Which statement describes the goal of group psychotherapy in a client with dissociative amnesia?

1) When an individual is unaware that they present different personalities to the world this is known as

2) Dissociative amnesia normally manifests itself as a retrospectively reported gap or series of gaps in the individual's ability to verbally recall aspects of their life history, and these gaps are often related to

3) When an individual has Dissociative amnesia it is usually associated with several types of memory disturbances. Generalised amnesia is when

4) When an individual has Dissociative amnesia it is associated with several types of memory disturbances. Continuous amnesia is

5) When an individual has Dissociative amnesia it is associated with several types of memory disturbances. Systematic amnesia is

6) The basic feature of dissociative fugue is that the individual

7) Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a disorder where

8) In Dissociative Identity Disorder the host identity refers to

9) In Dissociative Identity Disorder the alter host identities refers to

10) Persistent or recurrent episodes of depersonalization are the central features of Depersonalization Disorder These symptoms are characterised by

11) According to (Putnam, Guroff, Silberman, Barban et al., 1986), the factors for dissociative disorders include a history of anxiety and depression that pre-dates the disorder and a history of

12) Most psychodynamic theorists believe that dissociative symptoms are caused by which of the following?

13) State-dependent memory is a well-established cognitive phenomenon in which the individual is more likely to remember an event if they are:

14) Reconstructive memory is stored as a series of discrete elements associated with which of the following elements of the experience?

15) Being unable to recall the relevant elements of an autobiographical experience from memory is known as a deficit in:

16) A deficit in which of the following types of monitoring may lead individuals to doubt that they have actually had a particular experience?

17) When an individual recovers repressed childhood memories of trauma which did not occur, this is known as:

18) Which of the following might provide evidence of alter identities in Dissociative Identity Disorder?

19) Which of the following might present a problem when treating dissociative disorders ?

20) When an individual is dealing with recovered memories it is often a severely traumatic experience for the client, and may involve the intense re-experiencing of traumatic events. This is known as:

21) Which of the following is not one of the most commonly used therapies for dissociative disorders?

22) An individual with Dissociative Identity Disorder, may produce multiple personalities and these appear to serve a coping function in allowing which of the following?:

23) A therapeutic method that is used relatively regularly with those who suffer dissociative disorders is hypnotherapy because:

24) Which of the following drugs can be used concurrently with hypnotherapy to help the client with dissociative disorder to recall past events?

25) The hypnotherapy approach helps individuals to recall events during earlier stages of their life and is often used in dissociative disorders. This is known as which of the following?:

26) In depersonalization disorder there is some evidence for abnormalities in which of the following systems ?

27) According to researchers vthere are good incentives for a criminal to fake symptoms of amnesia for a criminal act. It is estimated that about what percentage of criminals fake amnesia?

28) In the laboratory procedure, measuring proness to false recognition, participants are presented with lists of words, and each list is composed of words associated to a single non-presented 'theme word'. For example, a list may consist of words associated with sweet (such as sour, sugar, bitter, candy, etc.). After hearing the lists, participants are then given a recognition test where they are presented with words:

29) Sometimes Dissociative amnesia is associated with several types of memory disturbances. Localised amnesia is when

30) Clinicians believe that Dissociative amnesia is associated with several types of memory disturbances. Selective amnesia is when

a) an individual can recall some, but not all, of the events during childhood
b) an individual can recall some, but not all, of the events during a specific time period
c) an individual can recall some, but not all, physical events
d) an individual can recall some, but not all, of the events that happened yesterday
Correct! Selective amnesia: A memory disturbance where an individual can recall some, but not all, of the events during a specific time period (e.g. a combat veteran may be able to recall some events during a violent military encounter, but not othersIncorrect.


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