Which of the following statements is most true of on-the-job training (ojt)?

Which of the following methods would be appropriate for developing skills in revenue management, as discussed in the text?


Multiple Choice

Development of effective self-directed learning typically begins with ________.


Multiple Choice

Which of the following is a presentation method of training?


Multiple Choice

________ is an example of a context-based learning method that is guided by companies.

Multiple Choice

Lecture as a presentation method ________.

Multiple Choice

________ learning focuses on well-defined competencies typically trained via lecture and online methods.

Multiple Choice

Which of the following methods is/are the most commonly used in organizations?

Multiple Choice

Which of the following is not characteristic of case studies?

Multiple Choice

Which of the following statements is true of business games?

Multiple Choice

Vicarious reinforcement is most relevant to ________.

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Which of the following methods allows employees to take responsibility for all aspects of learning?

Multiple Choice

Which of the following requires the least amount of participation from trainees?

Multiple Choice

________ learning focuses on context-dependent knowledge and skills learned via social media and informal interactions through others.

Multiple Choice

Suppose you would like to a train a group of managers to enhance their skill in providing employee feedback. Which of the following methods would be least appropriate?

Multiple Choice

Which of the following is not a variation of the lecture method discussed in the text?

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Multiple Choice

Which of the following involves assisting a certified tradesperson at a work site?

Multiple Choice

Which of the following is the first stage of an experiential learning training program?

Multiple Choice

Which of the following statements is most true of on-the-job training (OJT)?

Multiple Choice

________ is based on the principles of social learning theory.

Multiple Choice

Which of the following statements is most true for on the job training?

Which of the following statements is most true of on-the-job training (OJT)? Skills learned through OJT are easily transferred to the job.

Which of the following is true of off the job training?

The correct option is: C) Internet courses Off-the-job training is defined as training that is scheduled in another place rather than an actual workplace.

Which of the following is an on the job training technique?

On-the-job training methods include job rotation, coaching, job instruction or training through step-by-step and committee assignments.

What is on the job training quizlet?

a formalized, structured, and systematic approach to on-the-job training that consists of four steps: preparation, instruction, performance, and follow-up. mentoring activities that include coaching, sponsorship, exposure, visibility, protection, and the provision of chanllenging assignment.


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