A nurse is teaching a newly licensed nurse about using electronic medical records


Question: 1

A nurse is caring for a client who requests information about the prevalence of Tay-Sachs disease. Which of the following resources should the nurse use to obtain this information?

A.   A collaborative user edited website

B.   The client's health care provider

C.   An evidence-based nursing Journal

D.   The facility's case manager

Question: 2

A nurse is caring for a client who has cancer. The client's adult child asks the nurse for information about the client's treatment plan. Which of the following responses should the nurse make?

A.   "I will ask your mother's primary care provider to speak with you."

B.   "What would you like to know about your mother's treatment?"

C.   "You will have to speak directly to your mother about her treatment."

D.   "I cannot provide this information to you without your mother's consent."

Question: 3

A nurse in the emergency department is preparing to care for a client who arrived via ambulance. The client is disoriented and has a cardiac arrhythmia. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

A.   Contact the client 's next of kin to obtain consent for treatment

B.   Proceed with treatment without obtaining written consent.

C.   Notify risk management before initiating treatment

D.   Have the client sign a consent for treatment

Question: 4

A nurse is preparing discharge planning for a client who has a newly placed tracheostomy tube. The nurse should assess the client's need for which of the following supplies to manage the tracheostomy at home? (Select all that apply.)

A.   Petroleum jelly

B.   Cotton balls

C.   Pipe Cleaners

D.   Obturator

E.    Oxygen tank

Question: 5

A nurse is evaluating care for a group of clients. The nurse should consult the provider for which of the following clients?

A.   A client who has atrial fibrillation and a rapid ventricular rate of 10min and is receiving diltiazem IV and weight-based heparin

B.   A client who is ready for discharge after coronary artery stent placement and has a prescription for clopidogrel

C.   A client who requires an IV intermittent bolus dose of vancomycin and has a creatinine level of 1.5 mg/dL

D.   A client who has a pacemaker and whose cardiac monitor shows sinus rhythm with intermittent periods of a wide RS complex after each pacer spike

Question: 6

A nurse in a clinic is reviewing laboratory reports for a groupof clients. Which of the following diseases should the nurse report to the state health department?

A.   Respiratory syncytial virus

B.   Rotavirus

C.   Pertussis

D.   Group B streptococcal disease

Question: 7

A home health nurse finds piles of newspapers in the hallway of a client's home. The nurse explains the need to discard the newspapers for safety reasons. The client agrees to move the newspapers into the living room. Which of the following conflict resolution strategies has the nurse used?

A.   Compromising

B.   Smoothing

C.   Collaborating

D.   Accommodating

Question: 8

A nurse in the cafeteria line overhears an assistive personnel (AP) discussing a client's lack of hygiene upon admission. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

A.   Remind the AP that not all clients have access to running water

B.   Inform the client of the conversation and apologize on behalf of the AP.

C.   Stop the conversation at once and inform the AP that this is slander,

D.   Tell the AP to have this conversation upon returning to the unit

Question: 9

A nurse is performing triage at the site of a mass casualty. For which of the following clients should the nurse assign a yellow tag?

A.   The client who has a deep laceration to the les

B.   The client who has a large bruise to the shoulder

C.   The client who is unable to breathe without manual ventilation

D.   The client who is experiencing chest pain with radiation to the arm

Question: 10

A nurse is caring for a client who wanders through the halls yelling obscenities at staff, other clients, and visitors. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

A.   Keep the client in her room with the door closed.

B.   Contact a family member to come and it with the client

C.   Place the client in a wheelchair with a lap tray

D.   Administer a sedative to the client.

Question: 11

A nurse has just completed assessment charting on the electronic record for an assigned client. An assistive personnel (AP) who just measured the client's vital signs asks to chart them while the nurse is still logged into the record. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

A.   Log out so the AP can log in to document the vital signs.

B.   Allow the AP to document the vital signs prior to logging out

C.   Recommend the AP come back later when the record is available

D.   Offer to chart the vital signs for the AP.

Question: 12

A nurse working in the emergency department is assessing several clients. Which of the following clients is the highest priority?

