache. Which body​ system, at a​ minimum, would it be necessary to examine during your secondary​ assessment?

Which of the following findings is MOST indicative of inadequate breathing in your​ patient?

Absent alveolar breath sounds

During what part of the SAMPLE assessment would the EMT learn that the patient has severe abdominal​ pain?

You are conducting the secondary assessment on a trauma patient who has fallen off a ladder onto a concrete floor. When assessing the pelvis of this​ patient, you should determine the presence or absence of​ wounds, deformities,​ and:

While performing a rapid secondary​ assessment, why should the EMT NOT focus solely on the complaints the patient​ has?

The pain the patient is experiencing may not correlate with the most critical injury.

What is the highest numerical value that is assigned to eye opening when computing the​ GCS?

Which of the following assessment findings would be considered critical during the primary​ assessment?

Which action is part of secondary assessment of a conscious patient?

The secondary assessment includes a search for underlying causes for the emergency and if possible a focused medical history. This search for for underlying causes, also known as differential diagnosis, requires a review of all of the H's and T's of ACLS.

What is secondary assessment in emergency?

OVERVIEW. The secondary assessment is a rapid and systematic assessment of an injured pediatric patient from head to toe to identify all injuries, or a rapid and systematic assessment of a patient who is seriously ill when the cause of signs and symptoms is unclear. 2.

Which action is part of the secondary assessment of a conscious patient quizlet?

The secondary assessment of the conscious medical patient has four​ parts: history of the present​ illness, past medical​ history, physical​ examination, and: vital signs.

What is included in the secondary assessment?

The secondary assessment is used after a primary assessment has been done. This is where the clinician goes through step by step head-to-toe to figure out what happened. This can include but is not limited to inspection, bony and soft tissue palpation, special tests, circulation, and neurological.