A firm top manager is in a good position to be the chief ethics officer of an organization

Having a chief ethics officer didn't help Hewlett-Packard . You've heard the story: Chairwoman Patricia Dunn lost her job after hiring private investigators to find leakers on HP's board. The spying scandal that ensued led to Dunn's indictment and an investigation by the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Even CEO

Mark Hurd Mark Hurd

, who replaced Dunn as chair, has been implicated in the scandal. And it all happened under the watch of Kevin Hunsaker, HP's senior counsel and chief ethics officer. He resigned in September.

Chief ethics and compliance officers have become trendy in recent years, but some experts fear they act mainly as window dressing. If one person is in charge of ethics, they argue, everyone else might think they're off the hook. "In a way, it's a job creation program," says Mary Ann Jorgenson, a partner in the law firm Squire, Sanders & Dempsey. "It's not great for every company. It's not necessary for every company."

Chief ethics officers started appearing in corporate hallways in 1991, when the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for corporations went into effect. The guidelines stated that companies with effective compliance and ethics programs could receive preferential treatment during prosecutions for white-collar crimes. It's an "A for effort" philosophy, in which companies that prioritize ethics can sometimes escape punishment when their ethics programs fail.

In the last five years, companies have become even more obsessed with ethics and compliance. After the corporate scandals of 2001 and 2002, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act that followed, companies began tripping over themselves to identify potential ethics problems. Even minor lapses are no longer tolerated by hypersensitive boards; witness RadioShack , which fired its CEO for lying on his resume.

That's one reason why membership in the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics, a trade group for ethics and compliance officers, has increased more than 70% in the last three years, according to Roy Snell, the organization's CEO.

"Ten years ago, it was very, very rare to hear about a chief ethics officer position," says Julie Goldberg, a senior client partner with executive search firm Korn/Ferry. "Today, more and more companies are creating the role."

It's a "requirement" for good governance, says Odell Guyton, who has been director of compliance at Microsoft since 2001. He says the position allows him to ask tough questions. "Just because you've done something that way for 20 years, that doesn't mean it's the way you do it today," he says. And while critics say everyone at a firm should be responsible for ethics, Guyton says a point-person is necessary. "How are you going to make sure it's being done, when people have other core responsibilities?" Guyton says. "That doesn't mean it's on the shoulders of the compliance person alone."

But the position is sometimes "just a mask for the company to hide behind," says Efrem Grail, a partner at law firm Reed Smith, who specializes in corporate investigations. Hunsaker is the perfect example. In an e-mail exchange obtained by The New York Times, Hunsaker asked Anthony R. Gentilucci, the head of HP's global investigations unit, whether the spying tactics used by a subcontractor were "above board." Gentilucci responded, "I think it is on the edge, but above board." To which Hunsaker replied: "I shouldn't have asked."

In fact, he should have asked--and he should have done something about it. Gentilucci and Hunsaker were referring to pretexting, the practice of posing as someone else to obtain their phone records. HP's private investigators used the tactic to spy on board members, journalists and staff members, hoping to learn who was leaking information to the press.

Pretexting is not, in fact, above board. There are only two ways to legally obtain phone records without a person's permission: By obtaining a warrant or by digging through the trash. As HP's senior counsel and chief ethics officer, Hunsaker should have stopped the investigation instead of participating in it. "What I see here is this complete failure, this breakdown of the compliance and ethics program," Grail says.

There are a few ways companies can keep that from happening. Instead of just handing the job to someone in the general counsel's office, firms should hire from outside, preferably finding someone with compliance training. The Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics, which Guyton founded and chairs, now offers a certification program. And the chief ethics officer should have a direct line to the board.

But none of that will matter unless top managers make ethics a priority. "If [the chief ethics officer] is really good and works closely with top management, they could make a difference," says Peter Felix, president of the Association of Executive Search Consultants. "Equally, they could make no difference at all, if the commitment from top management isn't there."