A.   A client who has active bleeding from a puncture wound of the left groin area

B.   A client who reports shortness of breath and left neck and shoulder pain

C.   A client who has a raised red skin rash on his arms, neck and face

D.   A client who reports right-sided flank pain and is diaphoretic

Question: 13

A nurse is discussing advance directives with a client. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of advance directives?

A.   "I trust my doctor, so I'm going to leave it to him to do what's best for me."

B.   "I know I need a lawyer to change them later, so I want to get them right."

C.   "I know I have the right to determine if remain on a breathing machine"

D.   "By naming a health care proxy, I give up the right to make my own medical decisions"

Question: 14

A nurse in a long-term care facility is caring for a client who reports the assistive personnel repositioned him in bed using excessive force. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

A.   Reassure the client that the staff is well trained

B.   Contact the nurse manager

C.   Document in the client's chart that an incident report has been filed

D.   Call risk management to interview the cent.

Question: 15

A nurse manager is teaching an in-service about methods to implement advocacy in the client care setting. Which of the following statements should the nurse manager include

A.   "Staff nurses should resolve ethical situations involving clients without seeking external help."

B.   "Charge nurses should report concerns about working conditions to the nursing supervisor"

C.   "Use the same communication techniques with clients regardless of cultural differences"

D.   "It is acceptable to give personal advice when clients can't make a decision about treatment"

Question: 16

A newly licensed nurse is floating to an unfamiliar unit and determines that he does not have sufficient experience to safely care for his assigned clients. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

A.   Notify the risk manager

B.   Accept the assignment with help from assistive personnel on the unit

C.   Request that the charge nurse modify the assignment

D.   Document the concern in the nurse's notes

Question: 17

A nurse who is caring for a group of client's delegates collection of vital signs to an assistive personnel (AP). Which of the following actions should the nurse take to evaluate the delegated task?

A.   Ask the AP to write summary of the delegated tasks during the shift

B.   Recheck vital signs that are outside the expected reference range

C.   Compare the vital signs the AP obtained with those taken by another AP on a previous shift

D.   Review vital sign trends at the end of the shift.

Question: 18

A charge nurse witnesses an assistive personnel (AP) giving an oral medication to a client who has dysphagia. Upon questioning the AP states that a nurse poured the medication into a cup and asked the AP ta give it to the client. Which of the following actions should the charge nurse take first?

A.   Complete the appropriate documentation of the incident

B.   Reinforce facility policy regarding medication administration with the AP

C.   Auscultate the client's breath sounds

D.   Discuss the situation with the nurse who poured the medication.

Question: 19

A nurse assumes the leading role on the hazardous materials team immediately following a chemical mass casualty incident in the community. As clients arrive at the designated triage area outside the hospital, which of the following actions should the nurse take?

A.   Scrub the clients' skin with betadine solution

B.   Place shower caps over the client's hair.

C.   Remove contaminated clothing.

D.   Admit the injured clients to positive pressure rooms

Question: 20

A nurse is evaluating the informed consent for a client who is scheduled for a major surgery. The client states. "I'm glad I can go home right after the surgery." Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

A.   Inform the client of the risks involved in the procedure

B.   Read the consent form to the client and obtain a signature

C.   Request the surgeon discuss the procedure with the client

D.   Explain the surgical procedure to the client.

Question: 21

A charge nurse is reviewing information about HIPAA with a group of staff nurses. Which of the following statements by a staff nurse indicates understanding?

A.   HIPAA prohibits the uploading of photographs of client's providers to social media sites

B.   Clients who participate in research studies forfeit their HIPAA right to privacy

C.   HIPAA allows clients to request a review of their own medical records.

D.   HIPAA allows facility-specific coding of client health care information to ensure privacy

Question: 22

A nurse is caring for a client who is

refusing to take a medication. Which of the following responses should the

nurse make?

A.    "I will contact your provider to

discuss your medication"

B.    "You will feel better after you take

your medication."

C.   "This medication is effective for most clients."

D.   "You should take this medication because your provider has prescribed it for you."

Question: 24

A nurse is a part of a team developing a quality improvement plan to address the increased incidence of central line-related bloodstream infections. Which of the following strategies should the nurse include in the plan?

