Which surface of the lower leg is placed in contact with the IR for the lateral projection of the lower leg?

the normal variation of a small sesamoid bone located in posterior


articulates with distal tibia, distal fibula, articulates with


ankle flexed raises foot up

palpable landmark anterior surface of proximal


articular surface of the proximal tibia is a large flat surface

superior aspect proximal aspect of tibia

largest bone in thigh / also the heaviest bone in


condyles of femur - tibial plateau

what articulates to form knee joint

posterior of distal femur

ischium opium Linus make up what?

what bones combine to form the hip bone?

rounded socket portion of hip joint?

anterior superior iliac spine

lateral aspect of the ilium is an anterior projection palpable on the anterior surface of the body in the hip region

in ap axial projection of foot where is the central ray?

where does the CR enter for a AP axial projection


which surface is in contact with IR on a lateral projections of the foot?

AP oblique of the foot what angle does plantar surface form with IR?

AP oblique 30 degrees medial rotation

to demonstrate metatarsal without super imposition what projection would you use?

wedge compensating filter

what device may help density of AP axial of foot?

where does the CR enter on an AP projection of the 1st


legs extended in supine position maximum dorsoflexed, cr is 40 degrees cephalic of plantar surface of foot, what is demonstrated?

ankle mortise and talus fibula joint articulation

when leg is extended ankle is dorsoflexed 90 degrees between leg and foot, medially rotated 15 degrees CR is perpendicular to IR thru midpoint what is resulting image?

CR enters perpendicular to the malleous

what is correct positioning of a lateral ankle projection

ankle, knee, entire tibia & fibula

what must be included on a AP projection of the lower leg?

extended resting on ir, dorsoflexed 90 degree angle

what is correct position of AP projection of technology lower


What surface of the lower leg placed in contact with IR for lower leg lateral projection?

lateral projection of knee

a tube angle of 5 degree cephalic is used when taking what projection?

1 1/2 inch below apex of patella

where does cr enter on patient for a AP projection of the knee

Will leave an artifact on image

if patient leaves on denim jeans for knee xray what can occur?

for a lateral projection what part of knee is in contact with


super imposition of femoral condyles

what anatomy is used in a lateral projection of the knee to determine if lined up properly?

what is correct amount of knee flexion for PA axial projection holmblad method

tangential (sunrise) projection of the patella (settegast method)

patient prone knee flexed 80 degree femur/lower leg angle cr 15-20 cephalic, inferior margin of patella is what position?

what projection is used to demonstrate patella and femoral patellar joint space

suspected patellar fracture

for a lateral projection of the knee flexion is limited to 10 degrees when?

at level of the superior anterior iliac spine

AP projection proximal femur the ir is placed so the superior margin is where?

15 degree medial rotation for legs

what is proper position of lower limb for an AP projection of the pelvis?

bring femoral neck parallel to IR

what is the purpose of inferiority rotating lower extremities?

medially rotated 15 degrees

for an AP projection of hip  what is proper position for lower extremities

axial lateral projection (danelius Miller)

in addition to an AP projection what image of hip is done on patient with a suspected hip fracture?

stress to a bone from repeated injuries that would not cause fractures if they occurred only


how many degrees is leg rotated medially for AP oblique projection of


recumbent on unaffected side

how is patient positioned for a lateral of the first and second toes?

perpendicular to point midway between malleoli

where is cr placed for AP ankle projection

tibiofibular articulation

a AP oblique of knee medially rotated demonstrates?

what degree is the limb internally rotated for AP of femur

2 1/2 in distal a line drawn perpendicular to the midpoint of line asis and symphysis pubis

where does the CR enter for a AP projection of the hip?

Which surface of the foot should be in contact with the IR for the recumbent lateral projection of the foot?

Podiatry module.

Where is the IR centered for an AP projection of the knee?

Center the IR 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) below the apex of the patella and parallel to the long axis of the knee. Rotate the foot so that the heel-to-toe line is 45 degrees relative to the table laterally.

Where should the distal fibula be seen in images of the lateral projection of the foot?

Where should the distal fibula be seen in images of the lateral projection of the foot? The distal fibula should overlap the posterior portion of the tibia.

How far should the IR extend below the knee for a lateral projection of the femur?

Leg, patella, femur.

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