A.   Use resources that identity benchmark of best practices

B.   Report the incidence of infection to the health department

C.   Change the facility's vendor for central line products

D.   Identify the staff caring for clients who acquire an infection

Question: 25

While auditing the medical records of clients currently on an oncology unit, the nurse manager finds that regarding advance directives. Which of the following is the priority action for the nurse to take?

A.   Ask nurses who are caring for clients without this information in the medical record to obtain it

B.   Reinforce the potential consequences of not having this information on record to the nursing staff

C.   Meer with nursing staff to review the policy regarding advance directives

D.   Remind nurses to obtain this information during the admission process.

Question: 26

A nurse is documenting and completing an incident report after a client falls out of bed. Which of the following actions should the nurse take when completing the documentation?

A.   Document in nurse's notes. Incident report completed and fled".

B.   Document in incident report. "Client found lying on the floor after falling out of bed".

C.   Document in nurse's notes. "Photocopy of incident report sent to risk management"

D.   Document in incident report. "Entered room and discovered client lying prone on the floor"

 Question: 27

A nurse manager is preparing an in-service for unit staff about protective environment precautions. Which of the following should the nurse manager include in the teaching?

A.   Provide visitors with N95 respirator masks

B.   Place clients in a positive pressure airflow room.

C.   Permit children over 5 years of age to visit

D.   Maintain surgical asepsis when providing care.

Question: 28

A nurse is delegating oral care for a client who is unconscious to an assistive personnel (AP). The AP tells the nurse that APs are not allowed to perform the delegated task. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

A.   Ask the nurse manager who should perform the task.

B.   Ask a licensed practical nurse to perform the task

C.   Perform the oral care

D.   Check the AP job description

Question: 29

A nurse is providing teaching to an assistive personnel about the application of wrist restraints to a client. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

A.   Allow 1 fingerbreadth between the restraint and the client's wrist.

B.   Remove the client's restraints every 2 hr.

C.   Attach the restraints to the feed portion of the frame of the client's bed.

D.   Secure the client's restraints with a square not

Question: 30

A nurse manager is reviewing isolation guidelines with a newly licensed nurse. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicates understanding of isolation guidelines?

A.   I will wear an I95 respirator mask when caring for a client who is on droplet precautions."

B.   I will instruct visitors to wear a mask when visiting a client who is on contact precautions."

C.   I will have a client who is on airborne precautions wear a mask when out of her room."

D.   I will place a client who has compromised immunity in a negative pressure airflow room

Question: 31

A charge nurse is reviewing the plan of care with a newly licensed nurse for a child who is experiencing sickle cell crisis. The charge nurse should Intervene for which of the following actions planned by the newly licensed nurse?

A.   Position cold compresses on the child's extremities.

B.   Elevate the head of the child's bed to 30%

C.   Gently palate the client's abdomen.

D.   Reinforce teaching with the parents about signs of dehydration

Question: 32

A client who is febrile is admitted to

the hospital for treatment of pneumonia. In accordance with the care pathway,

antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Which of the following situations requires

the nurse to complete variance report with regard to the care pathway?

A.    Antibiotic therapy was initiated 2 hr

after implementation of the care pathway

B.   The route of antibiotic therapy on the care pathway was changed from IV to PO.

C.   An allergy to penicillin required an alternative antibiotic to be prescribed

D.   A blood culture was obtained after antibiotic therapy had been initiated.

Question: 33

A charge nurse discovers that a staff nurse on the unit has made repeated medication errors. Which of the following actions should the charge nurse take first?

A.   Ask the nurse to describe her medication administration procedure

B.   Notify the risk management department of the situation

C.   Identify education opportunities for the nurse regarding safe medication administration

D.   Review with the nurse the principles of medication administration

Question: 34

A nurse is assessing a client who had a recent strake. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse the need for referral to an occupational therapist?

A.   Memory loss

B.   Unilateral neglect

C.   Receptive aphasia

D.   Facial drooping

Question: 35

A nurse is teaching a newly licensed nurse about the purpose of interdisciplinary conferences. The nurse should identify that which of the following client's needs an interdisciplinary conference?

A.   A client who had a recent stroke and

B.   showing manifestations of depression

C.   A client whose provider is unhappy with the nursing care

D.   A client whose partner requests that the client be moved to a private room

E.    A client whose MRI results have not been made available after 2 days